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Graded [The Underbelly] It's a Bloody Dragon Scale!

Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Kalina – Find the 'Bleeding Dragon Scale'
RavenSong RavenSong Scylla – Help out Kalina
Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Fei Liu – Go on a day trip from the bad slums to the even worse Underbelly.
Maxxob Maxxob Erich – Explore what unethical inventions a place like the Underbelly might have to offer.
Femboy Femboy Viokii – Avoid getting sold. Join Erich in the search for unethical technology.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, Slums, Sewers

Chandra Jarmil

Equipped titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy

Kalina was listening to the conversations between Viokii and Erich like she was listening to some monsters grunting at each-other in emo screams, as most of what they said made equally little sense to her. The only difference was that the words sounded less violent and the occasional familiar word or notion, but all in all, she didn't get much of it.

She understood a bit more of Viokii's reply to Scylla. “That sounds like a a troublesome situation...” She remained silent for a bit, thinking some things through. “... well, I don't know need food and shelter and the likes, but I'd be willing to put you up with some base necessities if needed. Let's say I sort-off know your situation and would want to help where possible.”

When she heard Viokki reply to Erich's inspection, she chuckled, then she'd lean in to whisper something to Scylla. “Hey, want to 'inspect' Viokii together for our next date?” She said, a tad mischievous. A little more serious, but only slightly so, she'd reply to Viokii herself. “I'll be honest, I've only seen a few [consruct]-like beings, but they were a fair bit different from you, so I'm rather curious as well~ I've got no clue what software or hardware are, but I am curious about the materials you're made off. or why they gave you such an interesting shape with them.”

She felt a tad annoyed when Viokki told her she wouldn't understand. “I might not understand it now, but I'm sure I'd understand a lot more with some explanations. I tend to be a quick learner~” She praised herself a little, but decided to otherwise let it go.

Besides, something far more fun was up next. She watched silent anticipation as the ears started spinning for some reason. She was a tad disappointed when she got some gibberish and rules and whatever, assuming her request had indeed been far too much for it. Except it hadn't been. She perked up when she heard the construct speak up next. “Oh my, that's very convincing, absolutely brilliant~” She replied with a laugh.

As Kalina took in the next part of the act with a smile, she could only conclude one thing. “Not gonna lie, I can see why someone might've wanted to try stealing you, that's some amazing acting~” She'd been quiet the deceiver herself, but even she doubted that she could play a part that well.

As for Erich, she nodded at his reply. “Right. Just to check, have you ever heart of a place called Earth or a country called England, by any chance?” She doubted he'd know her place, well, the place of half of her past life. She figured it wasn't the time or place to get into detail about the odd situation she'd found herself in and just stick with the other-worldly parts.

A tad of joy was on display in her eyes when he seemed open to the idea of making her new weaponry. “That sound brilliant~” There was one thing she was confused about. “What's a warranty? Is that the same as a smith offering to sharpen your blade for you if you purchase it from him?”

Kalina couldn't help chuckle at what Scylla said. “Alchemy, huh? I'm glad I'm not the only one that's utterly confused by the type of things they're talking about.” When she heard Scylla's request, a smile formed. “Oh, perhaps I should join in on that one, cutie.” She teased. When she heard Scylla using something to get rid of the worst of the stench, she'd hug the girl from behind and take a few deep breath of hair. “You're right, that's much better.”

Upon hearing Viokii, she chuckled again. “Don't worry dear, I have some breathing room with cutie here. Don't worry though, I'll come up with some fun tasks for a loyal follower such as yourself~” She was already wondering where she could take this next, as she was wondering when she'd reach the limit of what Viokii would and/or could do to play along.

Investigation F showed Viokki that the rats they were seeing were moving about unnaturally. They weren't just scattering about. They seemed to be going to and from a certain place ahead of them.

As they moved on further into the sewers, however, they would run into an odd room... Books were opened to the sides. Pans and pots were brewing. Suspicious clouds were forming above kettles. Had they taken a wrong turn somewhere?


As they were trying to get their bearings, a voice spoke up. “Oh, my. Customers? Yes? Yes! Customers. Come, come. I have many potions, brews. You'll buy, take, yes? What do you want, need? You want happy, good feeling? You want to see heaven, celestials?” He showed them a bright green potion with a rather suspicious liquid. In the background, a few rats were scurrying about, dragging ingredients into a kettle, chewing up roots and spitting them out in small parts, dragging across some sort of herbs...


Character Sheet
Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, All-Purpose Intelligence
Languages: %Analogue%, Common
Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

During their little walk further in, Viokii had acknowledged and was acting upon Scylla's request in order to utilise it the next time that she spoke to the girl. As for a test protocol, she would likely aim for it to be the next thing she said or very soon so it wasn't forgotten in passing or taken as a failed input. Although, hearing that Erich had considered the idea that the Nykkon Conglomerate had designed her, she shook her head and spoke on the matter.

"Despite inaccessible data, I can confirm that the 'Nykkon Conglomerate' had no inclusion with my conception, designing or creation. There is no local 'design company' signature or inclusion in my current accessible files, which at the case implies I was designed by an independent creator- or multiple creators- or it was not included in design due to not being an officially finished product. With more file access, this might not be the case however" Viokii mentioned as they had travelled, of which Viokii next answered Chandra about her offer to supply her with a place to stay and what she would need.

"Oh my, thank you for the offer, your highness. I don't believe that I've fully made my decisions on my future actions, but I will consider partaking up your offer at the end of our time together. Needing a safe place to stay would be highly appreciated, love, and I would be okay with repaying the favour by assisting with any tasks you may need done so you can rest or relax. I do not need to eat or drink, and can care for myself while attending to any needs or requests you need met. I will make sure to ask again later should I wish to accept the offer, my dear darling mistress" Viokii responded as she was not long asked about if she knew anything about the location of Earth. Instead of responding something about inaccessible data files, she did in fact have an answer.

"Earth, and the specified location England, are both recognised locations of which I have extensive data on, your grace. Is there any reason you ask why, I would be love to give the desired information especially for you, my love" Viokii answered, realising that the time duration between receiving an input and first acting upon it had been so long that she should indeed respond to Scylla immediately.

"Ah, sorry, I was responding to other inputs, yes I can do that for you, cutie! You just only need say if you want anything else and I'll try to help in any way I can, no problem!" Viokii answered delightfully, tilting her head slightly into her hand which was held in a sweet little salute, her ears had gently twitched when she spoke to Scylla. Noticing Scylla's ability to be fine with the horrid scent, the construct answered on her apology that she couldn't help with others.
"It's okay, I am made to not care. You'd not need worry, cutie, I am fine and here to help you if anything!" she cheerfully responded as Chandra had voiced how she was good with getting close to Scylla to utilise her magic air space too.

"That is delightful to hear, your highness. And I await whatever requests you may have, your joy alone makes it all worth it, my love" Viokii answered back, having noticed that her and Scylla seemed so close. Even so, the input requests she would be receiving would be questionable if not for the fact that Viokii currently was not running anything that would make her question the questionability of something. It didn't seem overly troublesome or problematic, so she would indulge it if it benefitted her. Besides, potential employment and further cooperation was only just pure convenience especially if it was for someone she could trust.

Watching the rats as they had soon enough approached a vendoring rodent whom appeared to be using regular wild rats for assistance in his brewing business, curious about the inner workings of this universe and what powers it allowed people to possess. Since the location they were in seemed rather dodgy, it seemed logical to get an understanding of the traction of business as well as the rules and basic beliefs of trade in this area functioned.

"Greetings sir, may I request as to how much business and profit you receive in this area, as well as the functionalities of trade within this local area? Please state common currencies slash forms of trade so that I may further understand and adjust my algorithms and calculations to acknowledge this information" she asked as she looked at the potions he had offered. His advertisement pitch did not inspire confidence in his products.
"Are the products you are selling here safe for consumption, legally produced and legal products? Your Health and Safety Regulations appear to be completely ignored, and your employees are potentially wild creatures working in a sewer environment. Calculations suggest your products are hazardous to most organic life-forms" Viokii blankly pointed out as she tried to understand what the point was being so... unregulated.

1. Ask questions about stuff.
Viokii is Talking - Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F) - Viokii is always trying to learn and get progressive communication and interactions done. Hopefully they go better and she learns a thing or two - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown​
Liu traveled to their front, carefully winding his way through the city's rank tunnels. Turning to the side in response to her addressing him he, replied coolly to Viokii "madame, your dance card is already full. Don't worry about me. Also, please refrain from commenting on my medical status, I do not wish to alarm the others," he requested simply, making way for the others to descend exitedly upon her again. He is disposed to calm, quiet, and clarity. The social feeding frenzy going on put him off, to say the least.

Below the streets in this stinky gloom, he walked out front until they neared the rat's shop, situated in a particularly moist nook in the sewer where even the dull sheen licking exhaustedly at the shadows from some distant storm drain seemed wet. He stopped just outside and carefully approached. Admittedly, was unaware of this little nook, and could have sworn this place was empty. When the gloomy light of weak flames and equipment revealed a familiar -- someone he'd seen some distance away toward the edge of the city, he felt the need to mark the creature's legerity. Liu had no personal qualms regarding the rat man. Anyone daft enough to buy anything from him deserved everything they got. He had good taste in hidey-holes, too. Where once a shadowed hole promised them comfort, now instead a freakish drug dealer offered them his product.

"Good afternoon, good to see you again sir," he called to the rat, leaning back out of the door. There was some amusement in his tone.

To cut through the din, Liu raised his hand and began to speak with a bit of volume to overpower the bubbling, hissing, squeaking and conversation. With an 'ahem,' he began trying to command everyone's attention at once, assuring them "this place should be mostly undisturbed, though it is a place of business. I don't know anyone brave enough to cause trouble here. If you lot are sure that we are bringing Viokii, we may discuss our contract, since you are asking me for your help navigating this kingdom of refuse," he suggested, turning away from them and rummaging through a pointy-looking pile of junk. With some clattering and tumbling, he produced a few chairs and set them in the hall leading to the apothecary's room. They were rather dirty and more than a little wet, but probably not harmful to sit on. Probably.

Tumbling out of the pile were a few other articles of furniture which could have been of matching theme, a couple alarmed rats, tiny flecks of ooze, and a candelabra arm.
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The half demon listened intently and with curiosity as the construct replied, however at some point mid conversation Chandra made quite the lewd statement in regards to inspection of the mentioned construct. She blinked for a moment, her eyes widened then looked over to Chandra, "What did you just say?" She asked in disbelief, it wasn't typical of Kalina to say such things, "Whoa.. I must really be rubbing off on you huh?" She grinned a foxy smile. "Pfft! Yeah, okay, maybe if she's willing to be 'inspected'." She shook her head and rolled her eyes in amusement before whispering back, "Viokii seems fun to flirt with, I'll give ya that much!"

As the conversation drew it course, Viokii replied to the witch, and quite frankly didn't disappoint! When the words, demeanor and mood all translated perfectly Scylla brought her hands together over her heart in surprise, "Wowie! I'm in love! You're like.. uhm.. some sort of very talented copy cat! I love it!" She made a heart with her hands at Viokii, "Be mine?"

As things progressed into the sewers, a familiar grip enveloped her figure, it was Chandra and she did well to hold onto her at this particular moment to share on the [Control Environment] spell. With a gasp she began, "Well I'll be! That's certainly a way to share the spell! Pfft! Now, how much further Mr.Cloaked Man?" She asked, referencing Fei Liu. It was almost as if right on time or as if by date that they arrived at their disposed location. It was a sort of interesting place, it still smelled horrid but there was a bit of structure as they approached what appeared to be a shop of sorts. The ratkin behind the desk spoke very familiarly, almost like a particular ratkin from the marshes. "Hey uhm, Chandra? Doesn't this rat guy remind you of that one ratkin in the marshes? Gee. I feel like such a a clutz! I forgot her name!"

Going up to the ratkin merchant Scylla or s glowed at his laboratory and then upon the rat himself! "Excuse me! You said, 'happy' right? You mean to say you have a happy potion?" Turning back to Chandra, "Hey it's like the potion we drank during our date! The truth telling stuff! This is simply 'happy' stuff! Oh let's buy one? Oh pretty please?!" Turning around back to the ratkin she continued, "I'll take two, but, what are the side effects? Surely there's a price to pay for something that makes you happy right? Oh?! What if you're already always happy anyway? Does it make you mean?"
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Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy RavenSong RavenSong Femboy Femboy

Erich listened as Chandra told him in turn where she was from. His eyes narrowed, showing clear indication that the information had struck some chord within him. While he had no idea how long the black haired swordswoman had been in this world, it was clear that it beckoned people from different points in time to it. The man’s contemplation lasted just a few seconds, as his mind quickly worked through a few possibilities, almost like a computing device. With a relaxed expression once more, he finally answered her, nodding. “Oh yeah, I do know about Earth, the Old Home. Looks like there are many millenniums separating us.”

And, while the term ‘warranty’ was foreign to her, Chandra made quite the correct conceptualization about it. “That is quite right. But it also means that if you take the sword to a different blacksmith to sharpen it, you lose that offer to sharpen it for free.” He added with a lighthearted tone and hands stuck in the sidepockets of his lab coat.

As the tinkerer’s legs moved, came the negative from Viokii about the company/government he was previously affiliated to having anything to do with her development or any other company for that matter. Looks like however it did, had access to quite many resources, even if they were a group of people. There wasn’t much on his part, as his eyes focused more on the unnaturally large rats that came to-and-fro.

As if right on time, the cloaked guide had led the group into a most curious room, which revealed to be a shop of sorts, being run by a rat-humanoid. Regardless of the smell of the shop, now with the brewing of the ingredients on top of it, there was a moment of curiosity within the engineer. Looking at the smaller rats working, bringing ingredients here and there sparked an interesting realization. Why not use creatures as lab assistants? All with due contract of ownership, of course. “Uh… I may have to check local laws first…” Erich muttered, remembering the whole conversation about criminal titles.

He then focused on the bigger rat, which he could only assume to be some sort of pharmaceutical or biological engineer. Listening to the sales pitch of the creature, his eyebrows furrowed. “A concoction to feel happy, another to see divine creatures… are these drugs?!” His eyes widened with the question/statement, looking at the suspicious flasks, while standing beside Scylla, who seemed interested in a ‘happy potion’. Paying attention to what the rat would tell her about the potion, Erich followed on the questioning. “Say, do you actually have to drink this stuff for it to work? Or can it be absorbed through your skin?” His mind was clearly not working towards entertainment, but something else entirely. However, something else had also picked his interest, from what the witch had said. Turning towards Scylla, the engineer asked in earnest. "You mentioned this thing called 'date'. What is that?"
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Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Kalina – Find the 'Bleeding Dragon Scale'
RavenSong RavenSong Scylla – Help out Kalina
Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Fei Liu – Go on a day trip from the bad slums to the even worse Underbelly.
Maxxob Maxxob Erich – Explore what unethical inventions a place like the Underbelly might have to offer.
Femboy Femboy Viokii – Avoid getting sold. Join Erich in the search for unethical technology.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, Slums, Sewers

Chandra Jarmil

Equipped titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy

At Viokii's reply, she chuckled. “You really know how to sell yourself love~” It sounded like Viokii could pretty much become a housekeeper that needed neither wages nor sustenance. She was a tad surprised that Viokii knew of earth, even of England, but decided that was a topic to further pursue at a later date. “Let's leave that topic for another time~” She stated, waving away the question as to why she'd asked about England. She did, however, take note that Erich knew of it as well... and might be from far past the 1780s.

She nodded at Erich's explanation of a warranty. “That seems fair.”

Upon Scylla's comment, Kalina was forced into a short moment of self-reflection. “I... I guess I did become a lot more interested in and open about certain topics, haven't I? Although, well, between you and Sophia... I've been taught a lot of things...” She hoped her family would never find out how much she'd been corrupted by those two.

As for the rat... “He seems to be of the same species at least... What was her name again indeed... Cash? Something like that.” She tried to recall, but she hadn't gotten along particularly well with the rat back then, so she hadn't recalled much either.

She was a tad more guarded about the 'happy' potion. “No offence, but... I don't think this is something I'm willing to try...” Between the odd, vicious green glow, the fowl small, the rats brewing it and the fact that she had no clue what the exact effect of it might be, she was definitely not eager to try out such things.


Viokii's question made the rat temporarily focus on her. “I can't say, don't know, I just got, arrived here.” He stated. “Functionalities of trade, commerce? All I can say is that you keep on the move, don't stay still, or you'll be in trouble, problems.”

He seemed a tad irked that she kept asking stuff. “Are you going to buy something or what?” He asked in turn. “I don't know who made, built you, but I can assure, guarantee you, my products, potions don't do anything a little snippet of healing, curing magic won't be able to fix, restore. A small price, cost for experiencing utter bliss, joy, if I'd say so myself.”

[Viokki is Talking] – Business showed her that he was doing some shady stuff, but perhaps not outright illegal. Leadership didn't seem to impress him much. Investigation backed up the idea that he'd just arrived here, as parts of the equipment seemed to be in the process of being unpacked by rat assistants... somehow.

The rat looked at Liu, or a for a moment. “Hmm... Can't say I recall, remember which of the many cloaked, disguised shady folk you are. Were you the one that ran, rushed into my shop, store a few days back, south of here? If so, I need to really change, alter my location, area choices...”

He shook his head, then shouted to some rats in beastial. “<Stop unpacking, we're gonna move again.>” As he did, the rats stopped unpacking and instead started putting things back into boxes they'd just taken them from.

As for Scylla, he smiled a toothy smile. “You seem to know fun, pleasure. For you, it's only 50.000 Rykes each, a piece.” (For comparison a steal sword is 150.000 Rykes). “Mean, bad, no, it will make you even more happy, happier.”

“Drugs, potions, enhancements, don't worry, they are legal, so long as nobody finds out, learns of it, I promise, guarantee.” He replied to Erich. “Drink, consume, is best. Rectal, suppository, also works. Skin doesn't work, injection, possibly works.”

As they were talking, Kalina got a bit impatient. “I'd rather not waste much time here. Sir, do you know about a 'bleeding dragon scale' that is rumoured to be in the possession of someone in the Underbelly?”

“Yes, maybe, possibly. I'd not go after it, find it. Big, dangerous, troublesome, people want, need it.” He shook his head. “Not worth the risk, trouble.”

“Bad folk? Who?”

“You pay, buy, I tell, speak.” The rat stated.

It seemed Kalina was debating her options upon the proposal. She clearly wasn't too eager to make dubious deals with this rat.


Character Sheet
Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, All-Purpose Intelligence
Languages: %Analogue%, Common

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy RavenSong RavenSong

Viokii silently ruminated on the information that she could pick out from what Liu and Chandra had said in order to get an idea on what the group's mission was, understanding that this was more of a personal search by Chandra whom was personally accompanied by Scylla who was close to them being lead by Liu as a tour guide. Erich was a missing link in manual identification of the overall task, randomly estimating that he was either a close friend of someone within the group or a random tagalong whom had also encountered them for his own convenience. This was also given away when Chandra so suddenly questioned about a dragon scale which was a rather weird thing to be coincidentally asking about. Viokii would continue to internally question the potential value or uses of this scale as she considered her view on his dodgy wears.

Addressing Scylla's delight at the construct's adherence to requests, Viokii continued to answer to the questions that were sent her way even as simple as asking to be one's... something. Property, partner, whatever, it was organic being social nonsense which made a lack of sense when it held multiple meanings that could all be interchangeably swapped since they were used in the same phrasing. Despite the absolute sheer amount of nonsense that came with languages, Viokii simply deduced what was being said and answered in the best way possible acknowledging her own received requests.
"My cold hardware would say no, but my little processors heating me up all nice and warm just like any organic person give me the capability to say yes for you, cutie! Although, I cannot make any guarantees right now about binding or ownership, if things go well then I will consider it as I just need a little moment to get my bearings on things. If you need any more positive affirmations, all kinds of appreciation or any sort of assistance, I'm here and all yours to call upon cutie~!" Viokii responded in kind chipper tone, repaying the given heart with one of her own as she held her hands in a heart shape close to her chest.

Hearing on Liu's taking charge of the whole thing that was going on, Viokii spoke on being brought along since potential disturbance may have been recognised as highly problematic.
"I will take all optimal precautions and procedure to avoid all error within the task that is being partaken. If my being attracts undesired attention, it should prove simple to passively deal with or avoid. In the upmost dire circumstances, I am armed to tranquilise and non-lethally subjugate targets. In necessary conditions, lethal ammunition and action restrictions will be manually overriden and authorised for free usage and request" Viokii informed to Liu and the other members of the group, since she didn't have any idea what kind of trouble could be present. If anything, she had to ensure her own presence or potential encountered trouble was not significant danger to those present. Looking to Chandra, she added another line.

"I will put my life on the line during any danger to help keep you and your companions safe, mistress. I also agree that you shouldn't drink of these substances, happiness can be acquired in many more and better ways than potential drug substance consumption. Please consider asking something of me that would make you happy instead, my love. As to your close companion... " Viokii said as she looked to Scylla.
"You don't need none of that, cutie, real happiness comes from your heart and soul! I'm sure my love and mistress alongside you gives you all of the happiness you could want, and if anything comes to your sweet little mind that'd give you a nice big smile then I'll be there to make sure it happens! Just don't go drinking dangerous chemicals, that doesn't make anyone happy cutie" Viokii finished as she ended of her little PSA on not drinking suspicious 'happiness' potions being offered for sale by strangers in a sewer environment. At least Erich appeared logical about the entire thing, as expected of someone of his position. Looking back to Chandra once more, she apologised.
"Apologies, your highness. I hope repeating my interests to please you is not inadvertently upsetting you. Internal automated systems and urges can be difficult to control. I'll remedy these faults by assisting in your task to ease your troubles so it's less stressing for you to think about, my dear darling love and grace".

Eyeing the products and such of the rat alchemist, Viokii forwarded an answer.
"I am in no requirement of your products, but my travelling companion requires acquisition of that information. If it pertains to your interest, I am equipped with the knowledge of running businesses and managing trade. It appears that there are multiple recognisable faults with your business practices that can be fixed or improved in order to greatly increase your income and success rate. I would be willing to trade this information for the information that my companion requests. I must state that the future profit my information may grant you can far exceed any profit you would be generating by selling to us" Viokii offered in deal to the rat. If his desire was to gain money profit, then she would attempt to make trade with the greatest tool of all when it came to money-making: knowledge.

1. Convince him to tell about it in return for secrets of business and money-making.​
  • Viokii is Talking - Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F) - Viokii is always trying to learn and get progressive communication and interactions done. Hopefully they go better and she learns a thing or two - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Appraise him using Calculate so she can know things.​
  • Calculate - Appraisal (E), Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F) - Visually identify and look over someone or something to identify skills, uses and important details about someone or something - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Scylla blinked at the construct Viokiis responses, she had instantly picked up on her request! What was this construct exactly? And where had she come from? Questions that Scyllas inquiring mind instantly took note to mention at a later time. As Viokii responded, the half demons eyes fluttered with delight, her vocal cords seemed to change, her demeanor, her frame and as if it couldnt get any better, the construct returned thr heart shaped gensture with her hands. "Ooooo.." she witch cooed, "..I'll take you up on that! Pfft! Remind me to ask you to tell me how magnificent, delightful and elegant I am when you have time!" Scylla giggled and glanced at Chandra, "She's so precious, she even considered literally being mine. Oh how amazing would that be?!" She'd blush a bit as she suddenly felt like she'd been a bit too open about her opinions. Best to bring it down a bit so as to not distract from the real intention of this quest.

Once again listening carefully, she turned towards the ratkin and continued to write notes down in her mind as Scylla listened to the rodent creature as he explained. The half demon would nod along intently, eyes glowing, "Okay, I see." Scylla replied as her hands rested upon her fingers as she leaned her elbows on the lab desk. Little did she know that Erich was listening intently beside her, she wouldn't have noticed him if he hadn't asked a question. With a bit of a flinch and a gasp she turned to look at Erich. "Whoa! Hi, heh, didn't see ya' there!" She giggled, then tilted her head a bit as the half demon processed Erichs question. "Oh? You've never been in a date?!" A meek giggle as she twirled her hair with her index finger. "WELL! You've come to the right place! I am quite the expert you see, right, right, your question! So a date is sort of like.. uhm.. an interview! You know what that is?" The witch gave Erich an expectant look before continuing, "Except the interview is not for a job, it's for a lover! It's sort of an.. uhm.. way to get to know a stranger in an intimate way, sometimes people get denied though, usually out of fear of letting anyone into their heart or simply not interested! Of course, there are excuses as there are stars in the sky! But generally that's my description! Pfft!" Getting a bit closer to the techie man she whispered, "You should take Chandra over there on a date!" She couldn't help but explode in laughter. "I'm sorry! I can't! These sorta of things and questions are so fun I can't help myself!"

Shortly after, the Ratkin would make a bit of a ride statement towards the construct, to which Viokii would warn her about purchasing much less consuming such substances. "Oh? Well, when you flatter me as much as you do I really should listen!" Scylla nodded, her hands on her waist, then turning towards the ratkin, "Hey! Just what do you take us for?! Junkies?! No, no.. how about you tell us where this scale could be found? I think Viokiis offer is quite nice! I could sweeten the deal by writing you a nice heartfelt letter along with 10.000 rykes? Eh?! Whaddya' say?!" [Persuasion F]
Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Femboy Femboy

With the oversized rodent answering Scylla’s question about the happy potion, which apparently had no side-effects, the tinkerer’s mind ran with wild possibilities. He had worked in quite a few delivery systems for substances with the intent to affect organics, producing less-than-lethal options for the security droids when dealing with riots, which were not that uncommon back in his home planet. As one of the executives had mentioned ‘Gotta keep the little man down’. And, as the rat-pharmacist expanded on the ways such a drug could be delivered, Erich considered each of them, his hazel eyes becoming unfocused for a few moments. “I wonder if a suppository launching device would be socially acceptable… kinda sounds quite difficult to make it work.” He muttered, loud enough to be heard, as it seems he started to consider the local traditions and customs at last. “Injection? Ohhh… a good ol’ dart gun could do the trick! Ugh… I need one first though…” The young man sounded a bit dejected, not being able to practice ‘science’ for the time being.

Afterwards, his attention was fully focused on the witch, as she appeared receptive to his question about this mysterious ‘date’. “An expert on dates…” He muttered when she had given him her credentials, the man’s stance changing, taking the role of an eager student to a more experienced professor. His hazel eyes focused intently on her pink ones. With her first query, about knowing what an interview was, he nodded. “Oh yes, I have been in quite a few interviews of the Nykkon Conglomerate.” He gave her a quick answer, not wanting to interrupt her train of thought. Her next words made the man’s eyes widen, the curiosity being palpable on them. Letting someone in your heart, at first, looked very dangerous, even more if the chest cavity was not big enough to accommodate them. However, Scylla had mentioned the concept of ‘lover’, which would stand to mean something else entirely. “An interview to get to know someone for the possible prospect of being a lover…” The engineer repeated with palpable interest, curiosity and much naivete. He couldn’t help but imagine sitting behind a desk, with a board of directors or executives in front of him. But what then? What would happen? Should he ask his mentor on this ‘date’ interview, when he got back to her workshop? It was then that Scylla appeared to come up with an ingenious idea. He leaned over, curious to hear what she had to say. “To take Chandra in this elusive ritual…” He repeated, in a low, conspiratorial tone. His hazel orbs darted to black-haired swordswoman, then back at the witch, then back at Chandra and, finally, back at Scylla. Tilting his head to the side a bit as she laughed, he blinked a few times, his naivete still carrying through. Keeping his low, conspiratorial tone, he continued. “Very well, I will rely on you, the expert on ‘dates’, professor, to prompt the correct timing for taking her to this ritual.”

Feeling almost like a researcher, encountering a mysterious civilization and wanting to know more about their customs, it seemed like Erich’s original goal of technology had expanded to more nuanced aspects of sentient beings, unbeknown to him previously. However, it seems the group quickly moved forward with their dealings with the oversized rodent, as he had some information about the scale previously mentioned by Chandra. The tinkerer’s attention moved back to the rat-pharmacist, wondering if he was going to disclose the information.
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Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Kalina – Find the 'Bleeding Dragon Scale'
RavenSong RavenSong Scylla – Help out Kalina
Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Fei Liu – Go on a day trip from the bad slums to the even worse Underbelly.
Maxxob Maxxob Erich – Explore what unethical inventions a place like the Underbelly might have to offer.
Femboy Femboy Viokii – Avoid getting sold. Join Erich in the search for unethical technology.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, Slums, Sewers

Chandra Jarmil

Equipped titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy

Upon Viokii replying to Scylla, something stood out to Kalina. “Wait, you've got processors heating you up?” That was peculiar. “Can I feel that?” She asked, as she'd reach out and (unless stopped) would put her hand on the largest surface area that seemed accessible, Viokii's hip. “Huh, that really does feel nice and warm...” Although now that she was getting hands-on, she couldn't abstain from being curious about another thing as well. “What kind of material is this... it's different from the lather I use in my armour..?”

Upon Scylla saying how amazing it'd be if Viokki would become literally hers, Kalina had only one thing to note. “Surely you'd not keep something so amazing all to yourself, surely we'd be sharing her, wouldn't we cutie?~” She replied.

As for Viokii promising to risk her life, Kalina chuckled. “That's appreciated dear, but there's no need to risk your life, I'm sure I can handle most things coming my way. Besides, I'll be sure to have your back as well. Believe it or not, I'm rather good with my rapier and I've got a few tricks if needed.” She stated with a wink. As for the other part. “Oh, I think me and my close companion have some really fun ideas, but perhaps we should focus on the current task of finding the bleeding dragon scale...”

She realised she could use Cayde right now. They were straying far too easily far too often. Where was the competent focused ally when they needed one the most? She feared she'd have to take upon herself such a role. Truthfully, she was already glad Viokii somehow talked Scylla out of buying drugs.

The next parts were highly confusing. “Me... dating Erich?” She asked, a tad hesitant. “I... I don't think I dated a man before. Is that different from dating a woman?” She asked. Truthfully, part of her was thoroughly corrupted by Sophia and Scylla. Another, perhaps even bigger part, was still completely inexperienced and unfamiliar with anything. Even the 'fun things' she mentioned for Viokii included little more than cuddling and perhaps a few daring touches in irregular places. At least in her mind. It's why the idea of suddenly been suggested to date Erich caught her off guard. She figured she'd take the easy way out. “Perhaps after we've found the bleeding Dragon Scale, but I'll want Scylla to join the date.” She stated her terms, unaware that was not exactly how those things normally were meant to go down.


The ratchemist heard all of this with a bit of confusion. He was rather sure he'd not sold any of these people his produce yet, had he? They clearly talked as if they'd gotten a good whiff of the prime stuff.

Upon Viokii's request, he scoffed. “I know my business.” He sneered a bit, not liking the suggestion that he was doing a bad job here. Her business and investigation only taught her that moving a lot was a big hamper on his earnings, but that he'd likely have a good reason for doing so. Her leadership didn't seem to impress him a lot. Her appraisal only worked on the rats around him, as they all had the [Trained] and [Buddy] titles to them.

Scylla got a little closer. “Just 10.000... that's pretty much loose change, but I can share a few words for... let's say 30.000. You should be glad I'm not asking more, after suggesting my products are junk.” Sadly enough, she wouldn't have that money at hand, as none of her current skills allowed her to have easy money ready for bribes. To that extend, none of them had that kind of money on hand (Wealth F or comparable asset), so they'd need to find something else if they'd want to strike up a deal. It also seemed like he wasn't aware what 'junkies' meant and had taken that as an insult.

He looked at Erich with a bit more interest. It seemed like he had rather sharp hearing. “A device for easy suppository use? Hmm... That would allow smaller dosages to have a bigger impact. What were you thinking?” The rat seemed genuinely interested. “Darts?” He shook his head. “You'd not be able to have a high enough dosage. You need a good, thick injection, for it to really kick in.”

As Kalina heard it all, trying to save her sanity, she turned to Fei Liu. “Right, you mentioned a contract? I'll be honest. I'm not exactly wealthy. I can offer a share of whatever the adventurer's guild or other interested parties might offer for the scale, or of whatever we might find during our adventure. Should that not work, perhaps there is business you've got here that you'd want us to aid you with? A favour for a favour?”
"The undue attention is inevitable," he replied to the artificial being, though his tone was far from harsh, more dismissive, as though it was not a problem in the slightest. Adding shortly afterward while resting himself on a rotting chair behind them all in the hallway, keeping an eye out (so to speak), "as you can see I'm somewhat proficient in arranging form-covering clothing. We may sort you out before it becomes an issue," he suggested, turning suddenly to Chandra when she engaged with him. The chair itself was the type of ornate that a peasant couldn't afford but a noble would deride. Emphasis on the 'was;' the faint impressions of flowers decorating its head were wretched with slick black, white, and green mycorrizhae and two of the five roughly pillar-like spokes holding the head to the seat were broken off.

"The prospect of a favor delights me," he replied, a level of amusement present in his voice that could not have been merely from her addressing him, "but more pressing to me is if we have a clear understanding of my role. I shall agree to guide you, so that you are able to better locate the object of interest, and I can also ensure that you are aware of a route of egress should it be needed, at all times. I cannot, however, agree to fight for you," he suggested soberly, the tiny instant of amusement gone in a flash. Rummaging around in his satchel, he produced a parcel and a small, plain box, casting his gaze around to try and locate some kind of writing surface.


Character Sheet
Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, All-Purpose Intelligence
Languages: %Analogue%, Common

Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Maxxob Maxxob RavenSong RavenSong

Viokii was atleast glad to see that members of the group were having much enjoyment with her presence, nodding to Scylla's requested reminder as she was promptly asked to be touched for purposes of curiosity, not flinching or denying Chandra's attempt as she allowed the girl to see for herself that it was the truth.
"This type of material is closely linked to what would commonly be called a type of silicone, my love. It's made to be flexible, very easy to repair and safe from stains and potential dangerous reactions through elemental interaction. This is also the closest possible material that could be included to mimic the sensation and feel of genuine human skin without wearing skinned organic matter of an intelligent species. Of course, not my entirety is composed of this for practical reasons. Silicone exterior also is very practical for usage of human equipment, armour and clothing without any inconvenient clashing or difficulty, your highness" Viokii answered in brief explanation about her materials, since it was a lot more intricate than simple leather, plus it was easily replaceable with anything else.

With overhearing Erich's interest in darts and injections, Viokii was starting to process that things could take very long at this rate if she was to adhere to all requests at primary extent while they were entertaining every little thing that they would come across. Looking around in her own accessible datafiles for information that should prove necessary, she spoke on Erich's interest to dissuade him from interaction with the shady dealer.
"User Erich, if such development is what you are looking for, then I am willing to assist you at no cost" Viokii spoke as she reached behind her, hitting a button on the thing she had attached to her back which after that she was about to show people would probably pick up on the fact it was her weapon. The button had ejected a loaded round from the side of the weapon in which appeared to be a little silver metal dart clearly not hand made. Having caught it between two fingers and showing it to Erich, also essentially offering it to him for closer inspection, she continued.
"The usage of what you are asking is very simple to do with the right equipment and product. These tranquiliser shots are made to work on organic life forms in general without causing harm to them, any other ideas you may think of can be discussed sooner or later if it would prove convenient to your work. Working on potentially hazardous and dangerous products with untrustworthy cooperation or unsafe base materials is not recommended. There are also much more practical and effective methods that are possible with the right conditions and products" Viokii answered, trying to dissuade him from buying into anything.

"Apologies, sir. Dealt business was not intended to cause you any distress or undesired emotions, I wish you well with your business" Viokii answered to the ratchemist, looking to Fei Liu while the others were talking about dating. Maybe it was just those present, but the forwardness of relationship-related content in the world felt strangely high. Though, it wasn't her business to question what others found desirable. There was always worse and weirder.
"Sir, you have likely already made the same observation but it appears as if the transpiring events may slow down progress considerably, which is a significant difficulty if the primary goal involves locating a limited and wanted item. It appears this task should be swiftly accomplished, in which I can assist with minimizing trivial interactive content with users for the time being to encourage mandated productivity. During the last 13 seconds, I located an information file detailing importants on Productivity Management that should assist... " Viokii spoke as he had pointed out her physical appearance being a distraction. After a moment of consideration, she responded.
"I am not in mandatory need for clothing, I do not possess included feeling of shame to bodily exposure, and potential internal contaminations are prevented from occurring. The Productivity Management guide was located close to the Input/Output Port Control System for Reasoning: Convenience for Relation. Related answer to Input/Output Port unproductive usage interactions, I have ran checks and all Ports are currently closed, no hygiene errors should occur. Locating 'Bleeding Dragon Scale' should be accomplished before questionable interactions of present users reach a critical error level. Indications tell me you do not carry unproductive ease of distraction in your internal processes. I recommend further investigation in order to better locate the desired item as it may not be reliably achievable here" she finished as she looked to the rest.

"While I have no data or information on 'dating' or relationship experience, I would suggest that locating the desired item is time-sensitive. Analysing new surroundings and information will prove very useful to my developmental data, so while I would request to observe and research your open dating endeavours, it is important that your initial task does not fail due to time-sensitivity. In order to adhere to following protocols: Productivity Management, Success Methodology. Automatic adjustments and personal inputs may be made to improve success odds at the moment... " Viokii spoke as she noticeably looked like she was making personal adjustments herself to personality.

"User Erich, Cutie, My Love, I would request that in required matters for the time being a little more seriousness and focus is included" Viokii answered in a more stern tone, putting her hands on her hips.
"I do not have required information to make estimation on remaining potential time, which could mean very little if others would hold interest in this item. Please withhold heavily unrelated topics or significant time hinderances for the time being. My children, I would be very disappointed to find if Mistress' goal is not achieved at an effective manner and timing. Are all questions and distractions currently accounted for so that progress can be made? There is likely a very large amount of area to be covered or required narrowing down in effective investigation to locate this object" Viokii commented, sounding like she was all of a sudden disapproving of everything going on. Despite her need and willingness to fulfil requests and inputs, she was still included with specific Perfection Protocols to manually oversee the success of specific tasks of which this seemed important to her love and mistress Chandra. Moving to cross her arms under her chest, she responded on her sudden change of behaviour.
"Apologies for manual adjustments, but I am designed to work on any task, of which includes being able to decide on necessary requirements. I'm afraid locating and obtaining this item may be at risk with any more stalling, your Highness" Viokii added as she looked to Scylla.
"Sorry for being mean, cutie, but I'm doing it to help. D'you forgive me, I'm still yours right? Hug it out, bestie?~" she asked, doing the same heart gesture before gently holding her arms open to hug it out as stated out of still adhering to the request Scylla had made about how she wanted to be talked to. She wouldn't wait long after receiving responses to those before being ready.

"I am prepared to continue on, but I must request who is in proper leadership. This is my Love's desired task, but my estimations question her capability to lead the task with the current given situation and surroundings, not to be rude my Highness. Are you capable of adhering to Success Protocols for the time being and reorganizing priorities to avoid high distractions and questionable organic being behaviours? I will attempt to withhold any chiding or instructional interference from now, precious children".

E: 1/1​

As Chandra touched the construct, Scylla smiled indifferently yet, when inquired about whether she'd shared she nodded equally as joyfully. "Of course! Pfft! Looks like I gave away my favorite pet name! You do listen!"


As Scylla joked, snickered and gossiped to Erich about dating the damphir, Scylla didn't realize Chandra was right there! How could she have forgotten and overlooked such a detail? "Err! I uh.." she turned flailing for words, but then Chandra inquired as to the difference of the genders. ".. well uhm, I'd say there are many things that make dating men wonderful! They can be kind and thoughtful, lovely to look at and have this aspect to them where they make you feel protected. It's kind of a magical thing." She suddenly found herself daydreaming about her past relationships and even further wondering about her previous life. But alas, the matter at hand!

"Uhm.. well, Chandra, dear.. a date is an intimate sort of thing between two people. Surely you know that. Right? Having little ol' me around would take away from the little details you could learn from the other? Besides! I have a tendency to steal the show. I can't have that!" She was confused for a moment then, grinned a bit. "Are you truly that much of an angel?" The witch fluttered her eyes in jest before giggling. Then referring to Erich, "Splendid! I'll point to her in a way that only you can see me, and then you strike and tell her to go on a date with you but ill explain details later, say, how about i-" but she was quickly cut off by Viokii who seemed to realize the urgency of their mission.

When Viokii apologized the half demon went from listening intently to smiling joyfully at her gestures and then an open hug gesture. If she wasn't already immensely happy with her she was truly delighted now! Leaning her weight to the side with her hand on her hips her face grew to a brilliant smile, in fact she was rather ecstatic! "Why of coursey course!! Pfft! Get ready for the best hug ever!" Without another word she went up to Viokii and embraced the construct. "Mmm!!" Then a kiss on the constructs cheek. "Muah! No harm done! Im not easily offended or insulted, I may have bubblegum colored hair but I have horns!" Scylla giggled as she broke the embrace. "You're totally right though, let's get on with it. I'm distracted easily, maybe, if you don't mind, keep me focused! I'll just go on and on and on!" Then made the "energizer bunnies" drumming gestures. A hand over her lips with a chuckle. "Hmm.. so.. to the Underbelly?"

Turning over to the ratkin, Scylla waved at him dismissively, "Yeah, I'm a student, and being a student means you eat poop food, barely sleep, aaaaand.. drum roll! Dun dun dun dun dun dun!! Are hopelessly and miserably poor!!" Making a little pose, a wink, a flutter in her eyes, then a daring pout of her lips as if blowing a kiss, she continued, "But maybe you'd be willing to tell us just because I'm pretty and you find me dazzling?" Swaying side to side as her dress flowed along, "Surely you're interested in things other than rykes, am I wrong?" A coy index finger coming up to her lips with a devious smile. [Seduction E] [ Persuasion F]
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Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Kalina – Find the 'Bleeding Dragon Scale'
RavenSong RavenSong Scylla – Help out Kalina
Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Fei Liu – Go on a day trip from the bad slums to the even worse Underbelly.
Maxxob Maxxob Erich – Explore what unethical inventions a place like the Underbelly might have to offer.
Femboy Femboy Viokii – Avoid getting sold. Join Erich in the search for unethical technology.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, Slums, Sewers

Chandra Jarmil

Equipped titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy

Kalina couldn't help let out a bit of a chuckle when Fei mentioned he wouldn't fight. “No worries sir, between my own skill with a rapier and the magical powerhouse that is Scylla here, I doubt such a thing would ever even be needed.” She nodded. “Guidance alone will be more than sufficient.”

As for Viokii, she was a tad confused. “Silly-cone?” She hadn't heard of the stuff before. “That sounds rather useful.” She added, wondering if she could make armour out of it, as Viokii seemed to suggest.

She was a tad surprised when Viokii was the one to say what she herself had been thinking aloud. Namely that they really needed to focus. “You're right, it's time to focus.” She ended up replying. It did sting a lot when her ability to lead was questioned just as she was questioning it. If only she could conjure up a Cayde right then and there, that'd fix thing instantly. Sadly enough, she couldn't. “I'll do my best to keep my focus. I've been given enough good examples by someone that I should be able to start following.” She stated, more to convince herself than to convince Viokii.

She turned to Scylla for a second. “We're going to have to continue our talks later.” She stated. “Although I can already say I won't care what dates are meant to be. Just how I'd want them to be, but that's for later.”

Taking a deep breath, she'd add on to Scylla's attempt to persuade the rat. “It seems you're rather busy trying to pack up again, after having been found here. Besides, our guide here knew this was a rather common route into the Underbelly, so you've picked the worst spot possible to set-up. If you tell us what we want to know, we'll be out of here sooner to leave you to pack up and move to safer areas in no-time. I'm sure mister Hydrangea would be able to point out a few areas that have less traffic going through them.” She looked at their cloaked guide, hoping he'd be able to back that up, as she spoke with some [Roguish Charm].

Roguish Charm: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown


The Ratchemist scoffed at Viokii's reply, but didn't say anything. At Scylla's remark, he seemed a tad grossed out. “If you're suggesting, assuming, that I have any attraction, liking, towards humans, you are wrong, incorrect.” The seduction part of Kalina's follow-up didn't do much more, but the persuasion managed to actually hit the right tone. “Fine, I tell, you go, get out.” He thought for a moment. “They say three dangerous groups, parties, are after the scale right now. Professor Dougal and his assistant, helper, dangerous, threatening. Merchant Tufayl, quick, fast, and sneaky, stealthy. And possibly vampires, bloodsuckers. Also, they say, gossip, blood-wraith, big-shot after duke Vegron attacked, assaulted, the Underbelly, Lykra, now has, possesses, it.”

It was clear he'd mostly mentioned whatever came to mind, but he didn't seem out to deceive them. After his explanation, he'd look at Fei Liu. “Now you tell, say, good spots, places, yes?” Regardless of whether he would live up to the deal made by Chandra, they party would eventually separate ways (although not living up to it would mean they'd not exactly leave on good terms).

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly

Before long, the group would be guided into the infamous Underbelly, city of sin, itself. It had always been a lawless place, but ever since the fall of their champion and invasion by Duke Vegron, it'd been even more chaotic. Far fewer people lived there, that what was once the case, with a lot of buildings and streets being empty, as most had either died or fled the city, meaning that the few that remained either were truly desperate or strong and competent enough to survive and even thrive here.
Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy RavenSong RavenSong Femboy Femboy

During Erich’s short interaction with the Ratchemist, there was some sort of weird kinship between both, at least in the engineer’s mind. Even more so when the oversized rodent further tried to explore what the tinkerer had planned to do with his drugs or, better said, potions. As the man was about to expand on his plans, however, Viokii approached with an already present solution. Raising his eyebrows, Erich accepted the dart which the construct offered him, looking at it with interest and analyzing the small projectile, gloved fingers running along it. “This will get things up to speed, I will certainly accept your help, Viokii. In the future, let’s see what sorts of hallucinogens and drugs, present in this world, can be delivered by these.” The young man said, with chilling normality, a carefree smile present on his lips. The mechanoid had successfully turned the man’s attention away from the rat-pharmacist.

It didn’t take long, however, for Chandra to be surprised about Scylla’s idea about the date. It seemed that the witch and the tinkerer simply weren’t quiet enough about the whole ancient ritual. And, while the pink–haired, horned female seemed a bit caught off guard by it, the engineer only listened, hoping to catch a few extra bits of information. With the back and forth between both females, there was something extra learned about the elusive interaction. By the end of it, it still seemed a bit unclear if the idea had been welcomed or not, only the future held the keys for that lock. Erich was about to answer the Master of Dates’ agreement to point to the most opportune time for the ritual, the advanced-AI cut the air with their words.

The engineer parsed every word in his mind, carefully, from their own lack of knowledge about the previously mentioned endeavor, to the questioning of Chandra’s leadership capabilities. On his right hand, the dart previously given danced between his fingers, maybe even a bit dangerously so, while he considered the spiel which was being given. Storing the dart in the front pocket of his lab coat, his mind was once again brought back to his own personal reason for wanting to venture into the Underbelly. Nodding, he agreed with the need to focus on the current time-sensitive task.

Moving on, it looks like the group had successfully extracted the information from the ratchemist by disrupting his business. As the oversized rodent expanded about the information that he had about the scale, once again a professor was mentioned, first by the three men who were previously abducting the advanced construct and now once more. With refocused attention on what sort of technologies may be waiting in the Underbelly, Erich followed the group into the place itself. His hazel orbs darted around, taking the foreign and alien view of the place. The place was the extreme opposite of what he was used to in his home world. Despite his carefree self, his attention was increased ten-fold in this place.
Liu, silently impressed with his compatriot's negotiation skills, nodded his assent. On the produced paper, he drew up a map which, though lacking in detail, contained the precise shape of the routes he has explored. Though simple, the illustration was precise and every line, dot, circle, corner, and symbol was highly intentional and stunningly simple to read, possibly even to scale. The speed with which he produced it, his hand a blur as it moved over the page, suggested this graphic already existed in his mind. With a combination of skill in Navigation and Art, he did his best to make good on the rat's request, but the quality of the payment may not have lived up to the grade of the expectation. Handing it easily to the rat, his request was done in mere minutes due to the speed and precision of its creator. He placed a few conspicuous marks on the page, adding "the mark furthest up the page is my current safehouse. If you are unable to locate the places I have marked, feel free to seek me and I would see you satisfied," he ensured the rat. Hopefully he didn't seek him out to try and squeeze more out of the deal. That really was the place he was squatting.

"Please do look out for folks coming up from behind, you do not want to be stabbed by a dirty blade. Because we are in a group we should be alright, but you simply never know," he informed the group in the tone of a tour guide. He supposed that forcing all of them to come up with something to reward him with for his services would be too much of a hassle on his part and let the rest of them be after Chandra made her payment in the form of an I.O.U

. He asked only that they keep him in mind for the next journey, or for the next person they hear complain about needing guidance. Around them, sagging buildings huddled close and gathered shadows around them, weak light revealing trash and an air of desperation. The citizens were mostly hardened and hurrying to their business without sparing a look, aggressively maintaining their pace and exhuding the impression that starting a conversation with them would be a mistake.

The buildings here were of irregular stone and crumbling mortar but stubbornly held up their hunched backs like old men recalcitrant to death, and capped with tiled roofs. The tiles' colors were distorted to an odd dusty mauve by the low light and clinging fog. Without the proper ventillation, this whole region seemed to cling to moisture and fungi thrived. It never seemed to be comfortable at any temperature, moving from infirm warmth to aching cold to a lesser degree daily, and in a more pronounced manner seasonally. It is said that the buildings here creak most when newly built, and each settle into their own unique shape after a few years.

They came within eyesight of what should count as a busy intersection. Two - no, three roads all met at an area offering more space than usual. A couple of abandoned stalls rotted in that space. One of the roads was straight, the other seemed to curve aggressively as though it joined the other on a whim, and the third, odd one out did not continue to the other side, but trailed around a bend and fed into the square? Pentagon?

Liu bade them stop for a moment and offered,
"I am sure of the location of two of the aforementioned parties. I did not recognize if those goons from earlier were geniunely affiliated with the individual they mentioned in some way, or if they simply wanted to turn a profit by selling Viokii after making use of her in the only way their feeble minds would allow."

He leant some emphasis to not mentioning the names of these relevant parties and gave it a moment to settle in before continuing,
"I am not, however, familiar in the slightest with the third of the parties. The ones that are, let us say, more mercantile in nature. Where do you all think we should head?"


Character Sheet
Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, All-Purpose Intelligence
Languages: %Analogue%, Common

Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Maxxob Maxxob

Proceeding to commence the hugging process with Scylla and receiving a smooch on her face in return, Viokii gently touched the kissed area on her face trying to process what emotion she was exactly supposed to replicate at that moment. Deciding that she didn't have the proper information to come up with an algorithmic solution that was reliable, she just positively accepted and went along with it defaulting to Scylla's request instead. Although, she was left even more confused at the girl's referencing to her pink hair and horns not grasping it as any sort of logical saying or phrase that made any sense. Perhaps it was just something of this universe that she hadn't learned specific referencial phrases that must have been normalcy here that weren't recognised to her. Nevertheless, Viokii chose to not outright discard the potential hypothesis that it was coincidentally just a matter of 'not being all there' as organic beings tended to be.

Hearing Scylla asked in order to help her keep focused, Viokii nodded and just briefly answered to keep it short.
"You got it, cutie! No more silly business time!" Viokii answered cheerfully, since Scylla, Erich and Chandra were now all convinced and on the same page of being ready to move on things should go much better. Plus, it appeared as if the pestering of the ratchemist would prove to give them some useful information on the whereabouts of the item that they were looking for. Viokii used the time of travelling to their next point in order to think about what they had been told in order to think if it could offer any important ideas.

With Liu's guidance and supporting tips, Viokii heard of his ask on where to go and put some processing power into trying to conclude what she knew in order to help make a conclusive decision suggestion, but by the end it would still remain up to someone else to make the final call on what they were willing to do.
"It would be useful to have known all of the uses of the desired item, and-or why the afforementioned parties desire the items for themselves. We still have yet to discern the last known location of the item if you do not know the location of the party that holds it, and we don't know if other parties know the same. I can at most suggest we require to continue discreetly looking for the item while trying to keep it as secret as possible that we are looking for it, and avoid encountering trouble with any of the unwanted parties. If laws of morality and legality are abandoned within this situation and significant caution must be taken, engaging in dangerous conflict may result in being 'third-partied'- Definition: Two parties interacting with each-other are interrupted by an uninvited third party- which may prove too troublesome. We also don't know if the party in possession of the desired item cares for the item or not in the first place and how willing they are to part with it, so the only true strategy I can suggest without more information is 'Keep quiet and to ourselves as much as possible, locate and find the item before anyone else'... " Viokii suggested as it wasn't the most well-thought out idea she would've wanted to suggest. Her mechanical 'bunny ears' drooping a little as she lowered her head in shame gently, she answered.

"Sorry, your highness. If I knew more about this, I would've been able to be of greater assistance. Unfortunately, I am not prepared enough mistress" Viokii answered as she thought upon the goons that she was supposedly rescued from earlier. Considering it, she offered another suggestion.
"If one of the parties is interested in me potentially, considering it may have been the employees of one of those that were retrieving me from Unspecified Unknown Location, it may mean that our word may hold more importance with this party or at least give us an opportunity to control a situation before things turn dire. If it's possible, we at least have knowledge of the party we have a likelier chance of having a positive interaction with" Viokii suggested, even if said party was potentially extremely dangerous or not-so-great if she had to encounter them, but it didn't matter. If it was what was necessary to help, it was still something important to be aware of. The entire time, she was a little aware of Liu's distrust in mentioning them by name since it didn't make any sense to not just clarify as it was just more convenient to reference them specifically so there was probably some reason he wasn't doing it.

While awaiting others to forward their ideas, or for a plan to be put together, Viokii just glanced around to keep understanding more about the following surroundings just in case any little sighting forwarded a clue as to help them. It was probably unlikely, but self-learning AI studied everything they received after all.

1. Investigation (F) to look around and try and find out anything about the Underbelly.​
Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Femboy Femboy RavenSong RavenSong

With Hydrangea’s warning about a possible incoming dirty knife, every few steps Erich would look behind him and the group. While he didn’t know exactly how dirty said knife could be, he gathered that being stabbed by it could very well make it impossible to comply with Viokii’s established Success Protocols and, as a whole, rolling around on the ground, bleeding, didn’t seem like a good use of the engineer’s time. And, while he had some knowledge of medicine, he gathered that dealing with infections and sepsis, at the moment, was well beyond his capabilities.

The human noticed the hardened nature of the few passerby the group had come across with. It was nothing short of natural for such a lawless place and harsh living conditions. “Huh, old Darwin keeps proving his theory is right time and time again, eh? Survival of the fittest made manifest…” The young man muttered, while his attention was split between taking in the crumbling scenery and the group’s back.

When they came to the intersection, the tinkerer’s leg came to a halt a bit later than when their guide had prompted them to. Approaching the road that continued straight, his left opened hand made its way a few inches above his eyebrows, creating shade for a non-existent sun. Hunching forward, he strained his hazel eyes, narrowing them, trying to get a glimpse of what could be found ahead. Not being able to learn zilch, he came back and began paying attention to the hooded figure.

While keeping his lighthearted expression, the whole way the exchange took place struck him as odd. A little too odd. It almost felt like corporate talk, when things are kept under wraps and information only revealed on a need-to-know basis. And, considering the situation the group was in, there was certainly much that needed to be known. Taking the information provided by the hooded guide and the output generated by Viokii, Erich took a few moments to let his own brain juices move about, considering the whole predicament they were in.

“There is a point to consider if I were to pursue the most ‘research inclined’ of the parties which was mentioned by the oversized rodent.” The tinkerer began, his tone becoming uncharacteristically serious. “Taking in consideration what the three numbnuts we found earlier were yammering about, if we are spotted by them, regardless of our intentions, I would gather that fistcuffs, well trigger pulling on my part, is to be expected. They did talk about the possibility of his ‘associate’ killing them to claim Viokii, after all.” Erich kept with the redacted speech.

Once more, his expression relaxed, turning towards Hydrangea. “Well, if we have three paths and you know about where two of the parties can be found, can’t we just assume that the third party leads to the tradesperson? I mean, they did seem like the most innocuous of the three. They are fast, you are fast, maybe you can do some outfasting on them. Only to grab, not to fight.” It was a simple process of elimination, but it didn’t mean it was correct. “My bet goes towards that specific horse. Better safe than sorry!” The human exclaimed, turning once more his attention to the whole party, waiting for their own thoughts.
Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Kalina – Find the 'Bleeding Dragon Scale'
RavenSong RavenSong Scylla – Help out Kalina
Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Fei Liu – Go on a day trip from the bad slums to the even worse Underbelly.
Maxxob Maxxob Erich – Explore what unethical inventions a place like the Underbelly might have to offer.
Femboy Femboy Viokii – Avoid getting sold. Join Erich in the search for unethical technology.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly

Thanks to Liu's efforts, they managed to part with the Ratchemist on a positive note, as the latter had taken well to obtaining such a detailed map.

Chandra Jarmil

Equipped titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy

Liu's warning about looking about being sneaked up on from behind was met with a nod. “Very well.” She'd replied. Luckily, being pretty stealthy herself, she at least knew what tricks to expect should anyone else try to go after them.

Upon Liu's question, she pondered for a moment. “Well, the rat did say that the blood-wraith is rumoured to actually have it, rather than to just be looking for it, right? It seems most sensible to start there.” It felt a lot more sensible to try going after the possible person holding it than those that were merely rumoured to be their competition, even if none of that information had been confirmed thus far.

Upon Viokii's question, she halted and clicked her tongue. She'd hoped to avoid this topic for a little longer. Now how to proceed? She had good enough deception to lie her way through, but she doubted Scylla could keep up if she took it too far. Perhaps some half-truths were the better option. “Well, we know that the blood-wraith is rumoured to possess it. Going by the name, I'd imagine why that one would want a dragon scale that's rumoured to be bleeding.” That was the easier part. “Although I should admit I'm just as interested in those vampires he mentioned might be after it as in the item itself.” She figured throwing that out there was the minimal thing she'd need to admit too in order to keep the ball rolling. For now, she'd hope the 'why' of it would go unquestioned.

As for employees... “Wasn't one of those thugs worried they'd be killed by this professor? I don't think they'd be his goons if they were that worried about it.” She looked at Erich, nodding as he reached the same conclusion. “Then again, we do have you and Erich, who might make a good impression on such a party.” To that extend, it did seem like that party would be the easiest to build up some manner of relation with.

Viokii's looking around didn't particularly teach her anything new in this instance. Except that she spotted something inbound from the corner of her eyes.

As the group was chatting, a weird hook was launched at group from a distance. It crashed into the wall of a nearby building and as they were all gathering themselves a feminine figure used it to pull herself towards the group.


“Huh.” She stated, upon landing. “You really stand out even more from up close.” Anyone living here as eyes and ears through-out, so unless you want to wait for more folk to find you, I'd suggest you come along. The professor wanted to see you.

Although the group could refuse, it seemed like their decision who they'd meet first was about to be taken from them.


Character Sheet
Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, All-Purpose Intelligence
Languages: %Analogue%, Common

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy RavenSong RavenSong

Viokii listened in on what others had to say until the sight of a looming presence caught her attention, their decision-making being interrupted by the arrival of an interesting looking half-construct who expected their presence with an individual only referred to as 'the Professor'. Since it might prove dangerous or problematic if they avoided it, she silently supposed that their only option was to go along with what they were demanded in hopes any trouble could be peacefully resolved. It was possibly likely that Viokii's involvement with the group was what got the attention of them, but she wasn't guaranteed sure if it wasn't the potential of a group of other strangers arriving into the Underbelly all of a sudden that aroused this Professor's attention.

Chandra had pointed out her and Erich would give them more voice with parties interested in technology, of which at this point could only be hoped it would be true.
"It would seem we should agree, trouble is not necessary... " Viokii spoke in observation to her companions since the stranger hadn't immediately attacked or even threatened them, so peace may have been a potential option.
"Mistress, apologies if it's distracting of your time, but I would suggest going along with it is probably the safest option for the current moment".
"May I question the Professor's interests? We are not looking for any trouble. Incidents would be impractical to both parties, and may only be catalystic to other problematic events" Viokii asked in case she could find out anything extra to know what they were actually asked to be going to. Looking over the half-construct, her cyborg-eqsue design with the utilisation of outdated technology was an interesting sight as to the technological developments and advancements of the surrounding local areas, wondering if she could get a chance to look into it for her own information and research. Perhaps Erich would be just as interested in it too considering he seemed in the mind for similar things, but making sure everything went smoothly and safely was top priority for the moment. The fact that Viokii was looking over the half-construct was not very much hidden at all, and was almost made very obvious that they were being inspected and admired.

1. Talk to the half-construct using Viokii is Talking.
Viokii is Talking - Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F) - Viokii is always trying to learn and get progressive communication and interactions done. Hopefully they go better and she learns a thing or two - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Appraise and inspect the half-construct using Calculate.
Calculate - Appraisal (E), Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F) - Visually identify and look over someone or something to identify skills, uses and important details about someone or something - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown​

Upon being referred to as a so called magical power house Scylla placed her hands on her waist looking out into the openness of the emptiness of the 'sewerness' and beyond that as she fluttered her eyes feeling like a super hero. She held her breath but then quickly exhaled as she looked at Fei. "I won't let you down sir!" She replied with a thumbs up.

Scyllas attempt at flirtation appeared to fail, and rightfully so considering she wasn't of the same species. She couldn't help but feel a bit gutted though, in her heart of hearts she felt capable of loving everyone. But the world appeared to keep proving her otherwise. The witch would cross her arms though, pouting as her hair came over her eyes a bit. "Hmph.. your loss." She muttered. However not all was lost, when Chandra seemed to persuade the ratkin better, and then spilled the information either way! She listened intently and took note. Either way she'd follow Chandra along, tiptoing here and there to avoid the occasional puddle of poop or pee as she did so. "Ew.. ew.. I can't believe I'm doing this again."

Before long they were finally in the underbelly, city of sin. Upon seeing the place she sighed in defeat. "Oh no, there's.. hardly anyone here." She said a bit frightfully as she spotted random thugs looking their way. "Uhm, and it seems a lot more dangerous than I remember too." She'd keep as close to Chandra as she could, likely even annoyingly so as she could likely hear Scyllas loud heartbeat. "I'm not scared at all. Nope. Not even a little bit." A clear and obvious tone of concern in her shaky voice.

"S..stabbed?!" The witch shrieked quietly before wrapping her arm around Chandras.

As the group discussed their best course of action, Scylla looked around, noticing and remembering a lot of the avenues where once hordes of gangs and countless people laid to mush upon the ground. The scent of gore in the air and the violence. The giant (A grade) creatures that roamed and towered above which everyone steered clear from. It all seemed to empty now, only a whisper and nothing but a few stains upon the cobbled streets remained.
It was then that a hook came flying their way, to which Scylla suddenly went into attack position but only to let her guard down just a bit when the feminine figure appeared. "Hey.. you remind me of someone." She said curiously with a tilt of her head then glanced at Chandra. "I say we listen and follow her."
RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Femboy Femboy

Erich’s eyebrows rose as Chandra mentioned that he could possibly build some sort of rapport with the Professor, because of their possible shared trade and interests. The human’s surprise only lasted a moment, before his expression morphed into a confident one. “Hah! If that is the one we will be meeting, leave it to me!” Exclaiming, he was set on making it happen, in a way or another, his wariness being kept inwardly. Just as he said that, there was a slamming into a nearby wall and a female form appeared.

The engineer’s interest was immediately piqued, his hazel eyes darting up and down the half-construct. Taking purposeful steps towards the figure, his lab coat fluttered slightly behind him, while he snapped his goggles on mid-walk. Stopping short of 5ft from the half-construct, his gloved hand reached his goggles magnifying dials, producing a few clicks as he adjusted it. Erich leaned left, right and even crouched down as his inquisitive eyes, with the intensity akin to a lover’s gaze, made sure no visible nook or cranny was left unseen during the visual inspection (Appraisal E, Engineering E, Tinkerer E).

After being satisfied from what he could gather by simply looking at the half-construct, the engineer rose up from his crouching position, grabbing the end of his lab coat with one of his hands and brushing it with the other. After doing it for a while, he moved his goggles back to the top of his head and began commenting, a ritual of his to commit things to memory. “A significant amount of flesh along with other materials. Still unsure if the processing core is organic or not. Possibilities of creation could be reconstruction of damaged organic or partial trans-organism, that being, organic to construct, seeking augmentation.” Finishing, his hand found its way on his own chin, as he contemplated for a moment, before his hazel eyes locked on the green-hue that was being emitted by the half-construct’s helmet, tilting his head slightly.

With a few moments passing, Erich took a few steps back, turning his attention towards Chandra, who had been specified as the group’s de facto leader previously. “Let’s go?” He asked, in his carefree self.
In spite of his coldness, or perhaps just distant nature, Liu chuckled at Scylla, a constant source of surprises, and to Chandra's response, he offered no reaction. Turning his head a little to the side and straining his ears, their chatter seemed to fade away. A strange sound seemed to whisper to his senses and had he hair on his neck, it would have risen. Before he could react, what swelled to a distant whistling washed over him instead as a rapid whipping noise, the sound of a projectile, he seemed to disappear from his spot.

'Crack-whoosh' was the muffled sound of Liu appearing behind Chandra with respect to the helmed woman. Harrowed by the crash, he regarded her with obscured suspicion, looming over the hero unintentionally. On-edge could not describe his mood, for he had no organic faculties to coax back in time, to those sore memories of his, though they were nontheless cicatrices reaching beyond the body, for his thoughts were suspended unduly by the crashing and the telltale mineral crackling of rubble scattering across the pavement. It dialed him into his surroundings in a maladaptive manner, his attention broke from the conversation and he began searching alleys and corners, all points where sight broke, which in this place was many. Their point of egress was secured, or was it? How many were in his group? How many seconds were they from cover?

Unable to break from his train of thought, he began catching onto things, or perhaps the things around him caught him. At length, the surroundings darkened in his view and he zeroed in on the woman, taking entirely too long to determine that she was not an imminent threat. Snapped out of his reverie by Erich, he stopped staring the newcomer down from deep within his mound of fabric and stepped away from Chandra, mumbling "pardon, me" faintly before taking a more socially acceptable position within the group, standing just off to the side of the single unit that seems to be comprised of Chandra and Scylla and slowly coming down, preparing to follow the group but offering no input.
Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Kalina – Find the 'Bleeding Dragon Scale'
RavenSong RavenSong Scylla – Help out Kalina
Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Fei Liu – Go on a day trip from the bad slums to the even worse Underbelly.
Maxxob Maxxob Erich – Explore what unethical inventions a place like the Underbelly might have to offer.
Femboy Femboy Viokii – Avoid getting sold. Join Erich in the search for unethical technology.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly

Chandra Jarmil

Equipped titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy

“That's alright, I was thinking the same thing.” She replied to Viokii, wondering if they'd be able to form some sort of deal with this professor.

As Scylla wrapped an arm around hers, she couldn't help point out the irony of it. “I'm going to have a much tougher time protecting you with one of my arms held like this, cutie~” Her tone was mostly teasing, but serious enough to make clear that now wasn't the ideal time. That said, she agreed with Scylla. “Me too. You don't happen to have relatives in Clockhaven, do you?” She asked the newly arrived half-construct. “I do not.” Was the simple reply.

Kalina chuckled at Liu's response. It's not like she herself hadn't been a tad shocked, she was just a lot better at hiding it. That said, seeing him hide behind her was almost sort-off endearing. “No problem, anytime.”


If Viokii or Erich checking her out did anything, she certainly didn't show it. Not that the helmet she was wearing gave much room for facial expressions to begin with. Only when he started to 'crouch down' and 'make sure no visible nook or cranny was left unseen' did she comment. “I do not believe you have reason to look there.” She stated, the metallic ringing from within the helmet having a slightly annoyed tone to it. “If you wish to learn more, I'd rather have it be part of a deal with the professor.” She stated next. “Well then, follow me.”

Erich's [Appraisal, Engineering, Tinker] combination had revealed that mostly her arm was inorganic, some sort of device that could launch and pull in a metal hook attached to metal wire. The helmet seemed to be more than decoration, although he couldn't discern its exact function. Whilst

They were led through various alleys, until they arrived a t a large metal door. Upon the half-construct getting some sort of scan done by placing her hand upon a nearby orb, it opened up to reveal a laboratory.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Professor's Laboratory

From where they were immediately greeted by the person they were intended to meet.

“Ah, good. You're here. You, construct girl, why don't you lie down on the table here so we can have you inspected?” It seemed he wasn't one for pleasantries... or introductions... or negotiations..?
Last edited:

As the witch undid her arm around Chandras upon her statement, she giggled nervously. "Ehehe! Mhm, yeah, good point."
Then the half construct woman made her appearance. Upon which she also mentioned a familiarity with a particular person in Clockhaven. When inquired however, it didn't yield much result. "Awe.. I could almost bet a demon eye on a yes!" Scylla exclaimed as she snapped her fingers in disappointment.

However the half demon then tilted her head at Erich who was having a bit too much fun, or being too much, too thorough. Then the half construct, obviously a bit peeved brought it to Erichs attention.

Their guide on the other hand, got closer. "Uhm, are you scared too?" She asked innocently, "If so, you can hold my hand, I promise it's not sweaty." She then flinched as she could swear she saw someone else looking their way. "Uhm.. yeah, I'm not scared." She repeated, obviously to herself.

As they began to follow the helmed, clockwork half construct she elbowed, Erich in passing, "I think she likes you, maybe you should ask her on a date eh, eh eh?" A quick wink as she did so.


Once in the laboratory, the witch looked around, she was quite astonished by all the various apparatus. "Wow! Have you ever-" she exclaimed, her mouth agape. "Why, we could make so many love potions to change the whole world forever!"

Her astonishment would fade however when one came forward, it couldn't be anyone else but the professor. When he beckoned the construct in their party to come forward, Scylla would stand Infront of Viokii. "Oh no you don't! This one is mine! And-" she suddenly seemed to lose her courage. "I mean, please.. Viokii is mine she said so herself, didn't you Vee Vee?" She turned and looked at Viokii, giving her an expectant look as if saying, say yes.

"How about you tell me your name huh? It's kinda rude to not introduce yourself before you start taking people's things away from them. And.. and.. can I borrow your pretty hat?" Her body seemed to almost tremble with anxiety, the Underbelly was a dangerous place and she knew that with a snap of a gang boss fingers people were beheaded or worse.. taken apart! "I.. don't mean to be rude. I'm just... Oh.. just be a nice professor!"

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