The World of Tomorrow

"Ok." Being all she said. "But umm." She looked at joseph and back to frios. "He isn't part of my nation. He is from another." She shrugged.

"I am well aware of the situation you have in your country, and i don't mean that in the bad way. After we drop one of you two off we'll drop the other off."
"I am well aware of the situation you have in your country, and i don't mean that in the bad way. After we drop one of you two off we'll drop the other off."

She was then confused. "But he is here for the meeting as well? Primarily to just listen but still?"
She was then confused. "But he is here for the meeting as well? Primarily to just listen but still?"

"Like i said i am fully aware of the situation. I mean that once we return to your country we will drop off each of you in your respective areas, unless you prefer to have both of you dropped off together."
"I am well aware of the situation you have in your country, and i don't mean that in the bad way. After we drop one of you two off we'll drop the other off."

[Sorry it won't let me unquote the above.]


"Like i said i am fully aware of the situation. I mean that once we return to your country we will drop off each of you in your respective areas, unless you prefer to have both of you dropped off together."

"Oh apologies, I get way into reading to notice. No you can do it together, it would be quicker and you wouldn't have to waste resources." She went back to smiling again.
"Oh apologies, I get way into reading to notice. No you can do it together, it would be quicker and you wouldn't have to waste resources." She went back to smiling again.

"Vary well, me and our gracious pilot will do so then. Oh and i suggest you try to maintain that award winning smile of yours, a girls smile can go a long way even in some diplomatic instances."
Rising Empire

The Russians have begun attacking the VV Soldiers. This was confirmed by the fleet and CSC. They requested permission to engage. This was gonna be a total war. Minister Max firsr gad to confirm it with the emperor who has just landed at portland. He called him and reported everything. Schneizel gave him the authority to fully command tge army in his absence, this makes him the Temporary Commander-In-Chief. He then sent a green signal to the fleet. The Pendragon Central Operations Room was now utilized for this war.

The Fleet that surrounded the Franz Josef Island then now begun to shoot at the VV ships. The VV ships were outnumbered and outflanked. The Admiral went back to the avalon. The aerial forces took care of the ground forces of the enemy. They were bombing them hard and any retaliatory shots would be deflected by the Avalon's blaze luminous. However, some planes has been shot down as they do not utilize blaze luminous. The submarines were now scanning for the other submarines and is prepared to engage with them. 

The ships at the blockade suddenly fired it's weaponry at the enemy ships without warning. The barrage was quick and the blockade was now broken. The ships moved to their own battle positions while constantly firing at the enemies. 

The Troops at the border were told to stand down and only engage with the enemy troops if they move inside the border. More Troops has arrived at the Siberia and another fleet was sent to the western blockade. Along with the fleet, an additional 2,500 Knightmare frames, all Vincent Ward class and is equipped with hover equipments has been sent.

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum


Max has just called him and reported the situation. He expected this to happen and gave max the authority to command the troops with no limits.



Lady Jennifer was escorted to the table and was then seated. Lelouch smiled at her as the waiters and waitresses placed the food and poured her coffee. 

"Good Morning, Lady Jennifer" he said "Has everything been fine?"


Lancelot of the Lake has also finished it's construction. It is currently the strongest Knightmare Frame the empire posses and is capable of firing multiple FLEIJA warheads. It is to be delivered to Poland so that the Lancelot Albion may be replaced and put into storage. It is also the first Knightmare Frame capable of atmospheric flight.

-Lancelot Albion and Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. and their pilots sparring-

((Ignore other shit and death part, this is to show the capabilities of both KMF))
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United States of Varmandr Vestan

With the recent surprise attack by the Rising Empire, the USVV was mobilized to a full Military Armament. The 400 million droids had already pumped out hundreds of current things, and were already shipped to the Siberian Front.

People at the Siberian Front were told to standby until further instructions, and let the General do the work... Soon, the sky was filled with 500,000 Mouse Drones, hitting everything that they could from over the Line. Some were shot down, but eventually 475,000 hit targets of vital importance. The Risers had lost much in the Mouse Drone Bombardment, and soon a march was organized with 200,000 persons and 50,000 Droids in the Northern Coast...

In the Franz Josef Lands, most troops have died, none willing to surrender. The Island Commander ordered that all Droids be hooked up with grenades and sent to kamikaze the enemy line, with varying degrees of success, although all droids were blown up.

Naval Blockade West

VV ships were ordered to hold the line, and they started backing away slowly, while firing as much as they could... Cargo Ships were coming inbound to help with the Naval War.

@Kazami42 @Wickedkent

Varmandr Vestan Testing Facility

The Exo-Suit's update were almost complete, and the first testing phase was underway... Results were very good, although they would take some extra training for soldiers once they came in...

A soldier named Cross testing the exo-suit in a sparring match with a few other troops, showing exceptional work

(Yes, I'm using BO3 Exo-Suits, don't kill me)

Droid Factories

More droids started working on the military building project, making the number 400 million working on the main project, and 100 million working on droids.

Estimated Completion Time with that many droids, 2 months.

700,000 Droids have been produced so far.
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Portland, Cascadia

The inbound Eclipsian aircraft carrying the Redline representative was greeted by two escorting F-15 Advanced fighter jets, the pilots confirming their identity before escorting the craft down to Portland International Airport where a diplomatic convoy was already waiting for them, police cars, police bikes and large Secret Service SUVs were both in-front and behind the armored limousine that would be taking the Redline representative to the Pentagon where the meeting was being held. Both the Eclipsian Vice President, the Ordrian Prime Minister and the Rising Empire's own Emperor were also greeted with the same kind of secured convoy, each limousine waving their country and Cascadia's flags on the front to show the identity of the representatives inside and the nation hosting them. All the leaders would be taken to the Pentagon and shown to the Conference Room, a large well-decorated room with artworks of previous Cascadian Presidents and famous high-ranking military officers all over it. A large TV monitor at the very front of the room, a round table in the middle of it with enough seats for all the attendees, each nation had their own flag hung somewhere in the room and along with this the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Cascadia would also be attending with President Jefferson, who would greet them in the Conference Room.


As a last minute addition, Cascadia contacted the Second German Republic with the proposal of adding their leader to the ongoing meeting via video call.


"Everyone, I'm so glad that you could make this trip on such short notice and with the likelihood of another world war increasing by the milisecond." Was Jefferson's introduction as the leaders all sat down with their chosen advisors, a military uniformed man handing out files to each of the leaders, giving them the details of the proposed 'North Oceanic Treaty' As Jefferson spoke up again. "We find ourselves in hard times, uncertain times indeed. And the safety of our people and our nations' prides have never been of more concern than now. Which is why the Joint Chiefs of Staff here." She gestured to the five high-ranking military officers, General Morshower included. "Have drafted something they call the North Oceanic Treaty, a mutual defense pact between our nations to deter further aggression from foreign opposition. It would include the basics like an agreement to defend one another, however only if the opposing nation was the one to attack first. If any member states are the aggressors in the conflict, allies will not have to support them although they can if they so choose to. It would also include a NOTA headquarters which we propose to either be in Denver, due to how deep within Cascadian territory it is and surrounded by defendable locations or Geneva in Switzerland for around the same reasons, not to mention the city's historical traits. This alliance would also mean that our military leadership can cooperate further and develop contingency plans to defend one another's soil."


Draco was the first to speak after grazing the file. "As representative of the Eclipsian Federation, i can assure you that our government is more than willing to accept this proposal. However i do have just one single question, and it may be a very obvious one. As you know a large scale naval war and a indecisive land campaign is going on between us and the Africans and Rockies. While we have just struck a heavy blow to their fleet and further delayed a cooperative African-Rockian naval dominance, i feel as though our calls for peace are being ignored. We have issued an apology to both nations and yet they still pursue this. So i am wondering what Cascadia's, and the rest of the countries represented here, stance is. Will there be intervened peace, violence, or neutrality?"

@Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent

"I Accept this proposal" He said "This will be beneficiary to the nations included in this treaty" He then looked at the Eclipsian Vice President.

"I would like to help, but we are busy right now" He said "our forces in Siberia are fighting the VV troops, but we could spare a few troops since they declined your request for peace. They want blood then let us give them some."

@Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Kazami42

(( @Domini Regum sorry cant reply yet, in a hurry 
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Rising Empire

The Remaining Avalon ships at the Siberian Territory tanked up most of the mouse drone attacks with their Blaze Luminous. They defended the ground troops, while the ground troops returned fire. Commander Anna with her Knightmare Frame. Amed Mordred destroyed tons of droids. Her Frame's artillery powers were being showed for the second time, the firsf was in the Grenshh war. Her Slash Harkens destroyed lines of mouse drones and her missiles destroy every drones that comes near her missile radius. 500k troops and more forces are being sent to the Siberian Lands.

The ships in the former western blockade continued to bombard the enemy as they retreat. They showed no mercy and blew up the enemy ships.

The Troops in the Franz Josef Island has eliminated most troops, some has been captured for research purposes. 

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum
[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Second German Republic[/COLOR]

Chancellor Friedrich is seen in the his office diligently working through four stacks of documents and proposals that are needed to be reviewed carefully. He is seen wearing a stylish 1940's suit that he had luckily enough found still entirely intact, there has yet to be any others found. He eventually takes a break and lights a small cigar that he had stored in his desk drawers, a gifts from his fellow colleagues. He takes several puffs as he stares and watches the smoke rise. He then gets a knock from the door, "Doors open." A man enters the room, short, brown hair, brown eyes, round glasses, with a slender physique but with a sharp look. This man in front of Friedrich stops three feet from the his desk before he bows his head and looks at him in the eye. "Chancellor I received reports from our diplomatic committee, we have received a request to speak to the Cascadian representative by video call....Shall I go ahead and arrange the call meeting?" Friedrich continues to take several puffs before answering, "So they finally decided to talk to the old fox huh.......Go ahead arrange it i'll be at the west wing when I'm done with this little mess." As he looks at the piles of unfinished and unread documents, irritating him a little. The man nods and goes out the door with no time to spare. Friedrich leans his chair back to look out the window and nods to himself. "About damn time."


Military/economies/projects: More then six military academies are in the process of being built which is estimated to be done within one year. Each academy is designated to teach different areas of tactics and skills for different divisions, with each housing and teaching 15,000 students to becoming soldiers or officers.

A construction plan to build more refineries for oil and other essential resources are in the process of being built in Romania and military factories in germany. It is said to estimate completion from seven months or one year. 

Project Z: A work on a Military ship is in the works, but more modern and still in the blueprint and planning stage. Estimated to be done within 1-2 years.
Rising Empire

The Russians have begun attacking the VV Soldiers. This was confirmed by the fleet and CSC. They requested permission to engage. This was gonna be a total war. Minister Max firsr gad to confirm it with the emperor who has just landed at portland. He called him and reported everything. Schneizel gave him the authority to fully command tge army in his absence, this makes him the Temporary Commander-In-Chief. He then sent a green signal to the fleet. The Pendragon Central Operations Room was now utilized for this war.

The Fleet that surrounded the Franz Josef Island then now begun to shoot at the VV ships. The VV ships were outnumbered and outflanked. The Admiral went back to the avalon. The aerial forces took care of the ground forces of the enemy. They were bombing them hard and any retaliatory shots would be deflected by the Avalon's blaze luminous. However, some planes has been shot down as they do not utilize blaze luminous. The submarines were now scanning for the other submarines and is prepared to engage with them. 

The ships at the blockade suddenly fired it's weaponry at the enemy ships without warning. The barrage was quick and the blockade was now broken. The ships moved to their own battle positions while constantly firing at the enemies. 

The Troops at the border were told to stand down and only engage with the enemy troops if they move inside the border. More Troops has arrived at the Siberia and another fleet was sent to the western blockade. Along with the fleet, an additional 2,500 Knightmare frames, all Vincent Ward class and is equipped with hover equipments has been sent.

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum


Max has just called him and reported the situation. He expected this to happen and gave max the authority to command the troops with no limits.



Lady Jennifer was escorted to the table and was then seated. Lelouch smiled at her as the waiters and waitresses placed the food and poured her coffee. 

"Good Morning, Lady Jennifer" he said "Has everything been fine?"


Lancelot of the Lake has also finished it's construction. It is currently the strongest Knightmare Frame the empire posses and is capable of firing multiple FLEIJA warheads. It is to be delivered to Poland so that the Lancelot Albion may be replaced and put into storage. It is also the first Knightmare Frame capable of atmospheric flight.

-Lancelot Albion and Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. and their pilots sparring-

((Ignore other shit and death part, this is to show the capabilities of both KMF))

"Yes it has." She picked up the coffee and started to drink it, she stopped after a minute. "How about you?" She was still visibly tired.


United States of Varmandr Vestan

With the recent surprise attack by the Rising Empire, the USVV was mobilized to a full Military Armament. The 400 million droids had already pumped out hundreds of current things, and were already shipped to the Siberian Front.

People at the Siberian Front were told to standby until further instructions, and let the General do the work... Soon, the sky was filled with 500,000 Mouse Drones, hitting everything that they could from over the Line. Some were shot down, but eventually 475,000 hit targets of vital importance. The Risers had lost much in the Mouse Drone Bombardment, and soon a march was organized with 200,000 persons and 50,000 Droids in the Northern Coast...

In the Franz Josef Lands, most troops have died, none willing to surrender. The Island Commander ordered that all Droids be hooked up with grenades and sent to kamikaze the enemy line, with varying degrees of success, although all droids were blown up.

Naval Blockade West

VV ships were ordered to hold the line, and they started backing away slowly, while firing as much as they could... Cargo Ships were coming inbound to help with the Naval War.

@Kazami42 @Wickedkent

Varmandr Vestan Testing Facility

The Exo-Suit's update were almost complete, and the first testing phase was underway... Results were very good, although they would take some extra training for soldiers once they came in...

A soldier named Cross testing the exo-suit in a sparring match with a few other troops, showing exceptional work

(Yes, I'm using BO3 Exo-Suits, don't kill me)

Droid Factories

More droids started working on the military building project, making the number 400 million working on the main project, and 100 million working on droids.

Estimated Completion Time with that many droids, 2 months.

700,000 Droids have been produced so far.

Only 123 people died, but the rest used their ragnaid, turned the knob at it's base clockwise, and healed themselves. Others would twist it counter clockwise and throw it towards a droid, a light emitting, then vibration, then ultimately an explosion. The droid was utterly obliterated, and only a small crater left where it was near. A somewhat larger crater created by its suicide grenades. "CONCENTRATING FIRE!" Any further attempts would be foiled by getting mowed down by snipers and at least five anti tank rifles.

At the sea, the RNS vert was searching for submarines. It used both passive and active sonar in constant attempts of finding any. The rest of the eastern detachment went towards the larger eastern island(s) and had begun to fire upon it. The left detachment of two ships would go towards the medium sized island. They would prepare their weapons for attack there as well.


Portland, Cascadia

The inbound Eclipsian aircraft carrying the Redline representative was greeted by two escorting F-15 Advanced fighter jets, the pilots confirming their identity before escorting the craft down to Portland International Airport where a diplomatic convoy was already waiting for them, police cars, police bikes and large Secret Service SUVs were both in-front and behind the armored limousine that would be taking the Redline representative to the Pentagon where the meeting was being held. Both the Eclipsian Vice President, the Ordrian Prime Minister and the Rising Empire's own Emperor were also greeted with the same kind of secured convoy, each limousine waving their country and Cascadia's flags on the front to show the identity of the representatives inside and the nation hosting them. All the leaders would be taken to the Pentagon and shown to the Conference Room, a large well-decorated room with artworks of previous Cascadian Presidents and famous high-ranking military officers all over it. A large TV monitor at the very front of the room, a round table in the middle of it with enough seats for all the attendees, each nation had their own flag hung somewhere in the room and along with this the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Cascadia would also be attending with President Jefferson, who would greet them in the Conference Room.


As a last minute addition, Cascadia contacted the Second German Republic with the proposal of adding their leader to the ongoing meeting via video call.


"Everyone, I'm so glad that you could make this trip on such short notice and with the likelihood of another world war increasing by the milisecond." Was Jefferson's introduction as the leaders all sat down with their chosen advisors, a military uniformed man handing out files to each of the leaders, giving them the details of the proposed 'North Oceanic Treaty' As Jefferson spoke up again. "We find ourselves in hard times, uncertain times indeed. And the safety of our people and our nations' prides have never been of more concern than now. Which is why the Joint Chiefs of Staff here." She gestured to the five high-ranking military officers, General Morshower included. "Have drafted something they call the North Oceanic Treaty, a mutual defense pact between our nations to deter further aggression from foreign opposition. It would include the basics like an agreement to defend one another, however only if the opposing nation was the one to attack first. If any member states are the aggressors in the conflict, allies will not have to support them although they can if they so choose to. It would also include a NOTA headquarters which we propose to either be in Denver, due to how deep within Cascadian territory it is and surrounded by defendable locations or Geneva in Switzerland for around the same reasons, not to mention the city's historical traits. This alliance would also mean that our military leadership can cooperate further and develop contingency plans to defend one another's soil."

Valerie nodded her head. "I don't see a problem with this. I can accept this proposal as well." She said. She then looked at the eclipsian vice president and without pause or hesitation she simply said: "Neutral." 

@Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Wickedkent


Rising Empire

The Remaining Avalon ships at the Siberian Territory tanked up most of the mouse drone attacks with their Blaze Luminous. They defended the ground troops, while the ground troops returned fire. Commander Anna with her Knightmare Frame. Amed Mordred destroyed tons of droids. Her Frame's artillery powers were being showed for the second time, the firsf was in the Grenshh war. Her Slash Harkens destroyed lines of mouse drones and her missiles destroy every drones that comes near her missile radius. 500k troops and more forces are being sent to the Siberian Lands.

The ships in the former western blockade continued to bombard the enemy as they retreat. They showed no mercy and blew up the enemy ships.

The Troops in the Franz Josef Island has eliminated most troops, some has been captured for research purposes. 

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum



Principality vehicle repair: 88%

Whatever helicopters the siberian principality had would begin to be repaired.


Ocean goddess project: 90%

The bridge was 80% completed, it was dark blue and had a slight glow to it. The barracks in the center of the ship would also be a water tight room, and would be 100% completed. the ship would also feature four torpedo bays, with four ontop of the bow if needed. Depth charge racks would also start appearing on the sides and stern of the ship. Depthcharge racks littered the stern and sides of the ship. There were three on each side, with a loading bay safely away from vital parts which was filled with charges. The torpedo bays would begin to be drilled out and made, while the bow torpedo holding bays would have been created and awaited for torpedoes. An easy to make yet highly durable silo-esque system would be made for a single use, it could be easily created due to simply just having four walls made out of ragnite raise up. The weapons chassis's were created and ready to be put onto the ship. Then their construction can proceed.

The only thing left to do was complete the bridge, complete the torpedo bays, add AA weapon systems, add an addition to the ship, and add the weapon systems.


Alien tech analysis:

50%. [Don't really know what else to say.]



Nepcom has completed the communication modifications. The gallian tower can now communicate larger distances, and nearby nations of the redline and empire can use their systems to leech off of it, allowing them to communicate longer distances as well from their own nations.


Plague was contained, other strains destroyed. Grenshu bodies were entirely removed, and the outpost was nearing completion.



Project:SCP. 60%...

The walls and gate were completed, the valkorov was lowered underground to dig it out, and 15 watch towers were created. 3 surface generator rooms were completed and a electrical fence set up on the outside. The surface facility had buildings including an armory foundation built and ready to fill, and other diggers would begin digging the underground and building structures there.

"Status report?" "Not good. The Battle of Gujarat was more devastating than originally believed. We lost about 3/4 of our navy. However, the Ecipsians lost the same proportion, and we currently hold the numbers advantage, as well as better facilities to rebuild. These fuckers need to know not to kill us anymore. High command has sent us a plan, we can disable their coastal batteries and then we have them." "What's the plan?" "Well, we currently control about a hundred very skilled, ready-for-action teleportation agents. We give 'em bombs, have 'em plant them inside the batteries, in, out, then press the button and blow 'em to hell. Move in, the fuckers are down." The Admiral rarely smiled, but some form of recognizable satisfaction passed across his face. "Very good. Begin mobilization. Move fast and and get ready to charge in."


This port had been selected as the staging ground for the assault. It was chosen because it was an important port in Southern India, as well as the fact that it was in an ideal location for receiving reinforcements after the battle. It was also in an area where a retreat could be done if necessary, and it was also a good place to land troops. Inside the batteries, men suddenly teleported in, dropped their payloads, and teleported out before many were even able to process what was going on. In an instant, they all went up in flames and the navy charged into the chaos. The Eclipsians in their ships fought very valiantly, but eventually without their batteries or their main admiral they were defeated. Survivors were moved to the mainland and allowed to leave. The Rockians took good casualties, about 25% over all of the Africans and Rockians, but the entire 15% of the Eclipsian navy stationed here was gone. The ships docked and the transports and transport planes unloaded 100k Battlesuit troops, who immediately began building newer temporary coastal defense and securing the city, which was done with 10k men lost. The Rockians also made sure that satellites were monitoring the vast area around them for Eclipsians, and that the navy was very ready for a counterattack, which would be able to withstand a very large force.

@Loyal Guardian@Albion

Radium Hot Springs

A message was sent to Cascadia. "Meeting urgent. Requesting permission to send Jacob Williams, Royal Diplomat, to discuss urgent matters immediately."


Research Stations

Project Julius continued on a fantastic path. The ships got closer and closer to being launch-ready, and the droids were programmed and modified perfectly for their tasks. The colonists on the Asgardia station were all well-trained and ready for their duty, and all that was left were ship finishes and a bit more data from Ganymede, which would take a bit more.

Vancouver Island Shipyard

The losses at Gujarat were being fixed. 200 Haida classes, 300 king Jacksons, 100 Edmontons, 120 Vancouvers, 90 Commonwealths, 100 Oceanias, 70 King Orsons, 100 Duchess Evelines, 150 Anchorages, 6 Tritons and 26 Quebecs had been produced and sent to Chennai. 600 RCK-1s, 200 Queen Caitlyns and 200 Pacificas were built as well. Alongside all this, 400 MATVs, 100 Hellhammers, and 200 SAV-2s were built. Finally, using the designs built with the Battlesuit Upgrades, 400k Battlesuits wer built and given to troops, making them much, much more devestating in battle.


Captured Chennai.

Navy at Chennai set up for heavy defense.

Request sent to Cascadia for talks.

Project Julius: 80%

Production at max to replace casualties.
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He looked at Jennifer. She looked tired. Lelouch felt sorry for waking her up, she must have needed a much longer sleep, but he must report the situation.

"Im sorry for waking you up" He apologized "I have something to tell you, just please try to be calm. The VV troops in the Franz Josef Island engaged with your troops, as a sign if goodwill we Sent a fleet, together with your troops and ours we defeated the VV. The land and their tech is yours." He didnt include the VV attack on the RE Siberian lands.


He looked at Jennifer. She looked tired. Lelouch felt sorry for waking her up, she must have needed a much longer sleep, but he must report the situation.

"Im sorry for waking you up" He apologized "I have something to tell you, just please try to be calm. The VV troops in the Franz Josef Island engaged with your troops, as a sign if goodwill we Sent a fleet, together with your troops and ours we defeated the VV. The land and their tech is yours." He didnt include the VV attack on the RE Siberian lands.


She was somewhat annoyed. "Serves those idiots right. And who the hell are the VV anyway? Don't they realize if they attack, they will learn soon enough what is worse than death itself?"

Prime Minister Kord read through the files given to him and listened to the others. "I see no problem with this. I agree." He listened to the Eclipsian Vice President and then spoke again. "I'd would like to help, but the Rockies are old friends of ours and, frankly, I see no reason for this conflict to even exist. I don't think my citizens will be happy being involved in this war." He paused for a few moments. "Another thing that I would like to bring up. The Vestanian Space Program and their space station is worrying. No one knows what they could have up there, which is why I, and the rest of the ministers, have started building a space station of our own." Kord pulled out the design picture of the station.

Space Station.jpg

"What do you guys think?"

@RIPSaidCone@Loyal Guardian@Wickedkent@Kazami42


Stellar Nations have been released. (Yep, that's it)

Research Centers

Project Umbau: Phase 1 is going well. New arms and armor designs are being sketched up. Project Raum is progressing well as well. The 1st section of the station is being worked on. There will be 4 sections in total.

Project Umbau: Phase 1: 16%

Project Raum: 12%
Chennai Pocket

The sudden surprise attack on Chennai shocked the Eclipsians. As such the army deployed it's main force for the first time in the whole war, including the very elite Eclipse Core who was the nations most dangerous, deadly, and determined force in the country and quite possibly the world. The army was 500k strong including 20k Eclipsian Core, with numerous Titan's and M.S-A.A.U's deployed, a large amount of B-105 Bombers, and a sizable force of T-99 Tanks. With General Io on the field as well, the Eclipsian army was highly motivated and highly outnumbered their Rockian counterparts, on land at least.

"Sir Admiral Zhao wishes to engage the enemy fleet. What are your orders?" Ask a officer in his Ganymede suit. Io looked back at him, wearing his own specialized Ganymede, and replied. "Tell him that we won't be able to pull another Gujarat, we got very lucky there. They most likely have satellites positioned over right now, so naval action right now may be impossible." Io said seriously. "So if we move in we won't have any naval support, which would then make Chennai harder to take." The officer said somewhat dejectedly. "Ah but that is where you are wrong major, as we also have the advantage in that regard." Io said smiling again. "What do you mean sir?"  "The Rockies and Africa only think that the M.S-A.A.U's are just a fancy anti-air and artillery gun, when in reality they are far more." The officer was a tad bit confused, as he never seen a M.S-A.A.U in combat. "Could you be more clear sir?" Io then sent a order. "To all M.S-A.A.U crews set targeting to Human signature, AOE area above us, specific target are non-civilian satellites." With his order sent, Io simply picked up his S-2 and walked past the officer. "Let's get to the front major."  "Sir what was that order you jus-" Before the officer could finish his sentence every M.S-A.A.U deployed fired into the atmosphere and beyond, targeting and hitting every satellite that fit the order with the exception of a few. The officer had a face of awe inside his helmet before he turned back around. "Sir what was that order?" Io stopped in his tracks and turned his head towards the officer. "I just neutralized their logistics advantage." He turned his head around and lifted his left hand onto his helmet. "All M.S-A.A.U crews keep same order in the event that any satellite appears over the area and hangs around for to long. All regular artillery crews begin shelling the city and if you can their ships. All B-105 Bombers fly high into the atmosphere where enemy AA can't hit you and drop your payloads. All infantry and mechanized forces, commence operations to retake Chennai and drive the enemy out or our land. Let's make this a Rockian Duba and their Gallipoli."

[SIZE= 16px]All that was heard was over five hundred thousand Eclipsian soldiers shouting "Hoorah!", charging into battle, the massive amounts of artillery firing and striking the city, tanks whirring and charging into the fray, and the sound of B-105 Bombers lifting off into the atmosphere and dropping their bombs. The Battle of Chennai had truly begun.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord [/SIZE]
Four miles out of Chennai, Mahabullapuram Town

The African Sergeant sat silently. He was a Valkyrie. He sat in his suit, waiting for the Eclipsian patrol to pass. One of them peered over when a rock moved and almost went over when he was distracted by a car getting to close. They called for it to halt, and when it didn't, they peppered it with bullets. He nodded his head to his squadron of other Valkyries, and Buhala nodded, moving as silently as a slithering snake, his cloaking armor keeping his temperature and color the same as his background. He made no noise, thanks to his dampeners. Then, he silently pulled out a stun grenade and tossed it on the ground. One of the Eclipsians noticed and tried to call out a warning, but the thing buzzed, sending out arcs of electricity and knocking out their power. The rest of the men dispatched the Eclipsians and tried to find one that fitted them. Buhala found one and put it on, inserting the device into the main electronics panel to recognize him as the soldier. It appeared to work, and he gave the all clear signal. They prepared to move him into the enemy base.

Sinai Peninsula

The fucking loudness of it all was starting to hurt his ears. The constant booming of the artillery and subsequent high pitched shrieks right before they hit the enemy was starting to give him tinnitus. He tried to focus in on his railgun, firing on any Eclipsian poking his head out. He heard the nearby AA gun whir up and fire at a plane overhead. One of the machine guns was being modded by some Combat engineer. He girnned to himself and put the machine gun back, and ave it a test. He popped one of the Eclipsians in the trench and whooped. He looked all around and noticed the scale of it all. Huge tunnel networks behind the lines housed most soldiers, with a few brave ones being housed in a camouflaged barracks. He knew the scale of this front. Four million men, give or take a few hundred k's, were ate this front, working hard to prepare for the assault. The caltrops had sunk beneath the sand by week, like, 6?  Then he heard it. The Dragon Tanks, the new anti aircraft, the new drones... all the new stuff had been prepared for either the attack on the Sinai or the Chennai reinforcements. Two thousand of those tanks had been sent down to the Sinai, seven hundred to Chennai, though Chennai had gotten all the regular tanks.

Mechanized Vehicles had been pouring in, rapidly assisting men. The Chennai men had received the 1200 tracking anti air and 76 of the Railgun Anti Air, while the other 76 had gone to Sinai. The 900 Ghana class Anti Tank guns had been prepared for the assault, the AI working smoothly in tandem with high command. 340 Strykr class and 800 Watersnake went to Sinai, 800 Watersnake and 1650 Razors to Chennai. The bombing drones were entirely for the Sinai. The 550 VTOL transports had gone to Chennai along with the full force of Valkyries. It had begun. Oh, and Chennai had recieved, somewhere in the range of forty thousand tons of food for the men there as well as a reinforcement of, like, 450k?

The full force didn't attack, this was the vanguard, 500k Sentinels, 500 Anti tank, the anti air and Railgun Anti air, and the 300 Ghana class had begun attacking. The bombing drones were oft shot down, but many hit their target and killed quite a few. The anti air cleared any plane they could and then the 400 Watersnake and 150 Strykr began their assault. The vanguard worked in tandem to bring down the force of enemies. the Chennai Forces were having more trouble, but thanks to artillery shelling, anti air, and tandem efforts between the Rockians and Africans, they were holding quite well, for the time being.

Lagos Palace

He ached from the surgery. The gout had appeared, and it had taken a while for the surgery to be prepped. It had been valuable, and the gout was gone, but he ached. He called to one of his servants as he sat on the balcony, his cane rested by the chair. The man entered and he requested a gin and tonic and the Diplomatic Minister. He returned swiftly with both, and he enjoyed the gin and tonic and brilliant view. "I want you to send a request to the Germans for a trade pact... god knows we need all the help we can get." The man nodded, and disappeared. @general ostruppen 

He went back to enjoying the view of the New Lagos. The old one had been filthy, the highways poorly paved, many places bombarded, but his work had made it the shining city of Africa. He got a grand view of the Bellevue Tower, with its pointed peak grasping for the sky, just above 4600 feet - not taller than the Cascadian highest, but he was satisfied. He looked left, at the Lagos Island Bridge looming there, and finally he looked at the Twin Broadcast Peaks. They were bringing the African Radio News and Music Broadcasting in order to much of the Nigerian Area. He smiled, took another sip of the gin and tonic, and sighed. Perhaps the war was affecting the Sinai, but Cairo's population was up and the people were still quite okay with the war, though the fervency was lowering. The factories were producing army materials as fast as possible, with less civilian factories than he might have hoped. But when the war was over, they could go back to making Africa the nation it was. This city housed 13,572,642 people by the last census, with the city sprawling for miles. Below, a few blue collar men were bustling about, returning home from their jobs. One muttered under his breath and looked at his grease caked hands, another taking off his cap and scratching his head. Then they continued on, entering a truck and driving off, likely to a nearby pub.

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"VV is an acronym of Varmandr Vestan, they formerly owned all of South America, but was defeated in a war resulting in them losing some territory. They know currently control Braxil"


"It seems fine" Schneizel said "The VV space station and ships are indeed a threat, recently they just covered a satellite of mine with a flag and painted the camera's black, this forced us to enable the secondary camera. And Prime Minister Ford, I have a question, would we, the other members of the Alliance be able to use this station?"

@Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Loyal Guardian

"VV is an acronym of Varmandr Vestan, they formerly owned all of South America, but was defeated in a war resulting in them losing some territory. They know currently control Braxil"


"It seems fine" Schneizel said "The VV space station and ships are indeed a threat, recently they just covered a satellite of mine with a flag and painted the camera's black, this forced us to enable the secondary camera. And Prime Minister Ford, I have a question, would we, the other members of the Alliance be able to use this station?"

@Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Loyal Guardian

"A bunch of crazed up druggies invaded ME?!!?!?!? Grah!" She closed her eyes and shook her head, and then opening them again. "Unruly fiends. For every person they killed, I shall have 30 of them tortured and executed!" She attempted to calm herself, but due to the lack of sleep it is near impossible.


"The more important question we must ask, is who will be keeping a eye on vestanian space activities? They don't sound like a lucky-go happy bunch at all. One second it is painting someone's satellite, the next it is making some form of planet destroying orbital cannon 700 years from now." Valerie said.

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Wickedkent



Prime Minister Kord read through the files given to him and listened to the others. "I see no problem with this. I agree." He listened to the Eclipsian Vice President and then spoke again. "I'd would like to help, but the Rockies are old friends of ours and, frankly, I see no reason for this conflict to even exist. I don't think my citizens will be happy being involved in this war." He paused for a few moments. "Another thing that I would like to bring up. The Vestanian Space Program and their space station is worrying. No one knows what they could have up there, which is why I, and the rest of the ministers, have started building a space station of our own." Kord pulled out the design picture of the station.

"What do you guys think?"

@RIPSaidCone@Loyal Guardian@Wickedkent@Kazami42


Stellar Nations have been released. (Yep, that's it)

Research Centers

Project Umbau: Phase 1 is going well. New arms and armor designs are being sketched up. Project Raum is progressing well as well. The 1st section of the station is being worked on. There will be 4 sections in total.

Project Umbau: Phase 1: 16%

Project Raum: 12%

"It could be used to help you with your future space travel if some side additions are added. Among also being capable of enhancing your influence." Valerie said.

[Above posts not in order, sorry.]
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"Most of their troops at that archipelago was killed while some were captured" He said "Your men are bringing them back to motherland for further analysis, so please stay calm. We have done everything we need in order to aid your me and now what's left is to eliminate the VV troops in the siberian islands."


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