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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (High-Casual)

Sorry I haven't been quick with the responses everyone. I've got an 8-5 job and I think I'm at least 3 hours ahead of ryu for sure. I'm always near passing out by the time I get home (assuming I had plans of some sort). I will be posting shortly though and should be a bit more free this evening then I've been the last two days.

It's cool, man, don't worry about it.

-Snip before every disaster

Anyway, Ryu is on the u.s west coast.
Yep, the lovely, not really, city of L.A, where the only thing worst than living in the desert is all the crazy people who all think they're hot stuff you gotta deal with.
So Grimm just released a raw wave of empathic mania over the vessel. Everyone feel free to interpret for yourself as you will. I'm not intending to override anyone's personal character will or anything like that, he's not that powerful. It will effect some differently than others. Maybe just a weird feeling, crazed laughter, unexpected impulsivity. Whatever you want, just have fun with it. Haha. This is the kind of ridiculousness he engages in.

There will likely be consequences but he doesn't always think that far ahead.
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Made a short little stupid transitional post. Probably will hold off on posting until the ships arrive again unless @Veirrianna Valentine wants to have her chance at chatting with snarky snark snark Varrin.
I'm only holding off the ship arrivals for people who haven't posted to post. I'm sorry. It's only been a day, so it shouldn't be too much of a wait. Anyway, if I go somewhere today, I'll be gone for most of the day. If I don't, I'll be somewhat busy.
Yes, just encase everyone didn't know Grimm actually has secondary ability surro

RyuShura said:
I'm only holding off the ship arrivals for people who haven't posted to post. I'm sorry. It's only been a day, so it shouldn't be too much of a wait. Anyway, if I go somewhere today, I'll be gone for most of the day. If I don't, I'll be somewhat busy.
Well, we will keep busy on the ship, especially with recent events having transpired.

Just in case anyone missed it on his sheet or didn't know, Grimm has the literal ability to transmit emotions at a distance, so he's not just making it all up in his head. Hence my earlier encouragement to respond haha.
So Grimm just amplified everyone's emotions? Welp, this could have been the perfect opportunity to have hilarious interactions, but I have Mr. Apathy here to serve as a paramount to emotional response, namely the lack off. He'll like blink or something I guess. D: WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF.
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Forgot about the whole 'emotional amplification' power floating around. Watch out using that around Lanni xD She might let things get a little out of hand lol
RyuShura said:
So Grimm just amplified everyone's emotions? Welp, this could have been the perfect opportunity to have hilarious interactions, but I have Mr. Apathy here to serve as a paramount to emotional response, namely the lack off. He'll like blink or something I guess. D: WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF.
Well, even if he's extremely stoic he will feel the force of it, he will just be more removed from the effects. At minimum he will know something weird is going on and act as a confused observer haha.
While eager to respond to the Drama Queen/Death Incarnate/Grimm's craziness, I think I'll hold my horses and wait for other airship friends to post, primarily Maren/TGrape, before I rush ahead of myself.

And it's not that Mikhael can't sense that there is some weird magic going on. He doesn't feel emotion. Period. He'll just watch everyone with a confusion which can't be expressed. Ah, it's like being GM.
Universalbore said:
@RyuShura lol I'm not even sure I like them both, lol maybe Panty for now.
I'm not sure what Panty and Stocking is haha. Lava's response of anger is definitely understandable, but I'm not sure why Mundo fell asleep. Grimm released an emotional cocktail of liberation, anticipation, and insanity so it would be more likely to energize than anything.
lol Its a very very naughty show xD , never seen one like it

Mundo's emotion is centered around anger, annoyance, tinge of insanity. I should put this in her thingy actually. You spurring up her emotions like that isn't safe at all. So when she reaches a point to where its to much she falls asleep. Its like using to much power then getting exhausted.

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Universalbore said:
lol Its a very very naughty show xD , never seen one like it
Mundo's emotion is centered around anger, annoyance, tinge of insanity. I should put this in her thingy actually. You spurring up her emotions like that isn't safe at all. So when she reaches a point to where its to much she falls asleep. Its like using to much power then getting exhausted.

Aha, that makes sense. Well, let the games begin!

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