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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

Lea's wyes widened slightl at the offer and exclaimed, "No, that'd be wonderful! Thank you so much for offering!" Her smiled broadened, leaving Manjano chuckling again at Lea's feelings. Lea instantly blushed again and glared at her brother, wishing be'd shut up and keep to himself. Glancing back at Max, Lea again wondered why he'd pulled up his hood for such a short time. Nervous, shy, or upset by something?
Jake signed the paperwork and gave an exaggerated smile with his eyes closed to the head nurse before heading out of the hospital. Jake was no stranger to the general hospital. Heck, by this point it was practically his second home. He's been shot, stabbed and electrocuted more times than some experience in their lifetime. "I'll be back, Marie.", he said without looking at her. He lifted his arm slightly and gestured a half wave as he exited the building.

The head nurse rolled her eyes as he headed out the front entrance. It was obvious to her that no matter what she says, Jake will probably be back and it would probably be sooner rather than later. Jake had a genuine smile as he walked though, the head nurse was like a mother to him. He knew in his heart that she genuinely cared for him. It wasn't just some act she had put on as a nurse. And he, in return, liked to visit her off of working hours. Her husband had passed away several year prior to his arrival in the city and she had no other families in town. So he made it a point to visit her as often as he could. Nowadays however, it was becoming less and less convenient for him to get away from work. The increasing crime rates and his work at the lab were just a few of the reasons.

He took a cab and headed for one of his favourite restaurants. Though he did manage to convince one of the nurse to slip him some extra food in the ward, hospital food wasn't exactly what he had in mind for a good meal. It had started drizzling lightly as he slipped in. Taking off his overcoat, he sat down at one of the table. "Detective Reynolds, haven't seen you in awhile. The usual?", one of the waitress asked with a giggle. "Hey, Rika.....", he said with a smile before answering her. "Yeah, thanks. My head's still pounding from last night.", he said with a fatigues smile. "Quite the night, huh? I bet the whole department's been busy.", the waitress said as she poured a cup of coffee for him. "That an understatement..... Um, can I have a couple of soft-boiled eggs and some toasts ?", he asked as he took a sip of the coffee she just poured him. Just how he liked it. "You're eating ? That's rare.", she said with a small smile. "Yeah, just got discharged from the hospital.", he said with a grin. "Again? I hope everything's okay.", she said with a rather concerned look. "Its all good. Just a minor bump to the head, is all. Nothing to worry about.", he assured her before she smiled again and left for the kitchen.

He sat back in his chair, taking in the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee and just then he noticed the boy in the hood. 'That's the boy from last night.', he knew. A smile creeping up his face as he stood up and headed over to the booth. He saw two others seated right opposite the boy. Without thinking much about it he reached for the boy and touched his shoulder. To his surprise, a small electrical spark crackled between them right as he was about to touch him. He winced and pulled his hand away. This had apparently caught the attention of the boy as well. "I'm sorry. I seem to have bad luck with electricity.", he apologized with a firm smile to all three of the teenagers at the table. "Would you believe me if I said that I've been hit by lightning 5 times........ and that's in the past year alone.", he said. @Peaceswore @Lioness075
The twins both simultaneously looked sharply at the new stranger. Lea instantly noted that he was much older than the trio and she could tell right away that he was a freak like them. Whether or not he'd voice it, Lea wondered if he was an elementalist like her brother and herself. After all, he clearly had some kind of electrical outlet. Perhaps he could control fire and thus, control lightning as well. Manjano shook his head at his sister. 'Not everyone is an elementalist like us, sis,' he thought before raising an eyebrow at the man. Lea then decided to speak up, knowing her brother wasn't a huge fan of leading conversations. "Um, hi. My brother and I are new to town. My name's Leandra, but you can call me Lea." Before Lea could introduce her brother, Manjano spoke up, cutting her off, "My name's Manjano." He watched the man closely, always being quick to mistrust strangers. The twins' history with strangers had rarely ever been a good one.

Mizuki left the bar after a couple shots, not even feeling buzzed. Seeing as she was having a break from contracts for the time being, Mizuki headed to the restaurant that seemed to have just opened. Having a weapon license was helpful considering Mizuki always had her sniper rifle slung across her back with the muzzle pointed to the ground. Though it was always an odd sight considering how young Mizuki looked. She just hoped that nobody would find it highly concerning for her to have such a large and complex sniper rifle with her. The last thing she needed to deal with was someone trying to get in her way. She wasn't the best at hearing anyone out about anything. Her conversations usually ended in fights and she didn't typically lose them.

Entering the restaurant, Mizuki quickly found a booth in a corner, quietly ordering a water and beer after receiving an odd look from the waitress. Mizuki quickly unslung her rifle and lay it behind her feet, under the booth and away from prying eyes. She still had her hood up over her head, her red and piercing eyes scanning the few people present. She instantly took in the sight of a man chatting with three teens. Looking all of them over, Mizuki deduced that the two redheads were most likely twins. It was hard to tell if any of them were special like her, but she'd had plenty of contracts in the past to kill specials such as herself so it wouldn't surprise her if they could perform extraordinary feats.
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Jake smiled at the two as they introduced themselves. "New in town? Well, you guys sure picked the wrong time to visit.", he said. "But I assure you that the LAPD has your best interest at heart and are doing everything we can to ensure he safety of everyone in LA.", he said, wondering why he sounded like a TV advertisement just then. He shrugged it off before taking out his badge "Detective Jake Reynolds, LAPD homicide and organized crime's division, at your service.", he said with a warm smile. "With my track record when dealing with electricity, I'm surprised I'm even still breathing.", he said jokingly before a soft tap to his back made him clear his throat and his face turned to a serious one in a comicaly fast manner. "Don't say things like that.", Rika, who apparently was the one who tapped his back said from behind him. "Yes, maam.", he replied with a sigh before asked the three, "Is this seat taken ?"
Max shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Sorry." He muttered as he scooted over making room for Jake. He once again took out an I pad and did a back ground check. "So what do you to think about my offer?" Max asked as he looked at the twins. @maxacec
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The twins both simultaneously shrugged, not really caring since he wouldn't be sitting by them. It was really up to Max if he was okay with the detective to be sitting beside him. Lea looked at Max when he mentioned the offer and she gave him a warm smile before saying, "We'd love to take you up on your offer." Manjano nodded in agreement. Considering their lack of options for shelter and food, living with Max for the time being would surely be helpful. Plus, the twins would be more than willing to help Max out with anything in exchange for letting them stay with him. Lea then voiced this, saying, "Hey, if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask one of us. We owe you big time." Manjano then had a random thought as he wondered if Max had noticed the twins' strong Italian accents. Normally by now, an American would have mentioned it since Americans apparently loved foreign accents. Manjano found it rather odd since he didn't like the American accents a whole lot. They sounded really odd to him.

Mizuki overheard the introduction by the detective and instantly narrowed her eyes at him. She was going to have to watch out for this guy. He could be bad news for her, big time, if she ever ran into him while on one of her contracts. Taking a swig of her beer, Mizuki then signaled for the waitress to come over. Almost inaudibly, Mizuki said, "Scrambled eggs, toast, and pancakes." The waitress frowned as it was hard to hear Mizuki and then repeated the order to make sure she'd heard correctly. Mizuki nodded and the waitress walked off, with a slight frown on her face, unsettled by Mizuki's presence. This didn't bother Mizuki, as she was used to the reaction and actually rather enjoyed seeing people get uneasy around her.
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Max smiled which was visible under his hood. "It's no problem, just please don't turn out to be serial killer. I don't want to deal with that again." He joked before finishing his fries. When he as done with his food he looked at Jakes background record thoroughly making sure it wasn't fake. 'Ok, I have some serious trust issues.' He thought letting out a sigh. "After we are done here I can show you two around and then take you to my house." He offered still reading Jake's background.
When Max said again, Jake turned towards Max. Thinking that Max was talking about the beast they hand encountered the night before. He juggled the idea for a moment before deciding to not ask about it. Though it was the reason he went over to them in the first place, to ask about the night before and why Max was there, it wasn't the time not place.

As Rika placed his order in front of him, he simply ate, listening to the three talk. As usual, his eyes wondered around the restaurant though this time it landed on someone. The girl in the far corner of the room looked someone detached from the rest of the establishment. Being a detective, his eyes were sharp and his intuition, sharper but for the same reason, he never acts without proof. 'Benefit of the doubt.... but I'll keep an eye on her for now.', he thought as he continued looking around while he ate.
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Lea grinned at Max and nodded, eager to learn more about where everything was in town and to get oriented. She soon finished her cheeseburger and then began nibbling on her french fries while Manjano continued to calmly eat his steak. Mentally, Lea complained to him, 'Bro, since when did it take you five years to eat one piece of food?' Manjano smirked at this and intently slowed down even more so, much to Lea's dismay. 'You can truly be an asshole sometimes,' Lea thought while Manjano grinned at her and smugly replied mentally, 'Only to you, sis.' Lea rolled her eyes at this and then looked back at the detective. Curiosity sparked in Lea and she asked him with a slight cock of her head, "So, Detective, what are you up to? Investigating anything?"

Mizuki continued to drink her beer silently, suddenly feeling someone's eyes on her. She waited until she no longer felt the gaze and then looked up sharply, her eyes quickly scanning the people in the restaurant. Her gaze landed on the detective again and she frowned, wondering if he'd taken notice of her. Not the best way to start in a new town. A new town meant her slate was clean, and she intended for it to appear clean for as long as possible. Once she began to get noticed, she'd typically ditch town and move on again. She'd never been caught before and highly doubted she ever would be.
Max put away his tablet and looked over at Jake. "It's rude to stare." He said before resting his head on the table and staring at the wall. 'So this guy fought that assassin or merc with me the other day. Wait...does that means he knows about my powers?...No I used them before he got there, so he shouldn't know...right?' He wondered once again shifting uncomfortable in his seat. He then looked at the twins. "Do you guys want desert? Of course you will have to finish that steak in this century." He joked. He kept his hood up still not wanting Jake to see his face, since he was unsure how much that guy remembered of the fight. @Lioness075 @maxacec
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Jake had a resigned smile as he turned to face Max. "Well, in case you were wondering, I wasn't staring.", he said slightly emphasizing the word stare as he did so. "Besides, as far as being rude goes...... Wearing your hood indoors and hiding your face behind a tablet won't exactly win you the table manners of the year award.", he said in response, somewhat aggravated by Max's tone.

At Lea's question however, the familiar smile returned as he answered her question. "Yes, a few actually. But I can't discuss them, sorry.", he said, with an apologetic smile. "Anyway, I think its about time that I head back. I'll need to be in the office in a couple of hours.", he said as he drank up his cup of coffee and stood up.

He left some money on the table and just as he was about to leave, he turned back towards Max. "I have some questions I'd like to ask you about last night. Whenever you're free, just drop by the station. Um...I didn't get your name? Mr.... ?"
"Nobody." He muttered as he looked away. He let out a sigh and looked at the man his hood still up. "Do you just want to ask me the question now? It'll save us both a lot of time and trouble." He said, really if he didn't do it now he would either forget or the anxiety would make him unfocused the entire day. "If we do it now let's talk outside. Your choice." @maxacec
Manjano remained silent as he focused entirely on eating his steak, now speeding up the process after teasing Lea for a minute. Lea nodded eagerly at the idea of dessert, something that neither of the twins had ever had the luxury of enjoying before. Hearing the detective's comment about Max's behavior, Lea remained silent as she felt the exact same way. She didn't like the way Max seemed to be keen to avoid eye contact and almost always hid behind his device. She could easily tell he had secrets to hide, but he made it overly obvious to anyone near him. The twins didn't really bother in hiding their powers, but they'd lived a very different life in Italy as compared to what they hoped to live in America. Lea frowned though when the detective mentioned something happening last night between him and Max. The twins exchanged a subtle look, both wondering what had happened. Was Max in trouble, or was he in danger? Lea began to feel slightly uneasy at this, hoping they hadn't just booked a night with a criminal.

Mizuki finally got her food and began gingerly eating it, keeping her gaze on the people around her. She soon saw the detective getting up and leaving the restaurant. 'Finally,' she thought to herself, having wanted him to leave earlier. He made her feel slightly uneasy, something she wasn't used to feeling. She sense something different about him, and was almost certain that he was supernatural like her. She just didn't know what he could do, but being in the position of power he was in, he could easily pose a threat to Mizuki.
"Nah, thats okay. I wouldn't want to make your friends wait.", he said with a smile, noticing Max's eargerness to get it over with quickly. It wasn't his intention but the two sitting looked rather uneasy. It was a feeling he had became accustomed to. He was 25, barely a detective by any standards but even from before; his days as an investigator for the army, he could always sense the uneasiness of those around him. Sometimes they work to his advantage during an interrogation but at times, it simply tells him that he'd overstayed his welcome.

"Just come over around lunchtime. Its just a simple routine questioning, so don't worry too much about it."
, he said before turning towards the twins and gave an acknowledging nodded before exiting the restaurant with his overcoat.
Max watched as the man left. "Fifty bucks says I forget to go." He muttered to himself. He then let out a small yawn before turning to the twins. 'I guess I need more sleep.' He thought. "Take your time I'm in no rush." He said with a smile that as visible under his hood. He leaned back and closed his eye feeling a bit on the drowsy side. 'This is what I get for staying awake till 2am and then waking at 7 or whatever.'
Manjano finally finished his steak and Lea finished her french fries before looking across the table at Max. Lea smiled warmly at him, finding his smile to be highly appealing. Manjano again smirked at Lea, causing her to blush a bit, and she playfully punched him on the shoulder before saying to Max, "So, is dessert still an option?" She noted that he looked rather tired and she wondered if it'd be a better idea to head back to his place so he could get some rest. Especially before his 'interview'.

Mizuki sighed, finding this breakfast to be rather mundane. She always grew bored easily when she wasn't busy with a contract. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, Mizuki pulled out her small laptop from her satchel before opening it on the table beside her food. Booting it up, Mizuki immediately went to the internet and then to the discreet webpage that was her main source of contracts. Normally, within a week of a contract ending, Mizuki would be contacted for another. Alas, she'd gone nearly two weeks now without anyone contacting her. Hopefully, she could find someone of high value to ease her mind with busying herself in preparation.
Max watched the two play and noticed Lea's face redden. "Are you ok? I guess it's a bit hot in here." He said as he took off hiss hood. "Also you can get whatever you like. I'm paying so don't hold back I promise my wallet can handle it." He said with a grin before calling over a waiter "Excuse me, we would like desert, I'll have a chocolate ice cream on a cone." The waiter nodded and turned to the other to. "And what would you two like?" @Lioness075
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"After hiro eats breakfast, he gets up and checks on rocky in the pool. Rocky was just swimming peacefully, when he saw hiro, he gets out and rubbed his tusk on him, showing affection. "OK big guy, I love you too. Anyway, I will be back, I need to get some nectar." Hiro said as he walked away, towards the front door. But however, rocky followed hiro, wanting to go with him. "You can't come, remember last time that happened?" Hiro said, pointing to Rocky's tail. Rocky growled and stomped his left front leg. "Ok grouch, you can come, but do not eat the other animals, got it?" Hiro asked, with rocky nodding in understanding. Maximus shook his head, knowing rocky will do the opposite at some point, unless there is a butcher shop. Hiro got onto Rocky's back and then rode off into town. Hiro saw the looks on other people's faces as they stared at him.
Lea's face reddened even more so when Max took notice of it. Manjano chuckled at this, but otherwise said nothing about it. Lea let out a sigh of relief when the waiter was called over. The twins both blanched though when they were asked what they wanted. Neither had ever ordered dessert before and had no idea what was available. After a short exchange mentally, they both settled to get the same as Max so as to avoid any hassles. Lea smiled politely at the waiter before saying, "We'll get what he's getting." She then gestured at Max, hoping he wouldn't question why they were ordering the same thing as him.
"Ok three chocolate cones, coming right up." The waiter said before walking off. Once the waiter left Max looked at the twins with a raised eyebrow. "Do you guys have some sort of telepathic ability? You both ordered the same thing as me without complaining. So you guys either you can talk to each other with your minds or you never had a desert before and copied what I got." He said as he glanced to his side and saw a women with her laptop out. He couldn't explain it, but he had a bad feeling about her. 'Should I? No I can't hack into everyones laptops just because I don't like them.' He thought, though he really wanted to.
Lea grinned and before Manjano could stop her, she said with a warm smile, "We have a mental connection. We can read each other's minds, communicate, and understand one another's feelings." She paused and then added sheepishly, "We also have never had a dessert before and copied what you got." She put one of her hands on the back of her head before sheepishly grinning at Max, her face slightly flushed with the embarrassment of neither of them knowing what dessert was, other than it being something very delicious that they'd never had before.

Mizuki felt someone's eyes on her again and her gaze went sharply around the room, before stopping and meeting Max's gaze from afar. She stared intently in his eyes for a moment, trying to understand what he may be thinking, but then she averted her gaze and looked back at her laptop. She wasn't the best at understanding other's feelings all the time, especially anyone she'd just met. Anyway, it wasn't like she'd even met the boy. She'd just eavesdropped on their conversations with the detective without ever introducing herself or approaching anyone. That was the way she preferred it anyhow. Tapping away on her computer, Mizuki soon pulled up a contract for this area. She subtly raised an eyebrow as she read the contract, seeing that the person of interest was the chief of police for this town. Now that would be a fun one to complete.
With rocky walking down the street, hiro watched as people glanced at them, while others stared. Rocky began to get nervous as he was stared at. Maximus flew next to rocky, making soothing sounds to calm the giant frog. Slight tremors occurred with Rocky's step. "As long as nothing angers rocky, we should be fine." Hiro muttered to himself as he neared the establishment max and the twins were in. Hiro needed to go to the store near that establishment, to pick up some herbs for tea. @Lioness075 @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye
"Just ignore the giant frog outside." Max muttered not wanting to deal with it. "And I was joking about the mind reading abilities, but that's intresting. People with powers isn't that common here, it doesn't freak me out because I'm a bio engineer, so I have seen some stuff." He said with a chuckle. "Here is your ice cream and check." The waiter said as he handed the items. Max nodded and pulled out his wallet he paid the bill and left a good sizes tip. "Never had desert before? I feel your pain, I just had my first ice cream cone less than a year ago, and honestly that was the best day of my life." He joked as he began eating his desert. "Oh warning it's cold." As he ate he glanced at the girl again his bad feeling get a bit worse. 'I have amazing luck...and not the good kind.'
Lea raised an eyebrow at the powers not being common here. She blatantly pointed at the giant frog and said, "If people with powers isn't common here then why are people not screaming and freaking out at the sight of the giant frog. I may not be normal, but I know for a fact that any normal human would freak out at the sight of something like that." Putting her hand down, Lea decided to not push it. It really wasn't that big of a deal anyhow. The twins both exchanged a look before they picked up their ice cream cones and then each took a bite into it. Lea swallowed her bite and instantly grinned, loving the taste of it. Manjano was more thoughtful and reserved about it, but he smiled slightly before saying, "This is really good."

Mizuki began conducting some background research on this police chief, figuring out basic stuff like where he lived and if he had family. Her first day with any contract always involved plenty of research and recon. She also made sure to send an anonymous message to the person who posted the contract so they'd know that she'd accepted it. She also requested that a replenish of her ammo for her sniper rifle be included in the reward, which the stranger was more than willing to include. Satisfied with this, Mizuki went back to her research while she finished off her meal.
Max Nobody

Max looked outside and shrugged. "I think they just stop questioning, especially after what happened yesterday. So do you guys want to go? I can show you around a bit and then we can head over to my house." He said as he took another bite. "And of course it's good, this is ice cream."

Erik Scared

As he was in the middle of yelling at the idiots that lost the shipment Erik felt his phone vibrate. He opened it and saw someone accepted the contract. 'I would've done it myself, but I have others I need to kill. And whoever wants more ammo?' Fine, just tell me caliber and I'll include it in the reward He texted back. He then stuffed his phone in his pocket and let out a sigh. "I really want to kill one of you idiots...but you guys are better use as meat shield." He muttered to himself before walking away to go see if he could fix this mess.

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