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The Small Room With A White Tile Floor

Minerva scowled and held Paul from the collar, she was getting angry. But she was not afraid of him and she was strong. "Do not play with me! Just kiss me if you think I am not so good! For the sake of god!" She shoved him against a wall. Her face was red but her expression meant she was angry.
"I didn't saw you weren't good." Paul said.

He smiled and grabbed her before she could walk away and he kissed her, for a while too.
Reina laughed as this kid creature hybrid thing licked her face, shuddering a little as she felt his teeth graze her cheek. She bit her lip as her face fell, the poor thing, she really did not want to hurt this wonderful creature.

"I-I'm afraid I don't, kid. I was taken here without anything, only the clothes on my back. But look on the bright side, you're mommy is a nice lady! She will understand if you don't eat me. Maybe she'll give you some food for you being such a good boy."

She sighed. "I'm hungry, too, kid. But I know your mommy will feed me soon, too. I'm happy to have made your acquaintance though." She said full heartedly.
Minerva eyes widened. She closed her eyes in the moment but when they separated she laughed. Minerva calmed down and she laid her head down on his shoulder. "Sorry I shoved you.." She said quietly.

Cedric frowned. "Mommy!" He yelled with a whiny voice.

Minerva heard the call from her Cedric. She frowned and went over to check. It seemed he was hungry. He won't eat her.. "Cedric hunny, she is your food! Eat her!"

Cedric frowned again. "No! She is my friend!"

Minerva smiled. "Not for long. Please understand dear, " she went back to Paul and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You are right.. Some of these animals can be unpleasant.."
"I forgive you." Paul said.

He clutched Minerva close to him and laughed.

"I told you." He said.
Reina felt a bit angry at Minerva. Why was she being so cruel to this poor creature who did nothing but love her unconditionally? She kept her anger pent up, not wanting the kid to see it. He doesn't need a bad role model and I won't be that kind of role model... Kids held a soft spot in her heart and she hated to admit that.

"It'll be alright, kid. I'm happy to hear that you think of me as a friend." She smiled down at Cedric.

She then looked up and said loudly, "Minerva! Minerva, I know you can hear me. I need to talk to you!"
(( I got to go! Baii! )) 
(( I got to go! Baii! )) 
Minerva frowned. "Ugh annoying brat." She said and went to the speaker. "Yes?" She said smiling.

Cedric cried out. "Mommy! Please! I'm hungry!" He whined and his tail was splashing huge amount of water.

Minerva sighed and rolled her eyes. She told her butler to go fetch him something. "Fine, Fine. Cedric! Mommy is going to get you some food. I'll send someone else to kill- I mean accompany her!" She said half smiling.

The chimera hissed. "Stupid Mortal Girl. You trek through my territory. So you shall pay. Trek any more further and play around while I am hunting, I swear I will kill you." The lion head said and the goat head nodded. Raja was in shock. They talk?! Well. She might be going crazy.. She nodded and stayed where she was. The Chimera snarled at her and walked away.
Paul walks over to the screen and looks down at the display of Cedric and the girl.

"So what are you going to do?" he asked.
Reina groaned. She had completely ignored her. Why was this woman so mean in the first place?

Who crawled up her ass and died? She thought bitterly.
Minerva frowned at her unpleasant groaning. "What? Need some food?" She said. Something entered the room with a Scuba mask and suit, it seemed he was dragging cows and goats. About a dozen each. "Here you go boy!" He yelled. It was Jeff.

Cedric was so delighted he ate the cows and goats swallowing them whole, but he whined. "I am still hungry!!!" Jeff groaned. "Minerva shall I feed him some more?"

Minerva thought for a second. "Only a little bit."

Jeff nodded and swam back under like if there was a secret passage way back.
Reina watched with wide eyes. That's a lot of... food... for such a small guy... Then she saw the door was open. She slowly picked up her weapons she let fall and edged her way to the door.
"Look at that, she's smart. Taking her chances when she sees them." Paul said.

He pointed toward Reina and laughed.

(I feel like we should make this into a game show.)
Minerva laughed. "HA! Reina!! Trying to escape?? Tsk Tsk." As of a instinct The serpent guarded the door and said, "No leaving. all players shall stay in there room. Unless the player secretly escapes. Rule #123." He frowned. "Sorry." But he did not move.
"A pair... Hmm. This Reina girl and Dreamy boy..." She said grinning madly.

Dreamy boy, well, Er, Daniel was sighing as he lay on his comfy velvet bed. He played with his knife looking at embroidery. "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings.These are a few of my favorite things..." He sang My Favorite Things from the movie Sound Of Music . "Jesus! I'm so boreddddd!" He rolled around on his bed, but to find a piece of paper sitting nicely on a desk. He got up to read it.

Dear Daniel,

Enjoy your room! I made it just for you. I know you will love the little surprise I left you! Its playing with you, so try to find it! I bet you'll drop dead when you see it. Tata!

- Love, Minerva
Reina scoffed at the rule number. Number 123? How many rules are there? And why 123?

She sighed and smiled at the serpent. "It's alright. You're a good boy..."
Cedric smiled, but it looked like he was baring his teeth. He gave another lick to Reina and he swam happily in the water, Jeff came back eventually with a cow and goat. Cedric swallowed it immediately and Jeff left.

"What's your name!!?? My name is Cedric. You are my best friend! I love you! I'll love you forever! We'll swim and tell stories to each other everyday! And we could play too!" He said excitedly and swam around her again he gestured her to get on his head,
"My name's Reina and that's great..." She said as she watched him swim around. She had to remember that this boy was a monster that could probably eat her at any time, but it made her heart ache a bit. She didn't want to hurt him, but how was she supposed to get out of this room?

She put the heavy around her shoulders, just in case and kept her machete in hand for the same reason. She slowly climbed on top of the serpent's head and sat down. This isn't so bad...
He relaxed and put his head on top of the water. "Isn't his relaxing?" He said and closed his eyes, he whispered very softly, hoping Minerva won't hear.

"She is always watching. Mommy can be... Mean sometimes. I will get you out. I promise."

Cedric said with a slight twitch.
"Very..." She whispered just as softly back. Her trust with this serpent was like a rollercoaster. With all the he's going to eat me, he's not, he's gonna, he's not...

"All mommies can be mean, but that's because she cares. Don't think too badly of her, okay?" She replied, steadying herself as he twitched.
Minerva growled. "Fucking Serpent!! Hydra would do much better! GAH!" She said kicking the screen, making it crack a little. She glared at Paul.

Cedric sighed. "Mommy is different. I know she is not my real mommy.. But I think I remember she killing my real mother... But I just think my mind is tricking me." He said quietly. "Mommy says I have lots of other brothers and sisters. They are not all like me. Some fly and some have more heads. It's interesting."
Reina agreed when Cedric said that his mother was different. Oh yeah, she is. I haven't seen someone who had a stick stuck far up their ass like that before I came here... If memory served Reina correct, wasn't there a man with Minerva? She remembered seeing just a glimpse of him through the screen, but for just a second though. Maybe he should help her take it out for her before it gets lost. She'll be super uptight then if it did...

"I hope your brothers and sisters are as nice as you," she said with a smile and then asked, "So, who is that man your mother's with?"
Cedric chuckled.

"Her boyfriend. He can be a bit annoying, but he could be nice."

Cedric splashed his tail so water would get on her a little.

"Hehe." He said with a sheepish smile.

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