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Fantasy The World of Erde Lore and Character index


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Still a work in progress as I continue to compose and edit the thread patience is appreciated.

  • Erde a place of wonder and mystery, magic, mysticism, monsters, adventure. A place where anything is possible and many live in peace. Thanks to the blessings from the gods that manifested the pillars of existence and composed the world. Their names; Udros the oldest, god of darkness and chaos, Denja second oldest goddess of light and order, Phadros third oldest, god of the time and knowledge, Ooona, goddess of the cosmos and harvest. These four gods created Erde from the Dreamscape. Before Erde, all existed in the Dreamscape. Turmoil and violence threatened the existence of the entire realm. So the gods separated the realms now known as Heofin, Erde, and Demos. Heofin and Demos are known as Ether and Nether Realms in modern Erde.

    Schools banks and political buildings are named after historic figures that laid the foundations for the kingdoms of Erde. Places like The Mulgrave School of magic and Herkins knight academy named after heroes that fought back the forces of the Nether Realm during the separation wars.

Character sheet
Place of Birth:
Place of Residence:
Description: Pictures are optional but a brief description of their look and personality is needed.
Skills/Abilities: 3 categories- Physical Skills (i.e. Sword play Unarmed combat), Magical Skills (Each character gets two base elements and one divination that gives them three advanced classes of magic.), Education (Choose from one or two of the three available schools that have locations scattered through the continents.)
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Name: Erwin Lovegrove

Age: Early to Mid 20s

POB: Verdania

POR: The open Road

Occupation: Adventurer


Black, short hair slightly reveals a thin, gloomy face. Sombre amber eyes, set delicately within their sockets, watch lovingly over his siblings, and their children.

Soft skin elegantly compliments his mouth and leaves a beautiful memory of his fortunate looks.This is the face of Erwin Lovegrove, a true adventurer among giants. He stands towering among others, despite his athletic frame.

There's something odd about him. Perhaps it's his tenderness or perhaps it's simply his sense of humor. People offer him to marry their off-spring, while wanting to fight along his side in battle.

Swordplay- Erwin trained extensively with a sword since childhood, taught by some of the most prestigious sword masters across the realm. Adding in his experience as a veteran adventurer he is a formidable opponent for any man or beast that he encounters.

Tracking- A skill he learned through adventuring and hunting monsters for the guild. He knows how to track and navigate most of the forests and if he is ever unsure inside his magic sack; he has maps of all the regions of the realm. His journal not only keeps his daily logs but also an index of plants and wildlife he's learned about from his travels.

Unarmed Combat- Erwin likewise has trained in hand to hand combat as well. Though he doesn't follow any discipline, he has the standard military unarmed combat training from the Herkins Academy of Knights. He is much more skilled with his sword, but he is also skilled with his hands.

Magical - Erwin has the base elements of Pyro and Terra Magic with a divinity to Cosmic Magic and an affinity for Time magic. Part of the eight base magics used in the world, Cosmic Magic allows Erwin to bend space and time to his will with spells such as haste, teleport, and slow. His abilities are limited to performing simple time spells. His divinity to cosmic magic allowed him to create one of the most successful products from the Lovegrove Trading Company. The Magic Sack, his prototype, is infinitely better than the ones the company sells to the public. Cosmic magic also allows Erwin to call forth blazing comets and meteor showers down on the battlefield. But these are potent spells that leave him with low mana and can take long times to cast.

Education- Erwin is well educated. His father had made him attend the Herkins Academy of Knights and the Mulgrave school of magic. He learned about economy and commerce through his merchant father and has learned about surviving in the wilderness as an adventurer. A well-spoken young man that has garnered himself a high reputation.

Long Sword
Magic Sack
Leaver and plate mixed armor

Erwin has always been a free spirit. His nonchalant attitude and calm demeanor make people naturally gravitate towards him. As a child, he was always popular in school. But for every friend he made, there was another enemy in the shadows. As he got older, his popularity continued to grow along with his family's trading company. Many nobles have offered their daughters' hands in marriage, most women find him attractive with his mysterious sombre amber eyes that dazzle like amber flames at a festival dance. But he never accepts. Having grown up with six sisters and one brother. He knew they would never approve of him marrying only for political value. One of their first backers was the royal family from the capital of Verdania.
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Haemon Valdani-Mulgrave

Name: Haemon Valdani-Mulgrave
Age: 158
Place of Birth: Bridgetown
Place of Residence: Bridgetown
Occupation: The Grand Mage of Bridgetown
Haemon takes the appearance he did in life: a portly man (in both senses of the word), half-elven in nature and fond of the color green. He has wavy red hair, a thick but well-kempt beard, and glowing emerald-green eyes. He never looks well-rested; a customs agent might stop him to check those eye-bags! He usually dons red- and gold-accented green robes for meetings in the Earl's court and school ceremonies, and simpler but elegant garb with a green waistcoat and tall brown boots for his other appearances.

However, on the rare occasion the facade drops, Haemon is revealed to have a horrifying visage. His flesh melts away to reveal a skeletal form clad in a more decrepit version of whatever garb he is wearing. His skull is wreathed in fire in the pattern of his hair and beard, while two motes of green light float in his eye sockets.

  • Physical Skills:
    • Dagger Combat - While proficient with short blades, Haemon primarily uses his dagger as a spellcasting medium.
    • Staff Combat - Haemon is rarely seen with a staff outside of ceremonies, but he knows how to beat lesser combatants with one.
    • Undead Physiology - Haemon does not need to eat or breathe and cannot be poisoned. However, Lux magic and any advanced spells derived from it are extremely harmful to him.
  • Magical Skills:
    • Pyro - Elemental magic known for its great destructive power and hidden creative applications.
    • Terra - The very land subtly bends to Haemon's will, aiding in traversal.
    • Chrono - An extremely powerful but strenuous type of divine magic. It is this magic that helps Haemon maintain a human appearance for the public eye and hasten himself.
    • Crysto - Haemon's signature branch of advanced magic. Crystals created through this taxing mix of Earth and Chrono magic can store other magic in them, held tightly by their unique structures.
    • Lava - Though he seldom combines his Pyro and Terra abilities, Haemon can transmute the ground into molten rock and manipulate it.
    • Nether - Forbidden magic used in necromantic rituals. Souls that are affected by it are doomed to reform in the Nether realm as nightmarish creatures. The Grand Mage's phylactery contains a frightening concentration of this magic.
  • Education:
    • Apprenticeship under former Grand Mage Alvah Mulgrave
    • Independent study at Mulgrave School of Magic
  • War Mage's Kris - a long, wavy dagger with several gemstones set in the hilt. It serves as both a wand and a weapon.
  • Beads of Fire - Small, spherical crystals with a faint red-orange glow. These elementary crystals break when thrown, causing a small explosion. A gift from one of Haemon's crysto students.
  • Spell Tome - A book containing ritual formulae and scripts for lengthy incantations. It is healthy for any mage to study their tome's contents frequently. It does not contain any knowledge of Nether magic, partly to avoid suspicion and partly because he abhors his own source of immortality.
Haemon Valdani was a native of Caterac; he was born and raised there, and he never considered leaving his hometown of Clifton. In his adolescent years, he discovered he had a prodigious affinity for magic. He owned it, seized every opportunity to advance and grow stronger. However, he was not ignorant to the problems plaguing Clifton: the crumbling cliffs that threatened to collapse and plunge its inhabitants into the ocean. Addressing this issue became Haemon's primary concern and he made it his mission to save the city.

At this point, Crysto or crystal magic was in its infancy, its potential not fully unlocked. Under the direct supervision of Alvah, the Grand Mage, Haemon thoroughly studied the seemingly inert crystals he grew with his spells. While crystal spells often yielded incredible shattering projectiles, he found that crystals could be infused with, store, and potentially amplify the elements.

Alvah's son and other apprentice, Aeron Mulgrave, happened to be an accomplished Terra and Aero mage, having made strides in the field of Gravity spellcraft. He and Haemon had become fast friends and worked parallel to one another, devising plans for a great magical engine with their master checking their work along the way. Many of their tests failed, despite his doing so. For the two thirty-year-old mages, something didn't add up...

Grand Mage Alvah Mulgrave was a man of precision. He double- and triple-checked any and all arcane formulae. Even if they were primarily his apprentices' studies, he would have surely caught such faults—or so they appeared to be. Upon closer examination, the failure points of these experiments were elements Alvah "revised". Despite his insistence that they were simply misunderstanding the revisions, it quickly became clear to Haemon and Aeron that it was sabotage. They plotted in secret and reverted to their original formulae for building the engine, all the while wondering why Alvah would betray them and potentially Clifton.

On the night before the completion of the first engine, Aeron and Haemon caught Alvah skulking in the shadows and confronted him. It all became clear: Alvah was well-versed in Nether magic and aspired to perform a grand necromantic ritual once an "unfortunate accident" destroyed Clifton. Aeron knew of his father's thirst for power, but he never thought the Grand Mage would stoop to such lows. The two parties engaged in a devastating battle of spells that further weakened the cliff's structural integrity. In the end, Haemon and Aeron triumphed, killing Alvah with a gravity-infused crystal that imploded him on impact.

There was no time to celebrate or mourn, though. The ground quaked and cracked from the strain caused by Alvah's mighty spells. The duo rushed to complete the engine, activating it in a taxing ritual. Instead of falling into the ocean, the chunk of land merely floated several meters from its original position. The gravity engine was a success! Suffering from exhaustion and mild wounds, they lay on the ground. It was there, before their magnum opus, that they confessed their feelings to one another and shared their first kiss.

In the coming days, the couple led teams of mages in stabilizing the earth, allowing them time to complete the remaining engines. Once all the landmasses floated into place, workers erected bridges connecting the new islands. No longer a "cliff town", the Earl renamed the city "Bridgetown". He also debated which of the two saviors he wanted to name the new Grand Mage. Aeron declined, not wishing to take his father's place. Haemon took the position instead, on the condition that their wedding and his investiture happen on the same day. The Earl made it so.

Sadly, there was no "happily ever after". As the men entered their 40s, Aeron's health took a turn for the worse. No healer could stop the inevitable, and he died at age 43. Haemon was devastated by this tragic turn of events and found himself engrossed in his studies. He also took comfort in food, his once fit form bloating slightly. When his Chrono magic didn't yield the answers he sought, he dove into Alvah's old library. There, tucked away behind a bookshelf in the old Mulgrave estate, was a box containing a book bound with human flesh. This discovery chilled Haemon, but it didn't stop him from reading the forbidden text scrawled upon its pages. Originally, he sought a way to resurrect Aeron, but he realized this would not bring back his late husband; he would instead raise something dark and unnatural.

Haemon went on to found the Mulgrave School of Magic, a worldwide chain of universities. While committed to growing the number of mages in the world and making their education more uniform and standardized, he also had a few small ulterior motives. First, he wanted more avant-garde mages to join him and explore the frontiers of magical knowledge. Second, he sought a worthy sacrifice—a true patriot who would die for Bridgetown. Finally, he intended to use the school's resources to acquire more knowledge on Nether magic, under the pretenses of sealing away dark materials to protect the world.

In fifteen years, Haemon managed to achieve his goals. He had a student by the name of Rosa—not particularly powerful, but unflinchingly loyal and unconventional. He lured her into his secret study far below his first school, where he kept a crystal phylactery. He slashed her throat with a dagger before she could react and used her soul as the first sacrifice as he cast the spell of Lichdom. The phylactery was fully activated, and as he drank the poison to finish the ritual, his flesh began to boil and burn away until nothing but a skeleton remained. The corpse rose again, the transformation complete. Haemon the lich was now free to look after Bridgetown's engines for eternity while vainly pursuing the art of true resurrection.

One hundred years have passed since then. Every year, Haemon makes excursions to the ends of the world of Erde, seeking the knowledge he so craves and killing one or two cocky adventurers to sustain himself. Some have raised concerns over the years regarding his lack of aging, citing the average Half-elf life span is between 150 and 180 years. Regardless, the Earls over the years have opted not to investigate him, as he is among the foremost authorities on Chrono magic, a hero to the people of Bridgetown, and an inspiration to mages all across Erde. An investigation may prompt widespread unease.
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Name: Hector Farraday

Age: 22

Place of Birth: Atlantia

Place of Residence: Gandoline

Occupation: Merchant (near the end of his training) and part-time adventurer

Appearance: Hector has brown-ginger hair and bright amber eyes, an eager countenance often lights his face. He has a slightly snub nose. He's often dressed with a cravat and medium length overcoat.


Personality: Somewhat sheltered for most of his life, Hector is polite, well-brought-up and relatively naïve, with a sympathetic and earnest nature. He can be rather rash, not always thinking things through. His main interests include improving the ethics of trade and merchanting, and he constantly aspires to become a better adventurer.


Physical Skills:

Mechanics: He's studied, partly unofficially, in mechanics and actively uses his skills as a sort of unofficial engineer in the business. His first project was to alter his compass into a convenient weapon.

Swordplay: He has basic swordplay skills (however he prefers using his magic, which he has honed more) and hopes to develop further in terms of combat.

Javelin-throwing: Hector has converted an innocuous compass into one whose needle doubles as a collapsible javelin- he is able to propel the javelin with Steam magic to gain further distance and accuracy.

Magical Skills:
Hector has the base elements of Aqua and Pyro, combining to Steam- highly useful when one spends much time around ships and airships.
He has a divinity to Chrono and an affinity to Cosmo. [To be confirmed, and waiting on the table of advanced magic]

- Amworth Merchant and Artisan Colligate
- Mulgrave School of Magic
He was also partly educated at home.
His father only funded his magic education so that Hector would 'experience the real world of merchanting', by at first accompanying airships and ships whilst 'being useful' which consisted of using his Aqua and Steam magic to assist the vehicles in their journeys.

- Javelin compass
- Map of Erde (minimal) and nautical charts
- Shortsword
- Rope
- Leather Armour

Something of a prodigal son, Hector returned home in his late teens after having 'run away' in a fit of rebellion and indignation at the responsibility he faced as the eldest son of the Farraday family. Having always admired and looked up to adventurers and ardently wishing after such a wandering life, he attempted to become an adventurer after running away but quickly discovered his skills weren't quite cut out for that kind of job. On returning to his father, Rotherfield Farraday, he felt the need to prove himself to his father once more after having fallen from favour somewhat, and now taking his responsibility seriously, he had to work harder than ever before. Eventually after several years he was allowed to take up adventuring on the side, provided he stay committed to the family business. It also helped his cause that he had siblings now coming of age.

Rotherfield Farraday, Hector's father and the owner of the Farraday Merchant Group, is a business-centred man with some political power. As of now, he still regards Master Almar, the High Elf under whose power Atlantia seems to be heading, with a degree of mistrust- yet if there proves to be no threat to his business (or even better, an advantage), he will likely overlook any dubious happenings.
Name: Vivian Everfield
Nicknames: Hope Weller (Old Name)
Age: 25
Place of Birth: Verdania
Place of Residence: Clyde
Occupation: Sage of Clyde
Vivian appears to be Human Woman somewhere in her early to mid twenties. Standing 5'5 with an overall fit and rather curvy figure and rather pale skin. Her long black locks fall down at it's longest to just above the mid of her back. Her left eye is blue while the right is hazel in color, often using her long bangs to partially obscure or cover her right eye. She is no stranger to receiving praise for her beauty often for many viewing her despite coming off as human very much being 'otherworldly'.

Despite her heritage providing her with a natural charisma about her, Vivian primarily dresses up in what many would view as typical witches garb. She wears often darker colors often with some stylish element behind them. Sporting a black shawl with shoulder paddings overtop that hangs down just past chest length. A form fitting black robe covers her body kept taut against her waist with a belt containing various satchels. The robe falls cutting off several inches above her ankles exposing her black boots. She often tends to wear a rather typical witch's hat with a long brim as if to fill out the part. While she does sport other outfits, particularly when it comes to her position now as Sage, she tends to prefer her regular garb when able.

Vivian tends to come off rather mysterious to many aiding in perhaps her natural allure to others even if it is completely unintentional on her part. She tends to remain generally reserved in the company of others, often finding value in observing other peoples actions in order to get an idea of what type of person they are. She very much approaches situations in a very analytical way rather then viewing it as a simple social interaction. She tends to have an innate distrust in people, often quick to find some logical reasoning for their actions. It is difficult fore her to hold trust in anyone, always having that lingering air of doubt of someone's intentions.

She is not against manipulating others for her own benefit. On a few occasions she had willingly put others at greater risk in order to ensure her 'deeds' would garner more renown. She is more then willing to use a bit of deceit as well in order to manipulate conversations in the way she prefers even if it might put another in a negative light. While in many cases what she does can be dubious, she does tend to act within her own moral compass attempting to minimize harm with what she does. She might put innocent lives at risk, but she won't outright sacrifice said lives if possible and will only due so if she is confident enough her plan will work successfully.

While her deeds have been for the most part to fuel a selfish desire for power, she has overtime softened slightly in her position. She does hold care for the people of Clyde to the point of not actively seeking to cause them harm in pursuit of her own personal gain. While still jaded with people, she has grown to become a bit more willing to be social with others. She can have a tendency of being overly blunt at times not being one often to mince words when it comes to a situation, although she has attempted to ease up a little although with some questionable results.

† Physical †
Staff - A casting medium foremost, Vivian's staff can also be used as a melee weapon when needed.​
Changeling Biology - Being born of a hag and a human, her body tend to show traits from her mother. As such she is much more physically strong then she might appear. She is capable of growing her fingernails on demand as a form of a claw attack at will while being more resilient to injury.​
☾ Magic ✧
Aqua - The magic that first manifested with Vivian.​
Terra - Vivian holds control over magic over the earth.​
Umbra- The pull of darkness has always been with Vivian though only truely accessed with the help of her birthmother.​
Blood - The power of blood is one many view as sinister and evil.​
Aether - A power ancient and lost to many in large part pulled from her heritage. Aether is the source of some of her magic such as transformation magic or used in various rituals.​

Vivian was trained underneath Agnes Everfield as her apprentice.

Aislingeach (Staff) - A staff carved from the wood of a tree rich with Aetheric energy. Despite being made of wood it is incredibly durable with the ability to regenerate through channeling mana through it. It has the ability to act as a catalyst for use in spell casting and it's connection to Aether allows it to aid in casting such magic while minimizing the risk upon the caster in doing so.​
Lantern Earing - A faint glowing orange sphere shaped earring often worn by Vivian. The earing itself while it appears to be purely cosmetic it acts almost in the form of guidance providing communication between those possessing such an object allowing for long range communication between two individuals. In the case of Vivian, the Lantern Earring itself is connected with her seeing seeing eye allowing her to use it to guide her, albeit in a less detailed way of which way she is best to move.​
Seeing (Witch's) Eye - A crystal eye often kept somewhere safe off her person connected to instead through the use of her earring. The Seeing Eye acts as a clairvoyance devices providing Vivian with a general reading of the future. The reading themselves are often vague and cryptic, coming off more like riddles rather then completely accurate predictions. While capable of leading in the 'right' direction, what it might bring the user to might not always be beneficial short term often being more directing to a greater long term path beneficial to the user even if they might not quite agree at the moment with the end result. Fate works in mysterious ways, and the mind is never one that perhaps fully understands what it truly desires.​

Vivian was born the daughter of a Hag living isolated in the forest of Verdania, the father of which being an unknown human male. Her mother Agnes Everfield took the young changeling child slipping her into human civilization finding Verdant and Olivia Weller who recently had a child nearly the same age of Vivian. The child was in a rather frail state and unhealthy, unlikely to make it long in the world. Agnes took the sickly child instead swapping Vivian with her and departed to leave her in the young couples car in place of their own child. An act that wasn't uncommon with Hags.

Two two parents were blissfully unaware of the stop. Their sickly child that seemed to be barely holding on seemed to miraculously become much better appearing otherwise healthy. While there was a little discrepancy with her appearance seeming slightly different, it was one they could only brush off as being due to her original 'ill' conception. They were convinced the goddess of light of who the couple shared a deep seeded belief in. It was then they had decided to give her the name Hope.

As she grew up into a young child, it was perhaps where some doubts began with her parents. While they cared for her, they couldn't help but feel something was off about their daughter. While healthy, her paler skin left them feeling a bit uneasy. Added in with her heterochromia resulting in her different colored eye and an almost strange 'aura' they felt to what they believed was their daughter it perhaps started the first bit of skepticism. It left the two parents to occasionally squabble when Vivian might get in trouble or even bullied, with Verdant feeling partially adamant his wife had cheated on him with another woman. At the time it was a situation that built a bit of tension with the Wellers, though it only grew worst over time.

As Vivian reached the age of 8, signs of her strange heritage only began to become more prevalent. Her natural affinity to magic lead to her moving water about without much thought. It lead to a few incidents that had brought her adopted parents to feel as if something was wrong. At first it lead them to seek aid from the goddess. As the incidents happened more often it got them feeling more and more desperate. It was made worst as she grew as her appearance ended up reflected less and less of what was suppose to be her birth parents leading them to question her even more.

It was when she became a young teenage that things reached their boiling point. Unbeknownst to Vivian at the time she had accidentally started to channel Dark Magic. It was seen by her Aunt at first though quickly noticed by her parents. At the time she had been a bit of a longer seeming strange from most girls her age. Her parents began to question her birth as any doubts they had only had grown over time that they saw her not as their daughter but as some monster that must of devoured their real daughter and stole her place. They sought to lock her up leaving her rather shaken and horrified by it all and feeling betrayed.

As weeks passed by she was almost completely isolated. What little contact was the brief moments of food being slipped through the door. The only words spoken were not to her but audible through the walls of her parents talking about what they should do. Talks of having her carted off to be 'purified' to perhaps hoping isolation and giving her scripture might perhaps clear the evil and reveal their actual child. Then, the eventual talk of 'putting her down' was what perhaps was the last straw for Vivian. She felt she had to escape and run away. It was at that time she first really heard the voice in her head. It had been at first a soothing melody seemingly lingering in the back of her mind she was unfamiliar with, but now it was speaking, beckoning her strangely despite lacking words.

Vivian managed to slip free of the room with the aid of the voice. Guided to use magic using water from the cup she was given she managed to pull open the latch, using it while her parents were gone to slip out. She gathered what she could as the thirteen year old simply snuck from her home. Alone and distrustful of the world and the people she ventured out. It was through that journey she really discovered how to manipulate people. She found people naturally attracted to her often being sympathetic. It was something she felt confident would fade if they were around her long term. Still she took advantage to get food and event shelter, though practicing caution with those she would put some trust in. All the while she journeyed feeling compelled by something in her mind nudging her northward. The familiar tune and the strange undecipherable voice guiding her.

It was just over seven months of traveling through she had come upon it. A shack nestled in the woods. It was in a way almost spooky yet strangely homely feeling at the same time. An air of both danger as well as comfort leaving her feeling almost uncertain. Still, she felt she had to approach it. The thirteen year old reaching the door as she touched it. A tingle ran through her spine. Any unease seeming to leave her as she slipped her hand down to the door handle not even hesitating as she opened it. The interior itself was almost other worldly. Rustic in appearance sporting various herbs and flowers hanging from the ceiling. A light smoke filled the cabin yet it's odor was oddly refreshing, an embodiment of the forest even more then the woods just outside the door. Within the center of the room an older looking woman sat. Her face wrinkled pale. A wide smile on her lips giving off an almost slightly creepy appearance yet strangely also quite friendly.

"Welcome home, my sweet lost lamb. How I have awaited for my precious daughter to come of age and find me as the pull did for me long ago."

Agnes Everfield was her name, her true birthmother. It had been her call that had offered her respite and lead her there. Vivian had grown cautious of others, yet she from her she felt an instant sort of trust with the woman. It was a feeling that she still remained hesitant to fully give into, but one that over time she slowly allowed to give way and find perhaps the one and only person in her life she ever felt she could fully trust. It was through Agnes that she got the name Vivian, calling it a 'rebirth' and welcoming her into a new life promising her a much more promising future.

Agnes was a hag... an old witch as some might say. She lived out on her own finding the occasional visitor she would make a deal with. Her deals were always ones of which tended to bring her the most benefit, with those who took the deals coming upon unexpected consequences. It was a warning she would give, but still few could resist the temptation she put before them. Of her ilk she was particularly 'kind', though such a description was perhaps generous given what horrors many awaited those willing to take her deals. Still, she wouldn't show outward hostility to those who might refuse, and would event give those who wanted simple help finding their way back on the path (after teasing them on making a deal) directions.

It was under her mother's tutelage that grew to be a strong magic user. She learned to harness Aqua magic she had some loose use of before as well as helping her fully realize the use of Tera magic. She learned to use Dark magic which lead ultimately to her connection with blood magic and it's unique and rather dark methods of casting. Much of the magic she learned was what most would see as morally questionable, but such a thing mattered little. To Vivian she already was an outcast. Magic in itself wasn't immoral, it was what it was ultimately used for that mattered. The ends to justify the means. In the end, it was all about oneself before anything else.

Nearly eight years had passed with Vivian learning under her mother. She became what could be considered a full fledged witch. Capable of using magic to a masterful degree and having holding a connection with Aether magic. What had been effectively a master and apprentice role had turned now into more of a partnership. While Agnes held more experience and as such sway, Vivian was given much her own say in matters although generally falling in line with her mother's desires. With her training for the most part complete it lead them to finding a long term goal. A goal for the two saw it as a chance to gather power. What other way to gain power and sway then the title of Sage of Clyde?

Vivian set off from her mother seeking to garner support acting as an adventurer. Such a job was far from rare in the region, but Vivian was rather talented under the hard work she put learning from her mother. Still, such skill in itself wouldn't be enough. The ends justified the means for Vivian and so she ensured what deeds she did do through Verdanian. She would enflame a group of bandits provoking them into a large scale invasion of a village framing them of having mocked them only to swoop in having planned it taking them out. She would stir up a monster within the wilds to ensure it might attempt to rampage the land only to show up and put a stop to it. Deeds that put others clearly at risk weren't at all out of the question. She felt confident in her abilities to manipulate the people and the situation without anyone getting harmed.

Sure enough over the coarse of just two years she had garnered a name for herself. Ultimately it was through her efforts coming in to the aid of the royal family to save them from an assassination plot exposing the deed and stopping the act (of which there is no proof she might of instigated the individual attempting the plot in some manipulative way to attempt such a thing). It is this deed that ultimately nudge her into being a candidate to being the next sage. It put her in the place she desired to be where it was just about using her influence to seize the role.

The Sage Trial Festival was where she managed to seal her spot. Her talent with manipulating people worked to her benefit not only having bolstered her own image but finding ways to make her opponents stumble. Spreading word against them and putting out rumors to create doubt. From there it was just about presenting herself using her magic tactfully highlighting the magic she was capable of that others would see in a positive light being selective of what elements of herself she would put forward. It was then about allowing her natural charisma and higher intellect to make herself look the most capable, a deed that helped her seize the title of Sage relatively comfortably although far from being able to seize a sweeping victory. A deed that she feels only was accomplished through her careful planning to push enough support that might of otherwise been a failed attempt at the title.

Her start at the sage was a bit strange at first. While her deeds had put a public spotlight on her before, it never was as constant as she had now. There wasn't the typical reprieve of which she would have doing her deed garnishing attention before heading off the next day. She found herself often put in the public eye. It was exposure at first she wasn't the most comfortable with though overtime she grew use to it.

In the short few years she has been serving as Sage, Vivian has had a small shift in her over-all approach to things. While still very much capable of being coldly logical, she has become far more cautious in putting the lives of others at risk. While she still acts to manipulate others to create the most beneficial outcome, a lot of her goals have become much more intertwined with the prosperity of Clyde. While she still claims the role is in order to benefit herself and her mother, whether it is her main concern or if she does so more as an added benefit by benefit Clyde is something Vivian if forced to question it might struggle to say even if she might claim otherwise.
Name: Lightbloom Greenwood
Age: 194
Place of Birth: Euroboros
Place of Residence: Euroboros
Occupation: diplomat
Description: lightbloom.png

Appearance: Lightbloom is a figure of natural grace, with earthy features and a serene countenance. His eyes, the color of deep ocean waters, exude calmness and depth, while his flowing hair, the hue of rich soil, cascades around his shoulders like a gentle waterfall. Clad in robes of mossy green and ocean blue, adorned with patterns reminiscent of swirling currents and ancient rock formations, Lightbloom appears as an embodiment of the elements he commands.

Personality: Lightbloom is grounded and steadfast, with a deep connection to the natural world. He possesses a tranquil demeanor and a gentle spirit, radiating warmth and compassion to all who cross his path. Though reserved at times, he harbors an inner strength and resilience forged by the enduring forces of earth and water. As a practitioner of chrono magic, he embraces the flow of time with reverence and understanding, viewing it as a tool for growth and transformation rather than a force to be controlled.


Physical Skills
  1. Martial Arts Proficiency: Lightbloom is trained in various martial arts disciplines, mastering techniques that emphasize fluidity and adaptability. He can execute precise strikes and evasive maneuvers, relying on his agility and combat expertise to overcome opponents.
  2. Athleticism: Grounded by his connection to the earth, Lightbloom possesses exceptional physical prowess and endurance. He can traverse challenging terrain with ease, scaling cliffs and navigating dense forests with agility and grace.
  3. Stealth and Subtlety: Like a shadow blending into the night, Lightbloom can move with stealth and subtlety, remaining undetected even in the most challenging environments. He employs silence and camouflage to evade detection and gain strategic advantages in covert operations.
  4. Survival Skills: With a deep understanding of the natural world, Lightbloom is adept at survival in wilderness settings. He can forage for food, find shelter, and navigate using celestial cues, relying on his instincts and knowledge of the land to endure and thrive in the wild.

Magical Skills (Each character gets two base elements and one divination that gives them three advanced classes of magic.)

First base element: water
second base element: earth
divination: chrono

Education: Mulgrave School of Magic

Weapon: mage staff
gear: mage robes
  1. Bladed Boomerang: Lightbloom wields a specially crafted boomerang with sharpened edges, allowing him to execute precise throws and strikes in combat. It serves as both a versatile weapon and a tool for ranged attacks, returning to him with a flick of his wrist.
  2. Utility Belt: Lightbloom carries a utility belt equipped with essential tools for survival and combat. This includes items such as throwing knives, grappling hooks, rope, and a small first aid kit, providing him with versatility and preparedness in various situations.
  3. Camouflaged Cloak: Lightbloom wears a cloak crafted from lightweight, camouflage-patterned fabric, allowing him to blend seamlessly into his surroundings. The cloak provides him with concealment and protection from the elements, enhancing his stealth and mobility in the wild.
  4. Waterskin and Rations: Lightbloom carries a waterskin filled with fresh water and a supply of travel rations, ensuring he remains hydrated and nourished during his adventures. These provisions sustain him during long journeys and provide energy for his physical exertions.
  5. Grapple Gauntlets: Lightbloom wears specialized gauntlets equipped with retractable grappling hooks, allowing him to scale vertical surfaces and navigate difficult terrain with ease. The gauntlets enhance his agility and mobility, granting him access to otherwise inaccessible locations.
  6. Tracking Compass: Lightbloom carries a compact compass with a built-in tracking device, allowing him to navigate through unfamiliar terrain with precision. The compass provides him with directional guidance and aids him in tracking targets or finding his way back to safety.

In the heart of a tranquil elven settlement nestled amidst verdant forests, Lightbloom and Darkbloom, twins bound by blood and shared experiences, grew up together. From an early age, Lightbloom's innate radiance seemed to eclipse his sister's efforts to shine, casting a shadow that grew ever more burdensome for Darkbloom. Despite her endeavors to carve her own path, the weight of comparison and unmet expectations gnawed at her soul, driving her to desperation.

One fateful night, consumed by bitterness and anguish, Darkbloom's anguish erupted in a blaze of destruction. A raging inferno engulfed their once-peaceful home, claiming the lives of some of Lightbloom's dearest friends. Though the flames were extinguished, the scars left behind were etched into the fabric of their community.

Despite the devastation, Lightbloom harbored no resentment towards his sister. Instead, he chose a path of forgiveness and compassion. Determined to heal the wounds of both his people and his fractured family, he resolved to become a diplomat, seeking to mend the fractures that divide societies and souls.

Driven by a desire to bring solace to others and to search for his lost sister, Lightbloom embarked on a journey that would take him to the farthest reaches of the world. With unwavering determination and boundless empathy, he traverses the lands, extending a hand of friendship and understanding to all who cross his path, while silently hoping to one day reunite with the sister he still holds dear in his heart.
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Name: Darkbloom
Age: 190
Place of Birth: Euroboros
Place of Residence: Nomad
Occupation: n/a
Description: darkbloom.png

Darkbloom, the twin sister of Lightbloom, is a vision of mysterious allure and quiet intensity. Her slender form is draped in flowing garments of deepest ebony, accentuating her ethereal beauty and enigmatic aura. Her eyes, the color of stormy seas under a moonless sky, hold a depth of emotion that hints at untold secrets and inner turmoil. Cascading waves of raven-black hair frame her pale, porcelain features, adding to her haunting allure. Despite the shadows that cling to her, there is a haunting elegance to her presence, a silent reminder of the delicate balance between light and darkness that resides within her soul.

Darkbloom is fiercely independent and deeply mistrustful, harboring a strong resentment towards her brother, Lightbloom. Consumed by a desire to prove herself and escape his shadow, she is driven by an insatiable hunger for power and recognition. Her ambition often blinds her to the needs and feelings of others, making her ruthless in her pursuit of her goals. Despite her outward strength, Darkbloom's heart is burdened with unresolved anger and bitterness, fueling her relentless quest for dominance and control.

  1. Swordsmanship: Darkbloom is highly skilled in the art of sword fighting, wielding her blade with precision and lethal efficiency. Her swift and calculated strikes make her a formidable opponent in close combat.
  2. Stealth and Infiltration: Darkbloom excels in moving silently and unseen, able to slip into heavily guarded areas without detection. Her ability to blend into shadows and avoid attention makes her an expert in espionage and sabotage.
  3. Agility and Acrobatics: With exceptional agility, Darkbloom can perform acrobatic feats such as flips, rolls, and leaps with ease. Her nimbleness allows her to navigate difficult terrain and evade attacks with grace.
  4. Tactical Awareness: Darkbloom has a keen sense of situational awareness and tactical planning. She can quickly assess her surroundings, identify threats, and develop effective strategies to overcome obstacles and adversaries.
  5. Hand-to-Hand Combat: In addition to her proficiency with weapons, Darkbloom is adept at unarmed combat. She can deliver powerful strikes and utilize grappling techniques to subdue her opponents.
  6. Survival Skills: Darkbloom is well-versed in survival techniques, including foraging, tracking, and building shelters. Her ability to endure harsh conditions and adapt to her environment makes her a resilient and resourceful survivor.

Magical Skills:
Base element 1: air
Base element 2: earth
Divination: cosmo

Education (Choose from one or two of the three available schools that have locations scattered through the continents.)
Mulgrave school of magic

  1. Shadowblade: A sleek, black sword with a slightly curved blade, designed for swift, silent strikes. Its lightweight construction allows for quick, precise movements, and it is enchanted to absorb light, making it difficult to see in low visibility.
  2. Throwing Knives: Darkbloom carries a set of finely balanced throwing knives concealed in her belt and boots. These knives are perfect for silent, ranged attacks, and she can throw them with deadly accuracy.
  3. Dagger: A sharp, double-edged dagger that she keeps strapped to her thigh. This weapon is ideal for close-quarters combat and can be used for both offense and defense.
  4. Garrote Wire: Hidden in a small compartment within her belt, Darkbloom carries a thin, strong garrote wire. This weapon is used for silent takedowns and assassination, allowing her to incapacitate targets quickly and quietly.
  5. Smoke Bombs: Small, spherical bombs that release a thick cloud of smoke when thrown, providing cover for stealthy escapes or surprise attacks. They are an essential tool for evasion and disorientation of her enemies.
  6. Poison Vials: Darkbloom carries vials of potent poison, which she can apply to her blades or use to contaminate food and drink. These poisons are crafted to incapacitate or kill with minimal detection.

  1. Stealth Cloak: A hooded cloak made from enchanted fabric that muffles sound and blends with shadows, making her nearly invisible in low-light conditions. The cloak also provides protection against the elements.
  2. Lightweight Armor: Darkbloom wears a set of lightweight, flexible armor made from a combination of leather and enchanted materials. This armor offers protection without sacrificing mobility, allowing her to move swiftly and silently.
  3. Utility Belt: A belt equipped with various pouches and compartments for carrying essential tools and weapons, including throwing knives, poison vials, and her garrote wire.
  4. Lockpicking Set: A compact set of lockpicking tools stored in a small pouch on her belt. These tools allow her to bypass locks and security mechanisms with ease.
  5. Boots of Silence: Custom-made boots with soft soles that allow her to move silently. The boots also have small compartments for concealing additional throwing knives or other small items.
  6. Night Vision Goggles: Enchanted goggles that enhance her vision in darkness, allowing her to see clearly in low-light conditions. These goggles are compact and can be worn or carried easily.
  7. Climbing Gear: A set of compact, lightweight climbing gear, including grappling hooks, retractable rope, and climbing spikes. This gear enables her to scale walls and navigate difficult terrain.
  8. Smoke Bombs: Small, easily accessible smoke bombs stored in a pouch on her belt. These are used for creating cover or disorienting enemies during combat or escape.
  9. Signal Whistle: A small, silent whistle that emits a high-pitched frequency only certain allies can hear, used for discreet communication or calling for backup without alerting enemies.
  10. First Aid Kit: A compact kit containing bandages, antiseptics, and basic medical supplies. This kit allows her to treat minor injuries and remain operational in the field.

  1. Enchanted Gloves: These gloves are designed to help channel her air and earth magic more effectively. They are made from a blend of lightweight leather and woven with mystical runes that enhance her control over the elements.
  2. Earthshaker Boots: Specially crafted boots that are imbued with earth magic, allowing Darkbloom to sense vibrations through the ground. These boots can also enhance her strength, enabling her to create small tremors or fissures in the earth with a stomp.
  3. Windcatcher Cloak: A cloak enchanted to harness air magic, allowing Darkbloom to manipulate the wind to glide short distances, move swiftly, and create gusts of wind for offense or defense.
  4. Diviner’s Orb: A small, crystalline orb that enhances her cosmic divination abilities. This orb can be used to scry distant locations, glimpse possible futures, and channel celestial energy for powerful spells.
  5. Spellbook of Celestial Insights: A tome containing ancient knowledge and spells related to cosmic divination. The book is filled with star charts, astrological symbols, and incantations that Darkbloom uses to enhance her divination practices.
  6. Earthen Bracers: Bracers made from a sturdy, enchanted stone that enhance her connection to the earth. These bracers can provide additional protection and can be used to manipulate earth and stone with greater precision.
  7. Feathered Amulet: An amulet adorned with a feather from a mythical bird, granting her enhanced control over air currents. This amulet also provides a slight boost to her agility and speed.
  8. Astrolabe Pendant: A pendant shaped like an ancient astrolabe, used for cosmic divination. It helps her focus her divinatory powers and can be used as a tool to chart celestial movements and alignments.
  9. Crystal Focus: A multi-faceted crystal that can be used to store and focus magical energy. It is especially useful for amplifying her spells and maintaining a reserve of magical power.
  10. Elemental Potions: Vials containing essences of air and earth, which can be consumed to temporarily boost her magical abilities. These potions provide quick bursts of elemental power when needed.

Darkbloom and Lightbloom, twin siblings, grew up in a tranquil elven settlement nestled within lush forests. From an early age, Darkbloom felt overshadowed by her brother's natural radiance and popularity. While Lightbloom's magic garnered admiration and praise, Darkbloom's abilities with air and earth magic, and her budding talent in cosmic divination, went largely unnoticed. This disparity ate away at her, fostering feelings of resentment and isolation.

Despite her efforts to step out of Lightbloom's shadow, Darkbloom struggled to gain recognition and appreciation from their community. Her frustration and jealousy grew, transforming into a burning desire to prove her worth and attain power. These feelings eventually culminated in a tragic incident. In a moment of intense anger and emotional turmoil, Darkbloom's uncontrolled magic sparked a massive fire that ravaged their village, claiming the lives of several of Lightbloom's friends.

The devastation left Darkbloom consumed with guilt and self-loathing, yet also more determined than ever to break free from the confines of her past. Unable to face her brother and the aftermath of her actions, she fled the settlement, seeking power and knowledge that would enable her to surpass Lightbloom and carve out her own legacy. Driven by a desire for independence and control, she delved deeper into her elemental magic and cosmic divination, honing her skills to near perfection.

In her self-imposed exile, Darkbloom became a solitary figure, trusting no one but herself. Her journey took her to forgotten ruins, ancient libraries, and mystical landscapes, each step bringing her closer to the formidable power she craved. Despite her hardened exterior, a part of her longed for reconciliation and a sense of belonging, though she would never admit it.

While Lightbloom became a diplomat, seeking to heal and unite, Darkbloom's path was one of power and vengeance. She sought to prove her strength not only to herself but to all those who had underestimated her. Yet, beneath her ambitions and resentment, there lingered a flicker of the bond she once shared with her brother—a bond that, despite everything, she could never entirely sever.
Magical Table Mulgrave School of Magic New
ChronoDelay fire spellsScry?Chloro/Petrification
CosmicCall down MeteorsMaelstrom?Matter manipulation
LuxDivine FlamesIce Spire/PurifyVibraChloro/Tamer

Origin of Erde​


Before there was Erde, there was only the Ether, and Nether realms that made up the Dreamscape. This was a chaotic time filled with war and uncertainty. The Nether Realm factions constantly tried to invade the Ether Realm. The gods refused to intervene until a false god stole seeds of creation from the tree of life, His name, Asmodeus. Turning them into cursed warriors called the Seeds of Corruption. A group of greater demons that served the false god. The Seeds Of Corruption lead the invasion of the Ether Realm with the Asmodeus’s forces. The races living under the god’s protection asked for divine intervention. The gods answered their prayers by sending warriors helping them known as The Exalted ones. Gilgamesh, Lilith, Hercules, and Virgil. These Warriors beat back Asmodeus’s army and closed the gate between the realms. However, Virgil had gone with the demons. In exchange for immortality, Virgil gave Lilith to Asmodeus. The false god planted a seed of corruption within Lilith and turned her into his berserker. Tormenting her soul until she had gone mad with rage and anguish. Lilith and Virgil betrayed the others leading another invasion that threatened the existence of the dreamscape. The gods that held the pillars of existence separated the dreamscape into three realms to preserve reality. Calling this new realm Erde, where the lesser races under the gods and angelic could live in peace. Free from the tyranny of the False God Asmodeus. But the separation could not spare Erde from the corruption of Asmodeus. He planted his two remaining seeds creating gates between the three realms and planting corruption in the realm of Erde, awaiting his chance to once again invade and take control of the dreamscape reshaping reality to his own liking. Feeding on the evil and tragedy his apostles sew for a chance to serve him in his new world.

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