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The Small Room With A White Tile Floor

"Oh? How nice is he? What's his name?" Reina wanted to know more about this boyfriend fellow his mother had. She wondered if he'd show himself or if he was whipped like that Joe guy. She laughed as Cedric splashed her. She never imagined she would be having an ounce of fun with this creature that was supposed to be her enemy. This place got more and more surprising every moment she stayed.
Minerva scowled at he screen. "Tell the butler to Torture, them all. Fills the rooms with habitats. Order him to release them all."

Cedric smirked. "His name is Paul. A dull name." He said to himself mostly.

(( got to go! Bai ))
"Paul... Hmm..." Reina said to herself and stood quiet for a moment, tapping her finger on her lip. She then laughed. "Yeah, you're right. Does Paul ever come out to play?"
Paul chuckles and leaves the room.

"Execute Order 58, release them all and do it now!"
Cedric laughed too. "No not really. " Cedric flicked more water on her and he swam around, not going underwater for her sake.m
"So he's like your mother's doll in a way, I guess..." She mused at the thought. That big man behind the screen was as whipped as the rest of the people there. She was grateful for Cedric not going underwater. It was relaxing just sitting on his head and wading in the cool water.
Cedric nodded.

Minerva decided to make a announcement. "Hello players~ I bet you guys are having tons of fun. Let's change this up a little, shall we? Every players for them selves, no team! kill each other, then kill the ultimate beast. This will be a race against time. You have at least one dangerous creature in all of your rooms. Try to find it, escape or kill it. There is also one secret door in each room, when everyone escaped to the secret door and into the different and huge habitat, there will be a bell ring. That means everyone starts the man hunt. When two will be left, they will be spared and they will live in my paradise, riches, butlers, anything you want. Good luck~!"

Minerva chuckled. "I just don't care who wins now, Paul."

@xSparrow @Wiggle @Lexie
Paul shrugs and laughs.

"I am just ready for some action, perhaps Cedric will perform as expected."
"Are you serious?" Reina groaned as she heard the announcement. Now that little girl is going to probably go after me first... What's her name? Nicolette? She thinks she's so strong, it's annoying. Not to mention, she gets offended over everything like winking! Oh my God! I don't want your man or any man in this god forsaken place... She was so angry, but kept her composure. Then she looked down at Cedric, who she was sitting on. Does this mean she has to kill him or will someone else?

And this is why it's best not to get emotionally invested in anything...
Cedric cringed.

"Don't kill me.. But I'll let you escape. Here, take this." He shook her off slightly. Making her fall in the water, but she knew how to swim. He dived deep down and came back up with a long sharp fang. "This is my baby tooth, but it is sharp. Its long so you can hold it, my two fangs produce poison and even when they are out. Those are good weapons so keep them." He said quietly. Looking deep into her eyes. "The exit is at the bottom, just go on my back, hold your breath and I'll open it, then you jump down and get to the other room. " he stared deep into her eyes. "I'll miss you. Reina."
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Reina splashed into the water, frightful for just a second that he was going to turn on her, but he didn't. She went under for a second before coming right up. He went under and when he came up, he came up with a large fang that he gave to her. She took it, careful not to hurt herself with it.

She looked back into his shiny eyes and without hesitation, she hugged him. "I'll miss you, too, friend. But don't worry, we;ll see each other again. Promise." Then she got on his back and prepared herself to hold her breath.
Even thought he was still wet, tears formed in his eyes and started to fall.

"I'm sorry. There will be no getting out." Cedric said, whispering. "She is going to kill me. Like my other very badly behaved sisters and brothers.. I seen it with my own eyes. Now that I am gonna die, I can give up 'I love mommy' act. I'm sorry Reina but this will be the last time you will be seeing me." He said.
"No, you have to live! You have grow and be big and strong and the beautiful water serpent that you are!" She urged him, sounding a bit desperate. She felt desperate, not wanting to lose the first real friend she made in quite a while. "I will not let her kill you! How can she kill something so pure and sweet as you...?"
"If so..." She takes a breath and slowly exhales. "Then I will have to be the one to end her... And I will set you free. It's the only right thing to do. It is the right thing to do."
Cedric nodded. "Here we go."

Cedric dived deep under, all the way too the floor. He knew tears were still pouring out of his eyes, but you can't see it because he was underwater.
Reina held her breath and held onto him tight, along with her weapons and poisonous tooth, as he dove underwater. She couldn't see a thing for it was dark, but she a look of determination on her face.
He gestured her to swim a little down, and he opened the door, water started to get out quickly. He gestured her to get out fast.
Reina did what she was instructed to and went through the door. She tried to look back, but the water current was far too strong and so she got carried away with it.
Cedric saw her go out to the jungle-like habitat.

Minerva laughed but scowled at Cedric.. "That sea serpent.."
"It's fine." Minerva turned to him. She gave him a smile. "Let this just do whatever they want. I'll go talk to Cedric later.."
Paul laughed out loud and smiled.

"Perhaps you should feed him to the chimera."

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