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Fantasy The War With A True Monster: Lore


Florian Society Member
You are a summoned being that came from a far or distant realm or reality going beyond time and space. You meet others who are just as confused as you. What has happened? What is this strange realm that has a strange combination of technology and magic?

You are called out by a young man who is sitting upon a throne. He wears a glistening golden gilded armor with a matching sword and shield to go with it. He proclaims himself as the ruler of the world known as Arcos. To put it bluntly he needs their help to capture a creature that has been terrorizing his countries and ravaging kingdoms and far off lands. As he tells you this you see five cloaked figures enter the Ruler's throne room. Each wearing a different colored cloak and mask. Each had a carving of a strange creature such as one had a mark of a dragon and another of a kraken. The Ruler then tells the summoned his name. I am the Golden Emperor Sigmund the I and I ask... no I beg you to please help my world defeat this threat. My generals, resources and myself are more than willing to help you and give you great rewards if you complete this quest of ours. And I will have a way to send you home.

In this world the continents are called terrains. Each having its own environment. For instance there is Arcadia the terrain of technology and Games, as well as Terros the terrain of sands and deserts. You will be starting in what is known as the Havos, the flying terrain and the capital of the world forces and of the world. (Not to say how other kingdoms and empires have their own capitals as well.)

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