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Fandom The Sohma Family Curse

@KiKi Kitsune Raion laughed at the small touch of the finger and pouted. "Would I be allowed a hug from my favorite tiger?" He asked, before pulling her into a hug anyway, small cat ears poking from the top of his head.
Rena gave a laugh at the unexpected gesture. "Looks like you decided for me." She clearly didn't mind and hugged Raion back. From her position, it was easy to reach the ears that had popped out the top of his head. She gave a mental shrug. 'Might as well' She thought. She petted Raion's head behind the animal ears, much like she would to a normal cat.

@Samuel Briscomb
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Rena chuckled before squirming out out Raion's hold. She quickly pulled out her camera once again and snapped a picture of the smiling boy. It wasn't often that she saw him smiling. She didn't him often, which was probably why. "Even if you don't get told to live here, you should come visit more often." Rena said to the other teen with a soft smile as she looked at the picture on her camera's screen.

@Samuel Briscomb
@KiKi Kitsune It took Raion a few seconds to calm down and stop giggling, but as soon as he did, he sighed. "I would, but I can't deal with the others. They treat me like I'm less when I'm just the same. Why don't you come and visit me?"
Rena furrowed her brows together. She felt pity for Raion, but guessed that he wouldn't be too happy about that. He was a victim of circumstance in her eyes. Born with the curse of the cat. There was nothing he had done to be forced to bear that burden. She decided not to dwell on it and focus on other things instead. "I don't even know where you live." She stated simply.

@Samuel Briscomb
"Hm... I suppose I never thought to ask." Rena mused, mostly to herself. It hadn't crossed her mind before. She hadn't thought that Raion thought she was a close enough friend to give away that sort of information. "Well then, where do you live?" She asked before widening her eyes as she remembered something. "I don't have you as a contact on my phone." She patted each of her pockets in her search for the item. Once she found it, Rena held it out with a warm smile. "It would be a bit strange if I just arrived unannounced though. This way we can discuss any meetup plans."

@Samuel Briscomb
@KiKi Kitsune Raion laughed a took the phone, quickly punching in the digits of his name. "it's a secret," He replied with a wink before whispering the address in her ear. "Don't tell anyone!" He reminded her. "Especially not those in charge, because I will keep running there whenever they try to keep me hostage."
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"Of course." Rena gave Raion a reassuring smile as she took back her phone. "I won't tell a soul. Cross my heart." She made a X shape over her chest with her finger. "Just tell me when you want some company." She told the boy. The last thing she wanted to do was impose on Raion.

@Samuel Briscomb
@KiKi Kitsune "Will do Rena," he grinned towards her, before shifting to stand. "I'll be called back in a second, and I really can't be asked to sit around anymore, so I'm going for a run around the complex. Wanna join me?"
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"...ai! Kai!"


"Were you just sleeping while standing?"

Why did this scene look so oddly familiar? Could it be the traces of the vivid memory inside his head a few days back? A similar occasion? It all felt so blank, so...uncanny. "No, no, I wasn't." He rubbed his face as energetically as he could, trying to provoke a reaction, anything to snap out of his oh-so-subtle dormant state. Not even Minami would fall for that. Not that the co-worker by his side was particularly dense or anything...well, she was, yeah. But he would never be able to tell her that, of course. A sigh escaped from her rosy lips. "Just be thankful that it was me." She said with a smile before leaving the room. Had he been sleeping with his eyes opened? Again? He hoped not, having that become a habit...he didn't even want to think about it. It was time to leave the office. Perhaps he could pass by the residence? Hmm, was it really a good idea though? And for that matter why would he? He didn't even live there. Then again, a vsit wouldn't hurt... "Kai ~ ! Are you coming?" "...Coming." Guess there was no time to think it over. Just go.

Hours later, he found himself before the entrance. Completely still.​
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Rena shook her head. "I'll pass. I want to take some more photos while the lighting is still good." She declined politely. She waved goodbye to Raion before taking out her camera and scanning the area for something of interest. Finding a bird perched on a nearby branch, Rena began to creep towards it. Her pace so slow that the avian took no notice.

@Samuel Briscomb
@KiKi Kitsune "Alright, that's fine!" declared Raion, waving as he started off jogging, before going into sprinting. He watched the trees fly past him, jumping over rocks that got in the way .

Hanako nodded. Yeah, she sighed. I just keep drawing blanks. When she tries to type something up it just ends up sounding weird. The once she backspaced it and rewrote it it just would come to her.
Aria is fairly nervous, she herd there was family meetting soon, even though she doesn't know exactly when it happens. She tried to call Rena but she didn't pick up. Aria always wanted to go to a school but had to be homeschooled because of the curse. Now she has a chance to get permission from the family to begin going to school soon.
As Kazuma walked around the Sohma residence he noticed that a fair amount of activity was going on within the residence. Though because he had been inside he was not completely clear as to why but decided to brush it off. Whatever the case he wanted to find a quiet area as he wanted to read a thing or two. He decided it would be best to go some where quiet. He decided it would be okay to go somewhere around the property as they had some nice woodland and shade so he went there to get some reading done.
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Aria walks through the forest reciting her speech about how she should be allowed to go to regular school. I really want to make friends with people outside our family she thought. She continues to ramble on until eventually she found Kazuma, he was reading his book.

" Hi Kazuma!" she yells.
AKIO was in no way a morning person...or afternoon person...or evening person...was he really a person at all? The dragon of the Soma family had stayed up way too late last night. Sure, starting an nine-hundred page book at ten at night sounded like a good idea. But was in no way such a good idea when he finished the book at five in the morning. He woke up the sound of chatter all around the house and rose from his bed, pushing away the blanket to stand up. After a quick search on his nightstand for his glasses and pulling them on, he pulled a sweatshirt over his black tank top, leaving on his dark grey sweatpants that he slept in. The male placed his book from the night before onto the shelf and picked up his sketchbook and pencil. Akio headed out of his room, to the hallway and out to the outside of the house where he heard most of the noise. He rubbed his bright eyes gently, before setting the pencil and starting to draw as he saw felt.
"That's too bad Hanako-chan", Miiko says to Hanako as she continues to stare at the two close friends a few yards in front of her smile and babble away. Miiko was glad Leo has someone to talk to. Even though she herself wasn't exactly fond of him, she was glad that he had someone. It also made him less grumpy when Rena was around, so that was a plus. Miiko crossed her legs and rested her hand on either side of her body. She sighed out and looked over at Hanako for the first time. "You really are an amazing writer."
As Kazuma was reading his book he felt a sudden shock that made him jump as he heard a yell that called his name. As looked behind him he then realized the source of the yell was coming from none other then aria. "Oh um hi there Aria." He gave a small wave, his heart still pounding from the shock.
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"What are you reading?It has a cool looking cover." She stands over him, grinning.

"I heard there was a family meeting sometime soon, I want to get permission to go to regular school, like some of our cousins. By any chance would you know what time it's at?"
Hanako smiled. It was nice for her to hear compliments. Yes, she does get them every once in a while, but since she is short for her age its kind of hard to see her sometimes. Thank you. She said. And you are an amazing person. She returned the compliment.
Mikko looked away again. She wasn't used to someone saying something like that to her. "Thank you." She managed to say calmly. She laid down on the grass and stared up into the sky.

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