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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

Erik chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Haha O-Of course I already got you something. And you know Jakob would end me if I told you his gift." Erik said with a grin. He also had gotten Zoyecha something though but he won't tell no matter how much she begged.
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Peaceswore said:
Max brought down his hood so low it hide his mouth. He picked a random song and waited for it to start. He then let out a sigh and stopped pulling on his hood. "I chose something easy so you can get the hang of it." He muttered. When the song started Max did absolutely terrible and kept messing up, causing people laughed at him, but he ignored it and kept 'trying'. @Lioness075
(Sorry! I never saw that you replied. :S )

Lea excelled in the dancing, finding the easy song to be beyond easy. She swayed her hips and closed her eyes as her mind filled with the music and her body moved to the beat entirely on its own. Being musically gifted, anything related to music Lea excelled at. In the midst of the song, Lea opened her eyes and looked over at Max. Seeing how poor he was doing, Lea giggled and abandoned her platform to join Max. She put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him before going back to her platform. Grinning at Max, Lea took it slow, performing the moves to the beat while saying, "Just do what I do. It's easy, trust me."
Max smirked under his hood and stopped dancing. "I-I can do better!...Maybe." He muttered as he put his hand in his pockets. "How about we do the hardest song. I won't mess up." He said before tripping on his feet and falling, he got up and brushed himself off. "So what do you say? Want to have a competition?" He asked as he held out his hand to shake.
Lea giggled at Max's clumsiness before hearing his challenge. She then narrowed her eyes at Max, not trusting him. Had he been faking his poor dancing this whole time? Why would he challenege her to the hardest song while knowing he's a terrible dancer? Raising an eyebrow at Max, Lea doubtfully took his hand and shook on it, saying, "You're on, pretty boy." She then grinned and retracted her hand before taking her place back on her platform.
Max smirked and put on the hardest song on the game. Just as the it began max lower his hood and looked at her. "Just to let you know, I have the high score on every game in this place." When it started e did everything perfectly barely breaking a sweat. A small crowded began to form and watch the two as they went at it.
Mizuki soon spotted the chief, exiting his personal vehicle and heading into the building. Noting where his vehicle was parked, Mizuki wondered what else she could do in her recon mission without raising suspicions. She definitely didn't want to mess with his vehicle. Plus, that'd be too noisy and messy for Mizuki's taste. No, she needed to find a way to get him back outside so she could take a shot at him. Heck, screw the recon mission. She could resolve this contract today. This town was so peaceful and quiet that nobody would expect a thing. With this in mind, Mizuki immediately went to work setting up her rifle's bipod on the roof ledge while settling herself into a comfortable position behind it. She then pulled her hood up over her head so it'd be harder to identify her from afar. Then the waiting game began as Mizuki waited for the prime opportunity to take the shot.

Lea pursed her lips at this and then focused on the song as she let her body do its own thing, the music flowing through her mind and her body. Moving fluidly and without mistake, Lea smiled as she got entirely into the song, dancing the night away. She even broke out some fancy, and a bit unnecessary, moves here and there when she had a safe break in the song to do so. Even though it was a constant beat, Lea still found herself enjoying the whole thing and she soon forgot about the world around her as she entirely focused on dancing to this song.

Manjano watched the two have at it, finding the pair rather cute. He then frowned slightly at this and headed outside to get some fresh air. While Lea seemed to have no problem making friends and hitting on boys, Manjano was hopeless in social situations. He doubted he'd ever truly get a chance with someone.
"Haha Good job. I still won." Max said happily he then looked around and noticed something. "Hey were is your brother?" He asked as he searched the crowd.
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Lilly looked around to make sure there no cameras or people,"OK first things first. Like in all movies I bet this warehouse has lower levels,so we should find the sercurity and surveillance room first. " Lilly explained as she constructed stairs for them to climb to the roof. Stepping aside, she waited for them to go up first.

@kira blackthorn
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Lea bit her lip at Max's proclamation as she saw that their score was literally a difference of two points. Rolling her eyes at Max, Lea said, "Oh come on, it's a minute difference. I say we tied." She grinned at him, but this quickly changed into a frown when he asked her where her brother was. Lea furrowed her brows, she'd been so distracted by the music that she hadn't even noticed he'd left. Biting her lip again, Lea replied, "I'm not sure. Perhaps he's taking a restroom break?"
Max sighed and shook his head. "It may be just two points, but I still wi-... You know what let's call it a tie, only 'cause you are pretty and cool." He said with a grin before getting of the game to let another couple get on. "Do you want to try another game? Or do you want me to show you my house?"
Lea grinned at Max's compliment and said in Italian, "Thank you." She then realized her mistake and sheepishly grinned before reverting to English and saying, "Whoops, sorry. I meant to say thank you, but in English." She felt her face turning a bit red after hearing Max's compliment and then from her embarassment at having accidentally switched languages mid-conversation. Hearing Max's follow-up questions, Lea shrugged and said, "I guess I wouldn't mind seeing your house now. That dancing game is a bit exhausting." She grinned at Max after saying this.
Max nodded and looked around. "I'll go call a cab since it isn't close by, while I do that you find your brother." He said as he shuffled through his bag and pulled out his phone. He then walked outside so he could hear better.
Manjano turned when he heard someone exit the arcade and was mildly surprised when he saw it was Max. Where was-Lea then walked out right after Max. She instantly felt Manjano's presence and turned to see him leaning against a wall of the arcade. Smiling broadly at him, Lea walked up to him and proudly announced, "We ended up tying in the game. I guess Max didn't know he'd have any potential challengers in town." Manjano rolled his eyes at Lea's obvious boasting, but grinned to amuse her. Lea smirked at Manjano and said, "I can read your thoughts and motives, bro." Manjano chuckled at this and Lea rolled her eyes this time.
"Ok the cab will be here soon." Max said as he turned to the two. "Guess you aren't much on crowded places huh?" He Manjano. "It's going to be a bit till the cab gets here, so if you want I can show you how to play some of those games." He said to the both of them. 'Why do I have a feeling I'm forgetting something?'
Manjano shrugged in response, Max was right about his guess. Manjano really wasn't a big fan of crowds or crowded areas. He always felt uncomfortable in those situations. Upon hearing Max's suggestion on playing more games, Lea grinned and said, "Why don't you choose one this time? I chose last time." Manjano looked away from the pair, feeling no real desire to go back into the arcade. Video games weren't really his thing and he didn't like how many people were inside the arcade.
Max looked at Lea and shook his head. "I already played every game in there at least ten times, if you want to play I don't mind helping you. However the cab isn't that far, so I guess we should wait." He said calmly. "Why do I have this nagging feeling? Am I forg-..... Nah probably nothing important." He muttered to himself as he pulled out an I pad.
Seraphina nods her head, there were quite a lot of action movies that she had watched, and even in Russia, a stereotypical action movie had the items that Lilly already mentioned before. Without hesitation, she climbs up the ladder swiftly, and once she reaches the top of the rooftop, she scoots over, waiting for her teammates. As she waits for them, she thinks about the word teammates, not realizing until then that is what they were to her--teammates. Sure, they were strangers, but the word felt right. With practice and time, she would get to know them, and she had a feeling that this could possibly be a permanent team and even new friendships for her. Being new to America, she had no real friends besides her co-workers, and even them gave off weird vibes sometimes. @Jailbird @kira blackthorn
Lea furrowed her brows at Max and cocked her head at him before asking, "Is something wrong, Max?" She could tell that he seemed distant after he muttered whatever he said last. Lea hadn't caught it, but she felt like something may be wrong. She didn't want to see anything go wrong for her new friend.

Mizuki let out a small sigh, settling into a routine of taking five minute naps every fifteen minutes while she waited for the chief to show up. According to his schedule, he wouldn't be doing anything until his lunch break and that was still about an hour away. At least Mizuki finally had some time to catch up on her sleep. She hated sleeping for long periods of time in fear of what nightmares awaited her. She feared herself more than anyone in the world. Her own thoughts and mind could drive her insane if she didn't have anything to do.
Max shook his head and shrugged it off. "Nah, It's nothing. Oh It's already here? That was quick." He said as the cab arrived. It came to a complete stop and Max hopped in without hesitation, after he told the driver where to go he looked back at the twins. "You guys coming?"
The twins exchanged a small grin and then Lea entered the cave first, with her brother following after her without a moment's hesitation. While Manjano peered out of the window to watch everything pass by, Lea looked at Max and said with a shy grin, "You know, you were pretty good back there at that dancing game. Did you teach yourself how to dance like that?"
The cold shower felt refreshing after everything he went through. It was almost as though a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. The water washed away any and all negative thoughts he had; at least for the time being. Turning off the shower, Jake walked in front of the mirror and simply stood there. Looking at all the scars on his ruggedly muscular body, he sighed.

As he closed the bathroom door behind him, he could feel the droplets of water flowing down his body as he checked his mobile phone for any new messages. Realising there weren't any, he set it down before turning towards his minuature "in-room" gym. Raising an eyebrow as he contemplated his next move, he knew that he had to skip his usual morning routines before dressing up in his trademark suit and tie.

"Off to work... ", he muttered as he headed out of his apartment and drove towards the station.
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"Hahaha I was only good because it was a game. I promise put me on an actual dance floor and I'll do even worse than when I pretended to suck." He said truthfully. "Turn here." He said to the driver who did as he was told. After a good ten minutes they arrived. "Here you go keep the change." He said to the driver as he exited the cab. "Welcome to my home, I know it looks like crap from the outside, but on the inside it's totally decked out." He said with a smirk.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/vacation-homes-orlando-disney.jpg.8d1548adb4b0c9feadbbe8fce15c7444.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/vacation-homes-orlando-disney.jpg.8d1548adb4b0c9feadbbe8fce15c7444.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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maxacec said:
The cold shower felt refreshing after everything he went through. It was almost as though a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. The water washed away any and all negative thoughts he had; at least for the time being. Turning off the shower, he walked in front of the mirror and simply stood there. Looking at all the scars on his ruggedly muscular body, he sighed.
As he closed the bathroom door behind him, he could feel the droplets of water flowing down his body as he checked his mobile phone for any new messages. Realising there weren't any, he set it down before turning towards his minuature "in-room" gym. Raising an eyebrow as he contemplated his next move, he knew that he had to skip his usual morning routines before dressing up in his trademark suit and tie.

"Off to work... ", he muttered as he headed out of his apartment and drove towards the station.
(Who is 'he'?)
The twins both admired the house and Lea breathed, "It's perfect." She then blinked and regained her composure before adding with a small smile, "You know, I can help you out on the dance floor if you want. Music is like a third language to me." Manjano stood beside the pair, wondering what Max meant by it being 'deck out' inside. Must be some American slang or something.
Peaceswore said:
Erik chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Haha O-Of course I already got you something. And you know Jakob would end me if I told you his gift." Erik said with a grin. He also had gotten Zoyecha something though but he won't tell no matter how much she begged.
Zoyechka frowned "come on! Tell me! Why won't anyone tell me what I'm getting for my birthday! It's not fair! Not fair! It makes me so angry!" She nearly threw a tantrum until she saw a worker in the distance. She shrunk down to her child size and pulled out a ribbion from her purse. It coiled and floated on its own surrounded by dark matter. She shot it towards the worker. It ripped through the air in a flash and made its way down the worker's throat. The worker stood there for a moment, still. Suddenly he herded around for a moment, before the ribbon slid out of the man chest. Then he fell to the floor.

The ribon returned back to Zoyechka and landed in her hand. Zoyechka smiled as she put the ribon back in her purse. She turn to Erik and giggled "well I feel better. Oh! We should do something fun! Like go to a park or see a movie! I never see you anymore it's so sad." She teared up a little bit and began to sniffle.
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