The Vampire Carnival

He tilted his head towards her as he saw her blush deeply and scratched his chin in question "Secret?" He said his eyes wide "If you truly wish to tell me, I'm here to listen but please don't feel as if you are forced to tell me. That is the last thing I want" He said in a sincere tone, though he believed he said that once before. He would never make her do anything she didn't want to, though he hadn't pressed her for anything so far. Still he knew what it was like to have a secret and respected it, though he would never tell a word to anyone. He looked around the room before he spoke again "I swear to you whatever you have to tell me will not leave these for walls right boy?" he said motioning to his cat who simply jumped off his bed and rubbed against Ardetha's legs before he plopped down at her feet "I think that's a yes?" He said in a playful tone as he focused his attention back at her
Aretha giggled at science and she leaned back some preparing herself, "I trust you and don't believe you will tell anyone..I just feel that for all the times you have pulled me from my moods that you should know what puts me in them.." she looked at him sincerely for a moment before continuing. "Before I came to the carnival I was night while he and I were on the town I was left outside. But while some strange man grabbed me from behind and the next thing I knew I was waking up in a ditch many many miles from my home. Instead if going back I found you guys." She smoked thinking back, "many years after being with all of you I spotted my fiance in the crowd leaving the tent, that was the time I was gone for a few days. I ended running back to my town to see him but..he was married with two little girls. He was much older now but he looked happy." Her smile never faded but tears prickled her eyes, "I long for the life I never got to have..the love I feel I will never get to feel again.."
Skillx let the silence fill the room before Ardetha began her tale, and he felt sadness stab his heart with each sentence as he watched her eyes beginning to fill with years and immediately was by her side gently wiping the tear away. "Shhh" He said in a comforting tone as he rubbed his thumb against her cheek "I understand the pain you have been through, but if that man was unintelligent enough to marry another than he is undeserving of a woman so beautiful and just as equally as talented" He gave her a smile "Do not ever doubt you will not find love again for you are worth more than a thousand diamond rings and any man, woman, or child would be lucky to have been blessed with you in their life" He said softly as he planted a kiss on the back her perfect hand and stared up at her, hoping what he said was enough to bring her happiness again.
Ardeths was stunned when skill cane over to her and wiped her tears away, the whole time she looked him in the eyes with growing heat speed across her cheeks. " is a vampire to find love..I.." she was stuttering over her words and her hand felt warm where he kissed it. His words touched her and made her heart swell with emotion. Her feelings getting more noticeable.
He smiled up at her "True love doesn't have a limit milady" He said blushing a bit "And if they truly love you, weather you're a human or vampire or even an alien it doesn't matter" He said stating the truth as he allowed his cheek to rest against the softness of her hand "Didn't anyone teach you that?" He questioned with a curious expression
"N-no...they had not.." her face was bright with color so contested with her pale skin. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, "skillx? What if I were to tell you that I..that I a-admired you". She kept her eyes downward too nervous to even look at him and too scared for his reaction . Could she help it? She had only ever had romantic feelings for him no matter who she got to know at the carnival. But she didn't want to hide things from him anymore.
He watched as her normally pale cheeks turned a deep pink and couldn't help but chuckle at how rather cute she looked before she closed her eyes and he listened very carefully as his own cheeks began to grow a rosey red "W-Well...ummm" He began shyly "I...I would say very fine" He giggled shyly before covering his mouth and trying to regain himself "I...also admire you g-greatly" He said as he looked up at her, Science rubbing the side of his face before meowing in approval
She straightened in surprise, "d-do you really? And forgive me for being so straight forward with you but do you mean to say this in a r-romantic sense?" As their hands were touching the feeling of his skin on hers started to send electrical sensations through her palm and arm. "B-becausr so in that way.." 
(Hey I'm heading to bed gtt get up in 5 hrs :) I'll be sure to post when I awake! Goodnight)
(Awesome well have a good night :3)

He nodded his head as he felt a strange sense of warmth flow through him "You are rather beautiful enough to have more than just one man fighting for your affections though I do hope that I may be the one you choose" he said while he turned up to look at her, his eyes filled with happiness
Aretha smiled happily and she looked at him in a loving manner. "I don't see any other suitor more worthy of my affection, I want to be able to show you my feelings through the time we have together because I don't want to hide them any longer from you." She took his hand and brought it too her cheek resting her hand on the other side of his.
He blushed at her words "You see me as the only worthy suitor?" He shivered a bit as rested her cheek against his hand "But you must realize the cost of that. You are free to come and go from this Carnival but my ties prevent me from doing so" It was true since he was the great grandson of the one who made the Carnival his vows wouldn't allow him to leave as others could, his fate was to stay within the Carnival for the rest of his ife
She nodded fully aware what it meant, "I know and so long as you are here so I shall remain as well. This is the only home and life I know and I'm happy. Besides if I have you by my side I won't have any need to go elsewhere." Looking into his eyes she smiled warmly at him. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy and her hands were shaking a bit. She hasn't shown this much emotion since she was human and it made her nervous to show this side of her to skill.
His eyes widened, did she really mean it? He felt his heart beat with happiness and noticed her hands shaking a bit as he ran his over it "Very well than I accept your affections, do you hereby accept mine?" He questioned as he looked at her, smiling as he saw her light pink cheeks
"Skill..I accept your affections and will cherish them so long as I am alive" she held his hands in hers and she learned in close to him resting her head in him shyly. "Is this alright?" She looked up at him, her hair curling around his shoulders blending in with his fancy suit.
He smiled as he felt her rest her head on him and lightly began petting her hair. "It is completely alright, I assure you" He said as he shivered a bit, feeling her hands rest on his shoulders and looked over at the clock "Science?" He questioned as he heard the cat give a meow
ardetha looked around as he called science's name, "are you looking for him?" her skin tingled at his touch and she calmed greatly as he pet her hair making her sigh calmly. she heard science meow somewhere but couldnt pin point where exactly, "science little one?" she peeped over skillx's shoulder around the room for the little mechanical pet.

(lol for now i feel some sentences may be short)
(It's fine)

He jumped a bit as he felt the cats mechanical nails scratch against his back "Science do you know what time it is?" He questioned the cat as he turned his attention back to Adetha "The Carnival is due to close and than we must pack it up and travel to the next location, where do you feel like going?" He questioned as he looked up at her
ardetha giggled at science as he scratched his back, "silly kitty" he stroked the kitties head while speaking. "hmm id presume somewhere with less hooligans would be nice." she said re calling that nights feeding, she certainly didnt want to be cught in a mess such as that again. it sent shivers through her body nothing made her more scared than a man trying to bring himself unto her. she only thought about the night the vampire had kidnapped her and left her to die in a muddy ditch.
He smiled as Science climbed onto his shoulder enjoying the petting from Ardetha before he perched his lips "Well I could do some research" He said as he got up and dug through on of his messy shelves before he pulled out a map and unfolded it "I marked all the places we have been, so choose a place. Any place will do" He said with a smile as he tried being humorous
Aretha stood and straightened herself out as she walked to his side. "Well how about I close my eyes and pick a spot? That should make it interesting" she smiled excitedly as she stared at the map. All the places they had been including her home town and the city she discovered the carnival in. "Sound like a good plan?"
He smiled widely and continued to hold the map up "Excellent idea" He ushered to her as she stared openly at the map. He tilted his head wondering where she chose and quickly marked it "Yes, shall we tell the others?" He questioned her with a smile
she nodded, "that is a wonderful idea!" she clasped her hands together happily making her way towards his door. "well arent you coming hun?" she extended her hand to him blushing lightly as she smiled. not used to calling him such nicknames before. "um sure our fellow vampires would like to know first before the sun comes up..the humans will be safer for now."
He smiled up at her as he gently rolled the map back up and placed it back on the shelf, and blushed slightly at his new acquired name and gently grabbed her hand "Yes we should alert them before the rays of the sun come" He hissed a bit thinking about it, they had to get the show done and pack everything up and travel.
"Let us make haste then!" Felling giddy from his hand in hers she strolled down the hallway her happiness almost radiating off of her. When. she reached a section full of vampires relaxing and a few humans cleaning up she made a pouted face. "Everyone we need to help each other out or else we won't be able to travel by sunrise!" She put a hand in her slender hip eyeing some of the usual slack offs. "Come now we can work together!" She picked things of the ground and grinned at skillx.
He allowed her to led him towards the other vampires and a few select humans who began gathering their things up and watched as Ardetha gave him a smile. "Thank you guys! I'm gonna need some help taking the tents down" He said waving at Ardetha before heading outside and began unhooking the spikes that held the tents up

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