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The Small Room With A White Tile Floor

Minerva laughed but looked at the screen also. Especially the screen where raja looks like she is going to die. "Yes! Cherry had caught her! Good girl!" She said grinning madly. "C'mon! Pounce girl!" She was so into it she had not realized her lunch has arrived.

( yes, she does name most of her monster creatures. xD )
"I hate that thing, it's very unpleasant." Paul said.

He grabbed his plate and began to chow down on his food, this stuff always made him hungry.
Minerva looked offended. "Paul! I raised her myself! She is precious to me. Don't call her unpleasant!!" She spat but she looked back at the screen. "Don't you remember baby Hydra. We raised him ourselves! And look at him now! C'mon. I know you looovvveeee him~" she said grinning. Minerva started to eat slowly.

Raja decided to beat it up like a man. She turned to it growling. "Well. I don't care if I die now." She charged at monstrous beast.
The room Reina was in was a large room. It had a double poster bed, a nightstand on either side of the bed, with a red duvet, already turned over for the night and matching bed curtains. A wardrobe was on one side, against the wall, while the rest of walls held old large paintings and portraits. There was a lit fireplace, the only light in the dark room, on the other side of the room with a small circle table and two chairs.

Reina sighed and limped over to the table. She felt so off about the room, like there was something there with her. When she approached the table, she saw there was a note on it. Picking up the white, crisp paper, it held elegant cursive writing.

Hello my lovely doll!

Its a pleasure to have you here in my humble abode. I have a welcome gift for you and it's somewhere in this room... <3

I'm sure you will
love it. I picked it out myself and he is as beautiful and strong as you, my precious doll.

Have fun you two and see you in the morning!


"Yes, but things change when he sinks her teeth in your arm when you're trying to feed her." Paul said.
"But you weren't giving her enough food! I told you!" She scolded him but laughed. "You are better off with the unicorns and Pegasus's."she said with a smirk. "Also, she was hungry... " she said silently. Minerva still had a grin on her face,

Raja took her axe and swung, almost hitting Cherry but the Chimera pounced, pinning her. It had two heads. She couldn't block two mouths full of sharp teeth! She closed her eyes and prayed someone or something will help her.
"I'm better off with you." Paul said after swallowing his bite.

He put his finished plate on the table and the butler came and took it away hurriedly.
"Actually I think you are correct. The horses seem a bit feisty and nervous when you are around them. " she said laughing. She barley had eaten anything. She started chowing down,
"Fuck..." Reina crumpled up the paper with a heavy sigh. "That sly bitch. Doesn't she know that I want to play with her? Not her stupid pets..."

She moved over to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked, causing her to curse out. She then told herself to calm down, that there might not be anything in this room. It was silent, the only thing that could be heard was the crackling of the fire.

She walked around the room and studied the paintings. There were of dark underwater vistas and had this blurry creature in them in the background of the paintings. She wondered if there were any windows and she went to the wall that had curtains on them. She pulled back the curtains and saw windows and she gasped as she looked out them.

"I'm fucking underwater!?" She shouted and then heard the fire sizzle out like someone splashed water on it. She was plunged into darkness and she held her weapons in each hand tightly, trying to keep her breathing even and slow.

I hate water...
"I do get paid to protect you, so I don't know why you sent me to feed those beasts." Paul said.

He cast a glance at Minerva and shook his head, he couldn't believe how attractive she was. He stood and stretched a bit before walking around.
A swish of a long body past her fast. Everything was quiet. Too quiet... Another swish. It's tail flipping as it swam.. It seemed like it was circling her in the dark water. A Giant serpent had decided to say hello to her... There was loud sounds and vibrating water because the serpent was growling. Reina looked tiny compared to the huge serpent. It's massive blue body was curled up. But it's beady eyes watching her intently.

"Yes. I know. But you are my num nums! So you have to do it for me!" She said teasingly. She zoomed in on her precious serpent. "Ah.. Cedric my sweet boy has found her." Minerva grinned.
"Your num nums? What is that?" Paul asked.

He stopped and stood besides her and watched the screen.

"Frauen." He whispered to himself.
"Oh, shit!" Water was rising in the room and quickly. She heard swishing in the silent room. Reina turned around quickly, feeling something brush her. Did something just past her? Her heard snapped to the sounds of the swishing. There definitely something with her in this room. The water was rising quick and was up to her neck and she tried to keep calm.

That's when she saw it. The creature that Minerva had in store for her. It watched her intently as it growled and Reina was frozen to the spot. Her eyes were wide, not knowing what she should do. She thought the creature was beautiful with its shiny blue scales and glistening glowing eyes.

Did she really have to kill this thing, and if so, how?
"Num nums! Honey! My sweetness! Honey bunches! Sweetie pie!" She said teasingly again. "That's what I mean." She said pecking his cheek and winked at him. "Cedric didn't eat much... He is probably very hungry!" She said.

Raja chucked the axe into the Chimera it winced and blood poured out. Raja smiled as she wiped some of its blood off her face, but it swiped and got her face. She fell down on her bum and stared at it. It' silo head licked its paw as the goat head looked at her. 
Cedric roared underwater but he became silent again. He curiously went closer to her face, his mouth opening a little. The end of his snout touched her chin. His blue eyes shined with curiosity. Cedric nudged her, feeling her face. He opened his mouth, and it looked a little threatening but he let out a huff under water. He swam around her again, thinking she was not a threat. So he settled and looked at her, nudging his snout lightly against her chin. But he will get a little too hungry soon..
"Why do you tease me Minerva? If you've something on your mind, then do it." He says.

He stopped and looked back at the screen, and laughed.

"Looks like Cedric has made a friend."
Reina suppressed a flinch as creature roared at her and stiffened as it poked and prodded at her. She wanted to shove the machete down his throat when it opened its mouth at her, thinking he was going to take a bite out of her, but it swam away and continued staring her down.

She decided she will speak with the serpent creature not wanting to hurt it unless it was going to attack her. She knew he was getting hungry though. "Umm... not sure if you'll understand me, but I'll just talk anyway..." She said a little hesitantly. "I know you're hungry, but I promise you I don't taste good. I'm not even fattening." She pointed to her slightly toned arms after she pushed her sleeve up to show him. "See? It's all muscle and not appetizing at all. However! I know your mistress will you feed you something super yummy if you just go back to her. I saw this girl, small girl, but she has meat on her bones. You like soft meat, yeah?"

Reina dropped her chain in the water and hesitantly dropped the machete. She put her hands up in surrender. "I'm not going to hurt you. I don't think you're mistress will like it if you were dead for I'm sure she loves you very, very, very much... It would be a shame to see you dead..."

She stared the creature down, trying to soften her expression to get him to trust her. This is such a long shot...
Minerva frowned. "No! Cedric! Eat the girl! I knew he was too young!!" She cursed and kicked the table. She looked at Paul and smiled. "But I like teasing you.. But okay.," she grabbed his head and her lips touched his for a mere three seconds. She stopped and looked back at the screen normally, "There. I wanted to get that out."

Cedric cocked his head. He let out a grumble that was suppose to be a purr or something. Cedric rests his head by her chest. He rested and his tail curled up.

Raja stood there waiting for its attack. But it just snarled and laid down, eyeing her. Maybe it was waiting for her move... Or just resting for the injury... But didn't know..
"Is that all?" He asks, teasing her.

It was his turn now, and he didn't feel like letting it slip.
Reina stared down at the beast in wonder and amazement. Was that a purr? Does he understand?

"You, beauty, you..." She said softly as she gently stroked his head that he laid upon her chest. She traced his shiny scales with the tips of her fingers, not believing this creature actually existed. Is this a dream?

She felt so sorry for the serpent beast for it had such a soft heart, it seemed. He could have been the best companion a person could ever have and she... Minerva... was using him to do her bidding. She was exploiting him and the sad part: he'll never know because he thought she loved him. Twisted bitch...
Minerva's face was red. "E-Erm...." She closed her eyes. "You want m-more?" She fanned herself. "Er.." The butler came out and saw she was fanning herself so she turned on the fan. She smiled uneasily.

Cedric purred even more. He made a squeaky sound and he excitedly splashed around. As if this was a dream he came back to her hand and he let he stroke her. "Hi." A sound came out as his head came out of the water.
Reina laughed at the suddenly happy serpent. She continued to stroke him for it seemed he liked it very much.

Then he spoke and she raised her eyebrows. A serpent creature that can speak? Don't see those everyday. It sounded like he did. "Hello," she replied with a very friendly tone.
Minerva stuttered. "N-nothing.." She muttered but turned to him giving him a long kiss, she pulled away and looked at the screens. "A-Any better??.." But she gave a scowl to Cedric.

Cedric's kid voice rang out. Yes, he is a kid. Cedric licked her face, even thought his teeth were very very close to her face. "Do you have any food..? My mommy said to eat you but.. I don't wanna." He nudged her. "She sometimes does not feed me a lot for some reason. But she is a awesome mommy! She gives me a huge tank and lots of food, most days!" The serpent said happily.
Paul shrugged and looked at her.

"No...not really." He said, snickering. "Are you new at this?"

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