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Fantasy The world of Alvanya (Open for new people)

"you must go to learn how to use your powers correctly, so you don't hurt yourself or others"

"im sorry, but thats the way it must be"

(sry, got to go for a while)
Tobi curled up into a ball "This is hell no this is worse than hell" He muttered to himself


Shinnosuke808 said:
"you must go to learn how to use your powers correctly, so you don't hurt yourself or others"
"im sorry, but thats the way it must be"

(sry, got to go for a while)
(See ya)
(hey im back)

"you will leave for your school in five days, which should be enough time for you to pack" Joanas turns around and leaves with his helpers
(Oh welcome back..... xD ) Tobi starts to calm down "It's not the idea of school that bothers me but what people will be like to me there after all I am the prince"
Tobi sighs "Sure sounds nice..........CONSTANT SUPERVISION!!!!!" Tobi starts to get annoyed as his fist lights on fire "This girl is my wife I would not do anything she does not ask of me and vise-versa so if you think you can stop me from loving her you have got another thing coming"
Anthony walks into the room "woah. that was bad. im sorry for bringing them in..." "he looks out the windows, then whispers "we must run away while we can"

" I know the school that he came from, its like a boot camp"
Tobi gets up and walks to the kid with his fist ablaze and holds it close to the kids face "What did you just call me!"
"lets leave on your count" anthony says, and he whispers " 'O lord Tobi"

"youll have to leave sooner than later, and if we leave now, we can catch them by suprise"
"DO I NOT HAVE A CHOICE!!!!!" Tobi calms down "Fine we can leave" He says putting on a traveling cloak "I suppose it's better then here but where will we go?"
"How about to the water lands?" He says "the only people that they don't let in are the fire... Oh."

"Never mind"

"How about the air lands?" He asks
"No actually that sounds fine just gotta keep me on the down-low ya know?''

(Not sure why I added no but YOLO xD )

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