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Fantasy The War With A True Monster (People Needed Please!)



Florian Society Member
"Welcome Oh Great Summoned Champions from across dimensions and Time and Space! I am the Golden Emperor Sigmund the I. And I have a good reason to to have taken you away from your homes and loved ones. This Is Arcos the world I brought you too. And we are in the capital of the world forces and also known as the terrain called Havos. These five next to me are my great generals. Each ruling a share of the world of its terrains, kingdoms and empires. I have summoned you to help me with a ferocious creature who has appeared in my world. And my armies are no match for it. So I had to rely on the old summoning magics and here you are now. I know you are either very confused or other but let me give you a quick rundown. Since its an old magic i only read enough o summon you here and it will take time get you back home. Here in Arcos magic and technology go back to back so our techniques and tech are further than most of what you have ever seen or heard of. Also their is a great magnificent reward if you can complete this quest of mine. I am asking yo-... No I beg you to help me defeat this Monster! (Sigmund gets out off his throne and goes on his knees).
(In the farthest reaches of the Ethos terrain which is filled with life filled rain forests and farmlands a young village girl was being bullied by some older boys.) "Give it baaaaack! Give it BAAACK!" A young girl who looked to be no more than four was in the middle of a game of keep away with older boys around six years old or possibly younger throwing a object between each other. "Give me back Louise!" (Her doll).

Boy 1: "Ohhhhhh. Did you hear that boys? It has a name."
Boy 2: "Looooook. It even has a pretty red boooow."
Boy 3: "It even has a pair of wings! Lets see if it will fly!"

Boy 3 threw the doll into a bush and the little girl followed behind. "NOOOOOOOOO!" the little girl screamed as she ended up tripping herself as soon as she went through the bushes.

*Bang!* *Bink!* *Bonk!* "owwie...." The little girl banged herself up pretty well and landed in a dark area of the forest. apparently she fell off the side of the hill where she was being bullied. "Louise! Louise!" As she called out to her doll she turned to find a cave and the doll on the ground before the entrance to the cave. The girl felt creeped out and ran towards the doll until she tripped again. (Mostly because she was still hurt from her previous fall.) When a long arm which was furry and covered in a bone armored gauntlet grabbed the doll. The girl froze and looked up to find two bright yellow eyes looking down at her.
"Sarah! Sarah! ..... Where did that little trouble making child go...." I was told by the villagers that they saw her running over in this direction. *Snap* (A twig branch breaks.) This made Luca (The parent searching for Sarah) draw his gun and aim down his sights at the location where the sudden noise originated. Nothing moved or a sound wasn't made in the following seconds. Luca jumped down and found a lite cave and a shadowed figure walking up. Luca had his finger on the trigger. "YYYYAAAAAAWWWWNNNN!" "Sarah! Where have you been?" Sarah rubbed her eyes and looked around her. "Where
s Mr. Bunny?" Luca stopped after he heard that. "Who?" "Mr. Bunny." Sarah said with a smile on her. Luca looked around his environment. he then used a spell to detect abnormal life (Basically scan for any life that doesn't fit with the environment) nothing. "Better get you home young one." With that Luca gave Sarah a piggyback ride all the way back to the village but Luca couldn't help but look back. After they walked out of distance a pair of black and yellow eyes pierced through the shades of the thick trees.
Back at Cocuno village. A terrible situation was brewing between the villagers and government personal. "What do you mean we have to continue giving you our best supplies! We will soon not have enough to feed our own!"

A group of villagers were confronting a group of kingdom troops called the flying swans. And their leader had a white coat that had the words official on the back of the coat and wore a hat with a orange colored bill on it. He was the head honcho so to say of the small yet armed military group. "Look pops... We are here to protect you from the monster. Now the government every where is now looking for the creature and no one knows where it will strike again. I'm sure its rumors of power and abilities have been greatly exaggerated and the things exploits can't be any more true then the common man's fairy tales."

"So!? What has that got to do with anything!?"

"Well I heard from a reliable source that the monster is travelling to come around this area. And i couldn't leave such a weak looking village to be destroyed by it. my heart would break at the mere thought of that. So Citizens you will continue to care for me Captain Eres (He's male) and my men. make sure to give me your best quality foods to me first and then to my soldiers."
"Yes sir..."

"Kreee hahahahaha! This beast will be put to the sword and i will have my promotion! I will no longer lead a group of soldiers but armies!"

One villager. A young man spoke up.

"You are not a soldier."

Captain Eres looked around with a upset schrunched up face. "Uhhh... And who is this brat!"

"My name is Ely and you are acting in a way a solider shouldn't be. You are supposed to be a tool of justice! Not a gangster hurting those for protection money from themselves!"

"Such insolence!!! Maurice!" *Smack!*

Than a big quite hefty figure approached and grabbed Ely whose body was covered by the fingers of the monstrous being called Maurice"

Soon the village elder came.
"I'm sorry for this child's stupidity. Please let him go with a warning... i beg you."

"hmm well I love to see a good grovel but a esson must be taught here and this brat is going to pay for it."

Eres then turned to face the group and onlookers. Let this be known! Those who don't treat me with respect will face the traitor's punishment. Since he is young I will let him off lightly. if he can survive 10 days without food or water I will release him, but next time I won't be lenient. Let there be a curfew starting now! Everynight there will be a census and if someone isn't there or tries to run will be branded a traitor to the government and executed on the spot! Maurice take this brat to the crosses and meet me back at the tent. That will be all for now."

As the captain Eres and Maurice left the most of the soldiers went with them but one stayed behind and looked at the people before tugging his cap down and leaving the scene. Ely who was being dragged left a path of his dragged feet leavign the village and towards the m ilitary encampment.

"Oh Ely... Why did you have to have done that..." The elder told himself.
Luca was walking with Sarah and as he went into the village he found the elder facing the direction of the government encampment. "Elder? What is wrong?"

"Huhhhhh... Luca.. I fear for our youngins futures. Will they be sacrifices to give their lives for our rulers. Or decide what they want to do for themselves."

"What happend?"

"I'm afraid one of our kids faced the bull and got hit by its horns. They took Ely for punishment and i am afraid for whoever is next."


"Don't worry about this now... it is late so you should get some rest... and that goes for young sarah as well."

"Yes elder."

As the two reached their home Luca told Sarah to prepare for bed and Luca went to sit on his chair and think about today's events.
Maybe an introduction such as "Ugghhhh!!!! What was that blast? Last thing I remember I was fight (Dragons name) on (Location which has death or doom in name) and it shot a fire bolt at me and here I am now?"

Also sorry for not posting or such. Just got back from my trip and finnaly have good internet connections again.
The Outcast The Outcast

Aloso I am dissappointed to learn how peope said they were interested but haven't asked or done anything (Not you Outcast) I really tried to work on this story and I wanted to make it into a manga/ comic. But What can one do in that type of situation.
Maybe an introduction such as "Ugghhhh!!!! What was that blast? Last thing I remember I was fight (Dragons name) on (Location which has death or doom in name) and it shot a fire bolt at me and here I am now?"

Also sorry for not posting or such. Just got back from my trip and finnaly have good internet connections again.
The Outcast The Outcast

Aloso I am dissappointed to learn how peope said they were interested but haven't asked or done anything (Not you Outcast) I really tried to work on this story and I wanted to make it into a manga/ comic. But What can one do in that type of situation.
Idk how to but myself into the rp. Can you help?)
(In the Golden Emperors Temple)

"UGGHHHH!!!! So Bored! You! (Points to a cloaked man.) When will the new arrival come?" "I do not know head priest's younger sister. I do know he is quite the warrior from a far world and hunts dragons for his living. Also they have a bit of a grudge against dragons. And that the person in question is quite powerful." "I see. Better not get the Northern Master to visit. Sine you know." "Yes mistress I know. he will be arriving shortly."

(Bells ringing to show the summoning has begun.)

"Ahhh! it is starting." "Yes mistress"

The Outcast The Outcast
The dragonslayer stood outoutside of the structure that he was told to come to. All he was told was he would be able to exterminate even more dragon. So he couldn't say no. He goes up to the door and gave it three hard raps
(In the Golden Emperors Temple)

"UGGHHHH!!!! So Bored! You! (Points to a cloaked man.) When will the new arrival come?" "I do not know head priest's younger sister. I do know he is quite the warrior from a far world and hunts dragons for his living. Also they have a bit of a grudge against dragons. And that the person in question is quite powerful." "I see. Better not get the Northern Master to visit. Sine you know." "Yes mistress I know. he will be arriving shortly."

(Bells ringing to show the summoning has begun.)

"Ahhh! it is starting." "Yes mistress"

The Outcast The Outcast
(Hey would you rather me @ you, do the reply button, or neither when I make a reply?)
(You can do just the reply button. I do the @ just so People know who I was messaging).

"Ahh I believe he is at the door no mistress." "Really! It's my first time seeing a summoned hero! I can't wait!" She began to run in the direction of the door and the acolyte stopped her. "No mistress... Remember the Golden Emperors rule?" "No lollygagging and interrupting his work." "Yes now get the teleporter up and running. I will meet him."

The Golden Emperor was sitting on his throne twiddling a dagger in his hands. "Another one has appeared. Excellent! And how strong is he?" "Umm... Unknown sire. He still has t be tested but hunting and killing dragons is not a small feat." "Wait did you say dragons?" "Yes" "Better tell the master of the North not to come in when he appears. I just had this place mopped and waxed. i don't need a bout here and now. Ana way about the others?" "They have just arrived your majesty." "Well what are you waiting for! Bring them in!" "As you wish".

Two soldiers were carrying a stretcher were bits of armor, weapons, and even a few bones approached.

"It seems those heroes weren't up to kill the monster this time either." The Golden Emperor sat back on his throne. "This is getting repetitive and I hate to get the same results." "Well sire. At least we found a few more remains then the last few times. On a scale of 1-101 being the worst this creature has done to the summoned I would say this is a solid 4. Remember the tim when we only found a splinter that was actually a part of a skull and a new flat dried up plain of desert where a luscious rain forest resided that was the size of 5 kingdoms. That was bad."

"Enough bikering. Take this to the graves of the fallen and bring the new guy in. Yes sir i will tell the gatekeeper."

(The extremely massive doors open for the newly summoned hero.)

The Outcast The Outcast
(You can do just the reply button. I do the @ just so People know who I was messaging).

"Ahh I believe he is at the door no mistress." "Really! It's my first time seeing a summoned hero! I can't wait!" She began to run in the direction of the door and the acolyte stopped her. "No mistress... Remember the Golden Emperors rule?" "No lollygagging and interrupting his work." "Yes now get the teleporter up and running. I will meet him."

The Golden Emperor was sitting on his throne twiddling a dagger in his hands. "Another one has appeared. Excellent! And how strong is he?" "Umm... Unknown sire. He still has t be tested but hunting and killing dragons is not a small feat." "Wait did you say dragons?" "Yes" "Better tell the master of the North not to come in when he appears. I just had this place mopped and waxed. i don't need a bout here and now. Ana way about the others?" "They have just arrived your majesty." "Well what are you waiting for! Bring them in!" "As you wish".

Two soldiers were carrying a stretcher were bits of armor, weapons, and even a few bones approached.

"It seems those heroes weren't up to kill the monster this time either." The Golden Emperor sat back on his throne. "This is getting repetitive and I hate to get the same results." "Well sire. At least we found a few more remains then the last few times. On a scale of 1-101 being the worst this creature has done to the summoned I would say this is a solid 4. Remember the tim when we only found a splinter that was actually a part of a skull and a new flat dried up plain of desert where a luscious rain forest resided that was the size of 5 kingdoms. That was bad."

"Enough bikering. Take this to the graves of the fallen and bring the new guy in. Yes sir i will tell the gatekeeper."

(The extremely massive doors open for the newly summoned hero.)

The Outcast The Outcast
The Dragonslayed took a step back as the doors opened. He grabbed the massive stone ax on his back and the crossbow he was holding for it as he stepping in to the building. When he entered he walked in a stright line, looking for anyone. Though he didnt call out "hello" or anything like that. He just walked and waited to he approched.
The doors opened and the heroes who gathered earlier looked to find another stranger walked in heading towards them. A hero named Salvo who was a hero in a futuristic world let out an annoying sigh. "Great. Another barbarian has shown his mug at our little gathering." "That's rude salvo." "i DON'T CARE! i WANT TO GO BACK TO MY WORLD! AND HERE THEY ARE TELLING ME THAT I CANNOT GO BACK!" "Keep your mouth shut or i'll close it for you if you keep making all thuis racket." "And who might you be old man" ""I am Gaius Sheilder. And from any warrior or hero must learn that there will be trifiled times where one can only try to relax and think of what to do next." "Oh okay so we should all be not freaking out that we have been pratically kidnapped and without our permission sent us here in this fantasy land of tech and magic and we shouldn't be freaking out!? (Salvo grabs the old man's neck) "I have to return home! Because my galaxy was about to be destroyed and I was about to save it but now I don't know what has happened to my home plant... or my girl, family, and friends. hey were all counting on me. and now they will think of me as a coward who ran away but they won't understand why I was sent here and not helping them overthere. So that's why Old MAN! Is why i can't relax!"

(Sorry for taking so long to post. Had to think in what direction I want the story to go and had to go to work a lot.)
The Outcast The Outcast
The doors opened and the heroes who gathered earlier looked to find another stranger walked in heading towards them. A hero named Salvo who was a hero in a futuristic world let out an annoying sigh. "Great. Another barbarian has shown his mug at our little gathering." "That's rude salvo." "i DON'T CARE! i WANT TO GO BACK TO MY WORLD! AND HERE THEY ARE TELLING ME THAT I CANNOT GO BACK!" "Keep your mouth shut or i'll close it for you if you keep making all thuis racket." "And who might you be old man" ""I am Gaius Sheilder. And from any warrior or hero must learn that there will be trifiled times where one can only try to relax and think of what to do next." "Oh okay so we should all be not freaking out that we have been pratically kidnapped and without our permission sent us here in this fantasy land of tech and magic and we shouldn't be freaking out!? (Salvo grabs the old man's neck) "I have to return home! Because my galaxy was about to be destroyed and I was about to save it but now I don't know what has happened to my home plant... or my girl, family, and friends. hey were all counting on me. and now they will think of me as a coward who ran away but they won't understand why I was sent here and not helping them overthere. So that's why Old MAN! Is why i can't relax!"

(Sorry for taking so long to post. Had to think in what direction I want the story to go and had to go to work a lot.)
The Outcast The Outcast

The Dragonslayer just stared at Salvo why he shouted at him and everyone else. He thought the 'hero' whined like a child and probably fought like on too. But when he put his hands on the what appeared to be a weak old man, the Dragonslayer Grabbed the hand wrapped around the mans and and gruntrd in a deep voice "Let go or lose your hand" He Still looked stright in to Salvos eyes
The old man looked as he saw the youngsters fighting. "That's enough out of you two. Please we all have our own pasts and decisions that scar us but now is not the time to open our wounds and let us narl, bite, and attack each other." Salvo released himself from the dragon slayer's arms as he sat down back in his chair. The old man then looked to the dragon slayer. "Your action is worthy of praise but one must realize that one should not be carried or act always by their emotions. It is like a dangerous drug that will tempt us to do unimaginable or regretful things. Now why don't we all calm down and have some of the snacks our host has left for us hmmm? I will have some if anyone is willing to join me." The old man walked tothe snack table with the aid of his cane and began to try some of the food. "It really is quite good you know."

A screen then appeared and hovered in the air above the summoned heroes. it read (Please stand by... Connecting)

I must apoligize again. an unforeseen amount of events and visits happened to me.

The Outcast The Outcast
The old man looked as he saw the youngsters fighting. "That's enough out of you two. Please we all have our own pasts and decisions that scar us but now is not the time to open our wounds and let us narl, bite, and attack each other." Salvo released himself from the dragon slayer's arms as he sat down back in his chair. The old man then looked to the dragon slayer. "Your action is worthy of praise but one must realize that one should not be carried or act always by their emotions. It is like a dangerous drug that will tempt us to do unimaginable or regretful things. Now why don't we all calm down and have some of the snacks our host has left for us hmmm? I will have some if anyone is willing to join me." The old man walked tothe snack table with the aid of his cane and began to try some of the food. "It really is quite good you know."

A screen then appeared and hovered in the air above the summoned heroes. it read (Please stand by... Connecting)

I must apoligize again. an unforeseen amount of events and visits happened to me.

The Outcast The Outcast

He looked at Salvo once more then at the old man. "As much as i would enjoy to eat with you, I am unable to remove the helmet" he said, his voice rough and gravaly due to him not talking much. "Though I shall join you and bid you company" he said and walked over to him were the food it.
He then look and saw the tv. being from the far past he had no clue what that is "I moving painting? Or magical mirror?"" he thought in his head.

(No worries I been busy as well)
The screen then showed a map of the world the heroes were summoned too. Narrator: (There was a time when our empire was not even the size of a village until the day our Golden Emperor descended onto the very plains. His Power and intelligence was beyond what anyone would have hoped or even dream. His technology brought his enemies to their knees and his magic brought in people by the millions. Then on one dreadful day the sun was covered by our moon and a green fire carpeted more then a span of 3 kingdoms within our empire. (Screen changes from a map to a video recording of a soldier tape diary. It has a tank and another fellow soldier in the shot.) "What was that!? IT CRASHED THROUGH THE TOWER LIKE IT WAS NOTHING! Wait.... What is that!?" (Camera focuses on two bright yellow eyes. ) "GRAAAGAAAHHHHH!!!!!" "Shoot it! (The man in the shot said as bullets filled the area where the eyes were. Even the tank took about three shots until... the eyes disappear) "Where did it go?" (The soldier with the camera said. The tank pilot lifts the hatch open to look around when suddenly the tank and soldier who opened the hatch in front of the soldier gets crushed by the creatures weight. It then grabbed the soldier next to the tank by its tail and lobbed him somewhere far away. It then jumped off the tank and was walking towards the soldier holding the camera when a fighter jet came and fired at it. The creature shielded itself but then jumped high and smacked the fighter jet towards the soldier holding the camera.) "Calling for support! We need more back u-AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" The screen changes and has the words "Feed lost. Audio only" "Uhhh.... *Stomp* nooo.... no..... *Stomp, Stomp* Noooo!!!!!!!!! GRAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" (Narrator starts again showing the map and major locations the creature struck.) From that terrible green and black flame rose the horrible creature that plagues our world to this day. Destroying cities" (Creature is on video lifting a broken clock tower and tossing it into other buildings.) "Monuments" (Shows the creature hitting the base of a humongous gold statue and toppling it. "And has taken the lives of our fighters and citizens" (Shows the creature tossing guards and random innocents are running everywhere while building rubble tumbles on top of them. The screen cuts the part before it shows the fate of those before the rubble landed on them. (The narrator begins again) That is why we have summoned you. Heros from different parts of worlds bending the will of space and time to beg for your help and ending this scourge off from the face of our planet. Here is the list of those who have fallen in order to get these shots of the creature. The list was running at incredible speed listing hundreds and hundreds of names and rank of those who have fallen. The list was going for more than a minute and 30 seconds and didn't show any sign of stopping. When the video screen was turned off. "I think they get the point. I'm truly sorry for not being here earlier. I am referred as the Golden emperor or Also known as Emperor Arcos. I have summoned you here in order to ask... no beg (the emperor goes on his knees) for you to help us... Please."

The Outcast The Outcast
The Dragon Slyer Watched the video and looked down after a while, seeing enough. But he was suprised to the an emperor go to his knees and beg instead of try to order him. He knelt next to the emperor and said "I shall help you, even if death is the price" He said
Arcos looked at the knight. "Thank you.... Thank you." An attendant then whispered into Arcos's ear's. "You may want to rest for tonight. It has been a rather long day for you all. I have your quarters ready and fit and furnished to the designs of where you are from. Information about the monster and its recent attacks will be given to you before dinner. My attendants will show you the way to your rooms. Sadly we must part here for now. I must return to the glamorous world of politics".

(Back in the village)

Sarah was tossing and turning in bed when she couldn't sleep and jumped off. She had to find Bunny again. She climbed out of her window and ran towards the forest entrance. One guard noticed this and decided to follow her. This guard was apart and even born and raised here. He didn't want to defy his orders but he didn't want to have to get the young girl in trouble. So he kept his distance.

Young Sarah slide down the slope that was in front of the mysterious cave she was in earlier that day. "Mr. Bunny? Hello?" *Snap* Huh!?" A Great bear (A bear 3x the size of a polar bear) was making its way towards sarah. "GROwwwllll" It charged to attack and Sarah fell backwards and raised her arms to cover her face "AIHHHHHHH!!!" The bear chomped down and was only a few "SNAP! Bite!" The bear then noticed it wasn't moving forward. It looked behind to find a creature who grabbed its legs and beaming yellow eyes. The creature then yanked the Great bears foot and the great bears body was dragged in swiftly into the darker parts of the cave. Claw marks were visible;e as a sign of a last ditch effort to escape. In the cave, dying cries could be heard.

Sarah walked towards the entrance. Sarah then placed a little bit of food in front of the cave and before leaving said. "Thank you for saving my life Mr. bunny" She said as she placed the food and ran back home. After leaving a huge claw emerged from the cave and dragged the food into the cave.

The next morning Sarah woke up on her bed. She made it in safely with no one noticing her. She was very cold. The soldiers took all the spare blankets and heating ingredients because of their stay near the village. She got up to find a surprise. It was the bowl she offered to Mr Bunny and on it was a Great bear pelt made into a makeshift coat/ blanket in other words like a form of a very large sleeping bag or pajamas that are still very large. It was cleaned and it had no signs of blood or mistakes while making into into the form of clothing as it was. She then hugged it and felt its warmth and hid it under the planks and rushed to eat breakfast with Luca.

The Outcast The Outcast

P.S. (Don't worry. The Great Temple has a different scene time and setting then the village so don't assume dinner was skipped and its suddenly morning.)

The Dragon slayer nodded "Thank you" He said and waited for an one of the attendents to show him to his quaters. Standing back up when the empor did

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