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The Vacation

He'd waited for her.

Their beach bungalow suddenly felt small and cramped as he paced the living area, seven strides across and seven strides back. When he grew tired of pacing, he sat - first on the wooden floor with his back against the wall, then, when his clothes had dried, on the linen couch. He crossed his legs. Uncrossed them. Jiggled his foot. He turned on the TV for a brief moment, but quickly turned it back off. He couldn't concentrate on the movie menu.

He'd done the right thing, hadn't he? Pushing her away was what a friend would have done. It was what Vivienne had done to him nearly a year ago. Granted, neither were drunk at the time. As a result, Sam had almost forgotten the pain of her rejection. Almost. It wasn't the sort of sting people easily forgot. This - what he'd just done to Adelais - felt strangely similar. The ache in his chest was back, throbbing acutely. If he'd made the right choice, why did it hurt so badly? Only one person could answer that question for him.

It was nearly midnight when he dialed her number, but she picked up on the first ring. "Sam?" There was a slight hint of surprise in Vivienne's voice. Sam breathed steadily but didn't say anything. "What's wrong?" she asked. He loved that she knew how to interpret his pauses. It made his job so much easier.

"Can you meet me?" he asked. "The Silver Lounge in ten minutes?"

She replied without hesitation. He also loved that about her. "I'll be there in five," she said.

At the Silver Lounge

Sam met Vivienne in a quiet, secluded booth toward the back of the bar. She wrapped her arms around him and pecked his cheek. "What's wrong?"

Sam let his head fall against the high backrest of the bench. He took a deep breath. "I almost kissed Adelais tonight. I was
this close -" he held his thumb and index finger an inch apart - "to kissing her, but I didn't. Instead I left her alone and I'm pretty sure I embarrassed her so now I feel like crap. I need your wisdom, Viv."

Now it was Vivienne's turn to pause. "Oh," she said.

"'Oh?' That's it? That's your sage advice? I was about to get frisky with one of our good friends and all you have to say is 'oh?'"

"I just though she had a thing for Caleb."

"I think it's more that
he has a thing for her."

Vivienne frowned. "Do you have a thing for her?"

"I - it's... I don't... We don't really know each other," Sam sputtered, which only made Vivienne's frown deepen.

"That doesn't answer my question," she said.

After a long pause - one from which Sam was sure Vivienne could read his thoughts - he said, "I think I do." He did. There was no question about it. But he didn't just want Adelais; he wanted to be with her. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and hold her close. Just not while they were drunk. He didn't want some sloppy one-night stand, not with Adelais. And selfish as it was - or romantic or cheesy or what have you - he wanted her to have genuine feelings for him, too. He didn't want to be just some guy to her, some alcohol-induced vacation nightmare. The idea alone that she only got cozy with him because she was drunk made him sick.

"So tell her," said Vivienne. Anticipating his resistance, she quickly added, "Not tonight. Get some rest and let her have her space." She stood up and stretched. "We'll try talking to her tomorrow."


In response, Vivienne winked. "Good night, Sam."

At Breakfast

Sam did as Vivienne suggested: he gave Adelais her space. He didn't try to text or call, and when he didn't see her in the bungalow the following morning, he tried not to worry too much. He'd probably just missed her. Or maybe she decided to bunk with Becks. So he showered, shaved, brushed his teeth and got ready for breakfast. It was a casual affair, so he slipped on some navy shorts, a t-shirt and a thin cotton hoodie.

Casual, apparently, meant "golf club casual" and not "poor college student" casual, which Daniel explained when Sam arrived. Sam greeted him with his middle finger and slid into an the empty seat next to him. Becks sat on Daniel's other side, and was too preoccupied with her mimosa to bother with a greeting. Vivienne and Caleb arrived next. Somehow, they'd managed to seat themselves in the exact same order as they had at dinner. And when Adelais arrived, she'd take the last remaining seat directly across from Sam.

If she arrived.

Sam jiggled his leg under the table. Vivienne put a steadying hand on his knee, so he stopped. Finally, mercifully, Adelais arrived, looking flushed but otherwise clean and put-together.
And beautiful, thought Sam. He tried not to stare, which proved difficult. Giving her space was a whole lot harder when she was nearby.

Just as he opened his mouth to say hello, Caleb leaned in to Adelais, speaking low so no one else could hear. Sam frowned and tightened his grip on his menu. Vivienne gently pried his fingers open. For some reason Sam had the unpleasant feeling that Caleb was talking about him.

... Caleb's Point of View ...

"I was worried about you," he said when Adelais sat down. Luck must have been on his side - he'd hoped to sit next to her again. He rested his arm on the back of her chair, trying to catch her eye so he could show her how concerned he was. "I bet you didn't get much sleep with those two at it all night, huh?" He nodded his head toward Sam and Vivienne.

He wasn't an idiot. Caleb saw the way she looked at Sam last night. He watched her chase him, screaming with glee, to the other end of the beach. Sure, she and Sam had the same childlike energy, but what she had with Caleb was history. A long-simmering attraction that had lasted far longer than whatever juvenile game she and Sam were playing. They didn't even know each other that well or for that long.

Best to lay everything out in the open. For everyone's sake. Caleb smiled conspiratorially. "I mean, even now they can't keep their hands off each other," he said to Adelais. "I guess their little tryst last night wasn't enough to sate them." That should do it. He straightened up, but left his arm on the back of Adelais's chair as he held the menu in front of them. His tone was suddenly light and conversational. "Oh, look. They have eggs Benedict here," he announced to no one in particular. "Excellent."

... End of Caleb's Point of View ...

She'd had it. Adelais pushed away from the table, the chair skidding back as she stood. Her eyes were on Caleb and she lifted her hand to deliver a hard smack to his face. It left a red mark and she could feel her hand stinging from the impact. Such a jerk. She knew he had a thing for her and she had always been honest with him that the feelings weren't reciprocated. This was twice now he'd been acting salty over something. She wouldn't let him use her to get over his girlfriend and they'd fought over that. Now he was talking all of this nonsense about Sam and Vivienne hooking up.....

In fact, Adelais hadn't even considered that thought. She felt embarrassed about coming onto him and about the rejection, but she had never thought of him leaving her to go to Vivienne and getting with her. She could feel her heart throbbing in her chest. The breath seemed to leave her lungs and her eyes looked over to Sam. She could feel everyone's eyes on her, but she could look away. Vivienne's hand was probably in his by the way their arms were placed and Adelais was overwhelmed with emotion. Maybe Caleb was right. Maybe Sam had hooked up with Vivienne. Of course he did. He could have whoever he wanted. Why would he choose Adelais over their bombshell friend?

"I'm sorry..." She muttered to the group, but not really to Caleb. He may have a point, but he was a jerk for upsetting her. Caleb wasn't stupid. He had a very smart head on his shoulders and was always working some kind of angle. Adelais moved from between the chair and the table and grabbed her phone and the key to the villa in her hand. She tried to keep her eyes as dry as possible, but they were welling up with tears, threating to breach the boundaries of her eyelids. But when she looked to Sam again, the tears tumbled over the dam, cascading down her cheeks. And with a quick turn of her feet, Adelais ran from the dining room, leaving the doors open as she headed toward the tram line.

It was a hot day. The sun was beating down on the sands and it felt as though she was burning where she stood. Somehow she'd stopped crying and now, she stepped onto the tram to take it back to the villa. This was all a big mistake. Sam and Vivienne made so much sense. The girl was stunning and Sam was super good looking. They looked good together. God, Adelais was such an idiot. She put her hand on her head as she exited the tram and walked along the pathway back toward the villa.

Thinking back on it, Adelais regretted leaving breakfast. But since she'd slapped Caleb and couldn't possibly stay after that. And she wouldn't have been able to make it through breakfast with the thoughts of Sam and Vivienne hooking up in her head. There were so many emotions flowing through her and she could barely steady her hand enough to unlock the door to enter the villa. But there was no escaping whoever came after her. Eventually, someone, be it Sam or otherwise, was going to come knocking. And she'd have to explain herself. With a heavy sigh, Adelais closed the heavy door behind her. The housekeepers had given them another bottle of champagne on ice to replace the one they drank the day before. But she didn't feel like it. She'd drank quite heavily the day before and it had left her stomach a bit upset.

Adelais drug her feet as she shuffled to the bedroom, her thoughts dreary and filled with jealousy and annoyance. She was so irked and hurt by Caleb, but she was so jealous of Vivienne. And she embarrassed herself in front of the entire group. She eventually pulled herself into bed and sighed at the comforts of the soft mattress. Considering the fact that she'd spent their first night in paradise sleeping on the ground leaned up against a palm tree, she was quite happy to be in the soft folds of the blankets. Her stomach was twisting in anticipation as she just laid in bed. Someone would come knocking. Or Sam would return. It was just a matter of time.
It had all happened so quickly. Adelais hadn't seemed like her usual bubbly, spirited and mischievous self, for which Sam claimed total fault, but he didn't think she looked on the verge of violence. As much as it pleased him to hear the loud crack of her palm against the side of Caleb's face, he was still as shocked and confused as the others looked. For one stunned moment he stared, eyes wide and speechless, unable to fully comprehend what just happened.

"What the hell did you say to her?" Daniel demanded. Sam was curious about this, too, and when he could no longer see Adelais he kept his steely glare fixed on Caleb.

Caleb shrugged, reached for his water glass, and took a casual sip. "Nothing, I swear. It must be her time of the month or something."

"Excuse me?" asked Vivienne, audibly and visibly affronted.

Becks was no less offended. "You've got to be shitting me. You can't possibly expect us to believe you."

"Then don't believe me," said Caleb as he crossed his arms, a deep scowl setting into his all-American, old money features. "I didn't do anything wrong. She overreacted."

"BS," said Becks. She looked ready to argue, but before she finished drawing breath for what would have undoubtedly been a shockingly colorful attack, the legs of Sam's chair screeched against the marble floor as he shot up from his seat.

He left the group with neither apologies nor explanations. He couln't listen to their argument, not when Adelais had run off alone and upset. He would have loved to stay and grill Caleb, but he would have to save that pleasantness for another time. Right now he needed to make sure Adelais was all right.

The Suite

He'd missed the first tram, the one that carried Adelais back to their bungalow, so Sam had to wait for the next one. Fortunately, the hotel trams arrived at regular two-minute intervals which meant he'd only be a couple minutes behind her. So when he burst through the front door of their hut, he thought he'd find her still in the living room. But she wasn't, as he expected, sitting on the couch or leaning against the counter or even standing on the deck looking out on the ocean. Gingerly, he peeked his head into the bedroom, hoping she hadn't locked herself in the ensuite bathroom, and found an Adelais-sized lump burrowed under the covers of the bungalow's single queen-sized bed.

He quietly crossed the room and sat on the other side of the mattress. It was a nice mattress, plush and soft, and would have been more comfortable than the couch he slept on the night before. He absent-mindedly smoothed out a few wrinkles on the comforter. What was he supposed to say? Sorry for being a dick last night? I'm a moron? I didn't mean to embarrass you? Nothing seemed even remotely adequate. And then there was the mess from this morning. What had Caleb said to make her so upset? He knew it wasn't his business, but that didn't stop him from wanting to know. Clearly it was bad. If it wasn't, Adelais wouldn't be buried under the blankets.

After the first thoughtful moments of silence stretched into minutes of awkwardness, Sam decided it was time he said something.

"I know I'm probably one of the last people you want to speak to right now," he said eventually. "But I want you to know that you can if you want to." He cleared his throat. He should probably leave it at that. Let her have her space. So he stood and ruffled the back of his head as he made his way to the bedroom door, then said, "I'm sorry about last night, Adelais." He truly was. Not about what almost happened, but about what didn't.

Wait a minute. This didn't feel right. He shouldn't be walking
away. Screw her space. They only had five days left of their vacation, and he wasn't about to spend another minute in limbo. He was going to park himself next to her and hold true to his word; if she wanted to talk, he'd be there. He let go of the door handle, slipped off his shoes, and lay down on the other side of the bed with his arms crossed under his head. If she wanted him gone, she'd have to get rid of him by force.
Adelais didn't say a word as she heard Sam enter the villa, pace around looking for her in the front rooms before listening to his footsteps as he entered the bedroom. She didn't move or speak while he spoke to her. What was she supposed to say? She didn't even know how she felt. She was so utterly embarrassed. From last night and this morning. Just stupid. She was so stupid. Adelais attempted to respond to him, but the moment she opened her mouth, a silent sob shook through her. She didn't know what to do.

"You can go back to breakfast. I know you haven't eaten." Her voice was shaky and quiet as she spoke, but the silence between them was extremely unbearable. She knew she'd break down and talk to him and honestly it was just a matter of time. There was no point in hiding from him. They were in the same group of friends. With more vacation left to go. And they were staying in the same room. It was just time to come clean. She decided to get her violence out of the way. She'd slapped one person already, might as well finish it out.

Adelais suddenly sat up in bed and pinched Sam, hard, in his side. "You asshole. Why didn't you come after me last night? I was a drunk girl by herself in the fucking ocean. I could have drowned! For fuck's sake, I slept leaned against a palm tree! And why didn't you look for me in the morning? And why did you leave me there?" Her voice was almost a squeal as she gave Sam an icy glare. She was just going to get it all out, no matter how ridiculous it all seemed. She could sort everything once it was all out there, but there was no sense in her bottling it up. Sam would have to see what was on her mind and understand her. Though she was fragile, so he couldn't exactly give it back to her, but she could hope for him to at least level with her.

Her small hand peeled the covers off her body and she quickly moved to sit on her folded legs, with her bottom touching the backs of her heels. "I felt like we had something. And I don't know what it was. And maybe it was just the alcohol. That's what I told myself. That it was the alcohol. But even after the alcohol wore off I felt the same. I didn't mean to make it come off like I just wanted to sleep with you. I mean, I did want to sleep with you and the alcohol definitely made me more susceptible to giving in, but it's not like it wouldn't have meant anything to me. I don't know what this is between us Sam. I don't fucking know. But you didn't want me, and I get that I guess. Why would you come after me when you could have Vivienne? I know you used to like her. And I saw you two this morning. And then Caleb said all that stuff about you two hooking up last night and I am mad at him, yeah, but that makes so much sense. Vivi's fucking gorgeous. She's skinny and tall and has amazing taste in clothes. I can see why you like her. But now I've embarrassed myself in front of all of our friends and you're here anyways. I'm so confused, I don't know what to do Sam. I just wanted to be close to you."

As she spilled it all out, her words began to flow quicker and quicker, falling from her lips in a stream-of-consciousness style. Adelais was an expressive girl and she wiggled and moved her hands as she spoke, her eyes of course flooding with tears and by the end of it all, she was sobbing between her words, the stinging jealousy back in her gut and dragging her heart seemingly into the bottomless pits of her bowels. Her hands lifted to cover her face, which was a bright shade of red from oxygen deprivation as she'd barely taken a breath in her entire spiel.

"I just....I thought there was something. Maybe I was reading into it too much. But you were definitely flirting with me. And I thought you might have been into me. We had such a good day..." And with that, all of the insecurities she'd worked hard to come to terms with after her relationship with Weston crumbled were packing themselves on again. Was she pretty enough? Was she not clear enough? Was he clear and she was just as stupid as ever? Was she sloppy? She hated thinking this way and she spent countless hours looking at herself in the mirror until she was satisfied with what she saw. Adelais, while an extremely nurturing and lively girl, was also hyper-critical of herself. That's how she's gotten as far as she has at her age. She devoted serious time in the studio to refine her technique and then learn to elaborate on it. She watched herself closely in the mirrors of the dance studio, marking the pirouettes, relevees and positions she missed. Critiquing every detail until she performed flawlessly. Now, she danced freely, but had exquisite technique due to the care she took in refining her craft. But it sometimes got in the way of her in other life because she would sometimes find herself stressing over perfection and she'd have to force herself to lay off it.

She couldn't even think of how she could have gone wrong. Which upset her as well. At no point yesterday was anything bad. She'd hung out with him all day and he openly flirted with her. Was she just something to pass the time until he could get with Vivienne. But she didn't know. She didn't understand. Adelais thought she and Sam meshed so well together. She'd never felt more natural with anyone. He complimented her in ways that Weston, or anyone she'd ever met, never had. Perhaps she was alone in thinking that.

"I'm sorry for pinching you." She said as her hands moved away from her face. "If you want, I'll switch with Vivienne. That would make more sense." Though she tried to mask it, her voice was full of hurt. It was obvious the courage she pulled from herself to suggest switching rooms tore her up inside.
By the time Adelais finished her speech the pain in Sam's side had dulled to a faint ache. Damn, that girl could pinch! He might even get a bruise, not that he didn't deserve it. He deserved worse, really. What kind of jerk leaves a drunk girl in the middle of the ocean? He should have at least gotten her back to the bungalow safely. She hadn't even made it back to the main hotel, for crying out loud! She'd slept against a fucking tree! What if something had happened to her? Not that crime at five star hotels was something people worried about, but even so... Some stranger could have taken advantage of her or stolen her things. What if she had passed out in the water? Seriously - what the fuck, Sam?

His insides churned with guilt and disgust. He felt nauseated. How could he have thought walking away was the right decision? Even then he questioned himself, but he'd been confused by the alcohol. It wasn't a terrible excuse, nor was it entirely blameless. Sam had wanted things to happen (what guy wouldn't?), amplified tenfold by the amount of champagne he'd consumed. He'd been drunk enough to let his imagination heat up. Who could blame him for wanting to deliver on the images he'd sent flashing through his brain? But he wasn't
that drunk - that is, not drunk enough to allow himself to become a total sleazebag. If he'd had one more drink... well, that would have been the difference between having this conversation on this bed fully clothed or completely naked. And while the latter painted a pretty picture in his mind, Sam was doubtful whether any of it would have been real, which was why he left to talk to the girl he used to like about the girl he currently liked. Sometimes, he was a real idiot.

While he'd never been considered as emotionally inept as some of his other male friends, it didn't make saying how he felt any easier. He could feel the truth bubbling up in his chest, ready to spill out any moment. Briefly, he fought it, but after a few seconds he relaxed. To hell with it then. If she was going to put it all on the line, the least he could do was return the favor. So with more vigor, he blurted, "You're so... not like what I expected," That came out wrong. He reached up and ruffled his hair. "I mean, you're silly and fun and, god, so incredibly sexy. And it feels like I've known you forever, even though I really don't know you at all. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I like you." There. He said it. But he didn't feel light and relieved. He felt anxious and off-balance, like the slightest tap could knock him down. He wasn't in the clear yet, not by a long shot.

"Listen," he continued, "I don't know what you saw this morning, but Viv and I are just friends. And I don't know what the hell Caleb told you, but nothing happened between me and Vivienne yesterday. Or ever, for that matter. She's made it very clear that nothing will ever happen, and I made my peace with that a long time ago." He didn't mean to, but he said it before he knew what was happening: "Caleb likes you, too, you know. I thought maybe you two might have been... I don't know, considering each other?" After what she'd just told him, Sam was sure she'd say there was nothing between them, that she'd never had feelings for Caleb and that his advances were neither encouraged nor welcomed. At least, he hoped she'd say this.

He sat up on his heels and turned to face Adelais. "I screwed up. I shouldn't have left you on the beach. I'm so sorry for that. I'm sorry for making you think I wasn't interested. Nothing could be further from the truth," he said earnestly. He searched her face, willing her to meet his gaze. "I won't stop you if it's what you want, but I hope you don't switch rooms." He reached out and brushed a strand of copper hair from her face and let his fingers trace the edge of her jaw before he withdrew his hand. "I mean it. I want you to stay."
Her eyes had closed on their own volition, and she was instantly distracted from whatever she'd been previously thinking or feeling. All she could focus on was his gentle touch. Her brows were pulled together as she lifted her hand to lay it on top of Sam's. There was so much running through her mind now. How warm his hand was. How perfect it felt cradling her cheek. How natural this felt. Even though she'd just had probably the most extensive emotional display she would ever be capable of, the negativity was waning. Of course, she was still a bit upset over him leaving her. And sure, she still felt this irrational jealousy toward Vivienne. But Sam was here with her. Again.

Multiple times in this trip, so far, Adelais had come to that conclusion. That Sam was there with her. He could have roomed with someone else. Spent the day with someone else. Enjoyed a night swim with someone else. Refrained from coming after her when she left breakfast. And yet, he did. "I like you, too, Sam. A lot." Her cheeks had managed to flush a deep shade of red and she leaned in toward him, resting her forehead on his shoulder. His words had comforted her considerably and she'd gone from nearly shaking with the stress of her strong emotions to being nearly completely relaxed against him. But she pulled away after a quick moment and slid off the bed. Adelais was sure her face was a mess.

As she approached the mirror, she realized she was right. God, did she look bad. After so much crying between last night and this morning, Adelais's eyes were puffy and almost painful, though those symptoms were retreating. What lingered was the redness around and under her eyes. She took a moment to splash a cool handful of water onto her face to attempt to cool it. Matter of fact, it was rather hot in the villa. Much too hot. Adelais wandered around the room for a bit before stepping out into the living room. Where was the thermostat?

She was distracted again as she noticed the storm brewing out over the ocean. She figured it would be a couple of hours before it really hit them. The center would be strong, but there was quite a length of clouds that would take some time to get to them and pass over them before it lead into the storm. Adelais was optimistic about the timing they had, but it would bring cooler temperatures. But for now, the sun was still shining over the resort and it was damn near unbearable. She quickly found the thermostat and turned on the air conditioning, sighing in relief as she immediately felt it.

"Fuck, that's amazing. I promise I'm not ignoring or evading you. It's just hot." Adelais had moved back into the bedroom and gave Sam a small smile. At least while they talked they would be more comfortable. Though, her stomach was talking to her, now. "I think...it would be a good idea to sort this out...or have a date...." Now she was blushing again. Her words were barely able to form, so she grabbed a room service menu to help hide her face a bit. She'd never been good at this.

It was out in the open that they liked each other, and something he said registered with her. He had thought she and Caleb were together? Well, Adelais guessed someone could figure that Caleb was into her by the way he looked at her. Of course she was aware of his feelings and also quite aware of the way his eyes would scan her over. If she ever wanted to move forward and be with Sam, and she honestly did, she would have to clear the Caleb slate. "I guess what you guys don't know is that when Caleb and his girlfriend broke up, he came to my apartment and cried on my shoulder for hours. Ow-. Wers. And in his messed up state, he attempted to well, you know. I wouldn't let him because I'm not a rebound. Things seemed to sort of smooth over and for some time, I thought things were fine. He'd said he was just upset over the break up and blah blah and I was stupid enough to eat that load of shit. But we just hung out over time and I met his family and everything. Which sort of presented this problem. My family was poor as dirt. I wore hand-me-downs until I was 15 and there were times when I had to revisit meat bones served the night previously and pick them clean for meat. But my parents worked hard and I've never been ashamed of them or where I lived. They love me very much. But we all know Caleb is loaded. A lot of old ass money in that family. I don't care, it's whatever. Caleb would flaunt it, though. Like he would do at parties, you know? Whip out that limited edition American express and impress all the girls. When it didn't work on me, I don't know, he got like, infatuated. But he wouldn't admit it! I told him to piss or get off the pot but he never said a word. And at that point, I was over it. There isn't a thing going on between Caleb and I."

She was glad she was looking through the room service menu. Going back to the dining room meant confronting Caleb. And Adelais was sure she'd do much more than slap him if she saw him too soon. "But that really doesn't matter. I'm interested in you. I just want to lay low and spend some time together before running off and telling the group. If they don't already know what's up." She picked up the phone in her hand and dialed the number listed on the room service menu. There were too many options, so she figured she'd go for the brunch cart they offered. It had pastries, eggs, bacon, potatoes, fresh fruit. The whole lot. It was free, as the resort was all-inclusive, but there was a small gratuity she would happily pay to be able to eat away from Caleb. The staff was friendly and patient as she ordered. She chose a whole bunch of stuff, as she wasn't sure what Sam liked. It was a bit premature, as well, as the thought that had crossed her mind to bring up with Sam hadn't even been articulated yet. Adelais wasn't even sure he'd say yes. But the person on the other end gave her a thirty minute delivery time before Adelais hung up the phone and she turned her attention back to the bed.

Her short legs had to lift considerably to climb back onto the bed and she sat on her knees, right where she'd been before she went to find the thermostat. She lifted his hand to her cheek again and closed her eyes. Adelais was a spunky girl, but she could admit to herself she was often a tough shell to crack. And if she planned on getting closer to Sam like she wanted to, she'd have to let all of those walls down. So she just sat in front of him, their knees almost touching, leaning into the palm of his hand. She had a half-baked plan brewing in her mind, and to be honest, it was a bit advantageous. "Sam." She said suddenly. "I don't want to be around Caleb. And I don't know how long I plan to stay away, but he'll most likely still be with the group." She could feel her cheeks reddening as she prepared to ask for what she wanted. "Will you stay away with me?"

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