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Fandom The Shine School for Hunting: A RWBY Spin-off

Thoughts on a White Fang Subplot?

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  • Pls No

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  • Maybe

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Ok! I'll throw up a list in the Overview. Try to plan it out based on who you want partners to be, and try to put at least 1 Grimm encounter before the entrance you take
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Hope Umbra's ready to fight like, 3 Grimm at once to get there!

He's lazy, not incompetent. ;)
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Hope Umbra's ready to fight like, 3 Grimm at once to get there!

Braun could partner with Umbra. It would make sense for someone like Umbra to hang around one of the huge guys.
And we've already got a couple of pairings going outside the team names I picked out, so if you want to adjust, just let me know, and again, if you want to form new teams, tell me the names and members you want, and please please please to no crown the OOC with posts about team ups.
Alright, I think we've managed to work out a team name.

How's FCSA. As in Fuchsia.

(God I hope I spelled that right.)
TommyGun15 said:
Alright, I think we've managed to work out a team name.
How's FCSA. As in Fuchsia.

(God I hope I spelled that right.)
That was one of my names.. Except, ya know. With u. FUSA. I call plagiarism.

Lol jk, you do you, guys.
@The Succubi Queen I gotchu.

@Guilded Clover From what I know (and I may be corrected on this as I've paid limited attention to surrounding interactions, whoops) we've got Umbra with Braun in the catacombs, Fiora with Azure through the blue gate, Ivory with Iokaste in the catacombs, and Argen alone (but possibly near Ivory and Io) as he approaches the silver gate.

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