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The World Between (Closed)

Go ahead and post your character sheet and I'll follow suit :3
Oren's boot hit the mud, sinking in farther than he had expected. He pulled, but only managed to get his foot out of the boot. He put his hand to his hip, careful not to get his socks covered in muck. The boot lifted up out of the swamp and he put it back onto his foot, choosing a different route. He kept his eyes open for plants that could be used in medicine or cooking. Most of The Marshes was useless overgrowth and mud, but every once in awhile, one can stumble across something worthwhile. Oren knelt at a plant under the shade of a tree.

This particular herb was one of the strongest sedatives to be found. One pinch of the stuff can knock out a fully grown man. This plant would probably be enough for two dozen doses. Oren wasn't exactly glad to be in The Marshes. Between the wildlife and the murk, spending time here was one of his least favorite things to do. But a job is a job, and he'd be getting a fair price for any useful herbs he brought in. He decided to get as much as he could fit in his bag before leaving. That way, he'd get plenty of money and be able to hitch a ride back to Astria with one of the traders that was likely going to buy the plants Oren himself was gathering.

His search for plants, before he had realized it, had brought him much closer to The Dark than he was normally comfortable with. He plucked all of the leaves off of the plant that he had found and decided it was time to head back. His pack was nearly full, and he had gotten within twenty feet of stepping into a cloud of certain death.
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Darkness is what Avery saw. The hospital beeping faded out and the pain numbed away. She could hear the sons of her mother and the choking of her father. No doubt her brother was standing in shock. "Mommy!" A shrill shriek sounded. And then all was dark. And then it wasn't.

She looked around wildly, but all she saw was smoke. Whispers, broken promises called her in deeper, but she resisted. She followed the sound of nature, an uninviting sound of a bird drawing her near the edge. She broke through the smoke and collapsed on her knees on the other side, gasping in the air that seemed so much more pure compared to the smoke.

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Oren heard the pounding of footsteps running and looked around them. It sounded as if they were coming from The Dark, but that was impossible. He glanced around him, waiting to see who was running, and what they were running from among the trees, but between the mist, overgrowth, and the fact that he was looking for was actually directly behind him, he couldn't see anything. It wasn't until she had burst from inside The Dark that Oren decided that it wasn't impossible. But it did make him suspicious as to who or what this person actually was, because as far as he could tell, she wasn't driven mad by it.

This was the first he had heard of anyone getting out of The Dark on their own. She didn't even look particularly affected. She certainly wasn't mumbling to herself or completely gone from reality, and that made Oren suspicious. But he could also see that her clothes were odd, definitely not made anywhere in this world, and that she didn't recognize her surroundings at all. She was a new arrival that had been dropped into The Dark, and that made Oren concerned for her. In the end, concern won out.

He came over to her and knelt down, not getting too close, on the off chance there was a side effect of touching someone who had just been in The Dark. "It's okay. You're safe here, don't worry."
Avery flinched back from him, scooting away. She was still clad in her hospital gown. "What is this place? Is this a side effect of the morphine or something?" She hissed. She racked her brain for an explanation, still coughing from the smoke filled place she had just come from. Strange, it didn't travel like smoke, it was just.. There. Her shadow, drawn behind her, morphed, forming jagged edges that obviously weren't on her body.
(Sorry about missing last night. Had to take my car into the mechanic and deal with all kinds of fun things.)

Oren saw the shadow but decided that he could wait to address that with her. He tucked the information into the back of his mind and assumed that it was just magic from another world that he didn't understand. What likely couldn't wait was getting her someplace safe and warm, so he couldn't sit there and answer too many of her questions. At least not entirely. People tend to become much more difficult when they find out that they've died.

"This place is called The Marshes." He paused for just a moment, deciding not to ask what 'morphine' was. "There's a little town nearby where we can get you something to eat and something to wear. Can you walk?"

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