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Realistic or Modern The Underground

She chuckled a little at his expression. It always amused her, his level of patience. "I guess it was alright, I had a slight disagreement with Luka but nothing too bad." Charlie stuck her hand in her the pocket of her khaki pants, ready to pull the locket Leah had given to him earlier. This was pushed out of her mind when there was a small tremble in the facility, strong enough to jolt people forward. The tremor was followed by a loud shriek, one that couldn't be mistaken. "Alex, the elevator. The usual delivery has already been made." She didn't wait for a respone, but instead burst into a sprint towards the old elevator door. There was a small girl, frail and scared. She was younger than any of the other arrivals.


The boy nodded and handed her a chart, the logs of everyone who had been treated in the infirmary. "Charlotte said I should make sure to hand this back to you. After you left we had to clean up the blood from the Seeker guy who came in and forgot to hand it in." Nathan was pushed forward as the shake was felt through the whole building, followed by the shriek that everyone knew signified the arrival of the elevator.
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Leah grabbed the chart and ran off "Nathan, I'm going to check out the new arrival. See you soon!" she headed for the elevator, and on the way she got a cut across her cheek. Leah reached the elevator and stopped, the girl there was much younger than she had expected. Leah had gotten there when she was 14, but the new girl didn't look any older than 10. "Hi" she said timidly. She realized that blood running down her face would probably scare someone, so she wiped it off. "I'm Leah, welcome... and all that, what's your name?"
Charlie kneeled down to the young girl and looked at Leah as she arrived. "I'll handle it for now, but can your bring me a blanket?" The last thing she wanted was to scare the poor girl. She'd learned from previous arrivals that they became even more flustered and scared when people started to surround them. Her voice was gentle as she spoke, "I'm Charlotte. Now, can you tell me anything about yourself? What's your name?"
Leah ran off to get a blanket. She told the others who were rushing towards the elevator to wait. Leah knew what Charlie was trying to do. She returned slowly with the blanket and wrapped it around the girl gingerly. She then stepped back.
walking up to leah he looks at her and hands her some food he had that was extra since he miscounted the amount of people awake at the time
Leah set the food by Charlie to give to the girl. "In case she's hungry" she whispered to Charlotte. Leah backed away and looked at Alex. "Thanks" she said softly
Holland had jumped out of bed almost instantaneously when she heard Charlotte blow the whistle, it had just nearly been two and a half years since she had arrived on the elevator and close enough the same time since she began to get used to things. Even still, the sound of the shrieking whistle in the mornings always seemed to knock her right out of her sleep and onto her feet, no matter how tired she was or how deep her sleep had been.

The brunette tied her curly brown hair into a high ponytail and was sure to clip back any stray hairs that refused to cooperate with her. She slipped out of her sleep attire and tugged on something more suitable for the day, comfortable, yet presentable. Straightening out her clothing, Hollie gave herself a once over before leaving her dorm and scurrying into the kitchen to begin the prep work. No one was going to wake up and wait to be fed on her watch, she wanted everything to be ready when people wanted to eat.

Commotion caught the attention of the girl, someone saying something about another arrival? The brunette rose her eyebrows, it hadn't felt that long since the last person arrived. Shrugging it off, the continued to wash, chop and rinse what required her to do so. She figured the poor soul would need something to eat, no matter how traumatized and afraid they were. There was no use for her over there, she didn't get in anyone's way or create more commotion.
She nodded and looked up to the others. "All of you should go. I'll handle this. Go back to your regularly scheduled activities." Charlotte continued to look over the frail girl. It hadn't even been 2 weeks since the last newbie had come down.
(*thumbs up*)

Matthew was jolted into he counter top, the apple he was slicing rolling away from him. He personally hadn't witnessed a new arrival since he had arrived so when people began to murmur and head for the elevator, he joined them. From what he could tell it was a small girl and she had been given plenty of room to breathe thanks to Charlotte. Matthew watched from where he stood, wondering if thats how he looked when he arrived.

Lia hadn't payed any attention when the stupid elevator arrived, she was too focused on her breakfast and finding someone totalk with. With her sleeve, she wiped the spill of water on the table from the jostling. Her eyes scanned the room as she raised the glass to her lips, gaging the reactions from the others. Many followed the sound and left and others whispered , speculating. Lia however didn't care. She was in her 'Lets not die today eh?' Mindset. She saw Nathan a ways away as well as Matthew leaving the kitchens.
Nate wiped the table where his orange juice had spilt. The arrival was no big deal to him, it was something that happened every month after all. He looked up to see many scurrying to see, knowing that Charlotte would only get annoyed. She hated when people crowded around the new ones, it only freaked the newbies out more. His eyes stopped on Lia, he hadn't seen her come in. A small smile spread across his face, the Seekers hadn't left yet. The boy stood and walked to her, "Excited to be leaving soon? Or are you dreading it?"
Lia sipped her water as Nate walked over a small smile forming as he spoke. "I sort of try not to think about it...." she says with a shrug. "Since well.... no offense but I would rather not spend time in the infirmary" Lia says. That wasn't a lie. She had seen people go in with dreadful injuries and suffer until the injection cure works. He had to help them the best he could but it must be awful working there.... As she thought about it a small shudder wracked her body.

(Worst day ever.... badminton reffing, missed my bball game, failed a final, test tomorrow, dance prep for friday.... plz kill me ×/)
The creaks and shudders didn't interest him any longer; he had stopped caring after the fifth time the elevator went down and brought nothing but more shells like them, broken and hollow without any memories that can help. Lukas was hungry by the time he reached the kitchen, he'll admit that Charlie is right for once, but just for that one. "Is it bad that I'm more interested in what you're cooking, rather than the new arrival?" Lukas asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the counter, watching Holland prepare the meal.

There are only two places that Lukas had ever cared about since he was sent Underground; the forest, and the kitchen. In the forest, he can do what he does best and search for a way out, in the kitchen he can grab his fill. "
Uh, injured person here," Lukas said while pointing to his wound, "Might need a little more than the usual rations Miss Cook. Commander's orders."
Leah walked past the kitchen "If you're injured you should head to the infirmary." she suggested to Lukas while holding up a large surgical blade. "We have everything." She continued on her way and sat down fingering the knife delicately. Something was coming, she could feel it.
Holland looked up from the meal she was preparing for the lot, a small smile appeared on her pale pink lips. "I'm not sure if I would say it's a good thing, although I don't think it's a bad thing either..." The brunette shrugged slightly and turned the heat up on the water to bring it to a boil. As she turned back to chopping up fresh strawberries, she continued to speak to Lukas. "I think you've just adjusted, which may be a good thing in a sense."

Hollie looked up from her strawberries and cocked her head to the side. "
Right, no worries at all, Luk. How is it feeling today? I heard you were looking and feeling pretty rough when you went to the infirmary." She frowned slightly, showing genuine concern for the other teen like she often would for anyone of the others. "Hey, would it be alright if I asked you for some help? Everyone else seems to be preoccupied with the new arrival."

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