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Fantasy The Whisper of Death

Well, you received a letter and was invited to the council. Just drop by, the meeting is close to ending I think.
Let's just say you were escorted by guards and the government is assigning you to this mission to pay for your crimes instead of spending your time in jail
yes I was talking about Cyan

Well time to change it so that it's aimed at another female in the room.
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Hey, i will respond sometime today unless life takes ahold! Was waiting for something before responding, but i'll just go ahead with it. Sorry for the wait!
Good question.

There's not much roleplayers can do once they walk out of the room. They need to be directed to the hotel; (as it was said they would be) it's not as if the characters can know where it is or what it's like. Are all the characters going to be on the same floor, all next door from each other?

This is something @TheWingedCrusader needs to handle, or at least specify.
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But the thing is no one has left the room. I still don't know if everyone is finished with their questions
But I'll direct everyone to the hotel soon, if you're all still willing to stay around for the rp
Um... haven't three people already walked out the door and/or attempted to do so?
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Well regardless, if you guys still want to get back on track with the rp, we can time skip so that everyone starts up again in the hotel
jewelboy said:
Sound moves faster under water. It is also more unstable, which makes for the perfect kind of training to fine tune one's ears. Having lived in Marai most of his life, Kyle's ears were a bit stronger more than the average person. Payments. Insults. Authority to access Confidential Info. The Core. All of what was being discussed flooded into Kyle's ears despite his body being asleep. He could practically see the whole scene as if it was a dream.
None of it appealed to Kyle. He honestly could care less about what he got for "payment" or if people thought lowly of him. He wasn't he even sure he cared enough to help on this mission. What did it truly matter? Save the Core and save Zaiel. Why? And what did it matter to him? Why not just let the city crash into the ground and lose everything involved with it? What purpose is there to save the Core?

"Whatever." Kyle whispered in his mind. He has been assigned a mission, he was now required to get it done. No question. At least for now. Maybe something might happen this time that might help him find what he has been looking for. Kyle sighed, "Maybe, just maybe."

Kyle sat up and stretched. He knew he wasn't out for long since he could still hear everything being said. He leaned back in the chair and eyed some of the people around him. "Quite the interesting bunch." He thought wondering which he would end up working with. "Whatever."

"If there are no further questions, please proceed out the door. You will directed to your stay at a luxurious local hotel. I'm sure all of you have had a long trip to get here." said the leader.

Kyle didn't hesitate to get to his feet and push his chair in. "About time." he thought. He did not want to stay around longer than necessary. If he had to be a part of this mission, there were things he had to get done before hand. Having nothing else to "add", he began to make his way toward the door.
Ryik said:
You could stay and ask the council a great many things, but in the end they'll probably just portray you as incompetent. The trust of these people is your entire reason for being here is it not? You want to ask about Vices, but it's technically not what you're here for and you can always ask later. For the time being...
What are you doing for the time being?

You nod to no one in particular and walk out the door silently. The hotel will probably set you on edge, but your presence there is almost certainly for their benefit rather than yours, so you'll deal with it. You can only hope you can get respite in some way once you're there and sneak on board the hell train. Dua will be worried sick. You get the feeling you'll need to enlist Penvo at some point in order to break away from the council's scrutiny. Bothersome. Maybe you should have just rolled with that assassination job for the others on the hell train.

Not that you'll be needed... You sigh wistfully when no one's looking.

...Wait, didn't you do that just moments ago? ...You hate it when Vaagur plays fortune teller.
Aquafan said:

Rose turned to saphirric at his response, and then to the council, anticipating an answer. of course, the best one would be the first to build it. There is so much to go off on that though, simply think. What happened to him? And why have they been unable to contact this man. He would obviously know the reason the core is acting this way, perhaps the core is dying? her thoughts went a million places, she leaned back in her chair in thought as people left around her. She glanced to her right, it happened quickly. Suddenly there was some sort of prisoner, who gave rose an odd feeling. Suddenly her fell in the middle of the room and eyed her.

"what cup size are you?"

Rose suddenly had a large migrane. She had never been afronted this way, in fact it was almost odd how unoften this happened. how do i deal with this? Rose rubbed her head.

"I have a crush on rose!" one boy said to his friends, holding a rose in his hands. "I shall tell her tomorrow!" the boy skipped around. However there was one unseeable threat lurking in the shadows. 'if you, fat pig dare to get near my reality walker...' the dream walker turned red in fury, she clutched her untouchable hands on the corner. 'tonight, i will pay him a visit. A very haunting visit.'

Zona, who had been carelessly floating about Roses head, in reaction to roses emotions suddenly turned her clothing from blue to deep red. Her hair floated in a scary fashion as she then raised her weapon and pointed it at the strangers neck. "No... one... can ask my reality walker that kind of question." Zona's voice was deadly as she measured him up, she swung her weapon, and then remembered she could not kill anyone, nor touch, nor be seen nor be heard. And fell down in a sudden discontent. "hmph, if only i could, little person, be fortunate today," she bit her lip, evily floating around the perpetrater. "Unless!" she then looked back at Rose, having an idea.

Earlier she had mimicked rose, but what if rose mimicked her! The dream walker zona flew too rose in a hurry, as she was about to reach back into rose's mind, zona halted, roses mouth opened.

a light bulb appeared in roses head, "Well, that is a difficult question, first one must put many things into perspective, like for instance, why a cup? Are cups very round and in width? There are multiple counts and instances that are unpredictable in reality it would be in a constant of around .0123984981.... no possible correct answer can be told in today's world. Or perhaps you would like me to take this one elsewhere?" Rose lifted her cup for water slyly. "I am not sure, but i would say this is also of the measure of somewhere between 10 centimeters and 7 inches, and an impossible pie formula, if i am correct that would make this a medium sized cup. Or if you want to look at other places, for instance, some places say that that is not a real thing and in fact a dislilussion ment to mendle with the minds of young people such as yourself.." Rose continued in this speaking, her words where too fast to comprehend there meaning, and in fact she knew this would be confusing to anyone listening to her. At one moment no one would understand a word she said, at that note she continued saying nonsense and stood up.

"Now while you try to figure that out, i must go and make myself useful, if you will excuse me." she pushed in her chair and walked towards the door without another word.

"And if only somehow I would find some sort of hint towards the way of the library" she said to no one in particular, grinning, it was intended indirectly at the council, she knew that they somehow could send her hints on the otherside without them realizing her true intention. A maid? Or whatnot, she simply took a step outside into the portal.

Zona followed behind, her hands down. Zona felt disappointed that she was unable to complete her experiment, and halfheartedly went through the portal behind her reality walker.​
The last person to post in the RP who hasn't left the room was a week ago, so I believe it's safe to move things forward, overdue even.
Ok, gotcha. I'll time skip to the hotel. Do you guys want to move to the morning so you can jump right into the mission?
As long as we're doing time-skips might as well, so no one awkwardly shuffles along trying to create social interaction while others just sit there waiting for the skip to the next day.
It might help to know whether everyone was herded into the Zeialan core or whether they are in the process of it starting from the hotel so that the security measures, accompanying personnel, and general setting can be described.

Seriously, is it up to RPers to landscape the core and all means of getting into it?

I mean it'd be no problem, but that entails that it might end up not very secure in the long run.
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It looks like the rp is mostly dead, so I'm gonna have to cancel it. There could be a reboot tho

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