The World of Tomorrow


Chennai was becoming a land battle to be remembered in history. Bullets were more common than raindrops in a rainstorm, and both sides furiously fought for their country. 200k Battlesuit Troops and 300k levied troops were sent to the city, and all fought their hardest. SAV-2s fought alongside the men, although tanks were less useful in such a close-quarters environment. The Rockians and Africans did have one major advantage: the Navy. The Navy had established itself and was supporting the troops by bombarding the Eclipsians troops. Engineers had been shipped in and new AA and coastal batteries had been built, and the cry of "For the Mountains! Glory to the King!" could be heard in every charge. The Rockians were currently well matched with their enemies, and with the new coastal defenses the Navy could take on a larger force and prevail.

@Loyal Guardian

Vancouver Island Shipyard

Production was consistent with past production rates. (make same amount of stuff as last post, not much time lel o el)

Research Facilities

Project Julius continued work. In addition, satellites had been added to the ships to be deployed when they left earth to replace destroyed ones.


Chennai battle.

Fortifications and such built.


Project Julius: 85%

Satellites to be deployed soon.

[SIZE= 28px]Cascadian Airspace[/SIZE]


As part of the CDF's new mobilization training, the CADF has begun a mass air-training exercise. With this training consisting of Close-Air Support, Air-to-Air fighting or dogfights as they're also known and Air-to-Ship fighting for its fleet of F-18 Advanced and F-38's, pilots have been given new briefings on various subjects of aerial warfare and ground support missions along with the Department of Military Innovation and Research announcing that they have begun a program of fitting Graphene armor over the majority of its aircraft to provide better protection at essentially no gain to the weight of the craft. The Pentagon has explicitly stated that this is merely to ensure that the CDF is at its highest combat readiness in the event of a foreign threat to Cascadian national security which has recieved a good deal of skepticism from the press and social media due to how large and intense these various training routines for every branch have proven. Along with the Department of Defense's complete refusal to disclose many of its still classified projects, President Jefferson and her media staff have so far done a good job of calming the media down over the idea of a Cascadian intervention on either of the world's two major current conflicts but there are still rumors and fears due to 5-star General Morshower's comment on, "Ensuring a complete and utter guarantee on the safety of Cascadian interests overseas." So far the Jefferson Administration has had nothing to say about this comment but there have been rumors of an internal debate in the government on whether or not to deploy troops overseas to act as a peacekeeping force. The Pentagon has made no comment on the matter.


Meanwhile the Aerospace Defense Agency has announced that their new Early-Defense Integration plan has finally been completed, with the construction of 2,400 land-based interception missiles designed for both anti-ICBM, anti-satellite and general anti-aerial capabilities. 240 naval based missiles of the same type and 3,980 air-based missiles. These have all become integrated into the Early Warning-Attack Characterization System, allowing for an early and definitive response to any large scale attack against the Cascadian homeland, 250 November Whisky's have also finished construction and are being positioned around the nation in classified locations with another 560 ordered for the coming months. Naval, land and aerial expansion of the CDF continues as the military continues to grow and train at an exceptional rate due to the aggressive state of the world around them in what the Jefferson Administration is now calling their policy of "Forward Defense" pushing the possibility that even an indirect threat to Cascadian interests can warrant a military intervention however this has not been said officially and is merely the product of speculation from political analysts in both Cascadia and abroad, the Press Secretary has stated that this is simply a policy of being openly willing and ready to display shows of strength in-order to secure Cascadia's stance on the world stage and ensure that the Cascadian people's will is respected both regionally and internationally.


[SIZE= 20px]Seattle, Washington[/SIZE]

Due to the current security situation in the nation's capital. Seattle was decided to be the best option to host the Rockian diplomat, accepting the Rockian request as Jacob Williams arrived in Seattle to meet with Federal diplomat, Henry Simmons flew in from Chicago to speak with Mr. Williams at the Hilton Seattle's top floor suite which was reserved for the meeting. Greeting the Rockian diplomat as he entered the room. "Greetings, Mr. Williams. I hope you had a pleasant journey?" He asked, the two exchanging a handshake.
@Fishman Lord


[SIZE= 22px]The Pentagon, Outer Portland[/SIZE]

President Jefferson smiled in response to the agreement from all members, the German Chancellor's connection being set up at the moment. Responding to the Eclipsian Vice President's words, "Cascadia would be more than happy to attempt to find a diplomatic solution, currently we're in talks with the Rockians we'll see what we can do. As for the Ordrian space station, I'd like to also propose that this new NOTA begin a formal cooperation as the Eclipsian attempt never had time to take off no pun intended due to the war and other issues. I believe it would defeat the Vestanian attempt to conquer the stars and it'd be in the best interests of each nation here to work together on furthering our interests into space. So for now it is official, the North Oceanic Treaty Alliance has been formed." She then turned to the monitor where the German Chancellor had just appeared. "Greetings, we have sent you an email consisting of the North Oceanic Treaty, we'd like you to review it and tell us what you think."

[Meh, It won't save you anyway. Prepare to be super nepped.]

Yuri shook his head. "They are not leaving, we shall declare this an act of war. Inform the fleet, we are going in." He ordered casually. "Yes sir." The lieutenant would transmit a morse code broadcast on their own channel, followed by a voice over on the end. "*The invaders will not leave the islands, the invaders have threatened the lives of gallia and the redline stationed upon the island,* Begin procedure 483,1-alpha." [SIZE= 16px]Moments afterward, all the ships started targeting their armaments. The RNS Natalia and RNS Red October would go left, the rest of the fleet went right. Any ships patrolling the Russian island would instantly become fired upon by every battery upon the ships.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The RNS blanc had the AA guns loaded with ragnaid and aimed into the air, after a minute the ragnaid was launched and then the spare three AA guns would begin firing at them all. Most of them would of been destroyed and glowed in the air. Causing a irregular spot of the sky to become dark blue. this alerted the infantry upon the island. "Is that normal?" One of the workers pointed at the sky. "Not at all." A soldier replied. A sniper noticed it as well. "Ahh, invaders? I know how to get rid of them." She then aimed down the sights with her gssr-42 on max zoom possible. "Where are you?" She kept looking around before spotting a droid. She immediately pressed the trigger, the gun emitting a ungodly loud pounding noise and the very large bullet hit a droid in the face, Immediately causing it's head to explode. She then pulled the bolt back causing the bullet to fly out, and pushed it forward again. She looked at the side of her at a small wall of redline soldiers. "OPEN FIRE!" They would mount their anti tank rifles which shot somewhat smaller bullets that a AT gun usually shot, and started shooting as well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]this caused a island chain reaction, which in a 360 defended wall of troops, every single one of them started to fire. A heavy machinegunner would be rapidly firing towards the enemy position, with five bullets fired per second. The large anti tank rifles, and GSSR-42s had such loud sounds that it sounded like smaller artillery, which was the case for all high powered weapons[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]. On the sea however, the RNS vert, RNS blanc, and RNS Belarus would begin firing upon the coasts. They could fire on the island itself if they were closer however. Ship alarms filled the air, and by this time every gun on the ships were manned.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]----------[/SIZE]

The anti-tank rifles, and heavy sniper rifles filled the air with ungodly booming, amongst with the ships firing upon the coasts. It was so loud in their upper-coastal outpost that people had to yell just to clearly hear each other. "That is my call. I must go now, my people need me." hunter would of just left the tent to go towards a nearby defensive line.



"Very well, the war-torn rock is yours.

You can begin populating it after you return them."


[Didn't see rips post.]

Valerie of the redline, and Joseph huxinfold of the empire took some guards with them and asked the eclipsians if they could take them to Portland. They used gallia's current communication system after somewhat halting the modifications of it, and informed kiyoshi as well.

@Loyal Guardian

"I am grateful for your cooperation, where are we to send the prisoners?" As Aaron sat to wait for a response, a military aide walked in. "Mr. President, we have a situation. Follow me, the Military High Commandants are waiting." Aaron was led into the newly christened situation room, where the MHC (think JSOC) was waiting. The head of Nordic Cybersecurity, and of the Nordic Intelligence Agency, were among the Commandants present. Everyone stood when he entered.

   "Sir, have detected an anamoly in our cyberdefense networks. We aren't able to trace the attempted hack, so it must be a foreign power." [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Chief of the Nordic Cyber Activity Comission, Sigmund Gill, began. [/SIZE]

   "Our counterintelligence operatives concur, we have heavy suspicion that it could be this new Empire we have just contacted, but we haven't ruled out the others." [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Chief of the Nordic Intelligence Agency, Oscar Skarsgård, continued.[/SIZE]

Suddenly, Aaron's Chief of Staff, Sven Munch interrupted. "Sir, if we pin this on the Risers, we could use this to justify a war."
   "My thoughts exactly, Sven, we could do that indeed. Monitor the situation, keep me up to date."
Niels Goer, the Chief of the navy then spoke. "We have two new designs waiting your approval, a fast attack and a missile submarine." The schematics appeared on the holoprojector installed in the table. Aaron looked at them, and the readout of specifications.

  "This is good, add 50 attack submarines and 35 missile submarines to our building programme."

   "Yes sir."

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Second German Republic[/COLOR]

Friedrich moves out of his seat while continuing smoking his cigar. He grumbles a bit as he feels a bit of pain his upper back and attempts to strech it as he continues to walk towards the Diplomatic committee area. He is then approached by another man who also came to report of another diplomatic offer of some sort of deal. "Well if they want trade then so be it! I don't got time, I'm running late." As he continues off to grumble about his back. @Albion (Germany Accepts the trade offer)

Eventually he arrives at the west wing diplomatic committee and is greeted by all sorts of people, he waves them off with a nod and a few handshakes and eventually sits on his designated seat in front a screen. He is greeted by several of the representatives of North Oceanic Alliance. Eventually one of them looks to him and ask a question about the treaty he received. He puts on his glasses as he reads the details and nods at some points, and squints with a hard look on some parts. "This proposals seems to be very suitable for my people's country, however I do have request that are to of course be a part of these space programs and have access to some military and economic help. Thus we will of course help in any way possible in the coming futures that may bring disturbance to our people's peace."

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[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Second German Republic[/COLOR]

Friedrich moves out of his seat while continuing smoking his cigar. He grumbles a bit as he feels a bit of pain his upper back and attempts to strech it as he continues to walk towards the Diplomatic committee area. He is then approached by another man who also came to report of another diplomatic offer of some sort of deal. "Well if they want trade then so be it! I don't got time, I'm running late." As he continues off to grumble about his back. @Albion (Germany Accepts the trade offer)

Eventually he arrives at the west wing diplomatic committee and is greeted by all sorts of people, he waves them off with a nod and a few handshakes and eventually sits on his designated seat in front a screen. He is greeted by several of the representatives of North Oceanic Alliance. Eventually one of them looks to him and ask a question about the treaty he received. He puts on his glasses as he reads the details and nods at some points, and squints with a hard look on some parts. "This proposals seems to be very suitable for my people's country, however I do have request that are to of course be a part of these space programs and have access to some military and economic help. Thus we will of course help in any way possible in the coming futures that may bring disturbance to our people's peace."


(holy shit you're alive?!?!)
[SIZE= 16px]Chennai[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The fight was vigorous as the Rockies were dug in well. The Eclipsian forces had already pierced the outer layer of the city and were closing, but the Rockian-African navy was the sole thing that was giving them the defensive advantage. A further three hundred thousand men from the army began to reinforce. On the front lines Io was battling like any other soldier while at the same time directing orders. A rare side of Io was being shown in the battle, the more ruthless front line fighter that had existed when he was younger. After getting pounded by naval bombardment and enemy tank reinforcement made him and his men retreat. However a artillery strike and an allied tank counter attack enabled them to regain the advantage. It was soon apparent that the T-99 was superior in many ways on the battlefield in speed, armament, armor/durability, and terrain flexibility. By using this advantage infantry followed behind the tanks and encountered Rockian Battlesuit troops and levies. The levies were made short work of while the Battlesuit troops were proving to be tough to handle, but through sheer numbers Eclipsian forces had pushed them back and had retaken half the city.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Some point after that Io was fist fighting a Rockian soldier. Both had already landed hard hitting blows, but once the Rockian began to pull out his knife Io tackled him to the ground and pulled out his pistol to shoot the other soldier directly on his helmet. Three rapid shots were fired directly on the soldiers head before he slumped lifeless. As Io stood up an officer ran up to him and spoke. "Sir our forces are getting pounded and Admiral Zhao is once again requesting that he engages. Our men are awaiting further orders." Io slowly turned to him and put away his pistol. "I see your alive major, we need all the leadership in this fight. As for Zhao tell him he needs to wait a little while longer." The officer then saluted to him and began to walk off towards the main front line. Io then pressed his left first and index fingers onto the left side of his helmet. "All M.S-A.A.U crews new temporary fire directions. Set targeting to Human signature, AOE seas and coasts outside of Chennai, specific target is the Rockian-African fleet and enemy AA and coastal defenses. All regular artillery crews continue routine and after a few bombardments all M.S-A.A.U crews return to previous firing orders. All bombers fly in the air, load tracking torpedo payloads, and drop them from high atmosphere with target are being the enemy fleet. I want bomber Fox 1-5 to drop all NNEMP payloads across their navy." Io then changed his communication channel. "Admiral Zhao you have permission to move in your navy and the Mobile Sea Platforms.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Soon afterwards the roaring sound of unanimous shells being fired and bombers flying high into the air overtook the other sounds of war. Not even five minutes after the order was given that M.S-A.A.U units had hit all of their targets and after a thirty minute period the target shelling stopped and the crews returned to their previous fire mission. The M.S-A.A.U bombardment was so devastating that it destroyed ninety percent of all coastal targets and twenty percent of all naval targets. The bombers dropped their payloads and the torpedo's hit their targets and destroyed a further twenty percent of all naval targets. Fox 1-5 made circular runs over the enemy fleet's positions dropping the NNEMP payloads, which were strapped to regular bombs, over the target area. By the end of Fox 1-5's run, all remaining ships had been hit and their systems had been majorly damaged and malfunctioned.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Just day or so later, when the city's situation had barely changed. The full force of the remaining Eclipsian fleet and all of the Mobile Sea Platforms had arrived and had begun firing at the Rockian-African fleet. Without any logistic support, losing forty percent of the fleet the previous day, and a good further twenty percent were unable to engage due to continuing malfunctions all came down on the Rockian-African fleet as nine hundred and eighty ships were lost and a further four hundred and ninety ships were not combat capable. The Eclipsian fleet, both Navy and Coastal Defense, now outnumbered and outgunned the enemy fleet. Along with the arrival of the Mobile Sea Platforms, the Rockian-African navy was once again completely surrounded, outgunned, and for the first time they were outnumbered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion @Fishman Lord[/SIZE]
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Kord looked at the Rising Emperor. "Yes, you all will have access to the space station once it's finished." He then looked at Jefferson. "I appreciate the help, but I ask that the station would still be owned by my nation. You all can still use it, of course." Kord waited for a moment before speaking again. "Oh, and before I forget. Our industries and research centers have finished moving across the Atlantic. The rest of the old United States will now be handed to you." When the German Chancellor appeared Kord just looked at the screen and said nothing.

@RIPSaidCone@Wickedkent@Loyal Guardian@Kazami42@general ostruppen

"Most of their troops at that archipelago was killed while some were captured" He said "Your men are bringing them back to motherland for further analysis, so please stay calm. We have done everything we need in order to aid your me and now what's left is to eliminate the VV troops in the siberian islands."


She was calmed. "Druggies deserved what happened to them for attacking innocent people. Worthless trash." She continued to scoff. She then went back to eating and drinking the coffee which calmed her down more.


"I am grateful for your cooperation, where are we to send the prisoners?" As Aaron sat to wait for a response, a military aide walked in. "Mr. President, we have a situation. Follow me, the Military High Commandants are waiting." Aaron was led into the newly christened situation room, where the MHC (think JSOC) was waiting. The head of Nordic Cybersecurity, and of the Nordic Intelligence Agency, were among the Commandants present. Everyone stood when he entered.

   "Sir, have detected an anamoly in our cyberdefense networks. We aren't able to trace the attempted hack, so it must be a foreign power." [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Chief of the Nordic Cyber Activity Comission, Sigmund Gill, began. [/SIZE]

   "Our counterintelligence operatives concur, we have heavy suspicion that it could be this new Empire we have just contacted, but we haven't ruled out the others." [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Chief of the Nordic Intelligence Agency, Oscar Skarsgård, continued.[/SIZE]

Suddenly, Aaron's Chief of Staff, Sven Munch interrupted. "Sir, if we pin this on the Risers, we could use this to justify a war."
   "My thoughts exactly, Sven, we could do that indeed. Monitor the situation, keep me up to date."
Niels Goer, the Chief of the navy then spoke. "We have two new designs waiting your approval, a fast attack and a missile submarine." The schematics appeared on the holoprojector installed in the table. Aaron looked at them, and the readout of specifications.

  "This is good, add 50 attack submarines and 35 missile submarines to our building programme."

   "Yes sir."


"You can just sail them on a old small row boat towards severny island, if not us, then one of the other nations would probably find them eventually." Leaving coordinates towards its general direction.



Kord looked at the Rising Emperor. "Yes, you all will have access to the space station once it's finished." He then looked at Jefferson. "I appreciate the help, but I ask that the station would still be owned by my nation. You all can still use it, of course." Kord waited for a moment before speaking again. "Oh, and before I forget. Our industries and research centers have finished moving across the Atlantic. The rest of the old United States will now be handed to you." When the German Chancellor appeared Kord just looked at the screen and said nothing.

@RIPSaidCone@Wickedkent@Loyal Guardian@Kazami42@general ostruppen

"I don't see why you wouldn't be able to keep your station. It would be rude to steal another's creation for their own gain, or take full control over it." Being all Valerie said. She mainly stared at the screen which the German fellow had appeared onto.

@Loyal Guardian @general ostruppen @RIPSaidCone @Wickedkent
It took much consideration, but the Martians replied. "Should you place any military personnel or weapons capable of attacking, it will be considered an act of war." @Domini Regum

They have also called for any other nation to form a defensive pact in case the Vestanians attack. @all except Dom
It took much consideration, but the Martians replied. "Should you place any military personnel or weapons capable of attacking, it will be considered an act of war." @Domini Regum

Second Asgardia Station Site

As pieces to the station rolled into place, constant construction was at play. Space Admiral Harrison Jakob was supervising from the huge 100x100 ft Observatory Globe (one of the few places with no Artificial Gravity) as a adviser floated to him.

"Sir... We have a transmission from the Martians." he spoke as a de-weaponized test Light Space Fighters flew by the window, followed by five Heavy Fighters and then two Super-Heavy fighters.

The Admiral looked at it. "Blech... send a transmission back that we would like to send a representative from the USVV to the Martian Nation. Tell them that it is urgent."

The adviser nodded. "Yes-sir."

Soon, a message was sent to them.

"The USVV would like to start positive relations with the Martian Nation, and requests that we get permission send down a high-ranking Vestanian man, armed with nothing and protected by nobody, to talk with your leader... We will await your reply..."



(heavy fighter)


(light fighter)


(super-heavy fighter)
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The Eclipsian push was met with nothing but pure strength and fury. The streets exploded, both metaphorically and literally, as they fought tooth and nail for every millimeter. The levied men formed a willing meat shield, taking the brunt while Battlesuits and artillery hammered the Eclipsians with shells and bullets. Things had reached a stalemate. Meanwhile, in the air, another battle raged. Eclipsian bombers headed towards the Navy were intercepted by the Royal Order of the Knights of St. Calvin, the most skilled airmen in the Kingdom, as well as a much larger accompanying Royal Air Levy and the African Air Force. Together they valiantly fought off the Eclipsian Air Force, leaving the skies in the hands of the Rockians. This opened the way for the Pacificas, which began raining an inferno of fire, metal, and patriotism on the Eclipsian force. This was when the tides truly turned. The Rockian General, Caleb Quincy, fired up the Gatling gun on his unique Battlesuit. "FOR THE MOUNTAINS!" His men chorused along with his cry and charged. This push granted the Rockians and Africans a huge gain and a huge cheer erupted from the men as the City Center was taken. The Rockians were on the path to victory, and the Northern and Western parts of the city were all that stood in the way of the Rockians, and they were being bombed and shelled.

@Loyal Guardian@Albion


"I wish I could say I was well, but I am not." Jacob had a somber look on his face. "Let's get right to business. The Kingdom is worried about Cascadian intervention in the war. We would like to prevent that and uphold our unique friendship."


Production and Research centers

Production and research continued. (Same production as before, no time for more detail)

Theatres of War

4 million people were levied. 2 million were sent to Sinai, and the other 2 million sent to Chennai. 400k newly outfitted Battlesuit troops and 800k full-time troops also went to Chennai.

No time for effects lel

Project Julius: 90%
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Admiral Jakob got out, eyeing the surrounding area, extending a hand to shake. "The United States of Varmandr Vestan wishes to speak about possible friendship and co-operation between our two nations... Including trade of things that Mars probably hadn't had since the War..."


The Admiral looked at the president, holding in a grunt. "If not trade, then positive relations. How do you believe that our nations could move forward together?"

"You have begun building space stations near us, with quite a few fighters by our observation. These seem to be weaponised. So long as that station is in the Martian space our nations will not be friendly..."

"Very well... We will move Asgardia ten thousand miles from your planet... And the Fighters are not weaponised for your fact, they are merely doing a test-flight around the Valhalla Stations under my orders."

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"Ten thousand miles farther away..." the Admiral let out while looking annoyed at the Martian, almost noting his look-alike of a certain historical figure..

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"This meeting is over." He left, and returned home. He found a diplomat and requested him to message the Cascadians.

"Greetings, Cascadia. We would like to propose a trade deal to you... Due to the, ah, difficulty of travel and Vestan hostiles, we propose we send a convoy of a little under two hundred fighters with their transport modules packed with goods. The weapons will be prepared - they are high power chain guns - but we will not attack you or your sovereign grounds. These are purely for defense. We have to offer you Titanium, Martian Glass, Iron, and many other metals. Please respond on Channel Bravo Delta Tango Juliet Juliet Four Niner Eight Seven Seven." @RIPSaidCone
Oort Research Station

[SIZE= 16px]After a grueling year or so, Horizon has finished. The technology known as S.C.R.E.E.N has been completed and with it opens up new doors to wondrous possibilities. Immediately SCREEN was produced on a massive scale, with the nanotechnology already showing promise in multiple fields. The military, agricultural, and industrial applications would be expansive and innovative, allowing worlds of possibilities.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Chennai[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The army was now getting serious. The Eclispian Army sent in a further three and a half million men along with eighty thousand more of the Eclipsian Core. A further seven hundred and fifty T-99's were sent along with six hundred more B-105 Bombers and two thousand E-5 Multi-Fighters and two hundred VTOL MK4's. One hundred more Titan AA's were sent along with a further one hundred and seventy five M.S-A.A.U's, as well as two hundred and fifty regular artillery pieces. With these numbers the Eclipsian army began a massive counter offensive that was brutal and ruthless, with no soldier considering for the life of the enemy. E-5 Fighters fought in a massive aerial battle against the Rockian air force. While the Rockies did have a few more ace's, the sheer number of fighters and the weaponry of the VTOL's was enough to ground the enemy air units and send them back to their ships. On the ground Io once again gave the same temporary fire order to target the Rockian-African Fleet, destroying fifteen percent of what was left. Eclipsian bombers took to the skies and heavily bombed enemy ground targets as Eclipsin forces heavily pushed against the enemy. The next day the entire navy arrived in full force along with their Mobile Sea Platforms. By this point the counter offensive had retaken the city center and fifty percent of the southern are of the city. To prevent any further landings, Eclipsian artillery pounded enemy held portions in a pattern that the barrage didn't seem to stop. Artillery also targeted the beaches and, if they could, aid the navy in the battle out in the sea.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In the sea it was the final stand. The Eclipsian navy had now completely outnumbered and outgunned the Rockian-African navy. Admiral Zhao ordered all ships that could to fire at the enemy. With the Rockian planes grounded Aircraft Carriers and their escorts were targeted. Any attempts by the enemy pilots to get in the air would be thwarted by E-5's and VTOL's. Zhao had begun to surround the enemy navy like he had done in Gujarat but this time there were no Coastal Batteries to aid him, only the chance of an artillery hit and his navy. Quickly he and his fleet began decimating the Aircraft Carriers by targeting them while also engaging any enemy ships that targeted them. With the aid of the Mobile Sea Platforms with it's missiles and cannons, the enemy fleet was once again begin tightened with little room for escape. Any ship that tried had to get through the Sea Platforms. However just like on land, the enemy navies were fighting tooth and nail and were not relenting. This was especially evident as the Eclipsian fleet was taking on immense casualties and damage. However just like in Gujarat the enemy fleet was moving closer and closer to the coast, opening themselves up to more artillery barrages. Eventually the full force of Eclipsian Navy and Air Force was brought down onto the combined Rockian-African Fleet. Eventually the enemy fleet was suggested to surrender after the last Aircraft Carrier and scores of ships were destroyed. In total sixty percent of the Rockian-African fleet was destroyed, with a combined total of seventy five percent when one takes into account of the M.S-A.A.U barrage just before the battle. Despite this fact the Eclipsian navy took heavy losses. In total seventy eight of the navy was destroyed along with four Mobile Sea Platforms.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]After the engagement at sea Eclipsian Marines came in the remaining transports and stormed the beachheads. In order to assure their success the remaining navy expended their remaining rounds into the enemy held area of the city, as well as did the artillery. Afterwards in total sixty percent of the southern area of the city was left with the Rockian and African forces surrounded on all sides. It was then that General Io called for their surrender. Despite who could win the Battle of Chennai would be historic as it would be the largest land, aerial, and important naval battles between human combatants in history.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord @Albion[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Sinai[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In response to the build up at Sinai, the Eclipsian Army sent eight hundred thousand men to reinforce the Home Defense and further increase the defensive wall at the African-Eclipsian border.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion[/SIZE]
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