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The Wicked Sleep [N0VA x MissFluttershy]


All grown up
The lighting lit up the night sky as it flashed... rain fell upon the desolate land. A castle stood on top of a high mountain in the depths of Germany, students had came to the castle with their history teacher for vacation in the winter. They sat in the dining room and merrily danced and had fun, the keeper of the castle told them that this once was a vampire castle but nobody believed him, truth to be told nobody cared enough to believe since everyone was here just to have fun, but things would soon change.

John sat beside the window with his history teacher drinking a small glass of wine and reading through a book that he found in the castle. It contained all sorts of weird and new information, some things he couldn't even understand or comprehend what they actually were. He tossed the book on the table and turned his head towards the window, gazing outside as the rain fell and lighting strikes lit up the night skies.
The rains poured heavily over the lavish castle, as the decay and gristle from years of neglect and proper cleaning was being washed away- renewed to its once, gleaming luster. The groundskeeper of the castle Kristoph, was not much of a man to clean after large messes and casually ignored them. The old man was one of the many that used to serve the family that once lived in the castle- house Lazar.

The Lazar family had been known best for their wealth, as well as their peculiar lifestyles. The family for instance, had never been seen in daylight- all meetings and parties alike, were always taken place at night. Their claims being that the entire family had a rare, hereditary disease that made them feel ill when exposed to sunlight. They also had a tendency to keep their youthful appearance for a questionably long period of time. They seem to never age, a chamber maid once said; its as if the Lazar family's appearances have stopped during their primes and remained that way for as long as she had serviced them. Lastly, their suspicious connections to various abductions that occurred periodically over the course of their lives. Abductees were always seen last around the castle before they disappeared, and rumored had it that if one would visit the lowly chambers of the castle, it wreaked heavily of blood. The family carried rumors as they did money, making them fairly infamous in mythology books. As for the latest rumor of the Lazar's late and only daughter Catalina still haunting the manor- none were able to confirm; until that storming night.

Deep in the dungeons where blood used to stench fouly to anyone who dared to venture below, was a room. The door was painted black, and from beyond it was a canopied bed of black silk- where a woman appearing no more than her mid twenties stirred. There was the rain, then there was another disturbance- was that, was there others in her castle?
As the night slowly devoured the whole castle most of the students that had partied had gone to bed already. John himself laid in his bed restless and unable to fall asleep, as he looked at his watch it was almost 2 AM. He got out of bed and put on some clothes, walking out of his room he walked the long corridor to the dinning room... the serene silence the castle brought was welcoming, although he was among the popular kids he never really liked the other students... he was merely popular because of his appearance and the fact girls adored him.

As he walked into the kitchen he took a glass and poured a glass of milk. There was not much things in the castle but milk itself was abundant since the castle keeper kept cattle as well. With the fresh glass of milk he walked back into the dining room and then walked back out in the corridor; he decided to check out the work room, it supposed to be that of a wealthy man. As he stumbled through the castle trying to find the work room he finally found it on the upper floors, he entered it and fount that it was lit and the fire there was crackling... he thought it was strange but perhaps the keeper lit all the fires in the castle. He pulled out a book, a story about vampires and werewolf's and sat down in the comfortable chair.
Bed sheets ruffled softly as the figure rose from her silk cocoon, groaning when she sat upright and allowed the remnants of sleep leave her eyes. Her light hair tousled from slumber and her eyes flickered to stay open.


So very thirsty.

The vampiress finally rose completely and draped a black, silk robe over her curvy frame. There was definitely something in her castle that she was not familiar with, though she had a strong feeling that the disturbance would be in her best interest. In a swift motion, Catalina dispersed into thin air and was soon found center in the kitchen.

"Kristoph darling, where are you, you filthy old man?"

The groundskeeper hobbled with haste to the call of his mistress, knobbled hands in one another before giving her a toothy smile. "Y-Yes, mistress Lazar?" He looked up to his queen in anticipation, having a feeling that she would ask about the abrupt house guests.

The scent of blood came stronger as she stepped by the door sill that connected the main hall and the kitchen. She turned to Kristoph, arms crossed delicately over her chest.

"You've brought your queen food, and she is very pleased. When I grt my fill tonight, be sure that I reward you properly."
John sat in the work room, he could hear as if something was moving beyond the door of the workroom but ignored the noises thinking that it was only the wood that tapped on the glass or even the castle keeper roaming around the caste trying to scare the others into thinking there was actually a ghost in the castle. He looked at the door and chuckled at the thought and then turned back to the book... the book was interesting in the way it spoke about the vampires and werewolves and it spiked his curiosity about them, he would perhaps talk to the keeper about them in the morning.

He pulled out his phone and plugged in his headphones, as he flipped through it he started playing music from it... he sat back in the chair with the book in his hand while listening to music, he felt very comfortable at that moment and turned to the fire that was crackling and bringing heat to the whole room.
Kristoph was pleased with the reward system his mistress had established as of late, giving the vampiress a toothy smile before thanking her. The Queen nodded his gratitude off as her attention was drawn to another- something, or someone, was in the den. Her arched brows furrowed before leaning away against the door sill, "Who's in the study, Kristoph?" She asked him, her back still turned to the old man as her tone was delicately laced with potentially slight annoyance. Whomever the uninvited house guests were, had not only the audacity to make stay in her castle, but as well as to go through her rooms and go through her things. This behavior was unacceptable, and was going to be sought to thoroughly with punishment.

"W-Why, I believe the young lad's name was John, Mistress. Yes, I-I do recall that the lad called himself John, and he-"

The grounds keeper's words were put to a halt when he felt his body suddenly being pressed against a wall, a thin hand around his wrinkled throat and beady eyes blared in shock. Now she was annoyed, "You fool! If you are going to bring your Queen food, you aren't to allow them the luxuries of my home! They are to be kept in the dungeon, until I am ready to feast upon them." Catalina had a particular way of having things presented to her, and when proper procedure is not followed, then anyone around the young Queen could only expect the worst. Alas, the vampiress did not see point into abusing the old man and released him from her grasp. She turned at her heel when his body slid to the ground, as he coughed for the air now flooding back into his lungs. If her man servant was not going to do things the way she wanted, then she was reluctant to do things on her own. With that, she walked down the halls of her castle until she approached the study.

Peering over to room, she saw the young man named John going through one of her books and putting some contraption into his ears. Being tucked away into her castle with Kristoph being one of the few house servants being her source to the outside, Catalina was not one to be up to date with the modern world- not that it would be relevant for her, anyway. She moved swiftly, her frame dispersed into the shadows of the night as she appeared from behind the unsuspecting boy. She observed him, taking in his firm physique and dark hair- not bad for a human being.

My, my.. such a pretty young man, you are.
Sitting in the work room, he continued reading the book he had found... the story was very interesting. As he read he suddenly felt a presence behind him, standing near the window of the work room, a flash of lighting struck in the dark night behind her as John looked into her eyes, he immediately removed his earphones and placed the book on the table "Excuse me, I didn't see you there... the book spiked my interest very much." he chuckled as he then stood up, wrapping up his earphones "I haven't seen you before, you must be the castle keepers daughter." he smiled and extended his hand towards her "My name's John." he said as he held out his arm towards her. She was quite a peculiar one, she almost looked nothing like the castle keeper... must have taken her looks from her mother, he thought... although the girl was very pretty there was something about her that was like a looming shadow of mystery over her. He did not know exactly, but she got his interest.
Catalina was taken back to see that the human shown no signs of fear in her presence- did she not intimidate him? Many years ago, the Queen was feared for her sadism and cruelty to trespassers to her castle and yet- this human greeted her like some sort of equal. Her thin brows furrowed, looking down at his hand and prepared to snap when a second thought came to mind; there were plenty more of him in the castle, a personal feast; she should enjoy her meals. After all, when would be the next time the old man was going to do something as right as this? "T-That is right, I ...am Kristoph's daughter; a pleasure to make your acquaintance John." Catalina spoke slowly, carefully choosing her words to not give herself away to the victim, too soon. The vampiress took his arm gingerly, giving the student a fair smile with her red painted lips. "Catalina." She already felt that she was going to enjoy this one particularly, moreso because he had no idea on what he was going to be in for.
John felt her ice gold grip as she shook his hand, he did not flinch 'nor show any kind of sign as they shook hands, he merely nodded and pulled a smile from his face. He looked at her from bottom to top and then slowly sat back in the chair, he remained quiet for a moment as he looked at her but then he spoke "I didn't see you when we arrived, I might also add you look nothing like your father." he chuckled and smiled "Your too pretty to do so, must have taken all from your mother." he smiled yet again and then turned to the book that he read "Oh, yes. Do you know anything about this book?" he said as he held up the book name Vampires & Werewolf's "It's quite interesting, it's like a real life biography of a Vampire... if that was a real thing." he said and opened the book.

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