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Fantasy The world of Alvanya (Open for new people)

"Ok, but don't we need supplies?"

"And also, we need to tell our families" then he realized that Tobi lost his family "oh, sorry"
"No no we can not I'm afraid if anyone there finds out I'm the prince I'm going to be in hell"
"Oh. Ok," he smirks, then yells at the top of his lungs "ALL HAIL THE CROWNED PRINCE"

He laughs

"Sorry, sorry, couldn't resist"

(} :) )
Tobi jumps out his cape makes him look badass as he lands normally "Heh this should be fun"
As they start walking, some men step into their path "And just where do you think your going?" One of them ask

(wanna use some magic now?)
Tobi wipes the blood off of Anthony's face as well "They got in our way and right now we can not have that"
yuki walked father ahead of the two boys but shes hiding in the trees watching them to make sure they are safe
"*Sigh* Sometimes it sucks though"

Tobi continued walking until they reached half way between the lands

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