The Untold Stories of Vermillion and Clark Part 2

Blythe couldn't help but tilt her head to the side for a moment before smiling, she was always in need of getting a job, especially if she got paid... depended on what sort of work.

"What sort of business does he want?" Blythe asked the woman as she took another shot.
Ah, even though it was so few words... Blythe thought about gold, how she wouldn't have to worry about anything like food or water.

"Would it involve gold and jewels?" Blythe asked curiously as she continued to stare at the woman straight in the eyes.
Clark: "What do you think.." I said pushing up my left sleeve. I had a tattoo of my pirate flag..
Blythe couldn't help but laugh in joy, another pirate and by her way of speech and presence meant that she was Captain material; with a grin Blythe nodded her head, she's been a pirate on numerous ships because she loved the adventure and she definitely knew how to fight for protection... it'd been an entire 2 years since her last pirate adventure.

"Alright, I'm in... tell me more about this 'business' while you show me your ship?" Even though she was all on board for going on a ship... well, Blythe was always very particular on what sort of ship she would be staying on.
Clark: I smiled, thinking good.. "I got a friend outside who's indeed of our skills first.. To which I will pay you for.." I said dropping 3 gold shillings on the table.. In my opinion it was a small job..
Blythe nodded her head before picking the coins up and taking just one more second to think about it before looking at the woman once more.

"Alright, let's go," Blythe made her way to leave the tavern, ready for a good job for some money.
Clark: I smiled grabbed my rum and got up leaving the tavern with a new crew member.. "Captain Vermillion.. The lead is yours.. I say sir.. Tallyho.." I said grinning drawing a sword and drinking more rum..
Captain Vermillion looked over the gunslinger, oh yes she would do just fine.

Three guns and three holsters with eyes like a hawk, this would work perfectly.

Vermillion brushed his suede jacket aside and took a look at this golden watch before placing it back inside the jacket interior. He turned to the gunslinger and with his normal charm inquired;

"Ah, Captain Vermillion" With a short bow he continued "May I inquire as to what your name is"?
Looking at the man with a wary look at him she gave him a smirk before putting a hand on her waist and re-adjusted the bag behind her.

"The name is Blythe Harper, what exactly does this job involve?" Blythe asked him with a raised eyebrow at him, she wanted a nice reason for why he wanted to hire her as well as why she should take the job.
Clark: I chuckled a bit.. "People shouldn't mess with us pirates Lassy.. We tend to take great joy pay back.."
"Just like how they say you shouldn't play with guns?" Blythe laughed as she smirked, pushing a piece of long hair out of her face she waited for her answer from Captain Vermillion.
"Ah, you've got quite the attitude, I like that" Vermillion gave a bit of a laugh, eyes still watching the Tavern door. "Straight to business then? Well you see, I recently acquired several barrels of powder from what I thought was an honest merchant, things didn't work out so well and what he sold me was an underhanded move, now that I'm back in town I thought I might pay him a bit of a visit and show everyone else why you don't double cross me". Vermillion paused for a moment and gestured to Bylthe and Clark "That is where you two come in of course, you see Willheim, the merchant in that very tavern knows my face but he will not know either of you.

So you can wait for him to come out, go in there, I don't mind and shoot him or stab him for me. I'd very much appreciate that and I'd pay whatever fee you think is reasonable."
Clark: "Well Captain.. Stirring a whole bunch of folks into a fight would certainly bring him out here.. As you know I don't do the dirty work of others.. but I can make him come see you.. By persuasion.." I said with a dark smile on my face.. "As for the wage.. I'll leave that up to the Lassy here."
For a minute Blythe thought about it, she's did a bit of 'dirty work' for others before but that was in the past and because her price for murder was pretty high she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'd have to say at least about 100 coins, taking someone's life is a very mental thing... of course there's the option of shooting him so that he spends his life in a wheelchair, I can do it either out here or in the bar," Blythe told the both of them, she has shot plenty of people inside of bars before but that was only because she was drunk... she isn't drunk at the moment.
"Well Blythe, you have a deal. One hundred coins when my dear merchant friend is no more".

A gunslinger with a conscious, just his luck Vermillion laughed in his head.

"I leave the option up to you, you can wait for him to leave or go in. He will most certainly have a table in the back"
Clark: "Shall we then? Hold or play? What's your game Lass" I asked, putting my now empty bottle down.. I was ready to have a bit of fun with this.
"How about you find a way to bring him out into the back of the tavern? I can finish the job there, I'm sure no one really wants to see someone killed right in front of them," Blythe looked over at the woman, if she didn't want to do it then it would be fine for Blythe to do it.
Clark: "I like the way you think.. I'll play.. You hold.. He'll be out momentarily.." I said, before I smashed my empty bottle and went in.. I'm sure they could here me yell from outside.. "Hey! What's it gonna take for a Pirate to get a drink around here?!" I started singing loudly "It's a pirate's life for me" as people started coming at me.. Meanwhile I jumped on the bar stole some liquor, even though I had no clue what was in it and started drinking it.. Then I went to the back of the bar grabbed up the Will guy and stuck my sword up to his throat.. "Everyone.. Can I get your Attention.. SIT DOWN!!" I yelled.. They all sat.. "I bid you Adieu.." I said before walking out the door..
"Great, that was a bit easy wasn't it?" Blythe said when she seen her return with the man, with a sigh Blythe grabbed him by the back of his hair she looked at him for a moment.

"Let's go boy," Blythe dragged him and even though she could feel him struggling she had a stronger grip on him and it going for the ally a few feet away, when they got farther into the much darker areas Blythe threw him on the floor and took out a golden pistol as she looked over the ugly outfit he had on... he must have soft skin somewhere under his clothes... this gun would make it feel as if it burned because of its upgraded bullets; that was what scared people who knew Blythe, she had different bullets for different situations and plus she was agile with her 5''4 height and her knowledge on bullets and guns was the best.

"Do you remember Captain Vermillion?" Blythe asked. His face told her the truth, she continued. "Yea, well let's just say no one is going to ever see you again and of course they'll know who... but where would the evidence be? I'm a very... clean person," Blythe sighed at him before pointing the gun point blank in the middle of forehead, there would be a bit less blood this way.

"Let's clean up," Blythe spoke in a low tone to absolutely no one but sometimes she could be a bit spiritual and dealt with tarot cards so she wasn't really sure how to feel about talking to a dead body.
Clark: "Easy?" I laughed.. "No that was fun.. Too bad we can't just leave him here.. Let's take him to the ship.. We can feed him to the fishes after we get a crew and set sail.." I said kicking his body a bit..
Alaeya walked down the port and towards the sleepy town, her eyes sweeping pass the nameless faces that brushed past her, their features highlighted by the orange glow from the ancient oil lamp hanging from her grasp. It was already dark out when she got off her ship from Heavensdale, but she'd reckon that it wasn't too late to look for a job. She made her way down a small alley, her shoes clicking against the narrow cobblestone road.

Suddenly a noise from her left caught her attention and she whipped out her pistol, aiming it at a pile of crates, only to see a cat running off with a mouse in its mouth. She sighed, chuckling nervously to herself. Ever since the encounter with the man her parents sent to get her back, she'd been extremely fidgety. She needed to get off the streets out onto the open sea, and soon.
Clark: I rolled up my sleeves, picked up the man's arm, and pulled him over my shoulder.. "You think men would bathe.." I said disgusted.. Then I started walking with him, and my Master Gunner.. "Let's go we have to go find the good Captain Vermillion.."
She slipped her gun back into its holster and wandered further up the quiet street, she'd heard that there was a tavern somewhere. Maybe she could get a drink first, then find a job. She hummed a little sea tune to herself, one she'd learned from some musicians down by Weatherby's port the other day. Suddenly, she froze, and the humming died at her lips. In the distance, she could see two people walking down the narrow alley and they were carrying what seemed to be a body. Might as well, be a dead person for all she knew. What if they decided to kill her as well? There wasn't anywhere she could run to or hide at this point. She slipped out the guns strapped at her thighs and hung her arms beside her, her head cocked to one side. Time to see who they were.

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