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Fandom The Wonders of Childcare


New Member
Dr. Dmitri glanced over the screen.

The results were all disappointing. He had hoped for numbers greater than this, for the testing to give him results beyond his expectations. But his subject had failed him again, caused the great scientist to fail at reaching his qouta. To say he was surprised would be a lie; he was no stranger to the embrace of failure when it came to this particular subject. Yes, they'd managed to live years longer than the likes of their predecessors--other test subjects with less skill than the current one--but they failed the most of them all during the testing periods. The Doctor didn't acknowledge the door sliding open behind him, revealing his assistants with scratched clothing and gashes on their arms.

"Another failure from the subject, " Dimitri sighed. "Still, we know that electricity can prove to be an extremely excruciating punishment method."

"Termination seems like the quickest option, " One Assistant muttered.

"The General will be very displeased if we destroy another of his creations." Dimitri responded calmly, shuffling the result papers into a more appropriate order. "We just need to push harder, and perhaps then some of the internal assets it's been gifted will finally come to light."

Then the door opened once again, revealing another assistant panting for breath in the doorway. They all watched in impatience as he took time to catch his breath before speaking to them. "We have...an incoming intruder!"

"Armed forces?"

"No! Her!"
Diana landed with a thundering boom. She had been en route to a place in America when she intercepted a transmission about a cruel experiments in the USSR. She had hated them purely for their terrible crimes and now she could enact her revenge.

The facility she arrived at appeared to be simple, yet heavily fortified. Using her bracelets to deflect the bullets, Diana rushed over and broke one of the sentry guns before rushing over to break the next one.
Sometimes they make it too easy, She thought to herself with a smile.

Bursting through the front doors, Diana Took out the guards. They would have to be questions, but not now. Now she raced through the facility. Something aight her eyes. A flash of yellow in this grim place. Diana shook it off and burst through the door where doctor Dimitri was.
“Hello Conrad,” Diana mocked his people.

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