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Fantasy The Twelve Vessels OOC

For the simplicity of this roleplay, the countries do not have their own language. It would be hard to get anything done if all twelve Vessels spoke a different language. I know realisticly it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, though...
And then the gold cuffs he has wouldn't be able to help him. The only magic available is supplied by the Being soI wouldn't knoe how those cuffs would work exactly.
But he is beautiful and I love him. Idk why but he kind of reminds me of the trope where the mom is kind of gruff, hits the kid's hand with a wooden spoon to keep it out what she is cooking, but obviously cares for and protects the child in her own little way...
Sorry, that way weird and kind of specific...

Oh no that's fine! I'll fix it.
And the cuffs were less magical and a thing to focus on but I explained it /terribly/.
If it's like that isn't it a race against the clock for the vessels? Can they beat bad being before corrupt vessel revives it fully?
It's exactly a race against the clock. The Corrupt Vessels want the evil Being revived and the Miners want to prevent the end of the world by any means necessary.
It's exactly a race against the clock. The Corrupt Vessels want the evil Being revived and the Miners want to prevent the end of the world by any means necessary.
So the miners might accidentally help the corrupt vessel destroy the world
Oi, Do we know that the corrupt vessels exist? Shame Shame

Us vessels I mean. I doubt the Miners see the normal and corrupted Vessels as different.
So the miners might accidentally hemp the corrupt vessel destroy the world
That's metagaming. Gallien has no idea what would happen, he wants to destroy all Vessels, corrupt or not. That's my goal with this character.

Also, I'm thinking of an interaction between the Miners and the Vessels:

Gallien: You're all children! What hopes the world has if a power like this are in the hands of mere children!
Vessels: You literally have two children working under you.
Oh no that's fine! I'll fix it.
And the cuffs were less magical and a thing to focus on but I explained it /terribly/.
Sorry!! Thank you so much!!
Especially when dashing includes running away from fights unless theirs cake involved...but hey, we definitely have way sexier characters than two smol loli girls and leader man.
What is with the talk of cake? Did I miss something?
And, it is all the boys that are the sexiest, really...
Especially when dashing includes running away from fights unless theirs cake involved...but hey, we definitely have way sexier characters than two smol loli girls and leader man.
I'm sorry that I like rewards for helping people! You really don't like me huh? You'll break my fragile heart.
"Oh nice! Another Vessel!"

Immediately shanked, their gem is ripped from their chest and placed into the coruptted's forearm

Everyone else: "Haha, why don't you stay over there"
Oi, Do we know that the corrupt vessels exist? Shame Shame

Us vessels I mean. I doubt the Miners see the normal and corrupted Vessels as different.
No, Vessels don't know the corrupt Vessel exists. The Jewels do (or at least Nich does) but they dont want to tell the kids because they are literally children and dont want to spook them off.
And, yeah, the Miners dont know the difference. They are all just gem people
The big starter post will be rolling out (hopefully) tomorrow. It is late and I never got to sleep so now I am for real going to go to bed
As soon as I officially accept the pearl vessel...
"Oh nice! Another Vessel!"

Immediately shanked, their gem is ripped from their chest and placed into the coruptted's forearm

Everyone else: "Haha, why don't you stay over there"
Knowing that the vessels don't know about him makes this incredibly likely lol
The big starter post will be rolling out (hopefully) tomorrow. It is late and I never got to sleep so now I am for real going to go to bed
As soon as I officially accept the pearl vessel...
shit. Now that I'm out of exams my normal schedule is 7-4:10 CST. Every day except Friday, which is always 7-11:20 unless something special comes up.

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