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Realistic or Modern The Underground

Luke watched as Leah waved her blade around as if it was nothing but a toy. Something about the girl and her surgical blade sometimes gives Lukas an uneasy feeling, like the girl might be stronger than she actually looks. "Damn it Leah," he muttered under his breath, "way to ruin my plan." Lukas ran a hand through his blonde hair and settled his palm on the back of his neck. "On second thought, I think I'm healed. I'm great actually." He doesn't want Leah to go talk about his "injuries" to Charlotte. "And honestly Holland, I just came here for the food." With a shrug, he nodded to her inquiry. "But I can help. What is it? As long as I get an extra ration after. And don't call me Luk. "
Leah stands; she felt it, it was time. She always went to watch the seekers go out. It was her little tradition. "I wonder if anyone will get hurt today..." she said softly to herself.
Holland's eyes shifted over to Leah playing around with the blade, the girl was good with a knife and many people knew it. She then slid two bowls of strawberries over to Lukas, along with a small knife. "It's simple. You take one of these strawberries, cut the leaves off, cut them in quarters and toss them into this bowl, 'kay?" She offered a smile and turned to check on the water, it was nearly boiling.

Hollie grabbed a variety of different berries and let them soak in water before draining them and scattering them on a towel to dry faster. She then grabbed oats and poured them into a large pot before mixing in the water and stirring. "
Breakfast should be done relatively soon, and don't worry about your extra ration, I've already promised it to you."
Charlotte moved the girl safely to a room and let her sleep. She then proceeded to head to the main room, and clear her throat. Her voice was loud and commanding, one that could be heard through the whole building. "All Seekers to the Weaponry Block. We leave in 5 minutes. Let's get a move on!" Charlie headed to the restricted level of the Underground. She unlocked the weapons cabinet for the others that would be coming shortly. She herself took the bow from the top position and slung it over her shoulders. She placed some other gear on herself.
Leah heard Charlotte's voice and went to the Weaponry Block. Even though Leah was a medic, not a Seeker, she sometimes went there
Valorie said:
Charlotte moved the girl safely to a room and let her sleep. She then proceeded to head to the main room, and clear her throat. Her voice was loud and commanding, one that could be heard through the whole building. "All Seekers to the Weaponry Block. We leave in 5 minutes. Let's get a move on!" Charlie headed to the restricted level of the Underground. She unlocked the weapons cabinet for the others that would be coming shortly. She herself took the bow from the top position and slung it over her shoulders. She placed some other gear on herself.
Alexander arrived shortly after with an even further annoyed look, "Strange turn of events eh?" He grunted, grabbing a good sized one handed axe.
Her eyes shifted to Alex and she nodded. "It's only been 2 weeks since the last one came up. It's very strange." Charlie took a look at the clock. These kids needed to hurry it up, in order to get a move on before the Creatures were up and about.
Lia looked up from her conversation and excused herself wordlessly, walking in and picking up a long knife as well as a small axe, sliding both into their places. Alexander had taken a larger axe and she smirked when she saw his annoyed look.
It shouldn't be that hard. What were once strawberries were now a mass of red pulp. Lukas stared at the mess he had created before quickly shoving them away from Holland's view. Well at least I got the leaves off. "Uh, Holland?" Lukas glanced at the brunette, then back at the strawberries, "I think I kinda... sorta.... maybe chopped a little... too much." Charlotte's call saved him from further explanation. "I promise I'll make it up to you, just... no more chopping, or cooking." With that, Lukas strode towards the weapons block, snatching up his preferred blade.
Leah watched the Seekers prepare for their next trip. She gazed sadly at them all. From experience, she knew that they may be alive one day, but dead the nest. That made her worry. "Charlotte, I know I'm not supposed to be here, but you'll make it back right?" she asked timidly hoping that Charlotte wouldn't chastise her for being down there.
Holland looked up from her work area and down at the mess of strawberry mush. "Don't worry about it, they're still strawberries even if they don't look like it." The brunette chuckled and stirred the pot of oats a last time. Barely anyone would be around to eat her meal until afterwards, she would take the mangled berries in her bowl so everyone else could have something presentable. "Alright, I promise no more kitchen work. Gotcha."

Hollie looked over to the other's leaving the area she occupied and sighed, a frown pulling at her lips. "
Be safe everyone." She called out to those who were still close enough to hear her. The teen continued to work on her oatmeal to distract herself from thinking about the worst case scenario for the Seekers. She knew that it wasn't an easy task and many people didn't make it back.
Valorie said:
Her eyes shifted to Alex and she nodded. "It's only been 2 weeks since the last one came up. It's very strange." Charlie took a look at the clock. These kids needed to hurry it up, in order to get a move on before the Creatures were up and about.
"Mhm, somethings up, three years and routine isn't broken. Why now?" Alexander grunted.

"I don't like it. It feels like something's happening..." He added.
She looked to the Leah, "We'll be back just fine, but you shouldn't be in here. Go back to the main block." With that final statement she made her way to the door with a large turning handle, opening it. The small room revealed a rundown hatch in the ceiling, some poorly constructed stairs leading up. She herself surfaced up to the mossy enviornment of the Forest. Today, it was raining.
Valorie said:
She looked to the Leah, "We'll be back just fine, but you shouldn't be in here. Go back to the main block." With that final statement she made her way to the door with a large turning handle, opening it. The small room revealed a rundown hatch in the ceiling, some poorly constructed stairs leading up. She herself surfaced up to the mossy enviornment of the Forest. Today, it was raining.
"That's pleasant..." Alexander grumbled. The rain would dampen his already bad mood and a few seekers groaned at the news that spread throughout them.

(Gtg for the night. )
Leah backed away, but watch the Seekers closely. She was very anxious about their survival. Something was different today. Something felt wrong. Leah walked back to the sleeping quarters.
suddenly feeling weird he runs to the bathroom with the sick buckets and hovers over one ( omg this is real life right now * blarging all over in mind * that sick)
A deafening scream screeched through the underground as the small girl came to her new surrounding and lack of memory frightening her. Her small frame was encased in sheets and Infinity struggled with the sheets until she won and exited the beds grip.She quickly silenced herself as she realised predators might hear her. Infinity shook as she went towards the sound of humans on her way she passed a room with around three people in it leering over a fire. Infinity slipped into the room looking for something to defend herself with she crawled through the kitchen behind a clothed table on the way grabbing a sharp butter knife as she did so. She listened to the voices before realising that she was risking her life by doing so she began to ru towards the door when her hand caught on the cloth and moved forward bringing the tablecloth and everything else down with her.Infinity's sprung up and gripped her knife as she backed into a corner looking at her kidnappers she growled and held the knife out "Leave me alone"
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