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Fantasy The Silverbell Few: OOC

@_Line 213
Would a specially crafted flute be able to be used like a gapstone would? I got inspired when I saw the word 'bard' in the template.
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Do you perchance have a reference for gapstones? Or are they gonna look generally like crystals?
Do you perchance have a reference for gapstones? Or are they gonna look generally like crystals?

They more or less just look like stones with holes in the middle, though depending on complexity, they might have designs on the outside.

Like these, for handheld spellcasting:



Those created to serve as man-made leylines might look something like this:


The stone at the top of Olomo's staff is also an example of a gapstone. If you look up "hag stones" or "adder stones," you'll probably get a bunch of good references!
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Hey guys! I finally finished my character. I had a lot more written about them originally but removed some details to make their backstory a little shorter. Sorry if it's a little too long to be bearable. 
Hey, I posted my character, it is long....so if you'd like you can skip most and get a general summary! I'm trying to do the image now, sorry if the appearance isn't  very defined! 
I'm going to be busy for the next couple days. If you want to go ahead and start, that's fine by me. I could have my character meet up with the group later.
Hiiii! Are applications still open? ^_^; Really love the detail put into this.

Hi there, sorry for the delay. They're still open for right now, but likely not for much longer, since I don't want this particular group to be too large.
Hey, sorry about posting so late. Had some things come up and couldn't really find the time to post. I should be fine now though.
I was hoping if a spot was still open here. I've read your Lore section and it is AMAZING.

If no spots are open, I'm content just reading through everything. :D

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