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One x One The ship wreck

Name Cassie Andrews

Age 20



Personailty playful, fun, outgoing, childish

Short bio

Cassie was the captains best mate but she got on everyone's nerves. Her mother and father left her to the captain when she was little so she grew up with him. She was taught a lot but she was never good at stealth.
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Name: Alissa Herring

Age: 23


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/RPprofpic8.png.b172aacfe048c5468e7160ad49b674f1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/RPprofpic8.png.b172aacfe048c5468e7160ad49b674f1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Serious, down-to-earth, and realistic, but kind and caring.

Bio: She was loved her entire life for her kindness towards the common people, as she admired every single one she met for one of their good traits. She was taught from a young age how to preform 'magic', although it was really coincidence, which nobody living on the island considered. Not very many possible princes came to meet her, because not only was the tiny kingdom she lived in rather small, but also because the idea of magic was feared and hated by other places. In fact, the kingdom had been threatened by several anti-magic kingdoms who swore to burn the kingdom down, but they never did, because in truth, they didn't believe them to be a threat. But when a prince did come, Alissa turned them away. It just didn't feel quite like what she thought love was when she was with them, so eventually princes that would even consider for a second to meet Alissa knew that she would turn them down, but a few still tried. Her parents were confused by her actions on that matter, but they were ok with it, for the most part.



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