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Fantasy The Twelve Vessels OOC

Honestly, it might not even come out tomorrow cause I have to work a double and the same thing with Tuesday. I really want to get this rolling for you guys so I am going to try. Wednesday I get out at like noon, then Thursday is my first day off ina month. So, it will come out no later than that. So if you are worried about posting, it is okay, cause your GM is worried too haha
Not me, I'm already graduated.

Honestly, it might not even come out tomorrow cause I have to work a double and the same thing with Tuesday. I really want to get this rolling for you guys so I am going to try. Wednesday I get out at like noon, then Thursday is my first day off ina month. So, it will come out no later than that. So if you are worried about posting, it is okay, cause your GM is worried too haha
We can be patient for our Shame
Honestly, it might not even come out tomorrow cause I have to work a double and the same thing with Tuesday. I really want to get this rolling for you guys so I am going to try. Wednesday I get out at like noon, then Thursday is my first day off ina month. So, it will come out no later than that. So if you are worried about posting, it is okay, cause your GM is worried too haha
Don't worry Shame, we understand <3
Alright, now I am seriously going to bed. Hahahahahaha
Thank you guys for being so aazing and supportive!!
You should never be patient for your shame! Go out, find it, and own it! (You usually don't have to look far, really)
Alright, now I am seriously going to bed. Hahahahahaha
Thank you guys for being so aazing and supportive!!

Awww <3, alright sleep well Shane and have a good rest in between, so you can make the best Rp you possibly can.
Well, he is a blood thirsty guy this is disliked by his own country but is one of the strongest forces in the Nuri armies. He is being decieved, keep that in mind. If he was transformed into a blood thirsty guy, he could perhaps be turned back with the miner’s strong justice beliefs? Then again, his advisors prevent him from leaving the country or the capital city itself so some of the miners might have to be in the city.
Yeah, The Miners have branches in all countries (except Phallia), so one thing is already out of the way. But I don't understand: He's a bloodthirsty man, and one of the strongest in Nuri. His advisors told him to stay in Nuri's capital for some reason, and he's being deceived?

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