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Fandom The Things We Cannot Say

After what felt like an eternity, Link was finally ready to face The Calamity once again. With his heart racing, his tunic drenched in sweat from the onslaught of guardians he'd faced before arriving at the doors to the throne room, he draws The Master Sword. Gripping it tightly, his shield secured on the other arm, he takes a few deep breaths, steadying himself for what's to come. Link charges forward in single minded determination, "For you, Zelda."
The Calamatiy rises from a pile of sickly black ooze, releasing a putrid smell into the air. Link recoils, covering his face with his sword arm. He tries to move, but his feet are stuck fast. Overcome with fear, he's suddenly paralyzed! The shadow laughs, deep and menacing. Mockingly, it sneers, "It's too late, hero!" spitting the last word like a curse.
A white shape drops from the dark sludge, making an awful sound as it crashes down to the stone floor. The shape, he sees, is Zelda's body, limp and lifeless. "No!!" He reaches out, but his legs refuse to move. The laughter grows to a deafening roar and the shadow swallows them both.

Waking suddenly in a cold sweat, Link jolts upright, reflexively grabbing the hilt of the sword which is his constant companion. Looking around frantically, he sees Zelda is sleeping fitfully, but remains safely tucked in her bedroll by the embers of their camp fire. He takes a minute to catch his breath, wiping away the tears that had been flowing freely. Looking to the horizon, he sees the first hint of light beginning to turn the dark night to a grey morning. Getting up, he packs his bedroll away and removes his now soaked tunic, hanging it in a tree to dry. Not wanting to wake her just yet, he walks around the immediate area, keeping Zelda in his sight. While gathering wood to rekindle the fire, he takes in the quiet of this moment, relishing the crisp morning air and the tranquility it brings. He wishes it would last, dreading the inevitable time when their peace will be shattered once again.

Before the Sun has had a chance to fully rise, Link has already rekindled the fire to a strong blaze. He sets to work prepping and cooking mushroom omelets for their breakfast, wanting it to be ready by the time his Princess wakes. A memory replays in his head, as it has many times before, of Zelda standing at the foot of The Great Deku Tree, saying she has a message for him. Link's heart thumps loudly as he wonders what she could possibly have wanted to say. He dares not to hope, trying to remain neutral to the possibilities while suppressing his expectations and desires. "Don't be a fool, Link... It's not what you're thinking. It's not. ... It's probably not. Is it?" he wonders to himself. Glancing up, he sees she's beginning to stir. The Sun is up now in earnest, shining a soft speckled light down between the gently rustling leaves.

"Good morning, Princess! Time to eat!" He puts on a cheerful smile, showing no sign of his troubles. Sitting by the fire with one heaping plate of food in each hand, grinning at her like a child, feet bare and dressed in trousers alone, he seems not to have a care in the world.
It was dark, murky, and cold. The air was dank and it smelt of death. She could only feel her body numb all over with her arm out stretched as if reaching for someone and she could only hope that her memories that she had laid across Hyrule could help him and only him to put an end to Ganon and the calamity that had plagued the land that she ruled but she only hoped for Link to come. 'Link..' Her eyes slowly open to see the hero struggling to pierce through the darkness.
It's been 100 years and now she finally gets to see a glimpse of him. A sad smile grew on her features as she saw him because it did in fact feel like her last moment being able to see the hero in his glory yet a sad smile graced the princess' lips as the chilling touch of the filthy ooze had corrupted her ability to hold back the calamity. Her legs first gave out, then her entire body had collapsed onto the floor just ahead of his sight until her vision was shrouded by a film of darkness that had soon consumed her.

Princess Zelda lay in her own bed but her expression was one of unease and discomfort. She squeezes her eyes shut tight before waking up to the sound of her knight; Link.
'It was only a dream..' yet her palms were shaky and her knuckles were white from clutching onto the bed sheet for what seemed like hours on end but to be pulled out of that horrid nightmare but the reassuring voice that she so longed to hear had made waves of relief wash over the Princess. 'Should I confide with Link about that awful dream...? It would probably ruin our appetite, best to share it later as well as my feelings about the future.' Moving about, Zelda sits up in her wake with half-lidded eyes as she looks to her knight who wasn't all dressed just yet.

"G-Good morning to you. Why are you dressed like that?" Zelda honestly felt better knowing that she woke up to see another day but feared the peace of Hyrule being broken once again by the calamity. She could only pray to the goddess to let days like this continue.

Flustered, she hurriedly climbs out of her own bedroll and packs it right away before clearing her throat. "Anyways Link. Thank you again for making breakfast, I do appreciate you working hard on providing meals for the both of us." The princess straightens herself up as she scoots towards the fire, taking a plate of the omelet that he had prepared. "And...how did you sleep? Well I hope?" The princess asks before taking a bite of food and she couldn't help but to smile at how delicious the meal tasted after such a bad night.

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