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Fantasy The Whisper of Death

I realize I've completely ignored the ooc chat. Sorry guys =_='''' I will catch up and keep up from here.
Hi lenchan.. I just want to let you all know, i wont be able to respond until thursday night.
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That was a cool thing to read. I'm so psyched for it. Wanna play it so bad...
Yea, I've been waiting for her for awhile, and I've already come to an idea of how I'm going to build her. Because I've read up on all of her abilities and everything and I think the best build path for her is going to be; Sated Devour (Thinking Blue smite), Blade of the Ruined King, Runann's Hurricane, Berserker's Greaves, GA, and then the last item depending on how squishy or tanky the enemy team is: Yuumuu's Ghost Blade If they're squishy, And if they're tanky; Last Whisper.

And sure you might be thinking, "Hey! There's no real damage items here!", Refer to her abilities she is going to be the only League champ that stacks basic attack power. So aa build based on attack speed and then getting that attack damage from the abilities will be what makes her op as crap.

I just all-in-all can't wait for her to come out.
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I guess you could build that as well to make yourself a little tankier and go for helping the rest of your team shred, but if you were to go through yolo que/solo que it'd probably be better for making yourself a huge power and then the later the game gets the more potential you have for 1v5ing and just winning the game.

Now ranked 5v5 teams? Yea, I'd likely go for the Black Cleaver, because that's a very solid choice.

btw what's your summoner name?

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Don't have space on my computer for other games....

^^^ that's my excuse for "I'm too loyal to league to play other mobas"
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[QUOTE="Shade Knight]Amen, Sir! You just spoke a quote of my entire existence! x'D Hahaha

Just wait until I show a meeting with Trim's "employers".

I'm wondering whether I should just explain every single one of them at once or leave who they are, what they look like, etc. incredibly vague until otherwise necessary.

There will be 29 of them. Think of it as organization 29 with 12 extra Xions.

Could you possibly edit that last post to make it a bit clearer? Can't tell if you are talking or thinking and if you are talking to someone in specific?

All thoughts- no quotation marks.

Trim is very quiet.
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Even still, you should make it a bit easier and clearer to read. You have thoughts kind of conjoined together making it confusing for people like Antari and I to understand.

If you have specific thoughts, you could put them in italics or quoted with phrases like "I thought" or "she pondered".

We are also a bit confused cause you are using a third person self referal view, so we can't tell if you are thinking of another character when you say things like, "Are you certain you want to give away your guilt a little more?" See you say this and we can't tell if you are referring to Antari or yourself especially if this is all thought based and you refer to yourself throughout the piece. Try first person; easier to use and understand, and if you use third, use your name when talking about yourself.

Just a couple of tips to help make it easier for readers/other players enjoy and not get lost.
Hey gang! As I informed Wing, I'm retiring Ekko from the RP, at least for a little while. I'll still be lurkin'(>>) ('OoO')
2nd person narrative (asserting that the audience is your character, e.g. "You pick up the ball and toss it") in which the characters thoughts and narration blend pretty fluidly. Just about any statement that isn't in quotations or a direct narration of an action can be posited as thought, and it should usually be clear otherwise.

Ryik said:
So something is wrong with the Zeialan core and it's up to the guardians to fix it. How unbecoming of the council.
Solomon. This is more trivial than watching them argue.

Are you certain you wouldn't want to give away your guilt a little more? You've forgotten what it's like dealing with superiors that aren't one riddle short of omniscient. They can get away with pretending they know nothing. You briefly consider volunteering to accompany him. You can likely replace entire sections of the core with earlier versions, both reducing the damage and making it easier for him to do whatever it is he needs to, but the entire core is too big, and doing it piece by piece would either take too long or might result in desynchronization with the system. You're not sure. You never dabbled in robotics.

Your assistance shouldn't be needed anyway. You return your gaze to the unruly Zeialan. Why she's so robotic in her movements you don't understand. Perhaps she really is just a robotic child designed older? Maybe she's just been spoiled all her life.

You sigh silently.


It's what I'm used to and my preferred style of writing. I can try third person for a while if you insist, but I can't say I can do it unscathed.

Switching to 2nd person mid-writing subconsciously and having to go back and fix it, trying to figure out a way to say something in 3rd person that doesn't sound awkward and wishing I could fall back on 2nd person because
, etc. It's habitual at this point.

Antari said:
"Sir, I would like permission to gain access to the servers of Zeial." He said looking them in the eyes. Muttering became of the room. His hands start to shake and then he grabs the lip of the table in front of him to stop it."This is my chance to get in." He thought to himself. "If i gain access to the servers of the city's computer database, I can see if they left an end trail. No matter how good the hacker is, they can't not leave a trail." He spoke with a firm voice. He looks at the rest of the people in the room and stops and looks at Fina and Siren for a moment then back at the council. "The question is, 'How good are they at covering it up?'. Please, People of the council of Zeial. This may be your only chance to find out where the people that gain access to to the computer's extracted the data are." Sapphric takes a deep breath and takes a seat down in his seat and keeps a steady eye on the council. "This way I can see more info on the core and on Shade's brother." He plotted in his head. Sapphric's heart is racing.
Ryik said:
Are you certain you wouldn't want to give away your guilt a little more?
To be clear, "guilt" was not meant to refer to foreknowledge of any particular action that already took place but how his visible tenseness implied he had ulterior motives.
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Ryik said:
2nd person narrative (asserting that the audience is your character, e.g. "You pick up the ball and toss it") in which the characters thoughts and narration blend pretty fluidly. Just about any statement that isn't in quotations or a direct narration of an action can be posited as thought, and it should usually be clear otherwise.

It's what I'm used to and my preferred style of writing. I can try third person for a while if you insist, but I can't say I can do it unscathed.

Switching to 2nd person mid-writing subconsciously and having to go back and fix it, trying to figure out a way to say something in 3rd person that doesn't sound awkward and wishing I could fall back on 2nd person because
, etc. It's habitual at this point.

To be clear, "guilt" was not meant to refer to foreknowledge of any particular action that already took place but how his visible tenseness implied he had ulterior motives.
If it's your preferred writing style it's ok, just try to make it as easy as possible to read for others so that there isn't confusion when they try to respond to your character

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