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Multiple Settings The Shit Store (1x1) OPEN


Probably a raccoon.
“Well then get your shit together. Get it all together and put it in a backpack, all your shit, so it's together. ...and if you gotta take it somewhere, take it somewhere ya know? Take it to the shit store and sell it, or put it in a shit museum. I don't care what you do, you just gotta get it together... Get your shit together.” -Morty

The Shit Store
I’m looking to add a couple roleplays to my docket. So, I’m writing a full interest thread with all my shit in hopes that it will garner more attention than my single idea threads.

What I bring to the table:
I’m a decent writer, it’s not Shakespeare cause I’m not that dirty, but it should suffice for online roleplays.

I try to write about a page in word at 11p font per post to ensure my partners have enough to play with.

I proofread my posts and use spellcheck so the grammar and spelling aren’t atrocious. (I have been known to be so bad at spelling that spellcheck doesn’t know what word I mean and I have to use a different word. You won’t notice, but just know I’m doing this step for you.)

I currently have a copious amount of time to write so I can kick out a couple posts a week, but I’ll be going to classes again very soon so that will likely drop down to one post per week per roleplay starting next month.

I’m super flexible with pretty much any part of any roleplay.

What I expect from my partners:
Something that makes sense. (Actual sentences are a plus.) As long as it looks like you’re trying I don’t need book ready material here, we’re just having fun.
I would like at least a couple healthy paragraphs to work off of. I’m not a magician, I can’t materialize good replies from nothing.

As for frequency, I don’t need more than once a week, and honestly, if you have stuff going on, I get it. Just give me a heads up if you know you won’t be able to post for more than three weeks. I will give you the same curtesy.

The last thing I need is communication. If we’re writing something together, we should be checking in every once in a while to make sure things are going in a mutually agreed upon way. If you have questions about one of my posts, or you want to change something just drop me line cause I’m also not a mind reader.

Things I’m not willing to do:
I figure I should get this out there first.

I don’t play characters under 20 years old.
I don’t play with partners under 18 years old. (It’s nothing personal, I’m just not comfortable writing with minors. Please respect that.)
I don’t do fandom roleplays. It’s not that I have anything against them, I just can’t play characters that aren’t mine. It’s too much pressure.

Things I’m so down to do:
Nobility (prince/princess)

Or pretty much anything along those lines.

Genres I have vibes for currently:
Slice of life

Plot skeletons:
-Haunted house, one character moves in, other character is a ghost. Difficulty level hard.
-Space, maybe pirates, maybe a convoy protecting nobility while traveling in space, maybe pirates attack.
-Historical, pick a time period, insert characters, add issues relevant to that time.
-Studio Ghibli styled world, insert magic, add something ridiculous.
-Classic kingdom experience.

Drama candy:
Secret or unknown powers
Magic schools

Romance pairings that I’m cool with:
I prefer to play male characters, so mxm, mxf, mxnb.
Any combination of human/nonhuman is good.

If an idea piques your interest, I’m cool with fleshing out a few possible plots. I like to develop the plots further with my partners so we have equal investment in what’s going on. I’m willing to do any combination of any of the themes I have above. If there’s something you’d like to do but don’t see here I’m also open to suggestions. I will likely be editing this as I think of things so feel free to check back in, I may even add some of my more fleshed out plots at a later time.

If you see something you’d like to do, feel free to PM me or leave a comment here.

Thank you for stopping by at my shit store.
I'd be into a medieval skyrim/GOT type thing! Not a blatant copy of those things, but that type of genre
For sure, I can PM you some ideas I have for that, but probably not until "tomorrow" (later today).

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