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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Alright lets be honest who expected Arii to get kidnapped right out the door XD

  • Honestly I am surprised it didnt happen in the first post.

  • Well shiitake mushrooms


  • ... I feel nothing, and that scares me XD

  • o3o Azure the moment you accepted them we knew we would be disappointed if you didn't.

  • All according to plan....

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Okay so funny thing about that question

Arii's eyes are technically two different colors cause I thought it'd be funny. Essentially, you have a dark brown on the perimeter of the iris and an orange near the pupil

View attachment 1154962

Here's a lil color swatch
So its a blend? My brain sees it as Amber.

I was asking cause of the golden eye part on your post. Then I realized they meant Fangmon. I can barely see the dogs eyes
So its a blend? My brain sees it as Amber.

I was asking cause of the golden eye part on your post

It was inspired off of how unsettling ppl with darker brown eyes look when the light hits them just right

I love pteranomon Vs pteranomon x-antibody

Because I'm ngl one of the only reasons I went with X antibody is because X antibody version of pteranomon is so much cooler. Like I legit don't know what the X-antibody does

Like. This looks like something I would draw when I was younger and/or without references as to what jets look like

and this looks like something I would draw now/with references


It was inspired off of how unsettling ppl with darker brown eyes look when the light hits them just right
I'd have to take myself a picture cause I have never seen that in myself xD and I have brown eyes

I love pteranomon Vs pteranomon x-antibody

Because I'm ngl one of the only reasons I went with X antibody is because X antibody version of pteranomon is so much cooler. Like I legit don't know what the X-antibody does

Like. This looks like something I would draw when I was younger and/or without references as to what jets look like
View attachment 1154966

and this looks like something I would draw now/with references

View attachment 1154968
It does look cool. It looks like you can operate them from their head. Beep boop bop.

Oki time to post
I'd have to take myself a picture cause I have never seen that in myself xD and I have brown eyes

It does look cool. It looks like you can operate them from their head. Beep boop bop.
It doesn't happen v often to my knowledge. Moreso to me because I wear glasses and my lenses are thicker than the Great Wall of China
Lol curious are they into politics? Idk why they seem like they would
Not really. They try not to think about things they don't have control over because then they'll get angry and an angry Arii is an Arii that's not studying
Not really. They try not to think about things they don't have control over because then they'll get angry and an angry Arii is an Arii that's not studying
Lol smart. I do the same. I ain't trying to get anxiety.

Also posted! Enjoy the long shit post xD

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream TYSM for all the nice words. Sorry I didn't reply back. Too much to respond. But I mean I hope Ruth at least finds a companion aside from Impmon xD in terms of ship

So what's up with Raven? I feel like they're the mysterious of all
it could be worse, someone could grab them and throw them off. you know just renact the lion king a bit
Róisín is gonna be the cranky babysitter of the group I just know it!
Wow, two pages worth of comments in the ooc and Rpnation notified me of none of them
Woo! Very excited! 8D

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon I just realized something. Have you seen Digimon savers or Digimon Data Squad? I feel you might like it since the MC essentially just picks a fight with every digimon and punches it every time

Uuuuhhh. Marcus 😒
Thought tbf I haven't seen it in a while so maybe it ain't all bad
Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Nice post! I will say just incase my post was a little confusing, there are some parts where Róisín is really talking "" and others are just her internal thoughts 'italic'. Sorry for any confusion!

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