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Realistic or Modern The Vacation OOC

I assumed everyone was inside. I might have read wrong, though. >.>
I think we are inside, actually. Just inside the door. I made my post like that, at least. I just wasn't talking to everyone, but I am now so it's all good!

(Also, thanks for the sudden 4 notifs...lol)
Just a quick question is anyone triggered by eating disorder themes just because I may have Freya relapse a little for drama purposes later on but if that isn't okay with people that's all good
I don't mean to be annoying, but I'm going to have to ask that all first posts be out tomorrow so that we can move on.
If you have an outstanding reason why you can't get a post out tomorrow, please let me know

The Comet The Comet
Aato Aato
Reiia silver Reiia silver
spookie spookie
boo boo
Cychotic Cychotic
Noivian Noivian
I haven't been able to acquire access to a computer with mine being faulty and the libraries closed for Canada Day. Hopefully I could get it up by monday?
(Im a trash writer on mobile)
So I think that maybe Avery and Sean should share a room because they're together and doesn't make as much sense for Freya and Avery to go together, and then maybe Ivy and Freya could share?

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