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Realistic or Modern The Werewolf Club


Reanimated for the 4th Time
Casual - The Werewolf Club


On my old account, I made a RP called "The Werewolf Club," and I was wondering if anybody would like to join it again.

The premise:

You are part of a club. You guys have been friends since you were able to have friends, and have stuck together for a long time. You live in a small town, isolated and woodsy, where strange things happen. Random killings, people disappearing. But people take no note. They shrug and say "that's just Woodland." Your friends and you do this too, oblivious to the fact that one, or some, of the others are werewolves. Or worse.

Woodland is a small town surrounded by forest. Small homes line the outsides, while a shopping district lies in the middle. The school has been closed due to some strange incidents, leaving you and your friends to roam around town.

I also got a sick synopsis on werewolves from @Vinny Havoc, which we worked on together.

Abridged Version

  • True werewolves have three basic forms, human, wolf, and the Beast. Though werewolves may change into a wolf at will, the Beast is an often involuntary change that is forced either by the full moon or under great duress, such as from a life and death threat.

    Most werewolves are born as such and raised alongside humans. Some, with good parenting, learn of their heritage and abilities from a young age and may even learn to Change early, but if they are not a young werewolf will begin to experience their first full moon transformations at the onset of puberty. That's when everything else changes, why not this too?

    Werewolves can change into a full wolf and back at will, and in this form they retain their higher intelligence even if it is filtered through the priorities of a wolf more. During a full moon, whether or not they can actually see the moon, a werewolf is forced to change into the Beast whether or not they want to. In this form, they lose most of their higher intelligence and become creatures of instinct, driven by the urge to run, hunt and kill prey.

    Despite magical properties, conservation of mass is observed. A 160 lb man will turn into a 160 lb wolf, and have a 160 lb Beast. While there have been wild wolves that large caught, in general nature simply doesn't make them that big, with most wolves capping out at 100-120 lbs and an average of 80 lbs.

Full Version (verbose)

  • True werewolves have three basic forms, human, wolf, and an in-between shape referred to as 'the Beast.' It is around the Beast that most myths of werewolves have sprung up, and for obvious reasons. Being the strongest, meanest, most dangerous shape werewolves take it makes sense that that shape is what will inspire stories to intrigue or horrify throughout the centuries.

    True werewolves are born, not made, and although they carry an infection and curse in their saliva and blood a true werewolf would have always been such since birth, even if their abilities didn't manifest until late. Most werewolves begin Changing when they're young, if they're raised by attentive parents. Like most may teach their child how to read and write and ride a bike, werewolf parents will begin teaching their pups about their gifts early. Being that many young werewolves must integrate into human society, it's good to make them aware of such things early on, instill the importance and habit of keeping the secret while at the same time helping them adjust to being stronger and tougher than their playmates. This still leads to a great many accidents, especially when playing with other human children, so it isn't uncommon to find even a well cared for werewolf with tragedy in his or her past. If they're not taught about their gifts from youth, such as in the case of being raised by foster parents or being runaways or other such tragedies of a broken home, werewolves will inevitably discover what they are when the lunar cycle begins to affect them, usually around puberty. Thats when everything else starts changing, why not this too?

    During a full moon, a werewolf is forced to Change into the Beast, whether they want to or not. It isn't dependent on actually seeing the moonlight or moon itself, nor is it able to be mimicked by any artificial sources. The light of the full moon, the light of life, makes the shadows of the forest grow long and deep, and out of those shadows the dark creature enthusiastically emerges from it's human shell eager to play the game of life. Though werewolves are dark creatures, they carry blessings of light and life in their connection with nature; the necessary darkness that gives the light meaning and which is made sharper and darker the brighter the light. It exemplifies the idea that dark is not necessarily evil.

    Werewolves, for the part they play in the game of life, are gifted with many blessings of their condition which many of the modern age take for granted as old ways are forgotten and modern corruption and apathy undermine the spirit. Most notably, while they must play the game of life on nights of the full moon, they can Change at any other time they wish into a full wolf. Conservation of mass is still retained despite the magic flowing through their blood, and so whichever body they're in, human Beast or wolf, will weigh the same. It isn't uncommon though for Beast forms to appear bigger due to the redistribution of weight, different proportions of their bodies, and repurposing of body fat and excess flesh into muscle.

    This does make for noticeably large wolves, however. In the wild, the upper end of the scale usually puts wolves at around 100-120 lbs. Most humans, being larger than that, likewise turn into wolves much larger than that when they Change. Aside from the rare outlying record breaker, nature simply doesn't make them that big. While there have been reports of 200 lb wolves found in Siberia and the klondike, this is akin to finding a 600 pound human; not normal. Average wolves tend to hover around 80 lbs, and some of the bigger ones cap off at 100-120 lbs, making a 160 lb wolf with the intelligence of a human a very terrifying prospect indeed.

So, who's in?
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This is very well thought out! I would love to join!
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