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Fantasy The Ties of Fate and Love~ (w/Mygodcharles)


Yiling Patriarch
Zaarth was tired, tired and frustrated. In just a few short hours he would be at the ball that would decide his fate of who he was going to spend the rest of eternity with. One would think the normally rather lonely king would be glad for this but… He simply wasn’t. As foolish and childish as it was, he wanted to marry for love, not convince. Yet, after so many decades of avoiding his advisors' insistence that he marry he now had to give in to their demands.

Rubbing his face, he put his quill down and turned his gaze to the royal gardens outside his study. Trees with great silver trunks, golden leaves, and snow white apples soared high into the sky. Bushes upon bushes of strange but exotic flowers were spread out everywhere, and a large crystal fountain was in the center. Lying lazily upon the edge of the water fountain lay a large black, those striking green gaze opened and fell with curiosity upon its king, who was staring out at it from his study. However, as curious as it was it made no move to get up and approach the study doors.

With all this pressure on his shoulders, he only wished to walk about the gardens and relax for a moment, that was all. But that was not to be, he had paperwork to finish and he needed to bathe and dress for the ball. Far too much to do in such a short time. Shaking his gloom away, he focused on his paperwork. An hour later he finished the last signature and he stood stretching, grunting as he felt his bones pop. Breathing out deeply, he headed out of his study nodding politely at the guards stationed outside of it and went straight to his bedchambers, where no doubt a bath was waiting for him.

As he stood in front of a full-length mirror rechecking his clothing and cloak, he couldn’t help but grimace. While Zaarth certainly looked like a regal king, he most certainly didn’t feel like himself. ‘That matters not, you need to be a king tonight.’ A voice nagged him. Shaking his head, he straightened and put on his best smile, blood-red wing folded neatly aginst his back. Nodding, he headed out the doors to the ballroom where everyone waited... and unbeknownst to him, a certain child now grown; was among them.
It had been years, longer than Ilya could have imagined since he'd seen the sight of the kingdom that he had been shipped off to. It was like stepping back into a dream that had been long forgotten but there he was, dressed up like some child's doll in his finest regalia to see the person he would be due to marry if all went well. It was a shame that he hadn't gotten much taller from that time, still a petite little thing that often got unwanted attention from every suitor brave enough to ever approach the pink haired prince, though there was good reason for his rejections.

To simply put it he wasn't interesting in marrying anyone. Only one had managed to worm their way into his heart though that had been years ago, he was a silly child back then and so hope for this union to be something he could enjoy was decidedly slim. If anything he was more interested in slipping out of the ballroom to hide among the pale trees until the search for him burned out, an impossible desire to be sure. While the room was bustling with activity, nobles going here and there to spy on peoples attire and gossip Ilya had been firmly planted in the center of the ballroom.

It was easy to feel out of place, with his white clothes and pink pale hair he was a specimen that got stares among the brightly clad people, white was good luck of course. Though in a moment the whole room was quiet as a new man entered the room, most likely their host.

He seemed familiar.
Electric blue eyes swept over the many men and woman who'd been invited and he smiled, warm and inviting. "Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen. I welcome you to Wirara, the kingdom of Angels. I am King Zaarth," he spoke in a calm but powerful voice. It filled the room easily, looking as though it took no effort at all to speak so that all corners of the room could hear. Being a King involved having to speak to many a crowd, from large to small. Being able to have his voice resonate without being too loud or too soft was a key part of his responsibilities.

"I am glad to see so many faces here. It has been quite some time since I opened the borders between my realm and the humans and I have not regretted such a decision. Now, this night I shall choose a select few to court for the next few months, before making a choice. Whether of Angel or Human blood, someone here will stand beside me as my equal," he said this all in a warm tone, but as usual, it did not reach his eyes. For this reason, many outsiders feared him and thought him a cold-hearted man. Very few could see the warmth beneath the surface. "Now that those pleasantries are over, please enjoy the ball," he finished, and almost immediately voice bounced around the room.

Sweeping down the steps, Zaarth wore his long white hair in a simple braid with a regal crown atop his head. His clothing was made of dark blue silk and a blood-red trim, and it covered his body well. The symbol of the Angels- which was two swords crossing one another in an 'X' form, was sewn onto the back of his robes. As he moved around the room, many flocked around him chattering away.
Of course people would go and crowd their host, but something about him seemed painfully familiar, a nagging at the back of Ilya head left him fiddling with the gold buttons that held his jacket uncomfortably tight. Everything was so fitted and stuffy that it had the young prince itching to leave, but he had the responsibility to at least introduce himself no? Mother would surely have him banished to his room for the rest of his life if he didn’t at least attempt to be courted by this king Zaarth.

So he just hung at the edge of the crowd while trying to build up what energy he had left to go push through the mass of excitement that was surrounding the poor noble. Maybe he did have a fun trick to figure out how he knew this angel, and get him out of the overly full ballroom. At least the man was walking around instead of just being seated and talked at.

Once the moment was right it was a simple matter for the small prince to slip his way through the crowd to the kings side, not bothering to hide his discomfort with having so many people around. “Hello. My name is Ilya and forgive my bluntness but would you join me for a brief moment? I have an important matter to discuss with you.” If it was possible to get a moment to talk at all.
Blue almost white eyes settled on pink hair and memories flashed through his mind instantly. Well, this was certainly unexpected. Even though the King of Angels has been alive for many millennia, certain people stuck out in his memory and this boy- no, young man, was one. From the pink hair to the golden eyes. Before he knew that he was doing, Zaarth nodded.
"Of course. Come let us move to a less noisy area," the king said, voice even and yet his eyes seem to faintly sparkle. Smiling at his other guests he apologized profusely for having to excuse himself, then he motioned for the young human man to follow and he led the way to the garden connected to this part of the castle. They were beautiful, just not as much as his private gardens.
"Thank you, I appreciate you taking time to talk." It was surreal, this figure that he would have a moment to maybe confirm his suspicions of who this figure was. Just walking out into the gardens had Ilya finally relaxing if only slightly, going so far as to remove his white coat as they stepped out of the castle. Underneath was a plain white shirt, still stuffy but the room to breathe was freeing. Surreal wasn't even enough to explain it, being back in the angel's realm.

"I...feel like this will sound strange but we've met before. I struggle to remember my time here but I remember you." It was causing a lot of annoyance to have his memories not cooperate with him. "You look like you haven't changed much, but I don't expect you to remember me. I know those eyes though." You could tell a lot about someone through their eyes and those blue features were burned into his mind.

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