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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

Arthur walked over and stood by the stormy girl. It seems most of the others feared her but Arthur didn't due to Indomitable Will(one of the biggest parts of his ability Chivalry.) He assumed he should make a good showing of himself and Indomitable Will:Combat Empowerment to raise his Supernatural Condition to the Advanced Level. Arthur now confident in his chances said "May I take on this female eager for battle?" Arthur asked the Headmistress.

@Kalin Scarlet @Shadora
"Guess I'd better get down there, myself." Kalin said to Astor, before jumping off stage, and jogging over to sign up. He ignored the massive rush of wind, and received a number, like all of the other students. He received a 7
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Welsh was skipping around the school and humming a weird song and everyone was looking at him because he looked like a little girl and made it to the orientation on time barely and listens with his eyes half closed and when the speech was done everyone was moving around and he was looking around and walked for a bit and bumped into someone's side he could tell they were bigger than him so he just fell knowing he wasn't aloud to fight on school grounds and he fell to the ground with a big THUD! And said "ow!".

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Newtype said:
Arthur walked over and stood by the stormy girl. It seems most of the others feared her but Arthur didn't due to Indomitable Will(one of the biggest parts of his ability Chivalry.) He assumed he should make a good showing of himself and Indomitable Will:Combat Empowerment to raise his Supernatural Condition to the Advanced Level. Arthur now confident in his chances said "May I take on this female eager for battle?" Arthur asked the Headmistress.
@Kalin Scarlet @Shadora
"Your battles will be determined by lottery. So if your numbers match up, by all means. If not, you'll have to wait for another day." The headmistress said, as she returned her attention to a data pad in her hands.
Keke walked in to the auditorium. She realized she was late but didn't really care. She walked wondering what they were suppose to do now. She looked around at everyone then giggled. "Well they seem interesting. Looks like this place won't be boring after all. Now just have to figure out wants going on."
Rex and Telia received their numbers and they looked at it. Telia had the number 3 while Rex had 17. Both sisters looked at each other and waved. "Oh! I wonder who I get to battle! I wonder if it's someone I know possibly?" Telia mused tapping her chin and holding onto the piece if paper. "But even if it wasn't someone I know, I will always acknowledge them! Because people have feelings too!" Her smile grew and she clapped her hands. This was going to be fun, yet challenging, because people are really determined to win at any cost. She just hoped they wouldn't cheat in any way!
Arthur received his number which was 4 and returned back to line. Arthur then tested to make sure his Enhanced Crafting was up to speed he drew his Zeta Excalibur infused it with energy and used it to first cut a block from the ground then used Enhanced Crafting to in a just a few moment craft a small dagger than can transmute matter. Placing Zeta Excalibur by his side he took his dagger and used its Transmuting abilities in combination with enhanced crafting to make a simple longsword stronger than steel and black in color. He would use this weapon in the exam not his Zets Excalibur.
Keke went up to go get her number. "21 huh? Ok then now guess I just wait now? Maybe I'll try to meet some new people."


Esstella felt a presence behind her the wind whipped furiously causing a loud and deathly wail to scream threw the air but around her and the boy all was silent students and some teachers were flung into the wall with enough force to kill if it were not for Astor's shadow magic allowing those who were thrown into the wall to harmlessly except for one boy with blood red hair that crumpled against the wall before falling to the floor unmoving "who are you" she asked the boy and for once she actually wanted to hear someones answer
Telia fell off the horse as she tumbled into the wall. Rex was angered at the girl who did this to her sister. The chopstick hanging from her mouth broke in half and a creepy smile formed. Her dark hair covered her face but she pushed it away. "Hey, missy... You know what you did almost killed my little sister, right?" She continued walking towards the girl with her red eyes shining with death. "Onii-chan! I'm alright! I'm not hurt! It's okay!" Telia said trying to calm her older sister down. But Rex wasn't listening. "I don't care who the hell you are, but if you hurt her or even try, there are bad things that'll happen.." @Shadora
Arthur cut Esstella's winds with the longsword he crafted sparring the fate of being blown away. He honestly wondered why the teachers didn't do the same and was fed up with Esstella's winds. He sees one girl already going off on Esstella. He Speed Teleports behind Esstella and whispers into her ear "Get control of your blasted winds before I take the wind out of your sails." He Speed teleported back to his spot in line and smirked at her so she knows it was him that said that/


Galahad felt Telia start to fall as did Stalwart who turned in a tight circle and before she touched the ground Galahad grabbed her hand and swung her up in front of him so she sat against his chest his Armor shined as if it were pure light itself and the wind no longer reached them "hang on" he whispered in Telia's ear as Stalwart and Shadow jumped over several of the cowering students landing right in front of onii as Telia had called her Shadow stepped in front of Stalwart, Galahad, and Telia his red eyes glowing matching the hue of hers
"That's Enough!" Tsumi yelled, smashing the ground beneath all of their feet, and knocking the antagonistic students on their asses. "Every last one of you better pull yourselves together, before I throw you off the side of Avalon. That means smashing you into about 15 barriers created to keep you here. I promise, it will hurt..."
Rex grinned more as the wolf approached her. She bent down and rubbed his fur before she got up to walk towards the girl. Telia blushed a bit when he caught her and she was struck by awe when they weren't flying away any more. Her eyes still focused on her older sister and she frowned a bit. Rex may or may not kill the girl, but it depends if she was really pissed. Suddenly a boy yelled for them to stop. They all froze in place and Rex narrowed her eyes at the girl before she turned to face the boy. "Well then! This girl better apologize to everyone! If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be in this mess! I want her to apologize now!"She pointed to Estella with her index finger. @Kalin Scarlet @Shadora
@Newtype @Aqua @yumiyukifan1 @animegirl20 @Kalin Scarlet @Chiryoshi

Esstella had heard the boys words but just barely she was far to enamored with the answer the boy in front of her had yet to give he completely consumed her attention she didn't even glance at the other boy he was of no consern to her the only thing she cared about was the boys answer her winds picked up in speed and the shrieking of the wind became louder causing some of the students to bleed from there ears

Astor from the wall where he had been using his shadow magic he focused on the room around Esstella and the boy and the Shadows consumed the room so that the only light Shown from a boy on a pure white Stallion with a black wolf with red eyes the shadows consumed everything before converging on Esstella and the boy light returned to the room and Esstella wondering could still be felt but was nothing more than a light breeze a dome of shadows encased her and the boy and her wind which whipped around rappedly inside the dome teacher and students as well as various objects fell to the ground only the Falla that would have produced fatalities did Astor stop " I suppose this is why you brought me here" he Said to the headmaster his voice deep and gravely when he spoke


Shadow growled at Rex and snapped at her hand as she tried to pet him he was not a god damn pet and he refused to let her pass it was the boys shout that stopped almost everything but he knew it would not stop Esstella who he liked he got ready to fight this girl if he had to
"Hey, Astor! We don't have time for...whatever this girl is up to. Either get her to calm down, or get her out of here." Tsumi turned to the others. "All of you, If I have to settle another argument, I'll do it with my fists... IS THAT UNDERSTOOD ?" he said, glaring at all of them with a deathly serious expression.
Welsh said "ok" and went up to sighn up for battle and waited there as he got his ticket it was 20
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@Kalin Scarlet

Astor looked at the headmaster coldness in his eyes "Don't presume you can tell me what to do you wanted Esstella here as well as me practical begged us to come you knew exactly how she was when you asked us to come and she won't change besides I already stopped the winds the only way she will stop is if the boy answers her question you know that she will stop as soon as she gets her answer you will just have to wait until then" I was obvious to Astor this boy interested her in a way he had not seen for a long time and it made him nervous
Rex ignored the wolf and the howling of the wind. Her arms were crossed and she continued to glare straight at Estella. Telia nodded when the boy had finished his sentence. His glare wasn't as scary as Rex's nor the girl called Estella, but it was a glare. When Rex had heard what the boy called Astor had said, she broke the broken chopstick with her teeth. "Tch. All this for just a little answer? That girl has issues..." She giggled creepily and spit out the chopstick. @Shadora @Kalin Scarlet
Arthur couldn't resist commenting on Astor's words. "Hmmm, looks like maybe Astor here is a bit biased or just doesn't have it in him to stop Windy or that he doesn't want to do his job. All are qualities not fit for a teacher. If it were up to me I would've subdued Windy girl by force. Give me the word Headmaster and I'll be your hand and subdue Windy girl for you so we can proceed with the pretest."

@Kalin Scarlet @Shadora
"Well, I'm not the headmaster. I'm just the guy who is supposed to train these kids. And I'm not going to train someone who can't even stand in a line properly. But if the headmaster was in such a drunken mood as to actually beg for this girl, I'll only kill her the next time she has an outburst." he said, turning to his fellow teacher. "And considering I'm the disciplinary chairman, I think I'm well within my rights to tell you what to do..." Tsumi said before smiling, and giving a clap of his hands. "Okay, all of you! Time to show us what you've got. If you don't participate-" he glanced at Estella and the Boy she'd trapped. "-Then don't come crying if your grades suffer for it. 21! 17! You're up first!"

He turned to Arthur, and patted his shoulder."Stop trying so hard, kid..." he then continued on his way. The floor began to open up, revealing an arena style setup beneath them.


"Mmm?" Keke had been watching the girl was making a spectical of herself. "Oh I get to go first? Neat!" She walked up smileing with a sucker in her mouth. She pulled the sucker out then looked around. Waiting for whoever she was suppose to fight.

@Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1
Rex picked out a new chopstick from her back pocket and placed it into her mouth. "Oh, goody... This will be fun.." She giggled again, this time, showing her sharp teeth. Telia clapped her hands. "Woohoo!!! You can do it, Onii-chan!!! You got this!!!" Her big sister was going to win, and she knew it. Pulling a strand of hair behind her ear, Rex stepped onto the platform and met her opponent. Red eyes gleaming, she smiled evilly. @animegirl20 @Kalin Scarlet
"Alright, Ladies. This match is simply an exhibition. Try not to kill one another. But don't pull any punches, either. I'll step in when I've seen enough. Ohh, and don't hit below the belt. That's just rude." He said stepping back. "Oh, and you can activate your shards, now."

Astor ignored the boy but his shadows did not they withered and whirled in circles that matched Esstella's winds this boy had no hope of stopping her she was merly interested right now but if he were to anger her it would be catastrophic besides it was not his job to stop Esstella but he knew even the headmaster feared her power which is why he wanted her in this school in the first place Astor watched as the winds whipped more furiously the boy just stared her down no words came from him but he watched Esstella with interested eyes her hair and clothes whipped furiously in the winds as did his the shrieking so loud it could be heard out side the bubble he spoke to the headmaster "it would be un wise to let am ignorant child anger her she is merely curious bur if you allow this one to anger her she will bring the city itself crashing to earth bur you already know this you want her here to control her and you want me to keep her in check want me to do what you cannot" a smile spread across his face

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