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Realistic or Modern The Small Town of Caelkirk

Walter chuckled at the texts he got from the guy. "Find everything you can on this guy" Within 10 minutes he knew everything. "We're going to his little gathering, only me and two agents" Walter said as he walked outside. "My god this is wild wind....THAT'S A CAR!!!" Walter yelled as he ducked "Mother of god" He ran back inside and sounded the Tornado alert system
'God I hope people hear it'
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Kai Clarke

Kai packed up his stuff as soon as the tornado alert sounded. The only problem was that he didn't know where to go. Home was too far away and not an option with his father there. It was unlikely he would make it back to work and a tornado could hit at any moment. He started to panic. He didn't know what to do. No one ever told him how to deal with tornadoes, earthquakes yes, tornadoes no. He didn't know what to do. His heart rate elicited and his breathing became faster. He couldn't move, his palms were sweaty and his arms hurt. He fell to the ground. He knew what was happening. A panic attack.
Fleur She noticed the alarm and saw Ellie run to one of the shelves to hide under it. She ran outside to see if anyone needed shelter. She saw a young man on the ground a few feet ahead. She ran to him and crouched next to him, grabbing his shoulder lightly, "Come on! We need to go!"
Kai Clarke

Kai looked up at her. It was the girl from the coffee shop. She was helping him. This never happened and was shocked by her kindness. He nodded, standing and trying to stay stood. She was right about needing to move and get away quickly. He was just struggling to do so. He didn't know what to do. It's not like he was taught to deal with a tornado.

He went to text the Mayor. He would definitely know what to do. The text was not short and simple the way his texts usually are. It was cluttered, full of misspelt words and questions on what to do as panic attack and tornado don't really mix well. He dropped his phone and the cluttered message was sent.

He was panicking even more now. He didn't know what to do or where to go. His breathing was becoming heavier. Everything hurt. Why did everything hurt? He stopped. He couldn't think. He was becoming a little dizzy which was a sign of an awful panic attack. This wasn't helping anyone, especially the girl from the coffee shop.
Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay Codebreaker Codebreaker
Walter was hiding under his desk when the power went out, knowing everything was going wrong, he made sure everything was in place, he grabbed the mic for the Tornado alert voice and yelled "EVERYONE STAY DOWN, ITS A BIG ONE"

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