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One x One The World Between (Closed)

Name: Oren

Age: 35

Appearance: Oren has short black hair in contrast to his relatively pale skin, generally just cut by him when it gets long enough to be "in the way" as he says it. He has a very expressive face with sharp features, a rather pronounced chin and cheekbones, and two green eyes. At only 5' 9", he isn't all that impressive in terms of height, and while not particularly muscular, has something of a runner's body with lean muscle. (I can try to look for a picture online if you'd like.)

Oren is generally found wearing his traveling clothes. Usually he wears a plain shirt, a thick jacket, (though in warmer climates, he'll often leave that behind.) pants that have been patched at the knees a couple of times, and a good pair of boots. He always carries his magical catalyst, a blue crystal held in his palm, in a small bag at his hip.

Abilities: Being a mage, Oren can cast quite a few spells. Rather than any elemental magic, Oren is more focused on the arcane. He uses a shimmering blue energy that he can form and shape into different things. He can turn the energy into a weapon for himself or fire it off like bolts, as well as using it to grab objects or other more mundane tasks.

Doing this costs him a lot of energy, and overuse of magic can cause Oren to feel woozy or even go as far as causing him to pass out.

Personality: Oren is a rather innocent person. He's quick to trust or forgive, and is by some definitions naive. He does his best to do the right thing and generally cares about people. He can be forward and occasionally cocky, though not in a malicious way. He's quick to get flustered and can often be found stumbling over words when this happens.

Oren is usually optimistic and rarely serious, but is very private when it comes to his past, only sharing things about it when he feels comfortable around whoever it is he's with.

(Might be a bit barebones.)
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Name: Avery

Age: 32

Appearance: Avery is considered a very beautiful person. She has pale skin with freckles along her nose and cheekbones, with bright blue eyes and dark curly brown hair that reaches the small of her back. She's tiny, too, only reaching 5 feet in height. I'm the clothing department she sticks with multicolored skinny jeans and white and black t shirts. She's been told these outfits show off her "soft curves", but to be honest she has no idea what that means.

Abilities: She hasn't figured it out yet, but she has the power to manipulate and use shadows. She can shape them and use them as weapons or tools, hide in them for protection, and if she wants, she can even turn into one. But it all takes practice and experience, two things she doesn't have.

Personality: Avery is a bubbly character, always smiling and always asking questions. She still has her child's innocence, but when she's angry it flies out the window. (I'll roleplay out the rest)

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