» The Unwritten Tale » The Prologue

Niwel takes no damage


Ghost: 7/7

Nice attack you got there...




Ghost takes 4 damage
Niwel takes 1 damage


Ghost: 3/7




Ghost takes 4 damage, Ghost dies

Niwel gains 5 exp

Roll for loot
Niwel receives loot, Cloth Sheet x 1


(Wisp, [4/4/3])

looks like an easy win
No use rolling, you rolled a higher attack than it has hitpoints and defense combined...

+3 exp

Niwel Exp 9/10

it dies, roll for loot


you receive Wisp Tear x 1
Niwel grew tired of this path, there had been nothing of interest and he decided to turn back, head for the location of friendly spirits.
In the other chamber, there was a big dilapidated wooden sign hanging over the archway which read

we won't hurt you, seriously! :)
the ancient wooden door to the chamber is unlatched, and slightly creaked open.
Inside the chamber are four ghosts, they stare eagerly at the human as he enters, as if they had not seen a living being in hundreds of years

One greedy looking ghost sitting by a coffin filled with all sorts of ancient junk

One kicking back against a crypt wall

One pacing nervously back and forth

And one was the ghost of an old grizzled warior looking suspiciously at Ryzom, as if he here ready to fight

Niwel started in his thick accent, approaching the warrior.

"Jai um nat know weer jai"

He said, not expecting to be understood through his unknowledge of common.

"Plusi, ji til yau ji ubesfik tani"?

He asked, pleading that they could speak his language.
The warrior ghost stares down at Niwel, his transparent hand resting on a ghostly sword. His eyes burned like twin coals, a strange offset his otherwise pale appearance.

Hello young adventurer. Welcome to the Crypt of Everlasting Peace. I guard this place from unfriendly spirits. It looks like you've ran into quite a few yourself. I'm surprised to see you're still on one peace.

Anyways, did you need something?
Ryzom noticed a settlement not far from where he was standing and decided to go check it out.

First things first, he needed a proper weapon or at least some items to craft more properly with, so he went to windowshop at the blacksmith.

Coming closer, he saw a hardworking figure smashing down hard on an anvil. Upon closer inspection it wasn't a human but, somewhat like Ryzom, an animal-like humanoid. In the figure's case he looked alot like a frog on his backlegs.

Ryzom tucked away his shardknife and knocked on the wall to let him know he was there.

" Hi, my name is Ryzom. Do you have any quests or things you need that I can do ? "

Roll 1 segment for interaction.

The blacksmith turned around and looked shrewdly at his new potential costumer

"Hmmm, quests you say? You're asking for quests here? In a blacksmith shop?

There's only two things a blacksmith could want, and that would be coin, or metals.

From the looks of it, you don't have either, but, if you want, I can show you my wares?"
A bit disappointed Ryzom replied: " Sure "

" But perhaps we could do some trade-biznezz! Anything that you need besides metal or coins ? "

" I have this magic-repellant shardknife on me that I might want to trade too. "

Roll 1 segment for interaction.

The blacksmith's eyes glanced over at the crudely made knife

"I can make better stuff than that blindfolded! the materials aren't too bad, but the the craftsmanship is shoddy."

He spat on the ground

I don't work with stone either. And there isn't much metal in this country. However, the scales of the Fangtooth Fish are quite hard and sharp. Bring me three, and I'll give you a choice of wares from this bucket over here

He poked a bucket with his hammer, the bucket was half filled with various pieces of armor and other trinkets

Fangtoothed Scale Vest



Fangtooth Scale Gauntlets

Armor + 4

Fangtooth Scale Knife

Attack + 3

*pick one

Oh, and if you want to sell the knife, I'll give you 3 coins for it...
" Excellent! I'll get right on it. Keep the Fangtoothed Scale Vest on hold for me for when I return with your Scales.

And I'll keep the knife, for now. I'll get back to you on that later perhaps. "

" Now if you'll excuse me, I got some mobhunting to do "

Ryzom went back to the shore and stepped into the cold water waistdeep before scanning the area and looking for a monster.

Spending 1 segment, rolling 100sided die to look for some sort of monster.


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