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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

yuki's blush grew at the hug. "Gods, you're adorable. Well umm . . . i would love to stay forever in your arms, but we should probably go home."

"Well, tomorrow i'm joining in with your studying, and watching your eating habits. I don't need you exhausted and have eating disorders. That's not happening."

Malvo paused at that, soon blinking and loosening her hold with a gentle sigh. Rubbing the back of her head, she kept her smile. "Right... Let's head back."

Reaver blinked, shrugging as his smirk stretched to a warm smile while watching him. "If that's what ya wanna do - be bored with me as ya watch me study and eat."
Malvo paused at that, soon blinking and loosening her hold with a gentle sigh. Rubbing the back of her head, she kept her smile. "Right... Let's head back."

Reaver blinked, shrugging as his smirk stretched to a warm smile while watching him. "If that's what ya wanna do - be bored with me as ya watch me study and eat."

Yuki nodded. She pulled her wallet before having the waiter bring their bill. "So half right? How much Midgard dollars are half of this currency?"

"Naaaaaaaah, besides, i can count the freckles on your face." He took a bite of the potatoes with a smirk.
Yuki nodded. She pulled her wallet before having the waiter bring their bill. "So half right? How much Midgard dollars are half of this currency?"

"Naaaaaaaah, besides, i can count the freckles on your face." He took a bite of the potatoes with a smirk.

Malvo removed her wallet, as she took a peek at the bill. Clicking her tongue once she got it. "Oh! Uh, Ah, ten dollars. Nice and even." She smiled, taking out a five.

Reaver laughed gently at that, finishing off his own food as he flicked an ear. "Well, I'll enjoy yer company, nonetheless."
Malvo removed her wallet, as she took a peek at the bill. Clicking her tongue once she got it. "Oh! Uh, Ah, ten dollars. Nice and even." She smiled, taking out a five.

Reaver laughed gently at that, finishing off his own food as he flicked an ear. "Well, I'll enjoy yer company, nonetheless."

Yuki nodded, bringing out a five. "What's on your money anyways? In Midgard, we have presidents on ours."

"Good. Just make sure you can keep your attention on studying because i've been told that i'm a distraction." He squinted at his sisters who giggled.

"I mean, we are right." Alison said. "When we bring you to the library, you get bored and start goofing off. One time, you literally had us thrown out of the library because you kept messing with the librarian."

Graham crossed his arms and humphed. "Hey! It's thanks to Reaver, Adrian, and Valerie for that! If they never came to our home, I wouldn't even know what fun is!"
Yuki nodded, bringing out a five. "What's on your money anyways? In Midgard, we have presidents on ours."

"Good. Just make sure you can keep your attention on studying because i've been told that i'm a distraction." He squinted at his sisters who giggled.

"I mean, we are right." Alison said. "When we bring you to the library, you get bored and start goofing off. One time, you literally had us thrown out of the library because you kept messing with the librarian."

Graham crossed his arms and humphed. "Hey! It's thanks to Reaver, Adrian, and Valerie for that! If they never came to our home, I wouldn't even know what fun is!"

"It ranges between countries, but it's all still gold, silver and copper wherever ya go. Like here in Fórrelden, on the gold coin it's the Maker's Crest, which is the head of a unicorn, and on the back of that is the crest of our family - which is the wolf. The silver is the only one that is the same in all four regions, as it has the crest of the Shadow Father and the Light Father on one side, which is the Dragon and the Bobcat - and on the back of that is Grandfather Odin's known crest. Then the copper has a gryphon on one side, and a ship on the other."


"Is it really fun nearly getting banned from the library?" Zuzana arched a brow, Adrian having grinned as he leaned back and sipped his drink.

"More fun than you'd think." Adrian snickered, gesturing his glass to Reaver. "Mister Pyro over here nearly got us kicked out of the bakery, once."

"I was baking." Reaver huffed.

"With your flamethrower." Valerie added, a grin on her face.

"Hey! With the temperature my baby reaches, you'd think it would cook bread quicker than it normally takes. And I was right! It may have been burnt, and I may have almost burned the building down... but I was right!"

Chloe snickered, having been seated on the other side of Reaver as she'd playfully pat his shoulder. "It's a miracle ya bake so well."

"Truly." Reaver smirked, snickering.
"It ranges between countries, but it's all still gold, silver and copper wherever ya go. Like here in Fórrelden, on the gold coin it's the Maker's Crest, which is the head of a unicorn, and on the back of that is the crest of our family - which is the wolf. The silver is the only one that is the same in all four regions, as it has the crest of the Shadow Father and the Light Father on one side, which is the Dragon and the Bobcat - and on the back of that is Grandfather Odin's known crest. Then the copper has a gryphon on one side, and a ship on the other."


"Is it really fun nearly getting banned from the library?" Zuzana arched a brow, Adrian having grinned as he leaned back and sipped his drink.

"More fun than you'd think." Adrian snickered, gesturing his glass to Reaver. "Mister Pyro over here nearly got us kicked out of the bakery, once."

"I was baking." Reaver huffed.

"With your flamethrower." Valerie added, a grin on her face.

"Hey! With the temperature my baby reaches, you'd think it would cook bread quicker than it normally takes. And I was right! It may have been burnt, and I may have almost burned the building down... but I was right!"

Chloe snickered, having been seated on the other side of Reaver as she'd playfully pat his shoulder. "It's a miracle ya bake so well."

"Truly." Reaver smirked, snickering.

"Wow! Your coins sound so coooool! I want some of that. Which one is the most expensive? Gold?"

Graham laughed. "Ah, I remember the first time you baked for the family. Your famous caramel lava cakes with vanilla ice-cream on the side. Wait a second, you're cooking and baking is the reason why I have a food addiction now! . . . Thanks." Graham daydreamed about all the food that he had eaten from Reaver's cooking and baking. A huge smile placed onto his lips as his mind wandered off to the idea of Reaver covered in chocol- WHOA! GRAHAM CHILL! LET"S KEEP IT SEMI-PG-13! As Graham was saying.

"Wow! Your coins sound so coooool! I want some of that. Which one is the most expensive? Gold?"

Graham laughed. "Ah, I remember the first time you baked for the family. Your famous caramel lava cakes with vanilla ice-cream on the side. Wait a second, you're cooking and baking is the reason why I have a food addiction now! . . . Thanks." Graham daydreamed about all the food that he had eaten from Reaver's cooking and baking. A huge smile placed onto his lips as his mind wandered off to the idea of Reaver covered in chocol- WHOA! GRAHAM CHILL! LET"S KEEP IT SEMI-PG-13! As Graham was saying.


"Yep." Malvo nodded in agreement, a smile forming on her face before she'd then perk her ears. "I've got a few, if ya want 'em?"

Reaver kept a grin, leaning back. "Yer welcome. I honestly wasn't sure you guys would like it."

Dei-Loki perked at the mention of caramel, looking over to Reaver as he blinked with an innocent yet childishly eager smile. "I don't suppooooooose y' could make those sometime in the near future?"
"Yep." Malvo nodded in agreement, a smile forming on her face before she'd then perk her ears. "I've got a few, if ya want 'em?"

Reaver kept a grin, leaning back. "Yer welcome. I honestly wasn't sure you guys would like it."

Dei-Loki perked at the mention of caramel, looking over to Reaver as he blinked with an innocent yet childishly eager smile. "I don't suppooooooose y' could make those sometime in the near future?"

"Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase? These would be amazing tokens with the rest of the knick knacks that i get from other dimensions."

Graham moved closer to Reaver, putting his lips near Reaver's cheek. "If you love me, and Dei, and Malvo, and everyone else, you would make more. A lot more. I want two please. I'll do whatever you want. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase."
"Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase? These would be amazing tokens with the rest of the knick knacks that i get from other dimensions."

Graham moved closer to Reaver, putting his lips near Reaver's cheek. "If you love me, and Dei, and Malvo, and everyone else, you would make more. A lot more. I want two please. I'll do whatever you want. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase."

Malvo nodded and closed her eyes with a gentle laugh - sorting through her wallet before taking out one of each before handing them over. "Here ya go."

"I want two, too!" Dei-Loki's smile remained the same as he brought his hands together, interlacing his fingers with one and other. "Pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase, uncle woof?"

Reaver moved his attention back and forth between Graham and Dei-Loki, a grin soon forming on his face as he'd sigh before bringing an arm around Graham. "I suppooose I can make more fer all you guys."
Malvo nodded and closed her eyes with a gentle laugh - sorting through her wallet before taking out one of each before handing them over. "Here ya go."

"I want two, too!" Dei-Loki's smile remained the same as he brought his hands together, interlacing his fingers with one and other. "Pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase, uncle woof?"

Reaver moved his attention back and forth between Graham and Dei-Loki, a grin soon forming on his face as he'd sigh before bringing an arm around Graham. "I suppooose I can make more fer all you guys."

Yuki took the coins, examining the contently. "Thanks!" She put the coins into a black bag of hers before putting it in her pocket. "Alright, let's go." Yuki stood up.

Graham leaned in and kissed his cheek before cheering. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! CARAMEL LAVA CAKES!" Graham stood up, and began to drag Reaver to the kitchen even in the chair.
Yuki took the coins, examining the contently. "Thanks!" She put the coins into a black bag of hers before putting it in her pocket. "Alright, let's go." Yuki stood up.

Graham leaned in and kissed his cheek before cheering. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! CARAMEL LAVA CAKES!" Graham stood up, and began to drag Reaver to the kitchen even in the chair.

Malvo laughed gently, nodding to Yuki's thank you before having stood up, as well.

Reaver would blink, grinning from the kiss before he widened his eyes as he was dragged. "WEEEEEEEEEE!"
Malvo laughed gently, nodding to Yuki's thank you before having stood up, as well.

Reaver would blink, grinning from the kiss before he widened his eyes as he was dragged. "WEEEEEEEEEE!"

Yuki opened the door for Malvo and bowed. They walked to their carriage. Yuki's smile was big and full of joy as her eyes twinkled like she just got her first ever gift. "I can't wait to tell my brother! Wait! Can I? Would you mind if people knew about us, or do you just want it a secret for awhile? Because i'm okay with keeping it secret."

Graham then spun Reaver's chair into the kitchen and placed him in front of the fridge. If Graham ever had a tail, it would've flew off his body and gone somewhere far, far away from how excited and happy he was. He was truly a huuuuuuuuuuge puppy in every aspect of his personality. "Tell me what to do and i'll do it!" Graham saluted.
Yuki opened the door for Malvo and bowed. They walked to their carriage. Yuki's smile was big and full of joy as her eyes twinkled like she just got her first ever gift. "I can't wait to tell my brother! Wait! Can I? Would you mind if people knew about us, or do you just want it a secret for awhile? Because i'm okay with keeping it secret."

Graham then spun Reaver's chair into the kitchen and placed him in front of the fridge. If Graham ever had a tail, it would've flew off his body and gone somewhere far, far away from how excited and happy he was. He was truly a huuuuuuuuuuge puppy in every aspect of his personality. "Tell me what to do and i'll do it!" Graham saluted.

Malvo laughed softly, heading out as she led the way to the horses - soon turning to face Yuki. "Nah, y' can tell him. They're gonna find out sooner or later, anyhow. I know uncle grizzly and Dei-Loki are gonna probably be buggin' me fer answers, anyways."


Reaver flicked an ear, standing up as he checked the fridge before looking to Graham. A smile forming on his face. "I need ya to get the recipe book with all the notes in it. Y' remember where it is?"
Malvo laughed softly, heading out as she led the way to the horses - soon turning to face Yuki. "Nah, y' can tell him. They're gonna find out sooner or later, anyhow. I know uncle grizzly and Dei-Loki are gonna probably be buggin' me fer answers, anyways."


Reaver flicked an ear, standing up as he checked the fridge before looking to Graham. A smile forming on his face. "I need ya to get the recipe book with all the notes in it. Y' remember where it is?"

"WEEEEEEEEEEEE! Are you . . . nervous at all?"

Graham scratched the back of his head. "Next to the gloves compartment?" He pointed to the shelves that he thought had the book, looking over to Reaver to see what he would say.
"WEEEEEEEEEEEE! Are you . . . nervous at all?"

Graham scratched the back of his head. "Next to the gloves compartment?" He pointed to the shelves that he thought had the book, looking over to Reaver to see what he would say.

"T' be honest?.. yeah. I haven't been in a relationship in a while. Just a bit scared I might mess it up somehow."

Reaver followed Graham's gesture with his eyes, two armfuls of different types of ingredients he needed as he'd nod and grin. "Yep! I think that's where I left it, anyhow... think y' could get it down fer me?"
"T' be honest?.. yeah. I haven't been in a relationship in a while. Just a bit scared I might mess it up somehow."

Reaver followed Graham's gesture with his eyes, two armfuls of different types of ingredients he needed as he'd nod and grin. "Yep! I think that's where I left it, anyhow... think y' could get it down fer me?"

Yuki gave a sincere smile and laid her lips softly on Malvo's temple. "There's nothing to worry about, Pooka. I could never leave your side. You give people around you a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig smile, and I like that. I love that you can go anywhere, and someone is happy because of you."

Graham nodded, zooming over, opening the drawer, and grabbing the recipe book. He then went over to Reaver with a smile.
Yuki gave a sincere smile and laid her lips softly on Malvo's temple. "There's nothing to worry about, Pooka. I could never leave your side. You give people around you a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig smile, and I like that. I love that you can go anywhere, and someone is happy because of you."

Graham nodded, zooming over, opening the drawer, and grabbing the recipe book. He then went over to Reaver with a smile.

Malvo perked a bit at that, a small blush forming on her face from the kiss before she'd then smile once more. "I'll take yer word for it."

Reaver moved to place the ingredients on the counter, glancing to Graham as he'd both return the smile, and slightly hold his hand out for the book.
Malvo perked a bit at that, a small blush forming on her face from the kiss before she'd then smile once more. "I'll take yer word for it."

Reaver moved to place the ingredients on the counter, glancing to Graham as he'd both return the smile, and slightly hold his hand out for the book.

Yuki then smiled before hitting her horse's hind with her hell gently. The horse began to pick up pace.

Graham placed the book into Reaver's hands and stared at it as if it was a sacred, spiritual book. "What's next, babe?"
Yuki then smiled before hitting her horse's hind with her hell gently. The horse began to pick up pace.

Graham placed the book into Reaver's hands and stared at it as if it was a sacred, spiritual book. "What's next, babe?"

Mounting her own horse, Malvo mimicked the action before beginning to lead the way back. "... OH! I, uhm... also wanted t' ask you something."

Reaver gently took the book, flipping it open as he'd search for the recipe and, when he found it, he set the book on the counter while skimming through it. "The only other ingredients I need t' have gotten are the sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt. If y' could gather those, I'll melt the butter."
Buh'roham was rather curious what would happen and he set his equipment down. "U2, go ahead and shut down for now." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Melwyn once outside, threw the vial a fair distance away from himself, the concoction soon bursting into blue fire, which spread through the grass. "oh" he said in surprise. as he watched the flames begin to die down.

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