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Fandom The Third Shinobi World War (A Naruto AU RP) (Open!)

Kuragetsu Hōzuki

Location: heading to the East side of Kusagakure Village

Outfit: His usual

With @Sinister Clown @Celemyvel

Kuragetsu contemplated for a while...then a while longer, but he finally made his decision. When he was about to make his decision or more clearly say his decision out loud he noticed that one of his most trusted Ninja was in front of him and saying something rather amusing to the Raikage however it could end up being rather problematic if the Raikage took it as a threat or disrespectful of sort, Kuragetsu would rather not fight the land of lighting and land of fire at the same time not just yet anyhow.

Once the Raikage spoke Kuragetsu's eyes narrowed on him it was clear he did not approve of being told how to teach his ninja. "You see the things with dogs are that if you teach them respect and how to be obedient they lose their fangs and I personally enjoy a dog to have its fangs when it fights." Kuragetsu said before putting his hands behind his back. "Also I would appreciate it if you did not question the strength of my Ninja especially when that Ninja is one of my more trusted."

Kuragetsu listened to the ANBU's report and simply smiled. "Before that we need to figure one thing out, do we wish to destroy the village in order to scare and agitate the leaf and make them do rash decisions." Kuragetsu said if the Raikage was okay with doing this it would be easier than having only to take over the village. "Or do we take over the village." Kuragetsu didn't want to give the reason for this since he disliked this option. Kuragetsu turned to Tremki "Ready the army." Kuragetsu ordered.

Kouta Yuu

Kouta nodded at the Raikage's request, walking over to the tree.

"Siyu!" He hollered up the tree. He didn't bother with decency, as the war was about to begin. Expecting the girl to come down and follow him, he walked a little bit away from the tree, observing the Mizukage. The white haired boy next to him was giving him the creeps. When Mamoru referred to the white-haired boy as a dog, he was slightly frightened, but then realized that the Raikage could take a swordsman down easily. That detail slipped his mind, but still, their strength was superior to Kouta's. The only reason Kouta was considered an asset was because of his intellect and healing abilities, not necessarily because of his fighting power, although that was pretty good as well.

@Celemyvel @NekoChanBo @Sinister Clown

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Mamoru Arashi

Location: Heading to the East side of Kusagakure Village

Outfit: His usual

@Bunny @NekoChanBo @Sinister Clown @NightFlame

Mamoru's lips twitched in what would have been a smile, but he suppressed it. At least the Mist had pride. He wasn't sure what he was going to do if they all had measly brooding and dark personalities, not caring for the world. At least they cared about themselves and that made them more human thus the Raikage was more okay with them fighting at his side.

It was like a switch of personalities. From serious to Mamoru. The Raikage grinned as they repulsed his jeers. The swordsman underestimated him? Very well, Mamoru didn't care to bark as much, even when the shinobi began to summon chakra through his body when he pointed at him. Mamoru had become Raikage for...many respectable reasons. If the Mist refused to acknowledge him for what and who he was, that was on them. Mamoru wasn't keen on showing them why he had been able to surpass his predecessors. He also didn't care that the brat wouldn't look at him as a leader. Mamoru remembered his own teenage years and he hadn't the energy to make this kid feel better about himself.

His gaze flicked back over to the Mizukage, and he winked. "But dogs are cuter when they're just fluffy and don't bite."


And there was genuine Tsuyoi Mamoru, extending an olive branch to release the tension so they could get on to more important things, like winning a war while probably embarrassing his village shinobi, but they all knew he was that kind of guy anyway. He didn't like getting caught up in the negative emotions much; it sucked the life out of him.

He looked to the tree and Kouta, waiting for Siyu to come down before he replied to the Mizukage, his tone serious once more but not condescending. "I'd rather just take over the village, Mizukage. But if we're met with force, I'm not oppose to a little destruction." Mamoru didn't like unneeded blood slaughter but war called for it sometimes and in those times, he did not hesitate to spill the life essence of his enemies.

The Raikage turned to look at his assembled Cloud shinobi and pointed his spear in the general direction of Kusagakure. "Stay in your squads as we approach the village. We must win, even if you must resort to unfair fighting and mob the Konoha. If we take this village, the war will already be leaning in our favor." He called in a loud voice so his village could hear him. The Cloud Village never really played fair anyway, but it was good to remind his people of their morals. Raising his fist in the air, his wolfish grin appeared on his face. "To victory!"

The cheesy pep talk over and his village riled up, Mamoru turned to the Mizukage and gave a nod. It was meant to show that he would not hold any grudges against the fellow kage on the battlefield, if there was to be one. He would have his back, even if the Mizukage didn't have his.

Mamoru then walked over to Kouta and Siyu's tree. "You two will be with me. I need your medical skill for any of our shinobi who get injured." He turned in the direction of Siyu and winked. "And I need to keep an eye on you." He spoke teasingly, not wanting to offend her if she took it the wrong way. But he knew she wasn't a fool; he did need to keep an eye on her lest the Eight Tails decided to make an unwilling appearance even if she was more stable than some jinchuriki. "Ready?" He looked between the two and then at the Mizukage. After gaining their responses, he started the subtle charge of the Cloud Village.
Shikage Siyu

Below the tree

@Celemyvel @Sinister Clown @Bunny

Sighing, Siyu just stayed up the tree. She didn't feel like coming down. The blue-haired boy didn't do anything but shout once. Frowning, she had expected the boy to at least stay to make sure she went down. Shrugging she hung on and waved her feet, as if a child was swinging on a monkey bar.

Laughing at the fact Raikage had called the boy cute and fluffy, Siyu let out a sigh and sat down the branch. The Raikage had his way of letting the tension go away like magic. The boy earlier started to gather chakra but stopped. It wasn't a remarkable amount but still, to have that courage and be that reckless, that boy must be an idiot, a brave idiot at that. The Raikage was the Raikage because of a reason.


Remembering what the Mizukage had asked, Siyu let out a chuckle. Of course the Raikage would choose to take over. He hated unnecessary violence, if he could, he would've just asked the peple to let him take over the village, temporarily. Sighing, Siyu could only imagine the time if they had beaten Konoha. Who would control them? The one who started of course. Siyu removed her bun and let her soft, silky, black hair flow. She hated to kill others, truth be told, but if it called for it, she had to. Siyu could only care less about what happened to the other shinobi, they had chosen this path for them after all. And besides, dieing in a battle like this would honor them than just dying selling flowers; But to people important to her, yes she would be sad, but she wouldn't go gaga just because they died, unless there was something wrong in what they did. But the Raikage was another story. Without him, there would be no leader.

Siyu's train of thought was suddenly broken. Hearing the words Mamoru had said, She could only laugh at the cheesy pep talk. The village riled up with "Wooohhh's" and "Yeaaahhhh's" of course. Mamoru started walking towards them. Hearing his words, Siyu grinned. "Of course I would be with you, who else could handle all the upcoming attacks to you." She answered in a matter-of-fact tone. Looking over to the boy, she smirked. "So, What's little swordsman's name?" She asked, pointing her thumb towards the boy. Hearing the Raikage, she rolled her eyes; But she wasn't an idiot. She knew what he meant. Sighing, she went down from the tree flawlessly, her hair still perfect and every place. "Of course, Oh Great Raikage, Mamoru"
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Tremki Kaguya "The Angel of Bones"; Heading to East of Kusagakure Village

As he begun walking away, the Mizukage made sure that he got the rest of the Kirigakure nin ready for a fight. A slight smirk appeared on Tremki's face - while he did come off fairly mad Tremki couldn't help but feel that he over reacted more than he should have. 'Well it doesn't matter now..' he thought as he just dismissed the whole earlier conversation entirely. He knew the Raikage would come around anyways - all the man needed to do was get over the formalities and Tremki felt that the man could be 'withstandable'. He just shrugged - it wouldn't matter for long, as far as Tremki was concerned he was only alligning himself with Kumogakure for as long as the war lasts.

After taking a bit of a walk, Tremki finally met with the many other Kirigakure Nin who awaited the order to continue their 'march' on Kusagakure. His personal opinion on what they should do to Kusagakure was actually out of the mindset of both the Raikage and Mizukage - Tremki felt that, they should use Kusagkure as a 'home ground' where they would work on having Konoha take 'rash' actions which lead to a planned and carefully placed trap. Since their side had more numbers - an ambush would be easy even with little numbers. With that, another division could be waiting to attack Konoha when it's weakest. The plan was quite simple in Tremki's mind but - he was only a Swordsman. Even if the Mizukage placed a lot of trust in him - Tremki often forgot what he even appeared as to most people, there was no possible way of telling that he were a Kaguya due to the two red dots being placed elsewhere on his body (Top of his spine) and coupled by the fact he was just a child was only an addition to Tremki's theory that his word wasn't taken because of his age. This left a bad taste in Tremki's mouth
'I'm sick of age meaning something...' he mumered with an agitated tone to himself. Raising his right hand slightly he placed a wide eager smile on his face and shouted out the others "Okay! The Mizukage has spoken, everyone get yourselves ready." while at the time he said he seemed rather confident himself as soon as he was able to face his back to crowd he let out a heavy sigh 'I hate talking in front of so many people...' a small insecurity of Tremki's for a while, he was able to get over it for short times but liked to make those sort of 'speeches' short or left up to the Mizukage to say.

Once he turned around, he gradually made his way back to the talking Kage's of both villages. This time when walking back - he noticed a rather odd girl, the reason Tremki found her odd was duely to the fact she had been one of the only Nin at the Raikage's side at the time; which generally pointed towards them being 'important' in some way. She made her way to a tree and casually dangled her legs like he would often do - if his feet didn't already touch the ground. He never took much notice to her earlier, but he couldn't help but every gaze she did give to Tremki - was one filled with negative feelings or attentions. She most likely thought of Tremki as a hot-head or stupid, Tremki hoped the first mostly for his sake and her's. As he yet again approached the group this time, he done so in a much more respective manner. Adressing his Kage before even reaching the group "Lord Mizukage, we should be ready soon." looking to the Raikage. While he still wasn't over the fact he felt completely insulted - Tremki also felt the need to also do this. Taking another step forward he done so to take a respective bow "And Raikage, I apologize for my attitude earlier.." he felt like gagging at this point - but done his best not to show that through facial expressions. "It has been a long trip here, I just want to get things over and done with so all of us can go back home." this also wasn't entirely true. It was embedded into Tremki's nature to love war, trying to escape that feeling was like a bird trying to get out of it's cage.


Kouta Yuu

Kouta was kind of uncomfortable. The two Kage were very formal and steadfast, while the swordsman seemed to be very intimidating. He felt like the odd one out, as he was clearly the feeblest and quirkiest of the four, mainly because of his choice in clothing. Siyu dropped down and joined the group, and Mamoru got the Cloud riled up. Kouta was never one for pep talks or victory speeches, but whatever floated their boat. A slight blush appeared on his face when Mamoru said he'd need him if any of the shinobi got hurt. He liked to feel important, and being recognized by the Raikage was one of the reasons he decided to fight in the war, other than practically being mandated to. As Mamoru began to walk, he followed. He got kind of scared, yet excited. The march toward the village, and the main point of contention for the war, was just beginning.

Ayane Uchiha

Location - Konaha Gate

Outfit - General Battle/Casual Outfit

Tags - @sygnus

After a good chunk of land was covered, Kai finally decided to elaborate on Ayane's question. She's never talked to Otaru before, well, probably a while ago. Even if they were both Uchiha, Ayane never felt the need to talk to him. With what Kai said, Otaru would be a pretty good leader. At least, until he ends up ordering the murder of all enemies, if that were to even happen. "Cool, 'least he seems like a cool guy," Ayane stated, blinking a few times. She didn't really notice that she had already used the word "cool" too much by now, but Ayane was far from caring.

Kai began to talk some more, about a Jinchuuriki, and a peace treaty. "Hmph, if I wasn't busy putting genjutsu on the Nine Tails for most of the day I would be glad to influence them into a treaty," Ayane said, with a slight tone of shame in her voice. Not that she was a genjutsu master, but she was adequate. If adequate meant successfully controlling the tailed beast that is. "One Tail? I'm just going to assume the more tails your beast has the stronger you are," She mumbled. For Ayane's sake, she hoped that it was true. The Jinchuuriki in question, could be really committed to his/her job, or just one of those heartless ones Ayane could've been if she had taken all the wrong steps.

They stopped at the gate, with Otaru standing there. A slight, but more noticeable scowl was present on his face. Hopefully not due to the xenophobic nature that people tend to have against Jinchuuriki, this still put Ayane in a slightly confused state. They began talking to each other, and they agreed to leave.

"'In another moment down went Ayane. Never considering how in the world she was to get out again'," Ayane murmured, paraphrasing a quote she had heard a while ago, only placing her name into it. The fact is, the odds seemed to be against them, and she may not come back the same person in the future. If she comes back alive that is.
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Kaito walked towards the door and said" Sorry, my lady.... I mean Rin. Kaito exited the office anf said to himself " Meetings, the only thing I hate of being a Jonin, any way I hope we have more chuunin this year. If konoha is sending messages to our village, something big is going on."
Kaito started reading the letter with a weird expression, he didn't know what to say, the alliances were broken and there was nothing we could do only join the war or stay out of it? This was crazy "lady... I mean Haganekage Rin, this are the other four grat nations we are talking about and even do we a have a really good army and military force they will crush us, but in the other hand Konoha is one of our greatest allies and they have a great military force.... I think we should join the war in Konoha's side, the other villages are strong but our combined military forces we could have a chance. imagine my last post never happened. @Mitchs98 @Celemyvel
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Dage and his evacuation team were reaching the rendezvous point. Twilight broke through the tree tops and gave the place a very calm feeling, for Konoha shinobi at the least. It felt like... home.

Before he could focus on the chakra connections in the distance, kunai sprang from the darkness past Dage's headband toward the shinobi behind him. He deflected it, and before you could react the ninja were already positioned defensively.

"Show yourselves."

Dage knew that voice anywhere...

"You know not to fire on me, Otaru. Remember what happened last time?"

"I do, and it will never happen again."

Otaru stood there, facing away from Dage. Anyone could tell these two didn't exactly see eye to eye, for one reason or another. Kai quickly attempted to defuse the situation by focusing on the matters at hand.

"Dage! It's great to see you, my friend. I would love to share a drink with you but, unfortunately, we have matters to attend to."

"It has not been that long, Kai. But it is good to see you regardless." Dage had not relaxed his visual prowess yet, making sure they would not be snuck up or eavesdropped on during their conversation.

"I must assume the worst if you are here yourself, but regardless. I will debrief you." He explained before clearing his throat.

"The evacuation process was a success. All villagers have been evacuated, save for a few shinobi who refuse to leave their home undefended. Signs have been placed at the entrance of every cardinal direction to the village, it will be impossible for any invaders to not see the offerings."

"Did you encounter anybody else other than One Tail?"

"No sir." He said, a small shake escaping from his voice.

"You call yourself a shinobi? Why do you fear One Tail? He is nothing but a monster caged within another monster. If I had been there nothing bad would have..."

Kai placed a heavy palm on Otaru's shoulder.

"Dage, you and your men did what you were told. You cannot be expected to defeat One Tail without casualty. Even escaping alive was lucky for you all. I am happy you finished your mission."

Kai looked towards Ayane, and then back at Dage. "We will take it from here. Go home, rest, and report to Yogun tomorrow for new orders."

Kai shared a smile with Dage.

"Yes, sir." He exclaimed. He shook hands with Otaru begrudgingly and lead his men back into the forest towards Konoha.

A few more hours would pass before Kai, Otaru, Ayane, and the other shinobi with them would set up camp and rest for the night.​
Ayane Uchiha

Location - Camp

Outfit - General Battle/Casual Outfit

Tags - @sygnus

With a few seconds past, there was already tension building. Didn't seem like being the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki gave Ayane special insight on white-eyed person and Otaru's relationship, since Kai went up and tried to stop internal fighting. With a few seconds more, the tension was nearly gone and it was just an exchange of happy comments. Ayane didn't exactly take a part in this, and she opted to just stand there, waiting for the conversation to just blow over. Wasn't like she had anything to contribute to the conversation other than sarcasm anyways.

Ayane began to stare at the ground blankly, purely out of boredom. I thought we were fighting a sand monster... not talk about stuff, she sighed, not really caring that she gave Shukaku a name that would make anyone underestimate him. With the sound of someone clearing their throat, Ayane's attention was grabbed. This grabbed attention seemed good, the Byakugan user was about to debrief, which made Ayane listen in the background once again.

The conversation ended, and they departed once again. Ayane had been rather silent, which was usually out of character. Too busy focusing on nothing it seemed, and the next thing she knew, it was dusk. Kai called out, or at least she thought it was Kai, to set up camp. Ayane helped out a little bit, however for the most part she was giving "moral support". "Oooh~! Once we finish, we should exchange ghost stories and roast marshmallows!" Ayane exclaimed, without any thought put into how serious these people could be about the situation at hand.
((@Pyosimros I absolutely love you're character because it's right in so many ways. You wouldn't have to fear about Kurama overpowering your will, because with the sharingan, you can technically make it do whatever you want. ))

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