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The Wildling Hunt

[SIZE= 48px]The Story Begins[/SIZE]
It is the early days of Winter in the Herd Lands and a couple of lonely Travelers have made their way to Diona's Forest seeking to make offerings to the Seeress in hopes that she will lead a Wildling into their Paths.


Roleplay between @DemonKitten @call me rae
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It was nearing the end of the Wet Cold season as Nebibi made his slow trek towards Diona’s forest, he was moving from the Caravan lands along the sun facing side of the forest. He knew he would attempt to skirt the outer edges until he could hunt in the direction of his old home. Whether he caught answers or a Wildling a deep instinct told him to head for his mountain home.

Much the same instinct that had the path largely bare of the Great Caravans of the Herd Tauri. They would come at the beginning or middle of the Cold-Wet Season making the trek in an endless sea where individual harems and triads would send their finest cub-minders to hunt for new Wildlings to grow their numbers.

It was the same every year, just as in the hot season the smaller Caravans moving from the Forests or even the Mountains to find their own young.

At the current point of the Turn the only individuals he passed where smaller or younger Caravans and the odd Traveler. Most would say it was the wrong time to have large groups of Wildlings entering the world, too cold and wet for the pelt less to thrive. But instinct was a funny thing, and at times the call to the Forest had nothing to do with prudence or what you thought you knew. The Seeress knew far more than any Tauri ever could, even the most insightful of the Shamans, or experienced Herdmaster. So when the call came any sensible Tauri heeded it.

As it was Nebibi was unsure if he was even hunting a Wildling, or if he had different prey to stalk. It could be he was being urged to find a Shaman, they wandered the Forest at all points in the Turn, although like everyone else different times meant different things. Nebibi scented the air and gazed around him, it did not seem quite the time to usher the Shaman cubs through their practice hunts but one never knew with the Myst hunters. They hunted where and when they will.

Nebibi put such thoughts in the back of his mind, he was curious enough but it did no good to become lost in thought when drawing close to Diona’s Forest. Even a day away he could see the Myst of the forest twisting and turning in uncanny ways. It made his flanks itch like flies biting him if he stared to long so he focused instead on the odd Tauri along the path.

Which was smarter in many ways as the ones that came from the Forest often had the gaunt look of those long without food, and the rolling eyes that could mean a panic induced charge at the slightest provocation. Nebibi was grateful for the leopards gift at fading into the background as he slipped on and off the main path, out of the way of a fair number of jumping prey Tauri and a few hungry eyed predators.

By the time the sun was lowering over the horizon Nebibi had made his way to to very edges of the Forest. He settled at the edge, deciding to rest his eyes for the night before stalking as the Sun began its path again. It would not due to hunt while tired and the Myst was dangerous enough without having to attempt to find something in the full dark of night.

That and he had to finish work on his offering. Like most who came to the Seeress’ territory he would have to leave an offering. Like any dangerous female she must be appeased before wandering into her lands, especially if he was to be taking one of the Wildlings from her.

So he worked patiently through the dark part of the night, polishing and beading bits and pieces from his latest hunt. It was a standard predator offering, a necklace of their most recent or memorable kills, and he was proud of the artistry he was able to make of it. It came from years being taught weaving by his parents. He lacked the thick wool to make too many items but he still knew the basics of it.

It was also soothing familiar work which went a long way in chasing the unease that came with extended time so close to the Forest. He wasn't green enough to twitch and tremble away from the Myst but he didn’t have any great joy at being so close to it.

It was too like a cunning predator for his tastes, as likely to strike out at unpredictable moments as leave you in peace. But like any predator it had its preferred prey and it’s territory so as long as Nebibi didn’t panic or draw attention to itself he would be left alone by the Myst and its Beasts.


By the time the dark was lighting with the dawn of a new day he had finished his offering. He stretched thoroughly and drank before entering. As soon as he entered his senses came alive with the Forest. Unlike the Great Forests enveloping the Herdlands, Diona's Forest had no proper creatures. Other than those who hunt things or purpose within it the Forest had Myst creatures that shift and dance out of the corner of one's eyes. 

Nebibi ignored the creatures and sets out through the Forest, his body tense and his mind focuses on finding his prey.

ooc:  sorry it’s so long. the words just kept coming                                                  
The day had started just as unappetizing and filled with emptiness like every other day. Aileen woke up to the shaking of her father's hand as he grumbled about her laziness before leaving so she could get ready. The sun had barely risen as Aileen dressed quickly in a pair of torn up jeans and a tank top. She grabbed a button up shirt in order to protect her arms from the hard labor of today before making her way out of the small, dusty cabin.

It was hand built, if that meant anything, but to Aileen it just reminded her of how poor they were. The cabin had only the essentials which included a kitchen combined with a living room with only a TV stand and a couch. The TV stand didn't even have a TV nor a bookshelf near it to at least read your boredom away, but when you were this broke you probably shouldn't be reading anyways. There was also two bedrooms. The master bedroom, with nothing master about it except that it was maybe a square foot larger than than the other bedroom, had just a queen sized bed with a dirty, mix colored quilt on it. The other room was pretty much the same with just a smaller twin bed.

Aileen looked back at the cabin with a sigh before heading to the barn. She was quick to do her morning choirs including: cleaning out the stables, milking the cow, collecting the eggs, and feeding all the animals. By the time she was finished, the sun had risen for lunch.

After Lunch, Aileen headed back out to groom the horses. She was exhausted and the sun now beat down hard. She had to work out in the field due to most the horses not wanting to be inside the stable when it was day time. She didn't complain and didn't bother to look up at her father who walked past with only negative complaints about how slow she was being.

Her work was hard, but she carried on throughout the day and into the evening. As the sun became lower everything became a tad bit bearable. Her father was already in for the night, but she was not allowed in until the sun was well over the horizon. It was a rule that she created since if she did go in before the sunset he would usually demand she do more useless things.

Her tasks were done, so Aileen laid out in the dirt with the horses far from sight of the front window of the cabin. She dreamed of chasing the stars and being as free as the barn cat, which she hadn't seen for a few days. She sighed, but a more content sigh. She would just stay out here if she knew her father wouldn't get angry and she would just run away if she knew she could make it.

Ever since her mother died, Aileen had been trapped in an endless day of working, but when the stars started to come out she felt free. One day, mother. I'll join you, she thought silently as if praying. The sun disappeared beyond the horizon and she found herself drifting to sleep.

Aileen awoke to the dawn of a new day, but it was unlike a dawn she had ever seen. She resided soft, green grass that stood still and she could feel the chill of the morning air. Quickly standing up, Aileen shivered as she took in the scene around her. There were no fences, no empty fields of dirt, and there wasn't a cabin or an old man there to yell at her for not being up. Fear left quickly as it came as Aileen thought her prayers had been answered, though it was much colder here than she thought.

Moving through the forest, she touched every tree trunk as if mesmerized by this world. She had lived in a place where you could see for miles and now she was encased by large trees that told her she would just have to trust the path ahead. The small button up barely kept the cold from seeping through to her skin, but she finally stopped shivering after a few minutes.

Aileen wandered aimlessly, lost, but filled with wonder and curiosity.

@call me rae (I hope that that is equal enough to what you posted)

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