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Fantasy The Wolves (Main)

Green Hills was for the newest, the youngest of wolves and pups. It was scary for the newbies, but some were excited about it. When one first arrives, it's beautiful there; birds are singing, mice are squeaking. The sky is a bright blue with some soft, white clouds. The grass was bright, lush green, and had some rocks here and there. As you travel deeper into Green Hills, there is a river from a waterfall. There also is a huge tree that some use as a meeting spot or a landmark. It also contains the following animals: bears, bobcats, bulls, cougars, doe, opossum, rats, sheep, skunks, stags, tigers, and moose. And of course, wolves. They can all help each other in the long run.​
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Leaving their mother was heartbreaking, especially for Layla. But Lex took this as an opportunity to make friends and learn things on his own. As they finally arrived at Green Hills, Layla whimpered and hid behind her brother. "Come on, Layla! Let's go check it out!" Lex said, his tail wagging.

"Not unless you let me follow behind you!" Layla pouted.

"All right, fine." They argued all the time, but would always come to an agreement.

"Wow!" Lex said when the sun lit up where they stood. His sister took notice to the beauty there and stood next to her brother, "woah!"

They both trailed out and looked at pretty much everything. The beauty was completely breathtaking to the pups, especially Lex. He had always had dreams that he would see this place. And it had finally come true. Eyeing around, they saw wolves they had never seen before, running around after some small mammals. "Look, Lex," Layla pointed out. She was staring at a rat, just sitting nearby.

"Do you want it?" Lex questioned, his eyes remained on the rat. Layla nodded slowly, trying not to do any sudden movements. Lex then chased after it when her budged a paw. He caught it after some time chasing it and gave it to his sister," here, Layla." Layla did a eye-closed smile to her brother and began eating the small rat.​

Elias was pumped for this new adventure he would be heading into, he was so excited to be completely honest, when he walked into the forest he immediately saw a rat and chased it until it was gobbled up by another wolf and it's friend, well they actually looked like siblings but he thought it was slightly rude to assume things about people,he looked at the male,"H-hey, I was chasing the rodent, I was going to eat him!"he pouted towards the other male, he was actually a little hungry he hadn't ate in about a day or two, his tail was slightly down like he was kind of scarred of them, the male looked pretty strong and the female did as well.

Lex could smell of another wolf close by, his gold eyes looked up at the sound of a voice. It was another as young as them both. "Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to catch you one?" no, it wasn't in his nature to be friendly towards others; but he felt the need to be a good role-model for his sister.

Layla felt bad and shrunk her ears backwards. Lex sighed; he completely hated ever seeing his sister sad. A low growl erupted from his throat but then soothed himself. He wanted to be a leader of a pack in the near future; so he didn't want to be the one who would start any fights at this age.​
Location: Green Hills

Being the oldest on Green Hills was different to Jessie. There were only gray wolves, he was a dhole wolf. He sighed from this thought. He simply pawed at the ground, his sister had already moved on without him to Dark Forest. While he was stuck here in his lonesome. Looking up he spotted a doe. His gold eyes staring at the doe was eating some grass. "Well aren't I in luck?" he muttered to himself. He then thrust himself at the deer, killing it in a matter of seconds.

A sudden thought hit him, how am I supposed to eat this? I'll be the size of a moose if I do!
Elias looked at the two as they turned their heads towards his voice, he slightly whimpered when he hard the masculine wolf slightly growl, his tail dropping he was scarred and nervous of them, his ears falling back a little until he heard the boy ask him a very sweet and kind offer, his heart jumped from it, the boy looked rather handsome by appearance but he shaked the idea off, he had no shot being an alpha.
" You'll really do that for me? Your so kind and sweet,thank you so much!"
His tail slightly wagged side to side.​
Lex watched the other pup with a calm expression. His sister smiled and bumped Lex's shoulder playfully. "Yeah, sure," Lex replied, with a calm tone. He flicked his ears and looked around, spotting another rat, except it was more plump. Crouching down with his eyes on the rat, began to edge closer. "Lex, look!" Layla howled lowly. Lex looked over to see a dhole wolf with a doe. Never seeing that kind of breed before, he stood straight up.​
Elias yelped happily as they agreed to give him a mice his tail still wagging happily as they did,he saw the boy flick his eras and he did the same happily, his attention soon turned to the sister and then to alone wolf with a doe, he waled up to Lex's side he was a little smaller than Lex, he looked at the lone wolf and back to lex
"What do you think he's doing?"
he asked a stupid question really, he just wanted to talk to the dude really.
Lex shot Elias an unserious expression that said 'seriously? What kind of question is that? It's obvious what he's doing.' All that in one look. Lex began to slowly approach the dhole wolf with a broad expression. His muscles rippling underneath his gray pelt. Making quite an entrance walking up to him.​
Location: Green Hills

Jessie sighed. He madly missed his sister. She'd be the wolf to share the doe with him. She was a month older than him and he happened to meet her for the first time a month ago. Until, she was sent to the next island, Dark Forest. There was no telling where she was now or what she could be doing. It shook him to his core to think something bad could've happened to her.

A smell had then knocked him out of his thoughts. His gold eyes immediately shot to three younger wolves. He stood up and stared at them. "Hello, there," he spoke, his voice deeper than there's. "Is there something you need help with?" He then remembered about the doe lying dead by him. "Would you guys like to share this doe with me?" Jessie assumed they must be much younger than him, sense he hadn't recognized their scents until now.​
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Elias looked at Lex happily, ready to make a whole conservation with the prideful boy, until he game him 'the' look,
Elias's ears flopped down in sadness and his tall dropped and he whimpered a little from the look and just followed the siblings to the lone wolf, he offers them some of the doe
"W-well...I could really go for some doe.......thank you for the offer!"
he said walking to the doe's ripped corpse, he waited to see what the other wolves would do before he would eat some of the corpse.
(Thanks for the tag as well! I’ll probably just lurk and read for now though. I feel like this group would be too fast-paced for me rn. Might post and join in a little later. c: )
Lex muttered something under his breath and went over and ate next to Elias. His sister had a rat and some how always ended up with a full stomach. "So this is fine with you?" Lex asked to dhole wolf. He didn't want to seem like too much of a burden to him. Since he was by himself and was with the doe.​
Location: Green Hills

"No, no really it is all right. There's plenty to go around!" Jessie said, reassuring them. He then tore off a large chunk of the doe and ate it, to give them some space. Jessie wasn't the best with meeting new other wolves. He eyed around them and at the she-pup that was with them. She seemed not hungry, so he then shrugged it off.​
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Elias looked at the other wolf happily, he actually got to eat something that wasn't mice!
"Thank you,so much!"
he ripped out a flesh of meat after he had thanked the masculine wolf, he was slightly careful though he didn't want to get to much blood on it's fur because he would have to clean it.

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