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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

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Corgi said:
Oh, I thought we were on the roof o-o? Didn't he say to go to it?
Not yet xD We're just waiting on the instructions on what to do there, I'm pretty sure

.... Well, that's what I think ^^;;
SirBlazeALot said:
LOL SAAAAME Awakening was the only reason I bought a 3DS and I just finished Roy's game on my emulator :D
Pshhhh you're not a noob what? gurl u crazy. Join us waifuuuu it'll be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun

@Corgi and yeah I don't want this to die D:
Nice~ :3 I can't stop watching the little opening animation xD I think it's super pretty ^-^

*flops on to ground and pouts* You sure? 'Cause I ain't the best at detailed responses...


[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Nice~ :3 I can't stop watching the little opening animation xD I think it's super pretty ^-^
*flops on to ground and pouts* You sure? 'Cause I ain't the best at detailed responses...



your usual style is plenty detailed enough cause like

I'm probably gonna end up playing a lot of characters, I'm not trying to write a novel every time I post.

It slows things down ya know?




New post is up! We're all on the steps leading the roof and awaiting instruction from the teacher! Are you all still in?

Whilst we wait, feel free to chat away and get to know everyone's characters!
Corgi said:
What? (I'm confused but I'm pretty sure it's fine. C:)
... I'm being a silly, shy leaf, sorry xD ^///^ I thought you were talking about me not tagging you in that post where I tagged everyone and were annoyed
um. okay.

i won't have internet until next week.

meaning my productivity and worth will be HIGHLY SPORADIC.

i dunno how often i'll post, but i'm gonna be really selfish here and say i'd prefer no one else to play the teacher for my next couple posts.

i have a very specific plan, and even if i tell you what it is and how i want it done, (i'm so sorry i must sound like such an asshole), i'd still prefer it if it were done by me. i'm trying to reach as many wi-fi ports as i can, but a lot of stuff is happening with me right now. BUT I AM TRYING MY DAMNEDEST OKAY.

i just wanna be sorta funny again when did everything go wrooonnngggg

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