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Realistic or Modern The Ugly Truth


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My Interest Check




Kou Makino - @TaeYeon

Katashi Takeo - @TaeYeon

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Yoshii Uchida

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku

Yoshii would wake up at his apartment once the alarm of his clock went off, making him open up his eyes almost immediately. Ruffling through his hair as he looked around his room, yawning a little but covering his mouth as not to come over as rude. He swung his legs over the bed and got on his feet, walking over towards the closet to pick out his clothes. His eyes barely opened as he searched through the thing for an outfit where everything would fit together until he got what he wanted to have. With that he walked towards the bathroom and did everything so he would be ready for the day and then walked downstairs towards the special made fridge where he stored his meat if he were to ever get hungry at home which was now the case and put it on a plate. Eating it deliciously and then cleaned up again. Stretching out his arms as he would look at the clock, noticing that it was time for him to go to his work.

The walk towards the little cake shop he was rather silent, however he did notice some people already, probably getting to school or work for those that had it so early in the morning. His eyes moving over the people with a light glance just to make sure they were not making any nasty looks at him, but none of them did so that already made his day good. Once he reached the shop, which was only twenty minutes walking, and opened up the door. Clicking on the lights and making his way inside and straight to the kitchen to open the backdoor so that the other employees could get inside as well. They immediately started baking while Yoshii would walk to the front and started wiping the tables again to make sure they were clean and not done half-heartedly. The door already had an open-sign to it an hour later when the pastries started to be displayed on the counter where the customers could choose from.






Hope's bones were aching. The damp feeling, the alley had developed over night, made her feel uncomfortable and only eased the pain's job in waking her up. "Mmhpph..." She slowly pressed herself up, her thin arms shaking a little as her upper body slowly straightened out, though her back seemed a little hunched by default. A soft yawn escaped her lips as she rubbed her eyes - They felt dry and irritable. The girl tried to comb her grungy, fiery red hair with her fingers, then worked on dusting herself off. Her body was drilled into waking up around this time. In fact, Hope couldn't remember the last time she had slept any longer, but that was quite alright with her, as she liked the less populated streets better for her first walk of the day.

Her legs carried her into the usual direction, her path was a daily routine, almost. She saw the lights switch on in the distance, as she inched closer to the cake shop.
"Mhh..." She slowly made her last few steps that were between her and the shop window. She got on her knees and crawled the last one or two feet, to then dive up, on her knees, staring into the shop. Her nose pressing against the window, she observed the cutely decorated and intricately crafted sweets. "Oh, man..." Her stomach grumbled. "I wish I could eat these..." she sighed out more than she spoke the words.
Satoshi Umura

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku


Sato was walking around wanting to do something, he was starting to get rather bored being by himself. He had finished sending his letters to others early in the morning so he had time to study and go to school, it was a little early so the low amount of traffic in what would have been a bustling street full of humans and ghouls alike. He paused when he looked up at the cake shop. He was always one for sweets, although it wasn't like he was going to over-indulge in them. He started to walk towards the door, pushing the door open, hearing a small ringing sound as he went inside the Cake Shop. Once inside the building he noticed the girl who was pressing against the window, looking at the sweets, not sure why she was doing that to be honest, maybe looking at the sweets to eat, or not eat. He thought to himself before he walked to the line at the front towards the cashier, his bag on his left shoulder for his college work and study materials. "Oh how much for a slice of Lemon Buttermilk Cake?" He questioned the cashier with his normal cheerful attitude towards the worker.
Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku

Reika hummed to herself as she skipped along towards the Cake Shop. Once there she pressed her hands and face to the window next to the door and stared. A few people eating their cakes noticed her and became uncomfortable with the strange ghoul; she was back and still at it.

"Oi! Go away, stupid girl!" one of the workers yelled at her, making a shooing motion. She didn't ,one from where she stood, making little begging eyes.

Yoshii Uchida

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku

Yoshii would nod at the cleaned up tables, the only thing now was for the customers to start coming inside of the shop which did not take too long. Just moments after the doors had opened themselves, people started coming inside, some were just coming over for a cup of coffee, some for that and a slice of cake, while other ones were ghouls who came to receive their pack of meat which was nicely hidden in a cake box but had a special design that was meant to distinguish the food for ghouls and human beings. However as he let his eyes switch towards the window, he would see a girl sitting in front of it who was staring inside. It made him tilt his head in response as he did not know what she was doing or what she wanted. Gesturing for her to come inside if she wanted to.

However before he could make his way towards the girl there was already another customer, but he guessed it was best not to pressure her which could scare her off just like that. Smiling towards the young boy who entered the shop, making a light bow towards him which he used to do as he was at work, meaning that it was meant as a welcome. When the other seemed to have made his choice, he nodded.
“That is an excellent choice. That is then three dollar fifty. Would you like to eat it here or do you want to take it out?” He asked the other before starting to do anything with the slice of cake however he was surprised at the sudden yell from one of his co-workers. A bit confused as to why the other would do so only to see another girl standing at the entrance from the door. Two at once. He thought to himself which was a bit strange.



@Reika Suzuya
Reika puffed out her cheeks and stuck her toungue out at the guy who'd yelled at her. Her eyes flickered between silvery-gray with white sclera and red with black sclera, soon settling on red with black sclera. The guy staggered back, frightened she might attack this time. Suddenly, she started laughing, cheerful and childlike in her demeanour.

"The meany man fell on his butt!~" she chirped in a singsong tone. She let out her kagune, both of them, and stretched them out before retracting the ukaku type one. She swished her bikaku type kagune like a kitten's tail and continued her creepy staring with a friendly smile. Any human near her ran for the hills upon seeing her actions despite those actions not actually being threatening in the least.


The redheaded ghoul flinched a little as she noticed that one of the workers in the shop had seen her. She quickly lowered her head, scared that she might get chased away like she had been in several instances, both with other employees of this very business as well as other bakeries. As only her eyes and a strain of red hair remained to be seen from the inside, she held her breath, tensing up her body. "Oh? Huh..." Soon the girl noticed the friendly expression on the man's face, forcing her to turn around to ensure he actually meant her. Nobody behind her. A little sceptical, she got up and slowly opened the door, the silent ring of the bell making her feel like everyone was staring at her.

She instantly stood out - harshly. Everyone in their neat, clean clothes, ready for work, while her outfit consisted of dirty and ripped-up throwaway pieces or donations for the less fortunate. "H-hello..." she mumbled, her voice cracking, as she got up to the counter, trying to smile back to the man. She wasn't sure what exactly she was trying to accomplish here, seeing how she had no money to buy anything. And even if she did, she couldn't devour any of the wonderful pastries. Her troubled eyes wandered through the shop, ending with a tense stare into Yoshii's eyes.



Yoshii Uchida

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku

Yoshii was about to wait for the customer his answer about where he wanted to eat it before some random girl came storming into the shop, scaring the whole place off with the ghoul-like features, making it quite obvious for him that she was not by her right mind to do that in the day. He scraped his throat as the people stood up almost immediately once they witnessed the seen in front of them, deciding that he would be calming down the shop before things would go worse.
“People, this is a prank. They were going to use the ghoul conception for Halloween and wanted to test it out somewhere. Sorry for the fright it gave you.” He tried to explain to the customers who all let out a sigh of relief, helping up the fallen down employee who laughed it off now before going back to the kitchen.

Rubbing the back of his head as he looked at the girl who was in ghoul form and shook his head in disagreement since there was no use in scaring off innocent beings just for the hell of it. There was a limit as to where ghouls and humans could go. It could even turn him against his own kind at a certain point though that had never happened before, neither had he actually turned against the humans. However once the redheaded girl decided to come inside and greet him, he smiled gently towards her, noticing the ravished clothes that she was wearing which made him worried about her condition.
“Hello there.” He said towards her and gestured for her to sit down in one of the empty chairs that were still empty before returning back to the customer who wanted a Lemon Buttermilk Cake.



Hope frowned a little, confused and startled by the panic she had caused. "A... joke?" she asked, slowly and quietly. "I'm... not a joke..." she whispered, but didn't act at all. Afterall, she wasn't hostile whatsoever. She remained in her slightly hunched posture, her thin arms wrapped around her even thinner frame, as if to shield herself from something. As Yoshii spoke to her, her head yanked back, almost as if she was scared, quickly staring at her. Her face had tensed up, but soon relaxed a little, as she nodded.

She followed his motion, observing the empty chair. It was unusual for her to be greeted in such a... somewhat welcoming manner. "Am... Am I bothering you?" she asked, her words breathy and weak. "I... should go... right?"


Reika yawned, suddenly sleepy. Her bikaku kagune continued to swish about like a kitten's as she stretched doggy style. She was far too odd whether she was human or ghoul, and she was one naïve ghoul. Not wanting to sleep, she watched as a male who worked at the Cake Shop calmed the place down. She tilted her head sideways, watching as human customers sat back down in relief, unaware she'd done anything wrong. She sniffed, liking the smell of cakes, now wanting some despite being a ghoul. She blinked as a female walked in and the worker who'd calmed everyone down greeted her and stared at them unblinkingly. She wasn't sleepy anymore.
Satoshi Umura

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku


He looked at the employee watching his eyes following to the two girls, oh another one came by then, he thought to himself. He then gave a bow in response as a returning welcome to the cashier. Sato started pick out the money for it, as he started to convert the dollar bills in his head. When the Although, he disliked thinking about school subjects they could be useful on days. He turned in the amount in Yen rather than the dollars bills as the employee requested, he had the cash in his hand as he nearly dropped it at the sudden disturbance cause by the girl. He gave a nod at the explanation, again showing his oblivious attitude and not being able to put 1+1 together, along with the others that seemed to believe what the employee was saying. There were multiple things wrong, that he knew for himself, there is no way that this cake shop had enough money to make something for Halloween like the other cake shops, since the average revenue for cake shops in 40,000$ and 4,956,800.00 Yen. A large amount, but small compared to other businesses in the area. Ghouls sometimes wanted to hide from others and that was somewhat understandable given the history with that and humans "Oh yeah, here you go." He said handing over the amount of Yen rather than the English currency, "And I would like it for here." He said he wasn't late for school just yet, and he was rather early.

Kou Makino

Shibuya, Apartment


Kou was awakened by the slobbery feeling of his dog's tongue on his face, welcomed back to the real world with the God-awful stench of dog breath. Grumbling, he shot upright in his bed and shot the black Shiba Inu a half-lidded, sleepy glare, his covers flinging to the side to leave his bed more of a mess than it already was. "Ajax, I love you, but you're a little shit sometimes," he murmured, Ajax wiggling his tail as Kou finally mustered up enough strength to drag himself out of bed. Today, Kou decided it'd be nice to get out the house -- wait, when was the last time he saw daylight again? Ah, not like it matters. Being a hacker and beta tester keeps a guy busy. Instead of venturing out into the chaotic streets of Shibuya, however, he figured it'd be best to wander around Harajuku; it was far less crowded than the bustling area of Shibuya, and the little shops nearly always managed to snag his interest. It didn't take him long to get ready, set out some food for Ajax, and maneuver through the crowds to get to Harajuku.

Harajuku, Cake Shop

Hands in his pockets and eyes flickering among the stores around him, Kou strolled down the streets of Harajuku. Everything seemed the same as it was the last time he visited -- up until the point he came across something peculiar in the cake shop. Often times when he passed by the cake shop, it wasn't as packed as it was today, and Kou delved into quick thought about what today could've possibly meant only to come up empty handed. He lifted a brow. Is there something special going on today? he wondered. The thought of free sweets popped into mind, and it took no further persuasion for him to enter the cake shop. Seeing free goodies weren't being handed out, he turned to exit, but froze when the irresistible aroma of macarons danced his way into his nostrils. He got in line behind a younger boy, maybe in his teens. A couple of macarons it is, then.

Dovahkiin said:

Kou Makino

Shibuya, Apartment


Kou was awakened by the slobbery feeling of his dog's tongue on his face, welcomed back to the real world with the God-awful stench of dog breath. Grumbling, he shot upright in his bed and shot the black Shiba Inu a half-lidded, sleepy glare, his covers flinging to the side to leave his bed more of a mess than it already was. "Ajax, I love you, but you're a little shit sometimes," he murmured, Ajax wiggling his tail as Kou finally mustered up enough strength to drag himself out of bed. Today, Kou decided it'd be nice to get out the house -- wait, when was the last time he saw daylight again? Ah, not like it matters. Being a hacker and beta tester keeps a guy busy. Instead of venturing out into the chaotic streets of Shibuya, however, he figured it'd be best to wander around Harajuku; it was far less crowded than the bustling area of Shibuya, and the little shops nearly always managed to snag his interest. It didn't take him long to get ready, set out some food for Ajax, and maneuver through the crowds to get to Harajuku.

Harajuku, Cake Shop

Hands in his pockets and eyes flickering among the stores around him, Kou strolled down the streets of Harajuku. Everything seemed the same as it was the last time he visited -- up until the point he came across something peculiar in the cake shop. Often times when he passed by the cake shop, it wasn't as packed as it was today, and Kou delved into quick thought about what today could've possibly meant only to come up empty handed. He lifted a brow. Is there something special going on today? he wondered. The thought of free sweets popped into mind, and it took no further persuasion for him to enter the cake shop. Seeing free goodies weren't being handed out, he turned to exit, but froze when the irresistible aroma of macarons danced his way into his nostrils. He got in line behind a younger boy, maybe in his teens. A couple of macarons it is, then.

Reika watched as another person entered the Cake Shop, nose twitching. He smelled like he had been around a dog and she smiled at the thought of such a friendly animal. She loved dogs, having gotten along with lots of strays in the past. Being as odd-natured as she was, she ran into the Cake Shop on all fours and circled around Kou, unintentionally being annoying. Of course, her bikaku kagune was still out as she did all of this.

"Doggy! Doggy! Doggy!~" she said in a singsong tone, giggling. She was far too carefree and ridiculously cheerful. She finally retracted her bikaku kagune only for it to come back out the next second. She was too excited and liked having it out, anyhow.

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Yoshii Uchida

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku

Yoshii smiled towards the redheaded girl once everything started to calm down again however when she did not seem like she felt in her place, he titled his head to the side and looked at her wondering why she was so unsure about herself. Shaking his head towards her and motioning for her to just wait for a while as it was a bit busy in the shop. There was even the thought of shutting his shop down after lunch time because of the chaotic event in his shop which made him feel on edge and be cautious around the girl who surely had something loose inside of her head by running around like an idiot in her ghoul appearance.

As the one from before mentioned that he would like to eat it here and gave him the exact amount of the cake, he smiled happily towards him.
“One moment please.” Yoshii said to him and went over towards where the cake were displayed and cut a slice from it which was not too big nor too small, just enough for one to pleasure their taste. How did he know this? He learned it from his previous baking teacher who was pretty good in his field. He plated the cake and served it on a bigger surface. “Here it is. I hope it will suit your taste.” He said to the young man before giving the sweets to him.

His eyes then got to the other male who was now standing in line, having noticed him coming in earlier but had not had the time to actually greet him. After all, the shop was quite busy today to his surprise and the sweets were disappearing in a fast rate, making him really feel like closing down the shop for the day after noon which was only an hour or two away from now. He put on his gentle smile again and greeted the next customer.
“How can I help you today?” He asked, gesturing for the girl who was now on both her feet and hands to play somewhere else since she was probably disturbing the clients of the shop.




@Reika Suzuya

Satoshi Umura

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku


Satoshi gave a smile, "Thanks for the cake." He said with a small smile towards the cashier and gave a small wave to say goodbye for now. He then took a spoon holding the cake with his left hand, placing the spoon on the dish before he went off to a seat near the doors and windows. When he noticed the girl "actor" again making a small scene with a man with a metal earrings seemingly scattered across on his face, usually in pairs along with his dog. Her "Fake" Kagune returning, he then gave a disbelieving look towards the employee as he was actually catching on, the Kagune seemed a little too realistic to be considered a fake. He was going to keep quiet about it, but it was getting rather obvious if he was one of the people who saw through it and maybe soon that he didn't need to keep quiet about it. He started to take his first bite of his cake, it was a rather good one as he started to finish it up rather quickly, the slice gone after a minute or two. He was acting rather normally, mainly because he doesn't see why he shouldn't, it didn't seem that they were doing anything wrong. If anything, they shouldn't have went as extreme as they did in retaliation, but everything else they did was somewhat fine.


Kou Makino

Cake Shop, Harajuku

Kou eyed the girl as she pranced around him in circles on all fours, his impassive face tinged with just the inkling of bewilderment when he saw her exposed kagune, singing "Doggy, doggy, doggy!". In his time researching ghouls, he'd never seen or heard about one acting like this -- he was almost sure ghouls weren't meant to reveal their kagunes, especially in the company of humans. After a moment in thought, Kou realized she must've smelt Ajax. His eyes snapped up from the girl to the man behind the counter when he spoke, a gentle grin tugging on the corners of his lips, and Kou shuffled forward to give his order. He held up two fingers.

"Two macarons." Recognizing he was being flat, especially to someone who seemed as kind as the cake shop employee did, he slipped on the ghost of a smile. "Please." To Kou, the feeling of a grin was almost alien.

TaeYeon said:

Yoshii Uchida

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku

Yoshii smiled towards the redheaded girl once everything started to calm down again however when she did not seem like she felt in her place, he titled his head to the side and looked at her wondering why she was so unsure about herself. Shaking his head towards her and motioning for her to just wait for a while as it was a bit busy in the shop. There was even the thought of shutting his shop down after lunch time because of the chaotic event in his shop which made him feel on edge and be cautious around the girl who surely had something loose inside of her head by running around like an idiot in her ghoul appearance.

As the one from before mentioned that he would like to eat it here and gave him the exact amount of the cake, he smiled happily towards him.
“One moment please.” Yoshii said to him and went over towards where the cake were displayed and cut a slice from it which was not too big nor too small, just enough for one to pleasure their taste. How did he know this? He learned it from his previous baking teacher who was pretty good in his field. He plated the cake and served it on a bigger surface. “Here it is. I hope it will suit your taste.” He said to the young man before giving the sweets to him.

His eyes then got to the other male who was now standing in line, having noticed him coming in earlier but had not had the time to actually greet him. After all, the shop was quite busy today to his surprise and the sweets were disappearing in a fast rate, making him really feel like closing down the shop for the day after noon which was only an hour or two away from now. He put on his gentle smile again and greeted the next customer.
“How can I help you today?” He asked, gesturing for the girl who was now on both her feet and hands to play somewhere else since she was probably disturbing the clients of the shop.




@Reika Suzuya

Dovahkiin said:

Kou Makino

Cake Shop, Harajuku

Kou eyed the girl as she pranced around him in circles on all fours, his impassive face tinged with just the inkling of bewilderment when he saw her exposed kagune, singing "Doggy, doggy, doggy!". In his time researching ghouls, he'd never seen or heard about one acting like this -- he was almost sure ghouls weren't meant to reveal their kagunes, especially in the company of humans. After a moment in thought, Kou realized she must've smelt Ajax. His eyes snapped up from the girl to the man behind the counter when he spoke, a gentle grin tugging on the corners of his lips, and Kou shuffled forward to give his order. He held up two fingers.

"Two macarons." Recognizing he was being flat, especially to someone who seemed as kind as the cake shop employee did, he slipped on the ghost of a smile. "Please." To Kou, the feeling of a grin was almost alien.

Reika totally ignored Yoshii and continued her odd actions. She stopped only to sit like a domesticated anime and stare up at Kou, bikaku kagune twitching a tiny bit as if in anticipation. She'd forgotten about the smell of cakes up till now, but she no longer really cared about the sweet-smelling human food. She just wanted to see the doggy now. She was both happy and curious, and "normalicy" didn't exist for her. She really didn't care what others thought of her, just as long as she got to do what she wanted. Her kagune now swished from side to side like a kitten's tail as she stared unblinkingly up at Kou.

Yoshii Uchida

Location: Cake Shop, Harajuku

Once he was being thanked by the male with the short brown hair, he nodded in response and watched him go towards an empty table. He started to feel more relaxed again as things started to calm down slowly, biting his lip softly as the male with the piercings ordered two macarons which he did not really expect. However, who was he to judge on someone, actually it was kind of cute for the other to order the sweets like that. Making him want to just squeeze his cheeks like a grandmother would do though that would probably seem really weird to the people and the guy himself as well since they were strangers.

The please at the end of the other his sentence, made him chuckle in response to it.
“Do you want any special flavour? We have strawberry, chocolate, …” He asked before he would start packing the macarons in. “Also, do you want to take it with you or eat it here in the shop?” It was only normal for him to ask those questions since he was obliged to. It would be quite the failure if the other wanted something else than he assumed to.





Cake Shop | Harajuku Hope, still sitting calmy in the chair Yoshii had brought her to, fixated her eyes on the customers. Their faces, so joyful, peaceful... She wished everyone would be always like this. But then, she remembered how everyone had panicked. Ghouls... why did she have to be one? She hated being an outcast, making humans panic and feel threatened. She observed a man with piercings order something. He had to force himself to smile. Somehow, that resonated with Hope, who now forcefully lifted the corners of her mouth. Her smile looked akward, especially since it contrasted so harshly with her eyes.

That girl... She was, undoubtedly a ghoul, no matter what the employee said. Her kagune wavering around. Hope quickly scanned the shop. The other customers seemed to feel uneasy, still. The redhead was wondering.The man behind he counter... he was so nice... It wasn't fair that this girl caused trouble in his business
. "Hey, you!" Hope yelled, her voice weak and cracking, but still loud. She pushed herself up. A little wobbly, but she stood. "Retract your kagune... I don't like it." she said to Reika. It was true. Something about the scenery made her feel angry towards the other ghoul. Maybe it was some sort of need to redeem herself, maybe she felt obliged... no way to tell. However, now Hope's eyes flickered, turning red in the process.

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Sunbather said:


Hope, still sitting calmy in the chair Yoshii had brought her to, fixated her eyes on the customers. Their faces, so joyful, peaceful... She wished everyone would be always like this. But then, she remembered how everyone had panicked. Ghouls... why did she have to be one? She hated being an outcast, making humans panic and feel threatened. She observed a man with piercings order something. He had to force himself to smile. Somehow, that resonated with Hope, who now forcefully lifted the corners of her mouth. Her smile looked akward, especially since it contrasted so harshly with her eyes.

Another ring. A girl came in. She was, undoubtedly a ghoul. Her kagune wavering around. Hope wondered why nobody panicked because of her, seeing how everyone seemed to lose it athe mere presence of Hope with her red eyes.
"That's... not fair..." she mumbled, but quickly scanned the shop. The other customers seemed to feel uneasy, still. The redhead was wondering whether it was because of her or the ghoul that had just entered. The man behind he counter... he was so nice... It wasn't fair that this girl caused trouble in his business. "Hey, you!" Hope yelled, her voice weak and cracking, but still loud. She pushed herself up. A little wobbly, but she stood. "Retract your kagune... I don't like it." she said to Reika. It was true. Something about the scenery made her feel angry towards the other ghoul. Maybe it was some sort of need to redeem herself, maybe she felt obliged... no way to tell.
Reika stopped staring up at Kou to look at Hope with the most childlike expression of wonderment playing on her small face. She tilted her head sideways as if she herself were a puppy. Her kagune stopped swishing and gave a little twitch.

"But Reika-chan doesn't want to," she said, not at all harsh with her soft tone. Her kagune gave a little
swish, then became still again. She sniffed at Hope in curiosity, nose twitching ever so slightly. "Why look so sadly? Reika-chan doesn't like sad looks because it means that person isn't very happy. Is something wrong other than Reika-chan's kagune?"

This girl was so direct and honest, and seemed to have an eerie knack for knowing others' feelings. She also had a bad habit of referring to herself in third person, oddly enough. A mess of contradictions, Reika's catlike gaze stayed on Hope as she waited for an answer.


Cake Shop | Harajuku Hope flinched a little. She bit her lip, not sure what to say. "Happy?" she asked quietly. Then she shook her head, sternly. Hope looked around and saw the customers stare at her. "I'm... I'm sorry, everyone..." she said, feeling uncomfortable. The attention of all these proper people... it tortured her to think they'd see her as a loser. And that was the best case, 'cause of her eyes wouldn't stop flickering, they'd see her as more than just a loser... a monster. "Retract your kagune... Just... do it... Nobody... Nobody likes it... except you... don't be so... so selfish..." she repeated, then added to it. It was driving her crazy. This girl made her feel so upset.

Sunbather said:


Cake Shop | Harajuku Hope flinched a little. She bit her lip, not sure what to say. "Happy?" she asked quietly. Then she shook her head, sternly. Hope looked around and saw the customers stare at her. "I'm... I'm sorry, everyone..." she said, feeling uncomfortable. The attention of all these proper people... it tortured her to think they'd see her as a loser. And that was the best case, 'cause of her eyes wouldn't stop flickering, they'd see her as more than just a loser... a monster. "Retract your kagune... Just... do it... Nobody... Nobody likes it... except you... don't be so... so selfish..." she repeated, then added to it. It was driving her crazy. This girl made her feel so upset.

"But Reika-chan isn't using it to kill anyone, so it's okay. Besides, Reika-chan forgot how to do that," she said, still referring to herself in third person. She would have used the word hurt instead of kill if she understood what hurt meant. Reika tilted her head to the other side with a swish of her kagune. As she was now, she really was harmless as long as no one provoked her; despite her age, she acted so childlike.


Cake Shop | Harajuku "Shut up... Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! SHUT! UP!" she repeated, growing in volume. Something about this girl made her furious. Her head hurt and she felt this sting, that high-pitched noise in her head that had haunted her for so long now. it always made her feel like her head would explode any minute. The hollow cheeks and generally worringly thin face distorted in anger and unease. "Make... it... go... please!" she asked, as her volume lowered again. Hope hunched her body even more than usual and wrapped her arms around herself, as if to shield her from the looks. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." she mumbled, panicking and retreated back to the chair Yoshii had offered her earlier. She knew she'd be cast out again for this, but... it wasn't her fault.

Sunbather said:


Cake Shop | Harajuku "Shut up... Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! SHUT! UP!" she repeated, growing in volume. Something about this girl made her furious. Her head hurt and she felt this sting, that high-pitched noise in her head that had haunted her for so long now. it always made her feel like her head would explode any minute. The hollow cheeks and generally worringly thin face distorted in anger and unease. "Make... it... go... please!" she asked, as her volume lowered again. Hope hunched her body even more than usual and wrapped her arms around herself, as if to shield her from the looks. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." she mumbled, panicking and retreated back to the chair Yoshii had offered her earlier. She knew she'd be cast out again for this, but... it wasn't her fault.

Reika watched as Hope yelled. She wanted to do something to help. Hope's yelling made Reika sad, but not pittying. She gave a sorrowful sort of look as Hope sat back down and went up to her, still on all fours. Her kagune gave another little swish as she moved forward, adamant in her decision. Reika stood up just enough to nuzzle her head against Hope's shoulder in a display of kind affection, not wanting a Hope to be mad or sad or feeling any other negative emotion. It was the oddest sight to any onlookers, and Reika was certainly an odd ghoul.

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