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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

Should We Have Dorms?

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SirBlazeALot said:
I'm back y'all.
@Kawaii walk it off champ
xD Spoken like a true badass

Welcome back!~ *huggles* How was the movie? :3


Kawaii said:

A bit bigger, but about the same size.
Oooo... That's gotta hurt...

Google recommends cleaning it with clean water, put antiseptic on it if you have it, and propping it up
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]
xD Spoken like a true badass
Welcome back!~ *huggles* How was the movie? :3


Oooo... That's gotta hurt...

Google recommends cleaning it with clean water, put antiseptic on it if you have it, and propping it up


So we were able to movie hop


Inside Out gave me so many feels I was like this close to being all like

Kawaii said:
Thank you Doctor @Leaf Fi
Now if you will excuse me let handstand myself To some water and paper towels.
SirBlazeALot said:
So we were able to movie hop


Inside Out gave me so many feels I was like this close to being all like

*poses in a doctor's coat* Awww yeah!

I'm not sure if Antman is out where I live yet, but I really wanna see it! But Inside Out? I'm DYING to watch it. I have to wait until the 24th though... Too long...
Kawaii said:
Oh! Over here in my place there is this movie called Vacation. It look hilarious.

This looks hilarious xD It makes me think of R.V. but for an older audience ^-^
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]*poses in a doctor's coat* Awww yeah!
I'm not sure if Antman is out where I live yet, but I really wanna see it! But Inside Out? I'm DYING to watch it. I have to wait until the 24th though... Too long...

Yeah antman just dropped today over here. Way better than I thought it would be and I already thought it was gonna be pretty fly for a white guy.

Inside Out deserves all the awards. I'm mailing my soccer trophy from 2nd grade to pixar right now that shit was genius.

Kawaii said:
Oh! Over here in my place there is this movie called Vacation. It look hilarious.

Whaaaat they're making a Griswald's Movie :D :D:D:D:D:D:D

WITH THOR!??!?!?

explodes with hype
Kawaii said:

OH MY GOD, I though no one else had my Birthday.
That gif is literally me right now xD

Neither did I! I can't believe it! I swear though, if you're turning 17 too I'm gonna scream.
SirBlazeALot said:
Good morning party people :D
Happy saturday how we doin' today?
Mornin', husbando!

I'm doing good! Watching Youtube videos and getting in a Borderlands mood ^-^ How about you?
SirBlazeALot said:
Good morning party people :D
Happy saturday how we doin' today?
So far so good. Went to piano classes, now I'm about to cut my hair. I'll probably be gone in the afternoon because of a work i need to do for school.
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Mornin', husbando!
I'm doing good! Watching Youtube videos and getting in a Borderlands mood ^-^ How about you?

Borderlands!? Raaaad.

I'm about to make breakfast and cleeeeeean :D

Wataru said:
So far so good. Went to piano classes, now I'm about to cut my hair. I'll probably be gone in the afternoon because of a work i need to do for school.
Ew is it for a group project?
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]I hate fake ass friends bitches =_=

:c Wanna vent about it? I'm all ears.
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]:c Wanna vent about it? I'm all ears.

Lol it's all good xD I'm not hurt at all. I just want my phone back =_= I still love the girl but I barely know her. I've hung out with her a lot but I don't know her last name >.< And I can't get my mom to take me to get it because whenever I ask her to she's either drunk or hungover lol


[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lol it's all good xD I'm not hurt at all. I just want my phone back =_= I still love the girl but I barely know her. I've hung out with her a lot but I don't know her last name >.< And I can't get my mom to take me to get it because whenever I ask her to she's either drunk or hungover lol

She's not an alcoholic xD

And I ended up venting anyways huh =_= technically
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lol it's all good xD I'm not hurt at all. I just want my phone back =_= I still love the girl but I barely know her. I've hung out with her a lot but I don't know her last name >.< And I can't get my mom to take me to get it because whenever I ask her to she's either drunk or hungover lol

She's not an alcoholic xD

And I ended up venting anyways huh =_= technically

your buds are always here if you gotta vent.

[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lol it's all good xD I'm not hurt at all. I just want my phone back =_= I still love the girl but I barely know her. I've hung out with her a lot but I don't know her last name >.< And I can't get my mom to take me to get it because whenever I ask her to she's either drunk or hungover lol

She's not an alcoholic xD

And I ended up venting anyways huh =_= technically

Sorry for the slightly late reply, but my cousins just came over to see my prom dress and I hd to show 'em -.-

And venting is good anyways! As Blazey said, we're your buds! So we don't mind ^-^ After all, it isn't good to keep it all in, y'know?




SirBlazeALot said:
Hey guyz.
I finally finished doing all the stuff to my RP and I feel like showing y'all

It's a high fantasy RP so if you feel like that's missing in your life join.

And 0 fire emblem knowledge is necessary just read the thing and ask ya boi if you have any questions.

If anything check it out to see how far ya boi Blaze has come lawl

I might join c: I've gotta look into @mikko RP too. I just got back from the party. They aren't supposed to last that long!

Lol guys xD I started another RP


You don't have to join! So don't feel obliged to lol.
SirBlazeALot said:
Wakey wakey eggs and bakey

how we doing guys?

I'm gonna go check out that new rp rn @Suzumaki Arakai
Good! I jumped my first water drain today in horse riding, so I knew I was gonna have a good day!

... Then I forgot my towels for my shower and now I'm awkwardly standing, waiting for my dad to go cycling so I can run and grab one. Looks like it isn't going to be my day after all xD


I CHECKED OUT YOUR RP TOO BY THE WAY! I freaking adore Fire Emblem- I bought a 3ds after playing my friend's copy of Awakening and have an emulator to play the others in the series now- and I was super pumped! But now I'm super shy because everyone there is so good and sdgiolnff ;^; I feel like a noob

Oh! That reminds me!

@mikko @Corgi

Could either of you post as the teacher so we can stop walking an endless hallway? xD

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