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Fandom The Sohma Family Curse


Completely Average
Hey guys. This is where I'd like to keep any OOC chat. Also I'd like to begin a brainstorm on what the goal for the characters should be. I'd like to make it separate from the anime but I will accept (If no other viable option exists) a normal, human, character into the RP. Let me know your thoughts on it guys.
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Cronix said:
Hey guys. This is where I'd like to keep any OOC chat. Also I'd like to begin a brainstorm on what the goal for the characters should be. I'd like to make it separate from the anime but I will accept (If no other viable option exists) a normal, human, character into the RP. Let me know your thoughts on it guys.
Also can we talk about the goal or main idea the RP will be centered around, now that there are a few people in.
Remember that sohma family members can hug those of the opposite sex, but only if they are also part of the zodiac.
@Mine They are most likely Chinese but they could be Japanese. It was never specified. It was a manga originally but was turned into an anime. Does it say otherwise anywhere in the thread?
@Cronix, well, yeah, Asian. And yes, it did.

But I mostly see either "human" characters or English/American names in the CS.

I was confused...
@Mine I just reviewed all the charcter sheets again and they all are Zodiac characters. Most of the names are Asian except for two, which I now that I notice that I'm going to ask those people to change that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
@Cronix, I meant realistic images, I understand that they are indeed from the Zodiac, hence my use of the term "humans" like this.

I apologize if brought up any inconvenience, I was simply asking...
@Mine No, No! Of course not. I'm glad you said something. I'm not too worried about the images. As long as we get the jist of their appearnce we can assume the rest. :)
I believe I requested either the snake or the dog, and it appears both have been taken. I won't be in this RP as anything but those two, so I'll have to decline my inclusion to this RP.

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