The Untold Stories of Vermillion and Clark Part 2

Blythe nodded her head as she help hold the other side of the guy, she was thinking of all sorts of different things at the moment but that always happened when she killed someone s she was alright.

"Let's go then," Blythe replied as she smell the stench that she had been speaking of, it didn't smell good at all.
Clark: "Ugh.. I may bathe him myself.. Or stick him with something that smells better.." Then I got a marvelous idea.. "I'ma throw salt on the man.. He can't stink if he's got no wetness.." Apparently the Egyptians used to do it.. To mummify their dead kings.
"Ew, I put a bit of salt in the sauce I use when I cook my meat... please don't involve salt," Blythe laughed jokingly with a look of disgust on her face.

"Maybe we should just do this the simple way, we could just dump him in these acid buckets that'll get rid of everything on him in less then seconds," Blythe huffed as she was getting annoyed with the nasty stench and for some reason she felt a bit... alert.
Clark: "Did I mention I like the way you think?? Yes.. Let's do that.." I dropped the man and opened a barrel.. Though I noticed something.. A woman with a gun not too far off.. Normal pirates would hide their traces of piracy, but I left my sleeve up, simply because I wasn't ashamed..
Alaeya gripped her gun, and widened her stance, hoping that they weren't looking for a fight. She watch as they threw the body into one of the acid barrels, and she knew (from personal experience) that the body would be gone in no more than two minutes. As the two strangers approached, the soft glow of the oil lamps hanging by the streets showed their features. And she suddenly realized that they were both, indeed, female. What's more, something on one of the women's arm caught her attention. A mark of piracy. Her breath caught, a pirate. Perhaps she would be looking for a gunner! However, she couldn't let her guard down just yet. She wasn't an enemy of pirates, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't kill her too.
Clark: I held up my hand to stop my master gunner before she pulled out a weapon.. "Ye lost Lass? Pirate business this is.." I said wearing a bit of a grin..
Alaeya stood her ground, though she was slightly intimidated by the pirate. " The name's Alaeya Winchester," she announced, there was a slight British lilt to her voice, a result of born and raised in England, " I come seeking work, as a Gunner."
Clark: "Ye enjoy rum then Miss Winchster?" I asked, taking a few steps forward, not afraid of the gun.. "My comrade here says it's not her drink of choice.. We pirates should never drink alone ya know. Tends to get us in a wee bit of trouble.." I said smiling.
Alaeya tilted her head slightly and grinned, " Rum, you say? Yes, I do quite enjoy it myself." She relaxed her stance a bit, but still not letting go of her gun, " Say, are you looking for a Gunner?"
Clark: I ignored the question and took out a flask.. I always had rum on me.. Always.. "Here drink.." I said taking the gun and replacing it with the flask.. I turned it over a few times studying it deeply.. Or at least that's what it looked like I was doing..
She opened her mouth to protest when the woman took her gun away and replaced it with a bottle of rum., but shut it immediately. She hadn't had rum for a while, so why not. If they wanted to kill her at least she'd have one last drink. She gave the woman a wry smile and took a swig of the rum, relishing the burning sensation as it slid down her throat.
Clark: I glanced up as she took a swig.. I had a weird way about goin around pickin crew members.. I was smooth about it, yet most people would find taking someone's gun to give them rum would be just out there.. Even as a pirate.. "Welcome aboard.. My name is Captain Morgan Clark.." I said handing back her weapon.. "You may call me Captain, Captain Clark, or ma'am.." I said before taking the rum back and drinking some..

(I've had the Captain Morgan thing up my sleeve for a while..
" Pleasure, Captain, Captain Clark or ma'am. Glad to be on yer crew." Alaeya tipped her head and bowed her head as the Captain returned her the gun, which she slipped back into the holster.
Clark: "Aye.. Let's go then Lassies.. We have to see a man about a payment.." I said, before strutting down the street..

(now we have to wait for Karma and The good Captain Vermillion)
Blythe didn't say a word but she knew that this gunner was good so she wondered if the two of them would get along, if so Blythe had a few stores that were all about guns that she wanted to bring someone with her to go to.

"Oh, I'm Blythe Harper," She introduced herself with a smirk on her face before she followed Clark down the ally, she couldn't wait to see what ship they would be on.
She eyed Blythe warily, the confident smirk she wore on her face and the fact that she was Clark's Master Gunner was definite proof of the fact that she was probably a pretty good gunman as well, and she obviously had more experience than Alaeya did. She eyed Blythe warily, but gave her a gracious grin all the same.

" Alaeya Winchester," she tipped her hat, " Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Harper."
Clark: "Good now that that is o'er with, let's go, We should be takin' our payment now.." I said to my crew.. We couldn't sail just yet we needed a few more mates.. And the money would help with that..

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