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Fantasy The Whisper of Death

They look like normal people, but have eyes similar to a shark, along with sharper teeth than a normal human. Other than that their differences are minor, although the they're generally better swimmers than anyone else.
Got it. So regarding the robots, do they each have their own consciousness or did they develop a shared consciousness? Also, are they being manufactured in factories or are they somehow being given birth to?
The Zeialan robots are a weird mix of machine and humans. Their skin is metal, their blood is oil, they don't hunger or thirst, but need rest. They have emotions but their emotions are dulled, some robots are manufactured, others are born. Think of them as an organic machine. The robots that are born are usually more human than robot, the ones that manufactured, or genetically modified, are more robot that human. Why would you manufacture a robot when it can be born. That's where the two schools of bounty come in. The council of Zeial is run by two political parties wrestling for control. Order and Justice as you may know. Order believe strictly in uniform rules,chat must be followed no exceptions. Justice have rules but are way more relaxed about it. They both have very different codes to follow. Order is the school that manufactures. They believe that these modified beings would be the ultimate bounty hunter, and only they could enforce true order. The School of Justice on the other hand, don't believe it follows a level moral ground, because to do such a thing requires taking a born robot and literally reprogramming it to what they want it to be.
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Hope that wasn't too confusing xD this entire universe has been something I've worked on for a year and a half
Magical situation? Anything you can think of. Be as creative as you want with your oowers, if that's what you mean. Just a few conditions:

-no divine power, that resides in the gods

-no immortality

-no powers that make you invincible
Hey there. This RP looks really cool but I have a few questions? I saw its a detailed, how long must my posts be? And how often must I post?
It's a casual disguised as a detailed. The only reason I placed it as detailed is because of the large amounts of backstory in all the stuff. Your posts only need to be at least a few sentences.
Just posted lore on Zeial! Check the overview if you want to learn a little bit about the city. Other city lores will be posted later.
Due to unexpected popularity of Zeial, I will have to close Zeial as a city of birth. All those who have already submitted their cs and is born in Zeial will stay that way. Any new rpers will have to choose one of the other cities.

Expect to start rping in a few hours @Stamper @Rantos @CrimsonEclipse @theunderwolf
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TheWingedCrusader said:
Due to unexpected popularity of Zeial, I will have to close Zeial as a city of birth. All those who have already submitted their cs and is born in Zeial will stay that way. Any new rpers will have to choose one of the other cities.
I mean come on, it's bound to be a popular choice. The second most popular one might be the merpeople, because come on, humans are mostly boring.
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Humans are more versatile. Salician have knights, duelists, and angels. Falghord have dragon slayers and animal shifters. Constol have sharpshooters, and steampunk-style techies and weapon users. Bohnz and Marai have pirates and merpeople, and Vaulken have sand mages, thieves, and soldiers. Hell, in Vaulken you'll meet an NPC with a giant pet scorpion. It all has to do with the theme. So be creative, Zeial might have robots, but there's a whole lot of stuff out there that you can go for.
TheWingedCrusader said:
Humans are more versatile. Salician have knights, duelists, and angels. Falghord have dragon slayers and animal shifters. Constol have sharpshooters, and steampunk-style techies and weapon users. Bohnz and Marai have pirates and merpeople, and Vaulken have sand mages, thieves, and soldiers. Hell, in Vaulken you'll meet an NPC with a giant pet scorpion. It all has to do with the theme. So be creative, Zeial might have robots, but there's a whole lot of stuff out there that you can go for.
I have to agree, those are pretty awesome.

Wait, did you say angels? Oh man, can we create more than one character?
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